Mud Street School Mud Street School (Berlin Township #10) was located on the southwest corner of Bliss and Bennett roads. The school was built by Alanson Youngs. Alanson Youngs was Dorotha Youngs's grandfather. Ralph Youngs was her father; Ralph's sisters were Lida (Mrs. Charles Kyser), Nettie (Mrs. Frank Sissem), and Alice (Mrs. Walter Trumbull). Dorotha Youngs graduated from Saranac High School in 1917, then attended County Normal. She taught at the Mud Street School from 1917-1918, at the Brink School in Otisco Twp from 1918-1919, and at the Union School in Dansville from 1919-1920. She married my grandfather Frank Richmond in August 1920 and retired from teaching. [Dorotha Simmons Piechocki]
May, 1918
1917-8 photo
1917-8 Class Photo The tall young woman in the center back of the class group photo is my grandmother Dorotha Youngs. Her first year teaching was at the Mud Street School in Berlin Twp.
Photos submitted by: Dorotha Simmons Piechocki Last update October 17, 2021 |