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Pierson Township
Montcalm County, Michigan

The settlement in Pierson township, originally located in Mecosta County, was founded in 1856
on forty acres that were purchased by David S. Pierson.   Mr. Pierson was assisted in the founding
of the village by Dexter Clark and John L. Shar.   It was incorporated as a village in 1873.

Pierson twp
William H. & Sarah VOLLWILER Townsend with Clyde G. Townsend in baby buggy (b. 1897)
& neighbor Mrs. Goodson in Pierson, MI

Pierson twp
Train Wreck at Pierson, Michigan, April 1900

The 2 photos above were submitted by:  Chuck Townsend

Perry's General Store and Sinclair station in Pierson, about 1938.
Lyle Perry is at the pump. Behind him is Howard Workman and Bessie Hardy. Alton Petrie is by the auto.
Photo courtesy of Tom Carter.

Pierson Township

If you have historic photos, or information about this township, please contact the
Montcalm Co. MIGenWeb Township county coordinator.

If you have additions or corrections please contact Paula Johnson
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Current County Coordinator: Paula Johnson (c) 2017-2024
Previous content & design by: Gerry Christiansen (c) 2007-2016
Kevin Everingham (c) 2003-2007, Kathleen Rodegeb (c) 2000-2002,
Dave Wheeler (c)1998-2000, Beth Wills (c)1996-1997