A 20th Century History and Biographical Record of Branch County, Michigan,
by Rev. Henry P. Collin,
The Lewis Publishing Co., 1906



Abel, Moses T. -- 768.
Adams, Wales -- quoted, 42 ; sawmill, 43; 210
Adolph, Willard -- 828
Agriculture -- 108-113 ; effects of drainage, 20
Agricultural Society -- Branch co., 115
Air Line R. R. -- 132; 78; 98
Aldrich, Abram --75; 80
Aldrich, Abram J -- 141; 143; 186; 674
Algansee township.--39; settlement of, 87-88; officials of, 300
Alger, Isaac P.--94; 223
Allen, Alonzo B.--374
Allen, D. C. & Co.--96
Alumni--Coldwater High School, 160-164;
         Quincy High School, 165-167,
         Union City High School, 169-171
         Bronson High School, 172-173
         Sherwood High School, 174
Ancient Order of United Workmen -- 228; 230
Anderson, J. H. -- 829
Anderson, Mrs. Hattie. -- 516
Andrews, William L. -- 188
Andrus, Nelson H.-- 512
Ann Arbor convention -- 13
Arnold, Samuel--73; Arnold's Corners, 73
Art--Activity in, 184
Austin, Edmund -- 473
Automobiles -- 136

Bailey, H. F.-- 141
Bailey, Willis C.-- 143; 144; 186
Baker, Joshua -- 85
Baldwin, Newton -- 224
Ball Bros. -- 96
Banford, J. J.-- 852.
Banking and Finance -- 124-128
Baptist churches --196; at Coldwater, 196; Quincy, 197; Algansee,
       198; Union City, 198; Bronson, 198; Girard, 199; Kinderhook, 199
Bar Association of Branch County -- 220
Barber, Julius S.-- 94; 125; 335
Barlow, Henry H. -- 218; 579
Barnes, Walton J -- 714
Barnhart, Martin -- 75
Bassett, John -- 41; 47
Bassett, L. M & Son -- 96
Batavia township -- 39; early settlement, 46; population in 1837,
      46; topography, 47; first officials, 48; officials of, 301
Bater, Samuel -- 471,

Bates, Edwin R.-- 331
Bates, Julius M.-- 455
Battery A.-- 284-286
Beech, John H.-- 223; 450
Beardsley, Ezra E. -- 771
Beers, Calvin -- 476
Belote, John S. -- 37.
Bennett, Charles W. -- 145; 187; 390
Bennett, Hiram -- 121
Bennett, Ida D. -- 187
Bennett, Isaac -- 464
Bennett, Isaiah W. -- 79
Bennett, James K. -- 83
Bennie, James -- 46; 72; 73
Benton, C. P. -- 214; 186; 210
Berry, Enos G. -- 67; 101; 221
Berry, Ezra -- 67 ; 218
Berry, Joseph -- 67 ; 101
Berry, Samuel H. -- 37; 67
Bethel township -- 40; early settlement, 44; early roads, 44; topography,
      45; population in 1837, 45; Snow Prairie settlement, 45; first officials,
      46; officials of, 303
Bideman, Horatio N. -- 640
BlackHawk Mill -- 51; 53
Blackman, Edson -- 224; 603
Blackman, J. Morehouse -- 626
Blackwell, George W. -- 535
Blake, John R. -- 491
Bicycles -- 136
Bingham, Lemuel, blacksmith -- 50
Bolton, A. F. -- 50; 54
Booth, family of Gilead -- 72
Bostwick, E. E. -- 688
Boundaries--of Branch county, 1; southern boundary, history of,
      11 following; northern boundary of Indiana, 11; northern boundary
      of Ohio, 12; southern boundary delays statehood for Michigan,
      13; survey of southern boundary, when begun, 14; latitude of
      southern boundary, 14; Harris line, 13; Hendricks line, 14
Bowen, Jerome -- 217
Bowen, Jerome K -- 146
Bowen, M. S. -- 218
Bowen, Willard J. -- 141; 217
Bowers, L. M. -- 625
Boynton, Stanley W. -- 458
Bradley, Howard -- 86
Brainard, E. S. E. -- 87