Kent County Michigan GenWeb Project
Major Volunteers and Contributors
Thank you to all of these individuals and organizations who have contributed
materials, allowed us to link to their wonderful materials or volunteered
time and transcription energy towards the betterment of the Kent County
Michigan GenWeb Project.
You are all wonderful!
Past County Coordinators are bolded.
Karen Anderson
Ronnie Aungst
JoAnn Beachman
Kathy Behling
Karen Blumenshine
Amy Brown
Helen Brown
Kathy Brummel
Don Bryant
Cindi Closser
Anna E. Conley
Leslie Coulson
Paul D'Archangel
Claudette Darling
Lois DeGraaf
Susan M. Gates Davis
Diane Decker-Warneke
Jeri Cooper DeVries
Marilyn DeVries
Pat Dobbins
Barbara Donohue
Ann Ed
Evelyn Ehlert
Pat Frey
Bruce Gerber
Margaret Gillis
Jennifer Godwin
Lisa Gray Goodell
Susan Hallock
Jamie Hillegonds
Kimberly Houtman
Ed Howe
Mary Huizen
Karma Hunt
Betty Johnson
Kathleen F. Johnson
Barbara Jones
Rebecca Koford
Mindy Koole
Cyndi Kuhlman
Melissa LaRue
Nancy Lesser
Debbi Manni
Michelle Manni
Pam McKinley
John Miller
Roger Moffatt
Father Dennis Morrow
Nancy Myers
Angela Nyburg
Jennifer O'Connor
Sue Offenbeck
Gloria Paas
Kay Paskiewicz
Bonnie Pattok
Kayleen Pawloski
Jolene Pell
Christopher Penning
Nancy Phillips
Dottie Piechocki
Tracy Polyak
Julie Powers
Jessica Riley
Janice Ringold
Mary Del Rivette
Donna Rogers
Christine Ross
Natalie Runyan
Evelyn Sawyer
Marge Schnell
Wanda Schottler
Marcia Shears
Maureen Slade
Terry Start
Robyn Sturtevant
Beverly Summers
Laurie J. Tanis
Diane Teelander
Jessica M. Trotter
Jana Wellman Ulrich
Trena VanderWoude
Tammy Van Putten
Elsie Vrendenburg
Dave Wallace
Kelly Ward
Joanie Welke
Roxann Wilkinson
Judy Wilson
Dennis Zank
The Catholic Archdiocese
of Grand Rapids
Grandville Historical Commission
Michigan Room Librarians,
Grand Rapids P.L.
Western Michigan Genealogy Society