MarriagesAbstracted from the
Records of Rev. Bingham, approx. 1839-1864

Pages 370-375


The following marriage records were abstracted from theoriginal records of Rev. Bingham, and are last known to be in the possessionof , and being preserved by, his grand daughter, Mrs. J. Langdon McKee,Gladstone Ave., S.E., Grand Rapids.

Rev. Bingham was Lieut. in the War of 1812. He was a Missionaryat Tonawanda, N.Y. for seven years, from 1820 to 1827. In 1827, the BaptistBoard of Foreign Missions sent him to Sault Ste. Marie, where he remaineduntil 1855. He then came to Grand Rapids where he was Pastor for two yearsat the Baptist Church at the corner of N. Division and Bronson Sts., (later,the Fountain St. Church.)

(NOTE: This file includes many of the marriages that Rev.Bingham performed in Sault St. Marie and includes some Indian marriages.~RA)

ANDERSON, James (w) 26, Indian country, U. Canada, and Miss MargaretMACKINSIE (w) 18. 16 Sept. 1839, at Sault Ste. Marie, Chippewa County,(Mission House), by A. Bingham, Fee $15.00. Wm. NOURSE, Esqr., SaultSte. Marie, U. Cananda, and Mr. A.W. MCKAY (or Ray), Mississague,U. Canada, witnesses.

ATW_O (?), an Ojibwa Indian, whom we call John Peck, Sault Ste.Marie and Tikuamena, Chippewa Co., and Sara PECK, an Indian woman,same place. 27 July 1843 by A. Bingham. Rev. W.H. BROCKWAY, SHIGOD,Louis CADOTTI, Interpreter, and Alexander URANIDO and a respectableassembly of white people and Indians, witnesses. (ages unknown)

BARRETT, Reuben H. (w) 26, Sault. Ste. Marie, Chippewa County,and Stella JOHNSON (w) 20, same place. 13 Nov. 1847 by A. Bingham,fee $4.00. Stephan R. WOOD, Esqr. and Miss Achsah JOHNSON,and others, witnesses.

BLANK, Mr. Andrew (w) 23, Sault. Ste. Marie, and Miss MargaretLIKEMM, (w) 16, same place (German descent). 2 Aug. 1855, done atSaut. Ste. Marie, by A. Bingham, fee $2.00. John PECK,  MissMary A. LEE, and others, same place, witnesses.

BOOTH, Mahlon P. (w) 30 and Ella T. LAKE (w) 22. 7 Dec.1856 done at Grand Rapids by A. Bingham, min., fee $5.00. J.C. BUCHANAN,Grand Rapids, and R. G. MOORE, and Mrs. MOORE, same place,witnesses.

BOWKER, (?) Mr. John (w) 32, Saut. Ste. Marie, Canada W. andMiss Christiana WILLARD (w) 25, same place. 16 May 1850 Saut. Ste.Marie, Chippewa Co., by A. Bingham, fee $2.50. George JOHNSTON,Esqr., Mrs. Mary JOHNSTON, and other of Saut. Ste. Marie, ChippewaCo., witnesses.

BOWKER, John (w) 38, Saut. Ste. Marie, Canada W. and Miss AgnesTAYLOR, (w) 23, same place. 18 Nov. 1854, done at Saut. Ste. Marie,Chippewa Co., by A. Bingham, fee $2.00. Joseph WILSON, Esqr., DavidPINE, C.W. and others of Saut. Ste. Marie, Chippewa Co., witnesses.

BRONSON, Mr. Wm. H. (w) 25, Detroit, and Miss Laura E. LILLYBRIDGE(w) 26, Saut. Ste. Marie, Chippewa Co., by A. Bingham, fee $5.00. Lieut.A. L. MAGILAM of Fort Brady, Mrs. Mary S. WHITING, Miss AngelinaBINGHAM, and the Mission family at Saut. Ste. Marie, witnesses.

CADOTTI, Charles (w) 18, Saut. Ste. Marie, Chippewa Co., andLouisa PIQUETTE (w) 17, same place. 31 March 1840 by A. Bingham.Alexis CADOTTI, Joseph PLANORT, Placidus ORD, andmany others, same place, witnesses.

CAMERON, Rev. James D. (w) 35, Sault Ste. Marie, Chippewa Co.,and Miss Lydia N. SHEGUD (w) 22, same place. 13 Jan. 1842 by A.Bingham. John M. HULBERT, Esqr., Mrs. AMOS (?), H.B. HULBERT,Mr. Charles D. FOSTER, and others,  same place, witnesses.

CARGILL, Mr. William (w) 23, Copmmerce, Oakland Co., and MissWealthy EDWARDS (w) 26, Green, Wane Co., Ohio. 8 Sept. 1850, Saut.Ste. Marie, Chippewa Co., by A. Bingham, fee $2.00. Mrs. Harriet MANANDEN(?) , Mrs. Hannah BINGHAM, of this place, and others who were travelers,witnesses.

CHAMBERLAIN, Dr. E. P. (w) 36, Canestee, State of N.Y. and MissMary SPALDING (w) 30, Saut. Ste. Marie, Chippewa Co., 14 Sept. 1856,done at Saut. Ste. Marie by A. Bingham, fee $5.00. Capt. John SPALDING,Wm. P. SPALDING, and others of Saut. Ste. Marie, witnesses.

CLARKE, Alexander (W) 23, Indian Country near Lake Superior,and Betsey LAMPHEER (w) 22, same place. -- June 1846, at Sault Ste.Marie, Chippewa Co., by A. Bingham. Capt. and Mrs. LAMPHIER of abovenamed place, Canada, and Susan WAREM, Adaline CULVER, AngelineBINGHAM, and others of Sault Ste. Marie, Chippewa Co., witnesses.(Yes, the Lamphier/Lampheer surname was spelled two different ways in thisrecord.)

DANFORTH, Mr. James S. (w) 21, and Miss Anna S. JOCERDAN(w) 20, 5 April 1858 done at Grand Rapids by A. Bingham, fee $5.00. Mr.M. B. JOCERDAN, Mr. E. M. BULLARD, and their families, sameplace, witnesses.

DAVEY, Mr. Thomas (w) 22, Mica Bay, Lake Superior, C. W. andMiss Elizabeth GREEN (w) 18, same place. 16 Oct. 1848 at Saut. Ste.Marie, Chippewa Co., by A. Bingham, fee $3.00. Mr. Charles and ElizabethBOWDEN of Mica Bay, C. W. and Mrs. John B. MARTELL of Saut.Ste. Marie, Chippewa Co., witnesses.

DAVIDSON, John (w) 26, Sault. Ste. Marie, Chippewa Co., (FortBrady)  and Mary Arahange MAURICE (w) 18, same place. 30 May1843 by A. Bingham, fee $4.00. Samuel RICHARDSON, Miss Harriet H.MORSE, Musician STEADLY, James TAKO and others, sameplace, witnesses.

DAVIS, Mr. Luther B. (w) 22 and Miss Adelia M. DAVIDSON(w) 21, 12 Oct. 1858 done at Grand Rapids by A. Bingham, minister of theGospel, fee $3.00. Mr. Ira ELDRIDGE, Grand Rapids, and Mrs. MinervaELDRIDGE, same place, witnesses.

EFINGEL, Mr. Martin (w) 20, Saut Ste. Marie, Chippewa Co., andMiss Agness FLAG (w) 18, same place. (both German descent) 4 Aug.1855, done at Saut. Ste. Marie by A. Bingham, fee $2.00. Frederick WERBARTand Jacob TIKER, new residents of this place, witnesses.

ELDRIDGE, Mr. Ira (w) 25 and Miss Minerva DAVIDSON (w)17. 24 Feb. 1858 done at Grand Rapids by A. Bingham, minister of the Gospel,fee $3.00. Dr. Robert DAVIDSON, Grand Rapids and SETER (?), BOGARDIS, same place, and others, witnesses.

EVENS, Mr. Ira W. (w) 49, Wyoming and Rachel E. SCOVILLE(w) 47, Paris. 12 Oct. 1862 done at Grand Rapids by A. Bingham, min., fee$2.00.  M. WATSON, Paris and Mrs. Hannah O. BINGHAM,and others, witnesses.

FERGUSON, Mr. Isaac (w) 24, Wright, Ottawa Co., and Miss LamiraLILLY (w) 22, same place. 25 Aug. 1859 done at Grand Rapids by A. Bingham,min., fee $2.50. Mr. J. S. SHELDON, Mrs. Alvira SHELDON andMrs. Susan FLOWERS, all of Grand Rapids, witnesses.

FOOTE, Mr. Oscar J. (w) 26, Sault Ste. Marie, Chippewa Co., andMiss Mary Louisa HARRISON (w) 18, same place. 10 Sept. 1848 by A.Bingham, fee $4.00. Mr. Job L. THARP (or THORP), Mrs. P.THORP, and others, same place, witnesses.

FOWLES, Mr. Asa (w) 25, Sault Ste. Marie, Chippewa Co., and MissSusan JOHNSON (w) 18, same place. 28 July 1841 by A. Bingham, fee$3.00. Franklin NEWCOMB, Esqr., Mary NEWCOMB, Mrs. AdalineJONES and other individuals, same place, witnesses.

HACKLEY, Mr. Taswell (w) 23, and Miss Julia Ann KIRKWOOD(w) 18.  18 Jan. 1859, done at Grand Rapids by A. Bingham, min., fee$1.00. Mrs. Hannah HOWARD, Grand Rapids and Mrs. Delila ROBERT,same place, witnesses.

HOLT, Doctor Henry (w) 28, Sault Ste. Marie, Chippewa Co., andMiss Mary HOLIDAY (w) 25, same place.  2 June 1840 by A. Bingham,fee $10.00. Mr. John HOLIDAY and wife, Miss Jane HOLIDAY,Sault Ste. Marie, Chippewa Co., witnesses.

HOOKER, Mr. Joseph (w) 45 and Miss Emma WHITE (w) 27. 1 Aug. 1859 done at Grand Rapids by A. Bingham, min.  Mr. David STILLWELL,Grand Rapids, and Mrs. Sarah Ann STILLWELL, same place, witnesses.

HULBERT, Mr. John M. (w) 23, Sault Ste. Marie, Chippewa Co.,and Miss Ann H. BINGHAM (w) 17, same place.  25 Sept. 1839by A. Bingham. Capt. A. JOHNSTON,  Dr. H. HOLT, Fort Brady, James ORD, Esqr., and Rev. Mr. BROCKWAY, andseveral ladies, Sault Ste. Marie, witnesses.

LITTING, James Augustus (w) 25, Leighton, Allegon Co., and Mrs.Ellen DUNNEVAN (w) 25, Grand Rapids.  6 Aug. 1863 done at GrandRapids by A. Bingham, min., fee $5.00. Miss Angelina Bingham FLIENER,and others of this place, witnesses.

MCARTHUR, Mr. John (w) 27, Wellington Sound, Canada, and MissMary MCMILLEN (w) 22, same place.  16 Nov. 1854, done at Saut.Ste. Marie by A. Bingham, fee $2.50. James KELLY, Detroit, and JoannaS. HOLLAND, of Saut. Ste. Marie, witnesses.

MCBETH, David (w) 31, Sault Ste. Marie, U. Canada, and Mary MALLOTTE(w) 17, same place.  28 Feb. 1843 at Sault Ste. Marie, Chippewa Co.,by A. Bingham.  Rev. J. D. CAMERON, Miss Harriet H. MORSE,Olliver BUOISVERV and others, same place, witnesses.

MEYER, Serg't C.M.H. (w) 24, Fort Brady, Saut. Ste. Marie, ChippewaCo., and Miss Hannah KNIGHT (w) 17, same place.  1 Jan. 1839at same place by A. Bingham, fee $5.00. Serg'ts. John SHAW, JohnCRANSTON, Corpl. Patrick WHITE, and Mrs. WHITE, sameplace, witnesses.

MILONE (?), Mr. Andrew (w) 30, Sault Ste. Marie, and Eliza HAMILTON(w) 28, same place. 14 Aug. 1854 by A. Bingham, fee $5.00. Mr. Andrew BARNES,Mrs. Maria PAYNE, and my own (Rev. BINGHAM'S), family, sameplace, witnesses.

MINUSWAS (?), an Ojibwa Indian, whom we call Heman LINCOLN,Saut. Ste. Marie & Tikuamina, Chippewa Co., and MISHINIMAKONIGOKUE,an Indian woman, whom we call Marth LINCOLN, same place.  27July 1843 done at Saut. Ste. Marie, Chippewa Co.,  by A. Bingham.Rev. W. H. BROCKWAY, Deacon SHIGOD, Louis CADOTTI,Interpreter, and Alexander URANIDO, also a respectable assemblyof white people and Indians, all of Saut. Ste. Marie & Tikaumina, witnesses. (Ages unknown.)

NEWCOMB, Esqr., Franklin (w) 29, Saut. Ste. Marie, Chippewa Co.,and Miss Mary JOHNSON (w) 21, same place.  19 July 1841 byA. Bingham. Mr. Asa FOWLES and Miss Susan JOHNSON, same place,witnesses.

PICKERING, Mr. John (w) 28, Saut. Ste. Marie, Chippewa Co., andMiss Eliza Antonette BLACKFORD (w) 18, same place.  20 June1855 done at Saut. Ste. Marie, by A. Bingham. Elizabeth DODGE, Mr.John H. DODGE, Mr.?  Julia HOURAGAN, Mrs. MCWILLIAMS,same place, witnesses.

PRATT, Dr. Jenner L. S. (w) 26, Ontonagen and Miss B. MinervaALDRICH (w) 25, Woonsocket, R.I.  30 July 1852 done at VanandenHouse, Saut. Ste. Marie, Chippewa Co., by A. Bingham, fee $5.00. John C.VANANDEN of Eagle River, and Mrs. Harriet VANANDEN of Saut.Ste. Marie, witnesses.

RICHARDSON, Thomas (w) 23, Bruice Mines, Canada W. and Mary MCCLOUD(w) 25, same place.  10 Nov. 1849 at Saut. Ste. Marie, Chippewa Co.,by A. Bingham, fee $4.00. William ROULEAU, Maria B. SEYMOUR,and othes of Saut. Ste. Marie, witnesses.

RICHART, Mr. Frederick (w) 27, Wyoming, and Miss Mary E. SMITH(w) 20, same place.  4 Oct. 1864 done at Grand Rapids by A. Bingham,min., fee $5.00. Mr. Henry SMITH, Grand Rapids, and Miss AngelinaBINGHAM, same place, witnesses.

RIDER, Capt. Rodman (w) 31, Saut. Ste. Marie, Chippewa Co., andMrs. Aurelia LAPEAR (w) 19, same place.  15 Feb. 1854 doneat Saut. Ste. Marie, by A. Bingham, fee $10.00. Mr. Robert HOLMES,Mrs. Isabelle HOLMES, and others of Sault Ste. Marie, witnesses.

RIPLEY, Mr. Alfred G. (w) 23, Saut. ste. Marie, and Miss ElizaP. THOMPSON (w) 17, same place.  1 Nov. 1854 done at Saut.Ste. Marie, by A. Bingham, fee $5.00. Mr. John H. BRISTOW, Mrs.Eliza THOMPSON,  and Miss --- THOMPSON, same place,witnesses.

ROBINSON, Dr. S. N., Watertown, N.Y., and Mrs. Marie B. SEYMOUR,Saut. Ste. Marie, Chippewa Co.  16 May 1851 done at Buffalo, ErieCo., N.Y. by A. Bingham. Dr. & Mrs. REYNOLDS of Buffalo, witnesses.

RYDER, Elias (w) 29, Vergennes, and Magdalena SHOLLS (w)34, same place.  28 March 1857 done at Grand Rapids by A. Bingham,min., fee $2.50. Mr. O. U. HORTON, Grand Rapids, and Mr. J. M. FOX,same place, witnesses.

SEYMOUR, Mr. Elisha Glenn (w) 28, Saut. Ste. Marie, ChippewaCo., and Miss Hannah Maria BINGHAM (w) 19, same place.  6 Oct.1846 by A. Bingham.  Alba JONES, Adoniram J. BINGHAM,Adaline CULVER, and others, same place, witnesses.

SHEGUD, Henry N. (w) 26, Whitefish Point, Chippewa C., and MargaretWASAUWADONK (w) 18, same place.  15 Aug. 1850 done at WhitefishPoint by A. Bingham. Deacon SHEGUD, Norman SHEGUD, John B.BEAUSHY, and others, same place, witnesses.

SHEIDAN, Edward (w) 27, Fort Brady, Sault Ste. Marie, ChippewaCo., and Emily FURMAN (?) (w) 18, same place.  23 Nov. 1843by A. Bingham, fee $3.00. Daniel LEACH, ORD, Serg't.  FrancisT. SNYDER, Hos. STEWART, Mrs. LEACH, Mrs. POTTS,and others, same place, witnesses.

SKOBIE, Mr. David (w) 40, Bruce Mine, Canada W., and Mrs. MargaretMCCLURE, Saut. Ste. Marie, (w) 36.  3 July 1849 at Saut. Ste.Marie, Chippewa Co., by A. Bingham, fee $4.00.  Louis CADOTTI,Angeline & Sophia BINGHAM, of Saut. Ste. Marie, Chippewa Co.,witnesses.

STAFFORD, William (w) 19, Fort Brady, Sault Ste. Marie, ChippewaCo., and Ginette PIQUETTE (w) 15.  4 Nov. 1839 at same place,by A. Bingham, fee $3.00. Achille CADOTTE,  Serg't. CRANSTON,Thomas M. HANSON, Madam Jane JESSAIN, and many others, allof Sault Ste. Marie, Chippewa Co., witnesses.

STEELE, Mr. William (w) 29, Isle Royal and Miss Esther Ann JOHNSTON(w) 21, same place. 11 June 1853 at Saut. Ste. Marie, Chippewa Co., byA. Bingham. Mr. Samuel JOHNSTON, Miss Laura LILLYBRIDGE,Miss Angelina BINGHAM, and others of Saut. Ste. Marie, witnesses.

TUBBS, Kenneth (w) 22, and Miss Elinor BASSETT (w) 18. 16 Dec. 1858 done at Grand Rapids, by A. Bingham, min., fee $2.00. Mr.Joel BEMAN, Grand Rapids, and Mrs. Helen BEMAN, same place,witnesses and others.

VAN RENSSELAER, Mr. James B. (w) 26, Saut. Ste. Marie, ChippewaCo., and Miss Mary ASHMAN (w) 15, same place. 30 April 1843 by A.Bingham, fee $3.00. Samuel ASHMAN, John AGNES, Franklin NEWCOMB,Esqr., and others, same place, witnesses.

WASAWADONG, Alexander, Ojibwa Indian, and OMATAS, an Indianwoman, now called Mary WASAWADONG.  3 Nov. 1844 done at TikuamenaBay, Chippewa Co., by A. Bingham. Deacon SHIGOD, Everett PATTISON,Henry N. SHIGOD, Int. and many other Indians of Tikuamena Bay, ChippewaCo., witnesses. (Ages unknown.)

WEATHERWAX, Benj. K. (w) 27, Georgetown, Ottawa Co., and MissMary H. TAYLOR (w) 17, same place.  1 April 1857 done at GrandRapids by A. Bingham, min., fee $5.00. J. C. BUCHANAN, Grand Rapids,and Mrs. BUCHANAN, Mrs. H. BINGHAM, same place, and a companyof ladies, witnesses.

WHALAND, John (w) 22, Sault Ste. Marie, Chippewa Co., and AngeliqueCADOTTI (w) 16, same place.  13 April 1845 done at a publickmeeting with the Indians at Mushkutesagi Co., in the Sugar Camp by A. Bingham. Francis GORNOCIN, Interpreter, and Louis & Charles CADOTTI,all of Sault Ste. Marie, witnesses.

WOOD, Esqr., Stephen R. (w) 31, Sault Ste. Marie, Chippewa Co.,and Miss Emeline JOHNSON (w), same place.  8 Aug. 1841 by A.Bingham. Mrs. Adaline JONES, Mrs. Susan J. FOWLES, Mrs. MaryJ. NEWCOMB, of above address, witnesses. A certificate was lodgedin due season in the County Clerk's office. Frs. GARNOUN & Wm.PAROLE --------- (illegible), witnesses. Credit was given him acash debt already due. Fee $5.00.


Transcriber: Ronnie Aungst
Created: 21 May 1999