Plat Book of Cheboygan County Michigan

Mackinaw Township

Drawn from Actual Surveys & the County Records

by PA & JW Myers, Surveyors & Draughtsmen
Published by The Consolidated Publishing Co, Minneapolis Minn

Plat Map

Weber, WL 18
Barrett, D 19
Childs, Wm 19
Harding, J Est 19
Watson, AF 19
Watson, Arthur 19
Fisher, AC 20
Goldsmith, ER 20
Kniffen, DF 20
Overton, L 20
Stimpson, A 20
Stimpson, Chas 20
Stimpson, E 20
Stimpson, GW 20
Goldsmith, ER 21
Greene, OB 21
JB Cadotts Plat 21
Shephard, Jas 21
Dingman, P 26
Edison Moore & Co 27
Johnson, F 27
Scheppe, Chas 27
Shephard, Jas 27
Stimpson, Chas 27
Bornman, John 28
Dolfinos, A & S 28
Hoban, J & S 28
Hoban, Thos 28
Nau, John 28
Quinlan, Thos Et al 28
Foster & Foster 29
Goldsmith, ER 29
Hoban, Thos 29
Menzie, D 29
Nau, H 29
Nau, Lillie 29
O'Reilley, Lizzie 29
Stimpson, Mrs E 29
Blackmer, Edna 30
Greene, OB 30
Hoban, John & Jas 30
Neal, R 30
Overton, Luella 30
Stimpson, Chas 30
Vanhellen, WS 30
Dawson, C 31
Greene, OB 31
Kniffen, A 31
Paquette, A 31
Richards, JJG 31
Anderson, Niles 32
Deland, JF 32
Menzie, D 32
Nau, F 32
Nau, John 32
Neal, George 32
Shephard, Jas 32
Stout, OS 32
Trumpour, DA 32
Watson, AF 32
Zorn, JM 32
Kanaga, Lucetta 33
Kolb, J 33
McDonald, J 33
Moore, GA 33
Watson, AF 33
Edison Moore & Co 34
Humphrey, WS 34
Johnson, F 34
Kanaga, Lucetta 34
Klanson, Chas 34
Moore, GA 34
Olson, John 34
Scheppe, Chas 34
Chandler, M 35
Dingman, A 35
Dingman, Phelena 35
Edison Moore & Co 35
FRG 35
Freedom Station 35
Gersberger, Mrs FR 35
Scheppe, Aug 35
Smith, Wm 35
Chandler, M 36
Fitzgerald, James 36




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