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Newell, Stykers, Shook, Buckanan, and Jones

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Cowden Lake Saw Mill

Dodgeand Acker’s Mill, Cowden Lake,Mich.  People can be seen sitting on the logs aswell as  standing on the sawmill roofs in the far background

The pine trees would be harvested in the winter time and the logs would behauled out of the woods with bob-sleighs and horses on the ice of
Trufant lake to be foated down the creek in the spring with the ice melted andthence the lunber jacks would saw logs into lunber and make
shinglesall summer.  -excerpt by Gerald Pike

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unknown maple valleytownship sawmill

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unknown wood cuttingmaple valley township

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J. E. Skeoch and Sonshorse team

The picture reads: “500 bu. of beans drawn byimported Belgian Mares owned by J. E. Skeoch and Sons” withwagon on sled runners.

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1866 circa Eliza Newell(2)

Three children of T. Ferdinand and Sarah Elizabeth(Stewart) Newell.  Top left, Anna Newell; top right, eitherWilliam Henry, George or Ferdinand Newell; seated, front, ElizaNewell.  See family group sheet (Thomas Ferdinand Newell) onMontcalm County, Gen Web.

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1880 circa Eliza N (2)

Eliza Newell (1858-1950), daughter of T. Ferdinand andSarah Elizabeth Stewart Newell (see their family group sheet onMontcalm Gen Web).

From an unknown local paper:


           Mrs. Eliza Newell Haskins was born in Ontario, Canada, April 21st,1858, the daughter of Ferdinand and Sarah Newell and departed this lifeat the home of her daughter, Mrs. Elmer Buchanan, Coral, Mich., January18th., 1950.

           At an early age she moved with her parents to Richland Co., Mich.,where she lived until the age of ten.  The family then settledon a farm in Maple Valley, five miles south of Caral, where she grew toyoung womanhood.  In 1880 she was united in mariage to Oel E.Jones of Fenton, Mich.  The next 10 years were spent inWausaw, Wis., where two children were born, Bessie Lyle (Mrs. JohnSnow) and Austin F.  After the death of her husband, shereturned to Coral, where Mildred E. was born.  She was unitedin marriage to Clark Haskins of Winfield township in 1892.  Tothis union one son, John Newell Haskins was born.  She spentthe most of her life in the vicinity of Coral, was an active member ofthe Coral Cong'l church for sixty years.  She was a devotedwife and mother and made many friends where ever she wasknown.  She was lovingly called Aunt Liza or grandma by everyone who knew her.

           Her older son and daughter preceding her in death many years, sheleaves to mourn their loss her daughter, Mrs. Elmer Buchanan with whomshe made her home and her son, John Newell Haskins of Seattle,Wash.  One sister, Mrs. Carrie Tracy of Coral, elevengrandchildren, fourteen great grandchildren, one great greatgrandchild, many nephews and nieces and a host of friends.”

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1880 circa Eliza Newelland Ladies (2)

Eliza (Newell) Jones, back row, second from right, withunknown group of ladies.  Was this a nursing class? Eliza lived in Coral and worked as a practical nurse after her firsthusband Oel Eugene Jones died in 1889.

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1880 circa Ferdinand andSarah Stewart Newell 002

T. Ferdinand and Sarah Elizabeth (Stewart)Newell.  Ferdinand and Sarah settled in section 32 of MapleValley Township in about 1868.  See their family group sheeton Montcalm County, Gen Web.

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1890 circa Abram N. Shookleft

Abram N. Shook (at left) and unknown relative or friend. Abram N. Shook is the oldest son of Daniel L. Shook and Anna (Newell)Shook.  Abram was born 26 Sep 1869 in Michigan.  Hemarried Beatrice Helena Sanderson 18 Sep 1894 in Montcalm County,Michigan.  She was born 13 Oct 1870 in Canada, daughter ofRobert Sanderson and Caroline Leavens.  Abram  “...Attended Coral public schools andattended the Kalamazoo High School.  He worked with his fatherDaniel L. in the mercantile business, a partner until his father'sdeath in December, 1910.  He was a member of the Howard CityLodge No. 329, Free and Accepted Masons.  Politically he was a Republican, and represented Montcalm County in thestate Legislature in 1903, 1905 and 1907. [ A picture lists him as aSenator].  He was president of the Coral school board and wasfor two years secretary of the central committee of hisparty."   (From Dasef, John W., History of MontcalmCounty, published 1916).  By 1920, Abram and his family movedto Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan, where he ran a grocerystore.  Abram died in 1939. Beatrice died 19 Sep 1948 inWashington State.  Abram and Beatrice are buried at the CoralCemetery, Coral, Montcalm County, Michigan.

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1898 circa FerdinandNewell and Shooks3

Four Generations, circa 1898.  At left, T. Ferdinand Newell(1821-1900); top center, grandson Abram N. Shook (1869-1939); at right,daughter Anna Newell Shook (1850-1928); bottom center, great-grandson,Robert Daniel Shook (1895-1968).

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1900 circa Strykers

At left, front, Ellsworth H. Stryker (1828-1911), left back his 2ndwife, Prudence Z. (Taylor) Slocum Stryker (1844-1921); at right, front,Uriah Edward Stryker (1846-1912, brother of Ellsworth H.), at right,back, his wife, Tabitha M. (McClellan) Stryker (1848-1924). See family group sheet of Ellsworth H. Stryker on Montcalm County GenWeb.

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1905 Ruth Shook left

Left to right: Ruth Shook (1879-1930, married a C. A. Hall); Anna(Newell) Shook (1850-1928, wife of Daniel L. Shook and mother of Ruth);and friend Grace Merritt.

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1905 circa WCTU Coral

WCTU picnic circa 1905-1910s. Same day as other picture (CoralWCTU).  Lady in black dress at table near front is Anna(Newell) Shook.

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1905 circa Coral WCTU

Coral WCTU, same day as other photo of picnic (WCTU Coral), circa1905-1910s.  Lady in top row in black dress is Anna (Newell)Shook (1850-1928).  Middle row 5th from right is Eliza NewellJones Haskins.  Seated on ground, 5th from right is MildredEugenia Jones (daughter of Eliza Newell Jones Haskins).  Annaand Eliza are two daughters of T. Ferdinand and Sarah Elizabeth(Stewart) Newell.  Anyone recognize anyone else?

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1908 Ashley Brotherspostcard postmarked 1908

We think these fellas are Vern, John and Dick Ashley (Sr.), but theorder is a guess.

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1908 View of Coralpostcard postmarked 1908

Coral, looking south.  Photo must have been taken from newlybuilt high school roof.

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Coral High School built1908 old postcard

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Coral School date unknown

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Maple Valley unknown child old postcard

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Maple Valley unknown kids old postcard

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School unknown possibly Cowden Lake

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Main Street Coral looking south

old postcard, unknown date

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Scene Near Coral old postcard 2

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Scenes Near Coral old postcard 1

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1909 Elmer Buchanan and Grover Annis Coral ballplayers

Elmer John Buchanan (1889-1954) and Grover Annis in 1909, two Coralballplayers.

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1909 Mildred Jones Class of 1909

Coral Graduating Class of 1909.

Back row, left to right: Donald Stryker (son of Uriah Edward andTabitha M. [McClellan] Stryker), Bertha Clingerman (married a Murray);Katie Benedict (married a Thaler); Mildred Eugenia Jones (marriedfirst, John Henry Buchanan and second, James Hayman Smith); Everett Race.

Front row, left to right: Marie Krogman (married an Annis); Mr.Partridge (teacher); Gertrude Jacobsen (daughter of Mads and Adelaide[Jensen] Jacobsen, married a Hansen).

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1910 circa Austin Jones and Cecil Tuck

Austin Jones (1884-1935) and Cecil Tuck next to Coral Cannon circa1905-1910.  This picture is also found in the Coral CentennialBook, though no names are given. Austin Jones was the oldest child ofEliza Newell and Oel Eugene Jones.

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1910 Robert Longwell Buchanan

Robert Longwell Buchanan (1832-1917) settled in section 10 Maple ValleyTownship, Montcalm County, (E 1/2 of NE 1/4 Section 10 Town 11 Range,9, licensed 80 acres) in about 1858.  See his family groupsheetposted on Montcalm County Gen Web.

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1911 circa Mildred Blake School

Blake School circa 1911, graduating eight graders (names unknown) andteachers Mildred Eugenia Jones (seated at left) and Bertha Clingerman(seated at right).  Blake School was Mildred Jones’firstteaching job after graduating from Montcalm County Normal School in1910.  Blake School was located in section 32, Maple ValleyTownship at the corner of Marble road and County Line Road,½mile south of where Mildred’s grandparents T. Ferdinand andSarahElizabeth (Stewart) Newell had homesteaded starting in 1868.

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1913 Elmer Buchanan in carriage Coral

Elmer John Buchanan, son of John Henry and Sarah (Stryker) Buchananwith his carriage somewhere near Coral.  Postcard marked 1913.

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1914 circa Doughboys - Ferdie Newell, George Newell, Bob Shook, andfriends Grover and Albe

Coral Doughboys, 1918.  Left to right, brothers Ferdinand C.(Ferdie) Newell (1898-1970) and  George E. Newell (1895-1935)(sons of George Newell [1852-1921] and Harriet L. [Clark] Newell);Robert Daniel (Bob) Shook (1895-1968, son of Abram N. Shook, grandsonof Daniel L. and Anna [Newell] Shook).  Grover (Annis?), andAlbe.


George E. Newell died in 1935, according to cousin Austin JohnBuchanan, from illness due to exposure to gas during The Great War.


Excerpts from "The Coral News"

7 December 1935 "George Newell left Tuesday for the Soldier's hospitalat Grand Rapids for medical treatment"

19 December 1935 "Death Notice: George Newell, War Veteran Passes Sat.(12/14/1935)

           Saturday afternoon a shroud of mourning was thrown over this village asword came from the Soldiers Home hospital that George E. Newell hadpassed to his reward.  He had been ill for several years andthepast few months grew steadily worse until he was taken to the GrandRapids hospital and an operation performed in an effort to stay thehand of death. 

           Bornin this village April 27, 1895, he was 40 years, 7 months and 17 daysof age.  He spent his boyhood and youngmanhood here being agraduate of the local school.  After his graduation he enteredtheemploy of W.J. Woodall, where he received his primary education as apharmacist.  April 10, 1915, he enlisted for service in theWorldWar becoming a member of Headquarters company, 136th Infantry, 32ndDivision, and was overseas fifteen months.  On being honorabledischarged from the army in May, 1919, he purchased a drug store atCaladonia where he lived for three years and met and married MissMillie McConnell.

           Thatthis young man saw real service one has only to remember or read thehistory of that great world conflict and then look at the battleengagements noted on his discharge certificate.  Alsace, May18 toJuly 21; Chateau Theirry July 29 to August 7;  Soissons,August 26to Sept.6; Meuse Argonne, Sept. 26 to Nov. 11.  Army ofoccupationin Germany, December to April.

           Hewas a charter member of Earl R. Stewart post American Legion. When he came to Coral to live he transferred his membership toFitzgerald-Nelson post, Howard City.  The two posts, using thebeautiful ritual ceremony laid their comrade to rest in the CoralCemetery.  A guard of honor stood at the head and foot of hisbierduring the obsequies at the home.  The flag salute, the firingsquad, the bugle call and the presentation of the flag to the widowimpressed one with what it means to those boys who served their countyto bury a buddie.

           Shortly after his marriage, he sold his store in Caladonia and with hisgood wife entered Ferris Institute at Big Rapids and completed a courseof study in pharmacy.  After their graduation, they moved toGrandRapids being employed at their profession until 1931, when on accountof his failing health they came to Coral.

           Apleasing personality and a jovial disposition made him a favorite inevery walk of life.  His friends were many as was attested bythelarge number who came to attend the last sad rites and the many andbeautiful floral tributes.  Dr. S. E. Parsans, pastor of theGreenville Congregational church, preached the sermon and added aglowing tribute to the memory of the young man.  Glen Wheelerrendered two appropriate solos, being accompanied by Mrs. Wheeler atthe piano.  O’Brien and Blanchard had charge of thefuneralarrangements.

           Besides the  widow there survives four brothers, Harold,Ferdie,Merrit and Russell, one sister, Mrs. Eva Wells, several uncles andaunts and a host of cousins."

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1914 circa Ferdie Newell doughboy

Ferdinand C. Newell, 1918.  Ferdie (1898-1970) was a sergeant,USArmy, in World War I.  Ferdie is the son of George and HarrietL.(Clark) Newell and grandson of T. Ferdinand and Sarah Elizabeth(Stewart) Newell.

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hugh stewart newell banker

Hugh Stewart Newell (1888-1918) worked at the State Bank of MontcalmCounty in Coral.  He is the son of John Stewart and HarrietEllen“Ellen” (Silverthorn) Newell.

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1914 circa Hugh Stewart Newell doughboy

Hugh Stewart Newell died in late 1918 at Camp Custer, Kalamazoo County,Michigan.  He had served as a recruiter for the Navy earlierinthe year before joining the Army (Co. B, 329 Machine Gun Battalion).

Excerpts from "The Coral News"

14 Mar 1918 “Anyone wanting to enlist in the navy should seeHughNewell, who has been appointed to receive those wanting to float andfight.”

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Cowden Lake Resort old postcard

Man in the bow of the boat next to dock is Elmer John Buchanan(1889-1954), who operated the resort on the west side of Cowden Lakepreviously run by parents John Henry and Sarah (Stryker) Buchanan and established by Grandfather Ellsworth H. Stryker (1828-1911). Theresort area, which featured a grove of old hardwoods, was also knownlocally as “The Grove”,“Stryker’sGrove”, “Buchanan Grove”, and“BuchananResort”.

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1914 Young people's picnic Cowden Lake

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1914 circa Elmer and Mildred stump fence

Elmer Jones Buchanan (top right), Mildred Eugenia Jones (lower right)and 3 unidentified friends circa 1914 at a stump fence.

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1915 circa Elmer makes hay

Elmer John Buchanan (1889-1954), on top of hay, and two unidentifiedmen, making hay, Maple Valley Township, circa 19-teens.

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1918 circa Coral Red Cross ladies

Coral area Red Cross ladies photo probably circa 1918. Mildred(Jones) Buchanan in top row second from left.  Does anyonerecognize anyone else in the photo?

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1920 circa Dick Ashley and Elmer Buchanan at Cowden Lake Resort

Dick Ashley (1890-) and Elmer John Buchanan (1889-1954) at Cowden LakeResort, sporting Trufant (!) baseball team uniforms.

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1927 circa Buchanan's at the dock at Cowden Lake Resort,

Top, left to right: Eliza (Newell) Jones Haskins (1858-1950), unknown,Thelma Buchanan (1911-1982), Mildred Eugenia (Jones) Buchanan(1890-1979), unknown, Elmer John Buchanan (1889-1954). Bottom, left toright: Sally Buchanan (1921-2005), Austin John Buchanan(1919-2002).  Eliza Newell Jones Haskins is mother of MildredEugenia (Jones) Buchanan, mother-in-law of Elmer John Buchanan,grandmother of siblings Sally and Austin John Buchanan.

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John Henry and Sarah Stryker Buchanan

Sarah (Stryker) Buchanan and John Henry Buchanan were married in 1888in Howard City, Montcalm County, Michigan.  They lived inMapleValley Township east of the Village of Coral.  John worked for30years for Shook and Sons in Coral, MI, first driving the grocery wagon,then as clerk in the store.  He was the manager of Coral Co-opfor19 years, and was a substitute mail carrier.  He started theCowden Lake Resort when he was 26 years old.

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John Henry Buchanan and summer visitors at Coral store

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Cowden Lake Resort Fishing

Unknown boy and John Henry Buchanan (1866-1957)  with resultsof fishing at Cowden Lake Resort.

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Tracy Home 2

Home of Lansing L. (1852-1931) and Carrie (Newell) Tracy (1867-1955),Maple Valley Township, 1/4 mile south of the village ofCoral. Lansing and Carrie are in front of the home.  The house wasdestroyed by fire in 1936.

23 April 1936 "Fire Destroys Farm Home Last Wed. Noon:  Firecompletely destroyed the residence of Mrs. Carrie Tracy, 1/4 mile southof Coral last Wednesday about noon.  Mrs. Haskins [ElizaNewellJones Haskins], who lives with her sister, had been cleaning the dooryard and had set a trash fire and it was from this that the house wasset afire, and was not noticed until it had such a start that allefforts to save the dwelling were of no avail.  Mrs. Haskinshadgone to an upper room to save some new bedding and it was necessary torescue her through an upper window.  All the household goodsweresaved.    There was no insurance. Mrs. Tracy andMrs. Haskins are moving into the Stewart Obersig house on the hill."

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1929 circa Newell house Coral

Home built by John Stewart Newell (1856-1930), Coral merchant, son ofT. Ferdinand and Sarah Elizabeth (Stewart) Newell.  JohnStewartNewell with grandson Hugh Newell Jacobsen are in front of the house.Corner of Prospect and Bailey across from St Clara's.

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1935 circa Newell Store with JS Newell house in background

Coral Store “Newell and Co. GeneralM[erchandise(?)]”.  Brothers John Stewart Newell(1856-1930)and Ferdinand Newell (1853-1914) started the business. Anotherpicture (probably earlier) of this store is in the Coral CentennialBook entitled “Main Street of Coral in Early Days”In thatpicture it looks like the store was called [J. S.] Newell & Co.General Store.  Hugh Newell Jacobsen recalls that between thestore and the house was a potato field where children harvestedpotatoes at 25 cents per bushel (1930s?).

Excerpts from "The Coral News"

25 Feb 1897 "J. S. Newell was called to Pierson Friday and FerdieNewell took charge of the store during his absence."

5 May 1898 "J. S. Newell and Co. shipped 4,842 dozen eggs in April."

24 Oct 1898 "Sometime during last Friday night some party or partiesentered the foundary through a window and securing a crowbar, screwdriver, coal chisel and other tools went to J. S. Newell and Co.'sstore, pried open the front door and drilled a quarter-inch hole in thesafe door near the combination, filled it with powder and blew the dooroff.  They secured about $25."

1 Dec 1898 "J. S. Newell & Co. have put a new safe in theirstore.  It weighs over a ton."

Contributed by Michael Baribeau

If you have additions or corrections please contact Paula Johnson
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