Kent County Michigan Early Birth Records
Prepared by the Sophie de Marsac Campau Chapter, D.A.R.

The records in this volume were copied from the first record books of Kent County, Michigan in the Court House at Grand Rapids, Michigan. In 1936 under a W.P.A. project sponsored by the Michigan State Library and the Daughters of the American Revolution they were copied under the supervision of S. Goldie B. Welsh (Mrs. C.S.). At the time the project ceased functioning the unfinished records were stored in the vault of the Court House. They were obtained by Sophie de Marsac Campau Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution in November 1939; compiled and completed by the Genealogical Records Committee of the chapter.

Officers of Sophie de Marsac Campau Chapter are: Regent, Mrs. George B. Skiff, Mrs. Joseph Renihan, Mrs. W. F. Kendrick, Mrs. Clark E. Higbee, Mrs. W. W. Hoagland, Mrs. Paul V. Nelson, Mrs. Samuel A. Walker, Mrs. Louis C. Klesner, Mrs. Fred E. Burleson, Mrs. Orson S. Nichoson, Mrs. C. C. Christiancy, and Mrs. Maurice Quick.

The Genealogical Records Committee: Mrs. C. S. Welsh, Chairman; Miss Muriel Link, Mrs. Carl N. Mapes, Mrs. Maurice R. Quick, Mrs. Clyde H. Teesdale, Mrs. W. H. Quigley, Mrs. John F. Yonkman, Mrs. George A. Frye, Mrs. Ernest H. Roth, Mrs. Henry B. Davis, Miss Annie A. Pollard, and Mrs. Curtis T. Wolford.

Copies of these records were placed in Michigan State Library, Burton Historical Collection, Grand Rapids Library and the D. A. R. Library, Washington, D. C. (1940).

1871-1874 (Section II)

(There are some births from 1875 and 1876 
recorded in these records.)

A, B, C,  D,  E-F,  G,  H-I,  
L, M-N, O-P-Q-R 

Records for Section II only go through letter "R."   Three surnames beginning with "W" were found in the "R's".


Document Source: See information above.
Location of Original: Grand Rapids Public Library
Transcriber: Various

Created: 17 April 2002