These files were contributed for viewing by visitors
to the MIGenWeb
Project and became a part of the MIGenWeb project in July of 2003
and restructured in April 2004.
MIGenWeb FGS Site Index
| By County Index
| Alphabetical
(If you do not see your family
listed, please be patient.
The sheets are being worked
on as time allows.)
Family Group Sheets have been used for many years in genealogical research to show a family as a unit and what information you have on each person. They consist of a husband, wife, and each of their children. Before computers and even now genealogists make one of these out in paper form on each family to keep track of the data they have collected and what is still needed when out doing research at the courthouse, library or other research center. Genealogy societies have long collected them, to help connect researchers who were searching the same family.As all genealogy data you find compiled by others, use these as a resource for clues, so that you may get a copy of primary source documentation for your own files. Family Group Sheets are considered secondary sources in genealogical research. If you use any of the data found on these pages, please remember to cite the author as your source.
SUBMIT YOUR GROUP SHEETS HERE! Family Group Charts that are online: 2416 Sheets! Your
File Not Online Yet?
The MIGENWEB Family Group Sheets files are maintained
It is always best to consult the original source material for verification and the person who submitted the file.
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Please Visit the following for more records online.
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USGenWeb Archives | MIGenWeb
This site is part of the USGenWeb Project and the MIGenWeb Project. If you would like to volunteer for a county or special project please contact Jan Cortez the MIGenWeb Coordinator.
MIGenWeb Family Group Sheet Collection Coordinators
Lisa Haerens.
Patricia Wazny-Hamp.
Database searchable indexes are provided space and programming by Michigan Family History Network