1947 Cassopolis Football Team

Roster contributed by: Roy Thomas Berman

Front Row Left to Right
Ramon Gilbert (Asst Mgr), Doyle Raymer (25), Roger Gorham (QB, #25), Tom McCallslen (FB#16), Tom Bergman (Mgr)
John Gore (27), Lamar King *22), Bob Marsh (28)

2nd Row Left to Right
Jimmy Lopper (27), Richard Majewski, Curtis Gore, Chas Ritter (29), Bruce Shaner (21), Alan Stevens, Devid Harding,
Gene Burmeister, Jim Morse, Robert K. Harding (Coach)

Back Row -
George Colvin, Bill Loux, Carlton Dungey, John Norton, David Gilchrist, William Chavous, Charles Richer, Andy Chavous.

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