Marriages Abstracted from the Files
of Rev. Reuben Smith Goodman, 1865 - 1871
Pages 365-369
Possession of the original files last known to be withhis daughter, Miss Clara Goodman, Oakleigh Rd. N.W., Grand Rapids. (My note: Throughout the records you will find that Rev.Goodman made little observations. I have included them as they are partof the text. The abbreviation CW stands for Canada West, O stands for Ohio,occ. is occupation. ~RA) ARMITAGE, James (w) 20, Grand Rapids, born Pittsfield, Mass.;occ. Cigar Maker and Sarah H. WARD (w) 20, Grand Rapids, born Nichols,N.Y.; 25 Feb. 1871 at 9 Barclay St. by Rev. R. S. Goodman. Frances WYCHOFF,Grand Rapids and Ella H. WYCHOFF, Perry N.Y., witnesses. BLACK, Theodore K. (w) 21, Grand Rapids, born St. Thomas, Ont.;occ. Fruit Dealer and Jane KENNEDY (w) 17, Grand Rapids, born Detroit;25 Dec. 1869 by Rev. R. S. Goodman. Joseph KENNEY, Grand Rapidsand Lila BONNEY, Grand Rapids, witnesses. BLACHARD, Freeman B. (w) ?38, Grand Rapids, born Onondaiga Co.,N.Y.; occ. Farmer and Catherine HENDERSON (mulatto) 22, Grand Rapids,born Indianapolis, Ind. 27 March 1870 by Rev. R. S. Goodman. Daniel SCOTTand Margaret COZENS, witnesses. (Memo: man seemed white,woman certainlycolored) BLUNERICK, Richard E. (w) 22, Grand Rapids, born Atlantic Ocean;occ. Cigar Maker, and Mary F. LOGIE (w) 23, Grand Rapids, born Hamilton,C.W. 4 Oct. 1870 at house of the bride's mother, by Rev. R.S. Goodman. Mrs. Isabella LOGIE and Wm. LOGIE, witnesses. BOGGS, Thomas J. (w) 30, Grand Rapids, born Martinburg, O.; occ.Currier (one who curries leather) and Effie GOODRICK (w) 23, GrandRapids, born Brazier Falls, N.Y. 25 June 1870 by Rev. R. S. Goodman.Jacob CALDREN, Grand Rapids and Mary CALDREN, Grand Rapids,witnesses. -- Mercury about 95 degress in the shade, attended one funeraland two weddings today. BOYD, John D. (w) 22, Grand Rapids, born Batavia, N.Y.; occ.Clerk and Chloe A. CARRIER (w) 21, Grand Rapids, born Grand Rapids. 17 May 1870 at house of bride's father, near Coldbrook. Edmond CARRIERand Mrs. R. S. GOODMAN, witnesses. CHAMBERLAIN, Alexander (w) 29, Grand Rapids, born Montreal, Can.;occ. Mechanic and Aggie WILSON (w) 18, Grand Rapids, born N.Y. City. 31 July 1870-- 8-1-1870 by Rev. R.S. Goodman. Mr. Geo. FRENCH andMrs. Geo. FRENCH, witnesses. Note: At Antrim House yesterday. CLARK, Henry F. (w) 21, Lowell, born Kane Co., Ill.; occ. Manufacturerand Sarah J. BOZER (w) 20, born Galt, Canada W. 6 Oct. 1868at 9 Barclay St. by Rev. R. S. Goodman. Mrs. Mary E. GOODMAN andMrs. Julia MAJOR, witnesses. COULSON, Richard (w) 30, Drummondville, Ont., born Stamford,Ont.; occ. Laborer and Alice C. SNIVELY (w) 24, born Stamford, Ont. 18 Nov. 1868 at ____ ____ by Rev. R. S. Goodman. Byard B. SHANNON,Grand Rapids and Alexander J. DOUGLAS, Grand Rapids, witnesses. DEWEY Warren (w) 26, Grand Rapids, born Burlington, Vt.; occ.Mason and Arvilla BURROUGH (w) 24, Grand Rapids, born Hillsdale. 20 July 1870 at house of Theo. S. THOMPKINS by Rev. R. S. Goodman.Theo. S. THOMPKINS, Grand Rapids, and Sarah THOMPKINS, GrandRapids, witnesses. DUNNETT, C. W. (w) 26, Manistee; occ. Lawyer and Editor and FannieL. LOCKWOOD (nee HOLDEN) (w) 30, born Will Co., Ill. 10 Sept. 1868 at res. of E. D. G. HOLDEN, Esq., on the west sideof the R. by Rev. R. S. Goodman. Mr. E.D.G. HOLDEN and Mrs. MaryE. GOODMAN, witnesses. FRENCH, Geo. (w) 26, Plainfield, born Lenox, O.; occ. Farmerand Ida F. TAYLOR, 19, Plainfield, born Aurora, O. 10 Jan.1868 by Rev. R. S. Goodman. O.E. STEVENS, Grand Rapids andL. B. STEVENS, Grand Rapids, witnesses. GRANT, John (w) 24, Ada, born Scotland; occ. Farmer and MarthaCROCKER (w) 26, Ada born Byran, O. 2 July 1868 at res. ofmin. 9 Barclay St. by Rev. R. S. Goodman. Jud MOON and Dr. Z. E.BLISS, Grand Rapids, witnesses. HALL, Silas M (w) 58, Grand Rapids, born Croydon, N. H.; occ.Mechanic and Maria R. DEAN (nee FAXON) 48, Grand Rapids,born Bergin, N.Y. 19 Oct. 1867 by Rev. R. S. Goodman. Elias HALLand Annie E. FAXON, witnesses. HANES, Joseph L. (mulatto) 29, Grand Rapids, born Brooklyn, N.Y.;occ. Barber and Ellen WATKINS (mulatto) 21, Grand Rapids, born Nashville,Tenn. 15 Nov. 1870 by Rev. R. S. Goodman. Jesse WALKER andAdalinda WALKER, witnesses. HILL, John (w) 32, Williards Station, Hopkins Twp., born Genesee,N.Y.; occ. Farmer and Margaret HERRICK (wid) (nee MCMICKEN)(w) 40, Hopkins, born Nova Scotia. 8 Nov. 1871 by Rev. R. S. Goodman.Mrs. R. S. GOODMAN and Miss Nettie DICKINSON, witnesses. IVISON, Thos. (w) 23, Cannonsburg and Ann Sowerby (w) 18. 15 Nov. 1865 by Rev. R. S. Goodman. Father of the bride and Mary HARKER,witnesses. JOHNSON, Geo. W. (w) 29, Grand Rpids, born Memphis, Tenn.; occ.Mechanic and Harriet SKINNER (w) 28, Grand Rapids, born Harland, Ind. 18 Nov. 1871 by Rev. R. S. Goodman. C. J. DIEKRICK and Mrs. A. S.GOODMAN. JONES, Wm. (w) 28, Lowell, born Shropshire Co., England; occMechanic and Mary A. KING (w) 18, Boston, born Reach, Ont. 30 July 1869 at 9 Barclay St. by Rev. R. S. Goodman. Mrs. R. S. GOODMANand Frances E. WYCKOFF, both of Grand Rapids, witnesses. KEITH, Alexander (w) 26, born Canada; occ. Clerk and IsabellaMELVILLE (w) 23, Grand Rapids, born Scotland. 24 Dec. 1869 at 9Barclay St. (now 318 Barclay) by Rev. R. S. Goodman. Mrs. R. S. GOODMANand Elizabeth STEWAT, witnesses. KEYES, Henry Dwight (w) 24, Grand Rapids, born Brighton, N.Y.;occ. Mason and Carrie Bell BRIGGS (w) 23, Grand Rapids Twp., bornPittsfield. 14 May 1871 by Rev. R. S. Goodman. D. W. C. BLACKMER, Grand Rapids, and Robt. BRIGGS, Grand Rapids Twp., witnesses. LAWRENCE, Henry (w) 25, Grand Rapids, born VA.; occ. Laborerand Mary Jane PERRY (nee SMITH) Grand Rapids, born Liverpool,England, (w) 25. 9 April 1871 by Rev. R. S. Goodman. James STEWART,Grand Rapids and Dan'l DAVIS, Grand Rapids, witnesses. LAWRENCE, Nelson (w) 29, Brighton, born Southwold, Can. W.; occ.Farmer and Caroline STAFFORD (nee RELCHBURG) (w) 24, GrandRapids, born Germany. 10 Aug. 1871 by Rev. R. S. Goodman. Miss FrancesLEWIS and Mrs. John PLATT, witnesses. LUNN, Thos. H. (w) 27, Grand Rapids, born Midlogan, Scotland;occ. Mechanic and Margaret CRYAN (w) 28, Grand Rapids, born Manchester,England. 14 June 1870 at 9 Barclay St. by Rev. R. S. Goodman. Thos.LUNN and Mrs. R. S. GOODMAN, witnesses. MARSHALL, James (w) 25, Grand Rapids, born Kingston, Ont.; occ.Laborer and Lizzie E. TOWLE (w) 19, Grand Rapids, born Hamilton,Ont. 25 Nov. 1869 at minister's house by Rev. R. S. Goodman. Rev. Jasper N. BALL and Mrs. M. E. GOODMAN, witnesses. MCPHERSON, John (w) 32, born Glengary, C. W.; occ. Farmer andHannah MCRAE (w) 25, Grand Rapids, born Dundee, Canada, E. 17 Dec. 1868 at home of minister. 9 Barclay St. by Rev. R. S. Goodman.Mrs. Mary E. GOODMAN, wife of Rev. Goodman and Mrs. M. M. COLBY,Grand Rapids, witnesses. MILES, Luke (an African) 37, born Capuraum, Palestine; occ. Clergymanand Susan PATTERSON (nee PEGRUM) (wid) 48, Grand Rapids,born Nottaway Co., VA. 6 Oct. 1870 at 9 Barclay St. by Rev. R. S.Goodman. Mrs. R. S. GOODMAN and Addison S. GOODMAN, witnesses.-- Mr. Miles says he travels 3 1/2 years in Africa with Dr. Livingston,the great explorer, a somewhat remarkable man (of) character surely. NICHOLSON, Frank K. (w) 22, Petroleum Center, PA., born Rochester,N.Y.; occ. Stationer and Hattie FOSTER (w) 26, Grand Rapids, bornMalta, N.Y. 23 Oct. 1871 by Rev. R. S. Goodman. Hon. Wm. A.HOWARD and Mrs. R. S. GOODMAN, witnesses. NOLDES, Foncer (w) 30, born Osten, Holland; occ. Farmer and ElizabethWRIGHT (w) 36, Grand Rapids, born Faset, England. 29 Aug.1870 in Westminister Church on Sun. eve. by Rev. R. S. Goodman. AlfredHARRIS and Marion HARRIS, witnesses. OSBORN, Marvin H. (w) 29, Grand Rapids, born Blandford, Mass.;occ. Mechanic and Mary E. MOSS (w) 21, Grand Rapids, born Canandaigua,N.Y. 7 April 1869 at 9 Barclay St. by Rev. R. S. Goodman. Mrs. MaryL. MOSS and Mrs. M. E. GOODMAN, witnesses. PERRY, Joseph Nelson (w) 42, Detroit, born Toronto, Can. W.;occ. machinist and Hannah ALBEE (w) 24, Manitowoc, Wis. born Calaid,ME. 8 Dec. 1867 by Rev. R. S. Goodman. Mr. James G. BACONand Miss Julia JONES, Grand Rapids, witnesses. QUACKERNBOSH, Renard (w) 25, Grand Rapids, born Hillier, Can.W.; occ. Mechanic and Edna BRIGGS (w) 20, Grand Rapids Twp., bornGrand Rapids. 29 Aug. 1870 married 4 mi. up river in Grand RapidsTwp. by Rev. R. S. Goodman. Robt. BRIGGS and Elizabeth BRIGGS,witnesses. ROUSE, Wm. Henry (w) 25, born Watertown, Wis.; occ. Merchantand Mary E. WINCHESTER (w) 18, born Putney, Vt. 15 Nov. 1870at home of bride, Ottawa St. by Rev. R. S. Goodman. Rebecca WINCHESTERand Lorenzo S. WINCHESTER, witnesses. SHATTUCK, Chas L. (w) 24, Grand Rapids, born Pompey, N.Y.; occ.Mechanic and Addie E. FAXON (w) 21, Grand Rapids, born Hoosic Falls,N.Y. 3 Aug. 1870 at house of Silas HALL, on west side by Rev.R. S. Goodman. Fred D. PORTER and Lilas M. HALL, Grand Rapids,witnesses. SNYDER, James W. (w) 23, Big Rapids, born Perrinton, Can. W.;occ. Farmer and Hannah HULL (nee WRIGHTMUN) (w) 26 born Wardville,C. W. 9 Sept. 1868 by Rev. R. S. Goodman. Sarah GOODMAN andSarah A. WARING, both of Grand Rapids, witnesses. STANTON, Levi B. H. (w) 20, Grand Rapids, born PaintedPost, N.Y.; occ. Salesman and Frances F. CLARK (w) 20, born _______. 27 Jan. 1869 by Rev. R. S. Goodman. R. S. GOODMAN and Sarah B. GOODMAN,both of Grand Rapids, witnesses. VAN DANN, Cornelius (w) 22, Grand Rapids, born Oakland Co.; occ.Mechanic and Elizabeth STRAVE (w) 22, Grand Rapids, born Rochester,N.Y. 18 Aug. 1869 at 9 Barclay St. by Rev. R. S. Goodman. Julia WYCKOFFand Mary VAN DANN, witnesses. VANDERHOEF, Lorenzo (w) 28, Grand Rapids, born Homer, MadinaCo., O.; occ. Ins. Clerk and Anna GROVE (nee ROOT) (w) 26,Grand Rapids, born Albany, N.Y. 2 Dec. 1868 at Bridge St. by Rev.R. S. Goodman. Mrs. W. S. GEE and Mrs. R. S. GOODMAN, witnesses. WEBSTER, Andrew J. (w) 32, born Plymouth, N.H.; occ. Mechanicand Fannie A. BURAND (nee KIRBY) (w) 24, Grand Rapids, bornUnion Springs, N.Y. 17 Sept. 1868 by Rev. R. S. Goodman. Arthur L.WEBSTER and Ruth P. WEBSTER, witnesses. WEBSTER, Arthur (w) 36, Grand Rapids, born Bristol, N.H.; occ.Mechanic and Fannie E. KNAPP (w) 24, Grand Rapids, born Oxford,N.Y. 9 Sept. 1868 at res. of bride's father by Rev. R. S. Goodman.Arthur L. WEBSTER and Ruth P. WEBSTER, witnesses. WISELOGEN, Louis (w) 24, Muskegon, born Massillon, O.; occ. Mechanicand Elizabeth QUINN (w) 19, Muskegon, born Buffalo, N.Y. 7Oct. 1869 at 9 Barclay St. by Rev. R. S. Goodman. Mrs. Elizabeth ROWLEY,Grand Rapids and Miss L. B. GOODMAN, Grand Rapids, witnesses. |
Transcriber: Ronnie Aungst
Created: 16 May 1999