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Biographies & Families


These pages contain biographical sketches (full or extract) of former Montcalm County residents.

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Biographies in the  Edmore Centennial Book
This is only a list of the bios in the book.


by John S. Schenck.
Philadelphia: D. W. Ensign& Co., 1881.

Biographies for the individuals listed below have been transcribed
and can be viewed online at the USGenWeb Archives for Michigan.

Atwood, Ambrose Ferris, Henry C. Mason, Orville F. Shaffer, Samuel
Avery, John (M.D.) French, Albert S. Miller, Lester R. Shearer, Joseph J.
Bump, Harley Fuller, Henry M. Monroe, Samuel Shoemaker, Joseph P.
Case, Chauncey Gilleo, Isaac Moore, E. B. Slawson, David G.
Castel, William Gleason, Artemus Murray, Paul Taylor, James
Clark, Joel W. Greffeth, James Nelson, William S. Tennant, Joshua (M.D.)
Crawford, Bradley B. Hare, Christopher Palmer, George W. Thomas, William M.
Cross, Charles Hinds, Henry H. Pratt, Lyman H. Turrill, Truman J.
Cummings, E. C. Hoy, Robert H. Proctor, Joel A. VanAllen, Henry
Dickinson, Charles R. LaDue, Thomas Russell, Andrew J. Watson, Henry
Douglass, Micajah Macomber, Allen Savage, John H. Willett, James W.
Fargo, John D. Martin, Charles M. (M.D.) Scott, N. B. Wolaver, Alonzo M.

Biographical Index
"History of Montcalm County, Michigan
It's People, Industries And Institutions
With Biographical Sketches of Representative Citizens
and Genealogical Records of Many of the Old Families

Biographical Index
"Portrait and Biographical Album of Ionia and Montcalm counties, Mich.
containing Full Page Portraits
and Biographical Sketches of Prominent and Representative Citizens of the County
Together with Portraits and Biographies of all the Presidents of the United States
And Governors of the State", Chapman Bros., Chicago, 1891.


Families of Montcalm County

Family Group Sheets - Montcalm County
(submitted by individuals researching their families.)

Autograph Book
of Ruth Lizetta Kassner  (.doc file)
contains the surnames:
Schaefer, Hamilton, Fox, Kassner, Cole, Carpenter,
Lawrence, Tompkins, Reynolds, Brush, Dawson, Green,
Butler, Cartwright, Ward, Willett, Clanche, Kempton, Davis, Slade, Luxen

Contributed by -
Pamela K. Swiler, President
Ionia County Genealogical Society
P.O. Box 516
Lake Odessa, MI 48849-0516


These are links that take you outside of the MIGenWeb pages.

Dingman Family Research ~ Site contains pictures, even if not very good, but also of anyone married to a Dingman or born a Dingman.

The Everingham Family History Archives, Sheridan, Michigan. One of the most extensive family genealogy sites you will find. It covers this family from Norman era England to the US & Canada.

Howay Family ~ Some census information for this family

Morgan Family ~ of the Carson City area.


If you have additions or corrections please contact Paula Johnson
Copyright © 1996-2025 - Montcalm County MIGenWeb

These electronic pages (or any portions thereof), including GRAPHICS & PHOTOS may NOT be copied, saved, or reproduced
in any format for presentation or publication by individuals, organizations, newspapers, etc. (all are copyrighted).

Current County Coordinator: Paula Johnson (c) 2017-2025
Previous content & design by: Gerry Christiansen (c) 2007-2016
Kevin Everingham (c) 2003-2007, Kathleen Rodegeb (c) 2000-2002,
Dave Wheeler (c)1998-2000, Beth Wills (c)1996-1997