Rose City Cemetery is located on a hill within the City Limits of the City of Rose City; south of Page
and Wilber Streets, City of Rose City, Rose Township, Ogemaw County, Michigan, Section 6, Township
23 North, Range 3 East. It appears that the cemetery was first begun as a Civil War burial grounds and
later turned over to the city. As Rose City burned in 1910, all records prior to that time were lost in the fire;
some residents re-recorded their lots with city officials, but those who did not cannot be traced now. An effort
has been made to reconstruct burials at this cemetery using city records, tombstone readings, and local obituaries.
This index was compiled by Grace Dooley, who reserves all rights.

Additional Info
Abbott, Anna M.11/7/18655/3/1932Lot 29-Section A-Age 67-Mother
Abbott, Esther Velma8/27/19123/23/1915Age 2-Daughter of Levi & Maude
Abbott, George W.19038/2/1975Lot 29-Section A
Abbott, Johnathan6/25/18699/23/1954Lot 29-Section A-Age 85
Adams, Franklin H.6/23/18856/25/1909Lot 101-Section B-Age 24-Son of Thomas & Angeline
Adams, Thomas6/24/184711/6/1920Lot 101-Section B-Age 73-Husband of Cora
Adkins, Duane W.19341/21/1981Lot 20-Section C
Albertson, Edward C.4/22/18562/9/1937Lot 97-Section B-Age 80
Aldus, Louis L.2/13/19058/16/1962Lot 70-Section C-Age 57-Husband of Germaine
Anderson, Catherine11/18/18313/6/1904Lot D-Section A-Age 72
Anderson, JohnBefore 18439/19/1913Lot D-Section A-Age +70
Armstrong, Guy6/8/191012/3/1911Lot 70-Section A-Age 1-Son of John & Rose
Arnold, Edward Owen10/6/18515/6/1907Lot 120-Section B-Age 56
Arnold, Lila3/17/18965/31/1900Lot 10-Section A-Age 4-Daughter of Jesse W. & Dora A.
Arnold, Louisa E.3/2/18432/25/1908Lot 120-Section B-Mother-Age 64
Arnold, PhillipN/A10/29/2016Lot 117a-Section D
Arntz, John9/1/18503/19/1929Lot 156-Section B-Age 78
Arntz, Marchius9/11/18727/31/1938Lot 156-Section B-Age 65
Arntz, Nancy Stewart12/3/18501/26/1935Lot 156-Section B-Age 84
Arntz, Oscar Otto5/12/18899/1/1940Lot 156-Section B-Age 51-Son of John & Nancy-World War 1
Arntz, Sherry Jo3/15/195910/30/2011Lot 110-Section D-Cremation-Age 52-Wife of Tom
Arntz, Thomas J.9/7/1956N/AHusband of Sherry
Arthur, Florence1/22/18879/23/1982Lot 35-Section A-Age 95
Arthur, Gerald1/8/18904/20/1928Lot 35-Section A-Age 38
Arthur, Robert Nolan3/13/192012/5/1976Lot 35-Section A-Age 56-Husband of Leona-World War 2
Asmus, Alexander8/26/18507/16/1908Age 57
Atherton, Agnes P.3/26/190711/22/1988Lot 39-Section C-Age 81-Wife of Cecil
Atherton, Cecil Forest8/1/19058/28/1983Lot 39-Section C-Age 78-Husband of Agnes
Atherton, Leona Rosemund7/17/19042/21/1905Lot 23-Section A-Age 7 Months-Daughter of James & Elsie
Atherton, Pearl May190310/2/1903Lot 23-Section A-Age 6 Months-Daughter of James & Elsie
Atkins, Carl Wesley4/8/189511/23/1900Lot 20-Section A-Age 5-Son of Charles & Blanche
Atkinson, Charles11/15/18682/21/1953Lot 105-Section C-Age 84
Badour, Rebecca Kay5/26/195710/11/2005Lot 120-Section D-Cremation-Age 48
Bailer, Arthur2/1/188310/23/1929Lot 105-Section B-Son of Charles
Bailer, Charles8/1/18529/10/1907Lot 105-Section B-Father-Age 56
Bailer, Charlotte Anabell9/4/18999/25/1941Lot 1-Section A-Age 42-Wife of George
Bailer, Edmund John2/1/18792/6/1955Lot 105-Section B-Father-Age 76-Husband of Mary
Bailer, George2/1/18834/8/1943Lot 1-Section A-Age 60-Husband of Charlotte
Bailer, Mary5/1/184610/16/1931Lot 105-Section B-Age 85-Wife of Charles-Mother
Bailey, Bessie Blanch Blair5/24/18854/30/1969Lot 89-Section B-Age 83
Bailey, Bruce8/4/187812/20/1962Lot 89-Section B-Age 84-Husband of Bessie
Bailey, Carleton E.5/3/18693/1/1905Lot 34-Section A-Age 35
Bailey, Levi Nelson2/14/18733/16/1942Lot 142-Section B-Father-Age 69-Husband of Martha
Bailey, Mitchell C.11/3/1957N/ALot 115-Section D
Bailey, R.N/AN/ALot 34-Section A
Baker, Mark H.7/31/19801/5/1998Lot 114-Section D-Age 17-Son of Mark & Elaine
Baker, Sgt. William L.N/AAfter 1894Lot H-Section A-Civil War
Barber, Burnham P.6/25/18422/4/1913Lot 103-Section B-Civil War-Age 71
Barber, Fred I.9/4/18962/8/1983Lot 188-Section A-Age 86-Husband of Lottie-Mason
Barber, John Oliver11/15/192010/3/1936Lot 70-Section A-"Jack"-Age 15-Son of Myron & Edith
Barber, Josephine9/5/18704/29/1956Lot 103-Section B-Age 85-Eastern Star-Wife of Oliver
Barber, Leta Ann Marie Branch7/8/18962/5/1981Lot 69-Section C-Age 84
Barber, Levi Orren1/12/18948/9/1955Lot 69-Section C-Age 61-Husband of Leta-World War 1
Barber, Lottie Miller4/21/18992/10/1984Lot 188-Section A-Age 84-Wife of Fred
Barber, Myron Oliver6/5/18928/26/1942Lot 70-Section A-Age 50-Husband of Edith
Barber, Oliver N.9/12/18658/23/1930Lot 103-Section B-Age 64-Mason-Father-Husband of Josephine
Bartels, Albert William4/4/18889/30/1973Lot 31-Section C-Age 85-Husband of Marion
Bartels, Clare E.5/11/19244/6/1995Lot 100-Section B-Age 70-World War 2
Bartels, Karl8/17/18518/8/1936Lot 100-Section B-Age 84-Husband of Marie-Father-"Charles"
Bartels, Karl A.1/11/18772/13/1943Lot 100-Section B-Age 66-"Charles"
Bartels, Marie N.12/14/18566/8/1949Lot 100-Section B-Age 92-Mother
Bartels, Marion3/9/189312/14/1964Lot 31-Section C-Age 71-Wife of Albert
Batdorff, Mrs. C.18504/4/1922Lot 131-Section B-Wife of W. E.
Batdorff, W. E.9/8/18496/20/1922Lot 131-Section B-Age 72
Bateson, Hobert Miller10/19/190810/29/1948Lot 87-Section C-Age 40
Bean, Jennie J.1/16/190312/26/1976Lot 47-Section A-Age 73-Wife of Henry
Beauchamp, Duwayne Lee9/3/19382/2/2005Lot 111-Section D-Age 66-Husband of Loretta
Beauchamp, Loretta May Robertson Clark8/30/19493/14/2014Lot 111-Section D-Cremation-Age 64-Wife of Duwayne
Bechraft, John3/17/18545/31/1923Lot 77-Section A-Age 69-Husband of Lizzie-Lion's Club
Bechraft, Lizzie I.9/26/185610/3/1943Lot 77-Section A-Age 87-Eastern Star
Bechraft, Thomas Clarence1/27/18864/9/1917Lot 77-Section A-Monument only-buried in France-World War 1
Becker, Atta Elvira Betts8/23/188511/26/1963Lot 5-Section C-Age 78-Wife of John
Becker, John Edward7/26/188612/24/1952Lot 5-Section C-Age 66-Husband of Atta
Beer, Betine7/22/19139/29/1913Lot 100-Section B-Age 2 Months-Daughter of George & Minnie
Beer, Minnie Violet Louise3/28/18827/22/1913Lot 100-Section B-Age 31-"Lizzie"-Wife of George
Bell, Baby Boy9/10/19629/10/1962Lot 64-Section C-Age 3 Hours-Son of Kenneth & Nancy
Bell, James Deloy6/16/19586/17/1958Lot 64-Section C-Age 24 Hours-Son of Kenneth & Nancy
Bellnap, Charles5/25/188512/23/1917Lot 67-Section A-Age 32
Bellnap, OscarCA11/15/18413/3/1911Lot 67-Section A-Age 69-Civil War
Bellnap, William4/23/189010/10/1919Lot 67-Section A-Age 29-Son of Oscar & Rosa
Benjamin, Anna McCrimmon7/25/185411/6/1937Lot 12-Section A-Age 83-Wife of Daniel W.-Eastern Star
Benjamin, Daniel Edward4/14/18817/21/1939Lot 12-Section A-Husband of Eva-Father-Age 58
Benjamin, Daniel Wilson Sr.5/23/19178/17/2013Lot 12-Section A-Cremation-Age 96-Married January, 1944 to Edwina-World War 2
Benjamin, Daniel Wilson2/8/18532/4/1914Lot 12-Section A-Age 60-Sheriff/IOOF/Mason/Eastern Star
Benjamin, Edwina Mary19203/31/1991Lot 12-Section A-Age 70-Wife of Daniel-Married 1/15/1944
Benjamin, Franklin E.11/25/19075/29/1983Lot 48-Section C-Age 75-Husband of Genevieve
Benjamin, Genevieve Audrey9/18/191011/14/2003Lot 48-Section C-Age 93-Wife of Franklin
Benjamin, Harris Wilson11/1/190612/5/1908Lot 12-Section A-Age 2-Son of Edward & Eva
Benjamin, Timothy Roach10/27/19586/3/1974Lot 12-Section A-Age 15-Son of Daniel Sr. & Edwina-Grandson
Bentley, Amy Lynn12/14/19846/24/2006Lot 119-Section D-Age 21-Daughter of Wayne & Jennifer
Besson, Theresa F.11/13/19284/16/1979Lot 40-Section C-Age 50-Daughter of William & Anna
Bigelow, Ada H. Gaul1/28/18755/28/1960Lot 89-Section C-Age 85
Bigelow, Dawn Marie7/31/19617/31/1961Lot 93-Section C-Daughter of Terry & Kay
Bigelow, Hosea Claude9/12/19155/6/1965Lot 93-Section C-Age 50-World War 2-Husband of Jane
Bigelow, Jane Lucille7/9/191911/6/1995Lot 93-Section C-Age 76-Cremated-Wife of Hosea-Mother-aka Jane Woodward
Billman, Lewis F.7/30/18455/16/1925Lot 9-Section A-Age 79-Civil War
Bilor, William Arthur2/11/18702/19/1932Lot 181-Section B-Age 61
Bilyeu, David M. Jr.3/31/19784/4/2000Lot 117-Section D-Cremation
Biscon, M.N/AN/ALot 40-Section C
Bixby, Herbert David5/26/18573/4/1922Lot J-Section B-Age 64
Bixby, Martha J.1857N/ALot J-Section B-Wife of Herbert
Blair, Eva MayCA2/25/18851/17/1909Lot 47-Section A-Age 24-Daughter of Joseph Crawford
Blair, Margaret19274/26/1928Age 16 Months-Daughter of Paul
Boddy, Mary Jane5/6/1869CA10/24/1957Lot 104-Section B-Age 88-Wife of Robert
Boddy, Robert John Jr.2/27/18919/10/1931Lot 137-Section B-Age 40
Boddy, Robert Nathan2/23/18623/7/1942Lot 104-Section B-Age 80-Husband of Mary
Boerner, Mary Elizabeth Crank5/3/187512/5/1970Lot 140-Section B-Age 95-Wife of Max
Boerner, Max E.4/7/18707/26/1962Lot 140-Section B-Age 92-Husband of Mary
Borden, Devere G.8/30/190510/18/1984Lot 137-Section B-Age 79
Borden, Nina M. Parker1/18/18975/23/1981Lot 137-Section B-Age 84-Wife of DeVere
Bowden, Thomas Arthur2/15/192810/19/1979Lot 57-Section C-Age 51-Husband of Beverly-Korea
Bradford, Charles Jerome5/18/18565/16/1923Lot 74-Section A-Age 67-Husband of Mae
Brock, AlbertN/A4/10/2003Lot 49-Section C
Brock, Harvey Lloyd2/10/18927/13/1957Lot 49-Section C-Age 65-Husband of Luella-World War 1
Brock, Luella Grace Holshoe2/9/18992/13/1972Lot 49-Section C-Age 73-Wife of Harvey
Brooks, Clyde8/10/18906/17/1960Lot 22-Section A-World War 1
Brooks, Hiram F.May, 18499/17/1916Lot 22-Section A-Age 68-Father-Civil War
Brooks, Mary19211924Lot 22-Section A
Brooks, Sarah1865March, 1949Lot 22-Section A-Mother-Age 83
Brown, Emaline Harriet Cooley10/21/18516/7/1928Lot 14-Section A-Mother
Brunk, Barbara M.8/18/19195/14/1977Lot L-Section B-Age 57-Wife of Eugene-D.A.R.
Brunk, Eugene Loudon10/3/19187/27/2008Lot L-Section B-Husband of Pauline-Veteran
Buck, Charles E.8/24/18463/24/1907Age 61
Buck, Evelyn B. Smith8/16/19011/10/1999Lot 33-Section C-Age 97-Wife of Russell
Buck, Russell Earl11/8/190211/21/1969Lot 33-Section C-Age 67-Husband of Evelyn
Buckfield, Clara10/22/18666/5/1922N/A
Bullis, Baby Boy7/9/19157/9/1915N/A
Buoymaster, James Myron12/16/189411/15/1947Lot 198-Section A-Husband of Elsie-World War 1
Burleigh, Geneace9/5/19022/28/1903Lot 17-Section A-Age 5 Months-Daughter of Roy & Clara
Burns, Mabel Gladys6/17/19146/27/2011Lot 47-Section C-Age 96-Wife of Richard
Burns, Mary M.5/27/1940N/AN/A
Burns, Richard Henry191012/9/1991Lot 47-Section C-Cremated
Burns, Ronald Eugene5/23/19394/19/2015Lot 47-Section C-Age 75-Cremation
Burpee, Clare May12/18/193012/18/1930Lot 96-Section B-Baby Daughter of Murl & Mildred
Burpee, Mildred B.19132/22/1973Lot 96-Section B-Mother
Burpee, Roy E.19291930Lot 96-Section B-Our Baby Son
Campbell, Brent William193910/5/1994Lot 106-Section C
Campbell, Genevieve Rose Ferrier6/4/19132/5/1987Lot 106-Section C-Age 73
Campbell, George Sidney4/4/18638/11/1928Lot 112-Section B-Age 65
Campbell, Margaret7/21/18646/2/1918Lot 112-Section B-Age 53
Campbell, Robert A.18542/24/1926Lot 22-Section A-Age 72
Card, Russell Allen8/31/19562/20/1958Lot 49-Section C-Age 1-Son of Charles & Sarah
Carpenter, George18561940Lot 94-Section B
Carpenter, Lila C.18601920Lot 94-Section B
Carrington, Baby Girl5/24/19055/24/1905Lot N-Section B-Daughter of Ellet & Charlotte
Chamberlain, Jeffery Hart5/7/19769/9/1981Lot 78-Section C-aka Jeffery Hart
Chase, Baby Boy2/24/19152/24/1915Lot 72-Section A-Son of Wesley & Mary J.
Chase, Mary J.18741920Lot 72-Section A
Chase, Wesley Aaron3/19/186310/7/1927Lot 72-Section A-Age 64
Cheney, Herbert A.N/A1935Lot 63-Section A-Husband of Floybell
Cheney, ZelmaN/AN/ALot 63-Section A-Age 9 Months-Daughter of B. & F.
Chrivia, Bonnie LeeCA May, 19496/20/1949Lot 40-Section A
Chrivia, G. Anna LaVack3/30/18865/7/1967Lot 40-Section A-Age 81-Wife of Joseph
Chrivia, Gladys Martin19179/20/1969Lot 163-Section B-Age 52
Chrivia, Joseph E.8/17/18852/13/1971Lot 40-Section A-Age 85
Church, Ardath Ann Sheldon7/16/19214/18/2019Lot 2-Section C-Age 97-Married 6/21/1941-Wife of W. Roland-Cremation
Church, Norma M. Kunisch6/23/189610/27/1993Lot 53-Section A-Age 97-Wife of William
Church, Renee Sue5/21/19455/10/1950Lot 2-Section C-Daughter of Roland & Ardath-Age 4
Church, William Roland Jr.2/4/19169/1/2004Lot 2-Section C-Married 6/21/1941-Husband of Ardath
Church, William Roland7/23/18883/25/1971Lot 53-Section A-Age 82-Husband of Norma
Clairmont, Evalina Cooley2/15/187010/7/1939Lot 4-Section A-Age 69-Wife of Edward Clairmont & Daniel Lewis
Clairmont, Infant Boy5/13/19005/14/1900Lot 4-Section A-Son of Edward & Eva-Age 1 Day
Clairmont, J. Edward4/1/184512/23/1907Lot 4-Section A-Age 62
Clare, Ethel May9/28/18901/5/1905Lot 41-Section A-Age 14-Daughter of William & Isabella
Clare, William Henry5/3/18495/31/1931Lot 41-Section A-Age 82
Clark, George7/17/19038/28/1903Lot K-Section B
Clark, JohnN/A6/9/1905Lot K-Section B
Clark, Leonard J.5/30/18908/16/1971Lot 29-Husband of Maude-Section C-Age 81
Clark, Maude E. Scheuble6/17/188511/3/1961Lot 29-Section C-Age 76-Wife of Leonard
Clayton, Paul5/16/19274/15/2016Lot 47-Section C-Age 89-Husband of Yvonne-Cremation
Clayton, Yvonne M.4/4/19283/19/2014Lot 47-Section C-Age 85-Wife of Paul-Cremation
Cleveland, Marvin R.8/6/19187/17/1970Lot 92-Section B-Age 51-Husband of June-World War 2
Cleveland, Robert David7/2/19428/20/1985Lot 92-Section B-Age 43-Husband of Alice-Vietnam
Cobb, Francis J.CA19374/26/1982Lot 41-Section C
Cochran, Chester12/16/18422/6/1901Lot 21-Section A-Father-Age 59-Civil War
Cochran, Francis M.10/26/18909/21/1961Lot 21-Section A-Age 70-World War 1
Collins, Boy10/24/190410/29/1904Age 4 Days-Son of Herbert & Hattie
Collins, Neal11/12/194811/23/1982Lot 19-Section C-Cremated
Collins, William3/3/18539/19/1918Age 65
Connell, Sarah Jane10/20/18623/10/1927Lot 87-Section A-Age 64
Connell, Thomas12/17/18521/11/1925Lot 87-Section A-Age 72
Conway, Jannetta May Reed11/6/189712/14/2007Lot 45-Section C-Wife of Paul
Conway, Paul W.1/27/18881/6/1951Lot 45-Section C-Age 62-Husband of Jannetta
Cook, Allen G.18331/20/1905Age 71-Civil War
Cook, Esther9/4/18752/21/1930Lot 124-Section B-Wife of Thomas-Age 54
Cook, Rev. Mattie189711/8/1926Lot 136-Section B
Cook, Nellie M.18871896Lot 124-Section B
Cook, Nettie L.18641909Lot 124-Section B-Wife of John A.
Cook, Thomas E.6/27/18494/22/1924Lot 124-Section B-Age 74-Civil War
Cooley, Clarence Jacob3/19/190510/20/1966Lot 84-Section C-Age 61-Husband of Roberta
Cooley, Cora C. Arntz7/25/18782/28/1971Lot 196-Section A-Age 92-Wife of James
Cooley, Dorlene Mae Reed5/12/19369/2/2022Lot 83-Section C-Age 85-Wife of Bill-Cremation
Cooley, Jacob12/17/18475/21/1902Lot 14-Section A-Age 54
Cooley, James Horace1/12/18795/22/1946Lot 196-Section A-Age 67-Husband of Cora
Cooley, John Henry Sr.190111/7/1951Lot 14-Section A
Cooley, Michael Bill9/8/19562/4/2012Lot 83-Section C-Age 54-Son, Father & Brother-Cremation
Cooley, Mina Sarah Spafford1/8/187811/28/1943Lot 14-Section A-Age 65-Wife of Sylvester
Cooley, Roberta Maude1/8/19132/16/1986Lot 84-Section C-Age 73
Coreson, Jeremiah11/28/18566/18/1919Lot 145-Section B-Age 63
Coreson, Sarah4/25/185712/26/1920Lot 145-Section B-Age 63-Wife of Jeremiah
Cornman, Clara Belle12/20/19074/26/1995Lot 6-Section C-Age 87
Cornman, Harold D.10/11/19049/18/1958Lot 6-Section C-Age 53
Cornman, Lyle L.2/8/19312/12/2014Lot 115-Section D-Age 83-Husband of Marylou-Korea-Cremation
Cornman, Marylou6/3/1934N/AWife of Lyle
Cornman, Walter Harold4/5/19299/3/2012Lot 115-Section D-Age 83-Husband of Connie-Korea
Craddock-Kidger, Alva M.1/27/192010/9/2006Lot 186-Section B-Age 86-Wife of Harold-Cremation
Craddock, Carl C.9/26/192110/2/1972Lot 186-Section B-Age 51-World War 2
Craddock, Gerald F.9/27/19183/5/1989Lot 186-Section B-Age 70-Husband of Gladys-Veteran
Craft, Alvena Alvina(Beck)2/16/19011/19/1996Lot 114-Section B-Age 94-Wife of Urban-Married June 25, 1919
Craft, Baby GirlN/ACA1963Lot 114-Section B-Daughter of Albert & Molly
Craft, Bert5/1/18863/14/1974Lot 86-Section A
Craft, Blanche Mae Welch2/21/18925/14/1950Lot 4-Section C-Age 58-Wife of Henry
Craft, Catherine Cecilia Scheick7/30/187012/19/1942Lot 191-Section A-Age 72-Wife of Henry
Craft, Cecil D.19105/15/1980Lot 69-Section A-Age 70-Husband of Gladys-World War 2
Craft, Charles Herbert7/14/18654/21/1940Lot 37-Section A-Age 74-Son of George & Mary
Craft, Effie Maria2/3/18986/9/1901Lot 37-Section A-Age 3-Daughter of C. Herbert & Edna A.
Craft, Flora M.12/11/18905/5/1967Lot 86-Section A-Age 76-Wife of Bert
Craft, George12/27/18382/7/1917Lot 37-Section A-Husband of Mary
Craft, Gladys M.CA19098/27/1990Lot 69-Section A-Age 81-Wife of Cecil
Craft, Gregory Allen11/10/195512/5/1955Lot 114-Section B-Age 25 Days-Son of Albert & Molly
Craft, Harry6/16/186312/4/1952Lot 191-Section A-Age 89-AKA Henry
Craft, Helen J.8/19/19438/2/1978Lot 69-Section A
Craft, Henry M.3/6/189112/11/1961Lot 4-Section C-Age 70-Husband of Rachel-World War 1
Craft, MargaretN/A2/18/1928Lot 114-Section B-Daughter of Urban & Alvina
Craft, Mary Bennett18381/17/1931Lot 37-Section A-Wife of George-Age 92
Craft, Urban Vandy8/14/18947/10/1979Lot 114-Section B-Age 84-Husband of Alvena-Married June 25, 1919-World War 1
Craft, Waltermore2/17/18993/7/1899Age 16 Days-Son of Henry & Catherine
Craft, William12/7/18704/29/1960Lot 37-Section A-Age 89-World War 1
Craft, William George12/6/18928/21/1963Lot 191-Section A-Age 70
Crank, Cortland William10/3/18382/11/1924Lot 140-Section B-Age 86-Father
Crank, Geneva3/4/1890May, 1920Lot 140-Section B-"Jennie"
Crank, Sarah Wilkinson9/2/18431/23/1917Lot 140-Section B-Age 73-Mother
Crawford, Joseph Albin8/2/18522/20/1906Lot 47-Section A-Age 53-Removed to Ohio
Crippen, Baby Girl12/4/190412/5/1905Age 1 day-Daughter of George & Mary
Crippen, George A.5/9/18295/30/1905Lot 39-Section A-Age 76-Civil War
Crippen, George William7/3/18638/15/1934Lot 39-Section A-Age 71
Crippen, Jennie A. Geroy7/8/18662/9/1902Lot 39-Section A-Age 35-Wife of G. W. Crippen
Cripps, Gideon8/18/186210/18/1912Lot 126-Section B
Crowley, Josephine9/19/19161/3/2015Lot 58-Section C-Age 98
Cumming, Adelaide10/10/18614/9/1913Lot 54?-Section A-Age 52
Cumming, Alvina H.10/16/188012/24/1940Lot 13-Section A-Age 60-Wife of William
Cumming, William John5/29/187011/8/1951Lot 13-Section A-Age 81
Cummings, Anna Abbott188911/2/1920Lot 29-Section A-Age 30-Wife of Tressell
Cummings, Margaret10/25/18707/29/1951Lot 54-Section A-Age 80
Davenport, Mary Pearl Collins8/14/18939/28/1972Lot 185-Section B-Age 79-Wife of Seward
Davenport, Seward A.11/5/189312/3/1970Lot 185-Section B-Age 77-Husband of Pearl-Veteran
Davidson, Connie V.11/1/19271/3/2016Lot 59-Section C-Age 88-Wife of Haven
Davidson, Haven Jr.5/7/19267/21/1991Lot 59-Section C-Age 65-Husband of Connie-World War 2
Davidson, Patricia Sue12/5/19593/10/1983Lot 59-Section C-Age 23-Daughter of Haven & Connie
Davis, Betty Jane10/16/19246/3/1924Lot 172-Section B-Age 4 Months-Daughter of Fred & Minnie
DeBolt, George M.12/9/19301/4/2002Lot 18-Section C-Husband of Mildred-Father-Age 71-Military Service
DeBolt, Marc Anthony3/24/19694/25/1982Lot 17-Section C-Age 13-Son of George & Mildred
DeBolt, Mildred A.193711/16/1980Lot 18-Section C-Mother-Age 43
Decker, Mrs. John189712/27/1915Age 19
Deering-Hendrickson, KellyN/A10/29/2020Lot 197-Section A-Cremation
DeFord, Eva G.6/4/19046/29/1904Lot B-Section A-Age 24 days-Daughter of George & Sarah
DeFord, George186111/23/1927Lot B-Section A-Age 66
DeFord, Girl4/20/19024/20/1902Daughter of John & Eleanor
Delmotte, Lawrence Joseph2/16/19353/11/1982Lot N-Section B-Age 47-Husband of Iris-U.S. Navy
Dennis, George Ray3/13/19068/25/2001Lot 126-Section D-Age 95-Husband of Rosella-Married 11/28/1935-"Ray"
Dennis, Irene GavinN/A4/22/2016Section D-Cremation
Dennis, Rosella Geneva3/8/19136/2/1997Lot 126-Section D-Age 84-Wife of Ray-Married 11/28/1935
Dennis, Terry E.11/5/19787/24/2002Lot 125-Section D-"Ted"-Age 23-Son of Terry & Irene
Densmore, Delbert Dolphus9/23/18715/3/1958Lot 171-Section B-Age 86
Densmore, Floyd Reynolds11/1/19133/4/1940Lot 171-Section B-Age 26Son of Delbert & Elizabeth
Densmore, Ida Elizabeth9/16/18811/10/1924Lot 171-Section B-Age 42-Wife of Delbert
DeSnyder, Cheyenne Charlotte5/25/20015/28/2001Lot 101-Section C-Daughter of Eric & Amie
Dietz, Ambrose2/14/18498/7/1913Lot 93-Section B-Age 64
Dietz, Emery Frederick2/14/19183/1/1918Lot 96-Section B-Brother-Age 14 Days-Son of John & Edith
Dietz, Herman Clarence19089/21/1985Lot 147-Section B
Dietz, Leo12/18/188311/15/1937Lot 93-Section B-Age 54
Dietz, Nickolas11/16/18789/30/1967Lot 93-Section B-Age 88
Dietz, Susan Louise Lobsinger8/23/18847/16/1966Lot 93-Section B-Age 81-Lioness-Wife of Nicholas
Dietz, Theresa Mary10/15/185010/25/1937Lot 93-Section B-Age 87
Dobbins, Barbara G.8/15/1940N/ALot 115-Section D-Wife of Thomas-Married 8/11/1978
Dobbins, Thomas H.8/26/1937N/ALot 115-Section D-Husband of Barbara-Married 8/11/1978
Dobie, Carl Edward11/20/19366/20/1952Lot 24-Section C-"Butch"-Age 15
Dobie, Henry William Sr.2/21/189111/30/1961Lot 24-Section C-Age 70-World War 1
Dobie, Nina Mary Mullins12/8/18976/13/1975Lot 24-Section C-Age 77-Mother
Dobson, Elizabeth Pearl8/14/190612/7/1909Age 3-Daughter of Joseph & Mary
Dobson, Joseph W.11/7/186811/9/1909Age 41-Husband of Mary
Dolowit, Herbert2/25/18989/27/1985Lot 39-Section C-Age 87-World War 1
Dolph, Bernice6/9/189210/5/1919Lot 152-Section B-Age 27-Mother
Dolph, Clarence Abda1/5/188412/25/1977Lot 152-Section B-Age 93-Father
Dolph, Martha Frent (O'Neil)11/14/18413/24/1925Lot 152-Section B-Age 83-Wife of John O'Neil & William Dolph
Dolph, William6/28/19167/31/1974Lot 152-Section B-Age 58-Husband of Martha
Dumaw, Bradley Joslyn4/10/19085/4/1908Lot 66-Section A-Age 24 Days-Son of Bert & Lillie
Dumaw, Della4/3/19003/5/1909Lot 66-Section A-Age 8-Daughter of Bert & Lillian
Duvekott, Eva8/5/18614/27/1909Lot 136-Section B-Age 47-Wife of Samuel
Duvekott, Louis A.11/29/18573/23/1939Lot 136-Section B-Age 81-Uncle
Duvekott, Samuel2/3/186212/1/1932Lot 136-Section B-Age 70-Father
Edmonds, Jeanette18811965Lot 141-Section B-Mother
Edmonds, Mose6/21/18576/20/1934Lot 141-Section B-Age 76
Edmonds, Robert10/4/18675/18/1917Lot 141-Section B-Age 49-Father
Edmonds, Robert W.11/6/19136/17/1993Lot 141-Section B-Age 79-Husband of Benita
Edmonds, Ruth Aileen12/6/190612/24/1985Lot 141-Section B-Age 79
Edwards, Jack L.6/18/19211/2/1983Lot 38-Section C-Age 61-Husband of Rosemary-World War 2
Edwards, Lela Mae5/24/18947/31/1972Lot 122-Section B-Age 78
Edwards, Melville9/14/189010/14/1961Lot 122-Section B-Age 71-Husband of Lela
Eichkern, Christina5/15/185010/16/1927Lot 153-Section B-Age 77
Eichkern, Conrad11/26/18471/5/1938Lot 153-Section B-Age 90
Eichkern, Delia I.12/8/18708/28/1941Lot 153-Section B
Eichkern, Gloryn C.190611/15/1979Lot 57-Section C
Eichkern, John J.12/1/1870August, 1940Lot 153-Section B-Age 69
Eichkern, Karl L.12/5/189810/24/1952Lot 153-Section B-World War 1
Emerson, Ila7/26/190310/30/1910Lot 125-Section B-Age 7-Daughter of Elias & Charlotte
Evans, Ellis Delose9/23/19041/1/1967Lot 94-Section C-Age 62
Everitt, Bertha A.12/10/19185/20/1993Lot 182-Section B-Age 74-Wife of Vernon
Everitt, Calvin L.6/12/19376/3/2016Lot 182-Section B-Age 78-Husband of Jayne-Married 5/4/1957-Cremation
Everitt, David V.19459/13/1969Lot 182-Section B-Age 24
Everitt, Diane Germaine Tobias8/27/19438/5/2023Lot 13-Section C-Age 81-Wife of Gerald-Cremation
Everitt, George M.10/9/188611/23/1967Lot 182-Section B-Age 81-Husband of Margaret
Everitt, Gerald Louis5/6/19425/24/2021Lot 13-Section C-Age 79-Husband of Diane-Cremation
Everitt, Jayne K.6/24/1938N/AWife of Calvin-Married 5/4/1957
Everitt, Margaret A. Schroeder4/23/18943/17/1975Lot 182-Section B-Age 80-Wife of George
Everitt, Melvin George5/30/19221/7/1923Lot 158-Section B-Age 7 Months-Son of George & Margaret
Everitt, Vernon Gerald2/6/191212/14/1989Lot 182-Section B-Age 77-Husband of Bertha
Fach, Allan Wilbert9/30/19228/26/2018Lot 116-Section D-Age 95-Husband of Lucille
Fach, Lucille Catherine Bohnard3/28/192411/23/2021Lot 116-Section D-Age 97-Wife of Allan
Farver, Guy Richard10/25/19163/13/1917Lot 144-Section B-Age 1-Son of Ray & Pearl
Fayette, Emma A.18821928Lot 28-Section A
Fayette, George A.12/12/18774/27/1963Lot 28-Section A-Age 85-Husband of Emma
Fayette, Rev. George W.18411907Lot 90-Section B-Lion's Club
Fayette, Gordon W.12/22/191810/29/1991Lot 28-Section A-Age 72-Husband of Naomi-Cremated-World War 2
Fayette, Irene3/10/19013/12/1901Lot 28-Section A-Age 2 Days-Daughter of Geo. A. & E. A.
Fayette, Madolin7/15/190212/27/1905Lot 28-Section A-Age 2-Daughter of George A. & Emma A.
Fayette, Martha J. Bailey4/12/188310/23/1962Lot 142-Section B-Age 79-Eastern Star-Wife of George
Fayette, Morris C.5/9/190512/27/1905Lot 28-Section A-Age 7 Months-Son of George A. & Emma A.
Fayette, Naomi A.7/13/192412/14/1995Lot 28-Section A-Age 71-Cremated-Wife of Gordon
Fayette, Phoebe A.18521930Lot 90-Section B
Feldtmose, Marvel V.12/21/19029/30/1983Lot N-Section B-Age 80
Fellows, Baby Boy9/1/19099/1/1909Lot 80-Section A-Son of Jay & Verna
Ferguson, Bruce I.10/22/188911/13/1957Lot 115-Section B-Age 68-Husband of Terrisa
Ferguson, Frank B.9/3/18605/25/1925Lot 33-Section A-Age 64
Ferguson, Ida185612/6/1906Lot 33-Section A-Age 50
Ferguson, Israel2/16/18351/24/1908Lot 33-Section A-Age 73
Ferguson, Terrisa Mary Sammons11/29/18955/13/1987Lot 115-Section B-Age 91-Wife of Bruce
Ferguson, Walter E. Jr.10/1/19746/17/2002Lot 117-Section D-"Wally"-Age 27-Son of Walter & Beatrice-Brother
Ferguson, Walter Eugene9/24/19366/17/1996Lot 117-Section D-Age 59-Husband of Beatrice-Veteran
Ferry, Frank4/28/18879/16/1948Lot 86-Section C-Age 61
Fleming, Elizabeth3/14/18831/20/1955Lot 129-Section B-Age 71-Wife of Eddy-Sister-"Bessie"
Flynn, Mary7/26/19198/6/1919Lot 135-Section B-Daughter of George W. & Hazel
Fortune, June Ranney (Cleveland)6/30/19209/11/2011Lot 92-Section B-Wife of Marvin Cleveland and Bert Fortune-Cremation
Fox, Orren F.9/16/19176/15/1988Lot 186-Section B-Age 70-Husband of EvaDell-Cremated-World War 2
Frank, Jessie7/7/18865/5/1915Lot 99-Section B-Age 29
Frank, John J.1/26/18625/14/1918Lot 56-Section A-Age 56
Franklin, RoseN/ACA1928Lot 168-Section B
Franklin, William J.4/22/18731/26/1951Lot 105-Section C-Age 77
Fransee, Sally J. Everitt11/4/19576/26/2017Lot 183-Section B-Age 59-Wife of Dan-Cremation
Frear, Martha P.18831955Lot 3-Section C
Freeman, Alexander4/10/18635/24/1940Lot 134-Section B-Son of Richard & Sophia
Freeman, Isabella U.1/9/18648/13/1910Lot 134-Section B-Wife of Alex-Age 46
Frey, Agnes Mary9/28/186310/11/1941Lot 193-Section A-Age 78-Wife of Joseph-Mother
Frey, Joseph Frank3/8/18502/1/1942Lot 193-Section A-Age 91-Father
Frisbie, Mary Adelia Olin4/13/183812/24/1917Lot 127-Section B-Wife of William-Age 79
Frisbie, William A.5/5/18355/20/1921Lot 127-Section B-Age 86-Civil War
Fuller, Barbara Helen18979/29/1996Lot 11-Section C
Fuller, Francis J.7/3/19027/29/1965Lot 11-Section C-Age 63-Husband of Barbara
Fuller, Kenneth J.10/11/1935N/AVeteran
Gage, Bessy11/9/19058/26/1906Age 9 Months-Daughter of George
Gagnon, Henry J.11/11/18828/25/1956Lot 90-Section C-Age 73
Gifford, Gladys Louise Manchester3/5/19352/14/2022Lot 91-Section C-Age 86-Wife of Jack-Married 2/12/1954
Gifford, Junior Jack1/4/192510/22/2013Lot 91-Section C-Age 88-Husband of Gladys-Married 2/12/1954-World War 2
Gifford, Ruth Marie3/23/19605/21/1960Lot 91-Section C-Age 2 Months-Daughter of Jack & Gladys
Gobeske, Arlene Edna19334/5/1997Lot 120-Section D-Age 64
Gobeske, Peter F.12/9/19409/2/2021Lot 120-Section D-Age 80-Cremation
Granger, Ida TalbotN/ACA9/27/1945Lot 105-Section C
Granger, Ray Glenn7/23/18877/11/1960Lot 105-Section C-Age 72
Graves, Hazel J.10/29/193111/27/2007Lot 119-Section D-Age 76-Wife of Lewis
Graves, Lewis C.8/13/19267/15/2003Lot 119-Section D-Age 76-Husband of Hazel
Green, Christopher Patrick11/20/19668/9/2015Lot 120-Section D-Age 48-Cremation
Green, Julianne Kay Church2/22/195210/13/2013Lot 23-Section C-Age 61-Wife of David-Beloved Mother
Greenfield, Albert H.10/14/18743/13/1962Lot 29-Section C-Age 87
Griffith, Collins Dewane12/9/18389/11/1916Lot 6-Section A-Age 78
Griffith, Hattie E..18442/9/1899Lot 6-Section A-Age 53-Wife of C.D.
Gunning, Cecelia10/9/191010/23/1992Lot 60-Section C-Age 82
Hackett, Arthur7/28/18655/6/1936Age 69
Haight, Arthur L.18499/2/1903Age 54-U. S. Army
Hale, Baby GirlN/A10/3/1951Lot 173-Section B
Hale, Michael A.5/30/19555/30/1955Lot 173-Section B-Son of Donald & Gwendolyn
Hale, Minnie Dettman4/15/18785/16/1936Lot 173-Section B-Wife of Seymour
Hale, Seymour James3/3/18699/12/1933Lot 173-Section B-Age 64
Hall, David Wyman7/5/19591/23/1960Lot 68-Section C-Age 6 Months-Son of Ronald & Vera
Hall, Richard Charles Jr.9/19/19649/21/1964Lot 68-Section C-Age 2 Days
Hall, Ronald J.6/30/19663/2/1995Lot 68-Section C-Buried in Florida
Hall, Ronald William10/4/19149/15/2000Lot 68-Section C-Age 85-Husband of Vera
Hall, Vera19184/7/1994Lot 68-Section C-Age 75-Wife of Ronald-Cremated
Hamp, Winnie W. Warner10/13/18965/2/1979Lot 175-Section B-Age 82
Harlan, John C.11/3/191511/20/1991Lot 193-Section A-Age 76-Husband of Marxine-World War 2
Harris, Baby Girl7/22/19707/22/1970Daughter of Larry & Carol
Harris, William H.11/10/193611/10/1936Son of Wilbur & Beatrice
Hart, Jeffrey Scott5/7/19769/9/1981Lot 78-Section C-aka Jeffrey Chamberlain
Hawker, Florence Stephens4/10/191810/8/1980Lot 40-Section C-Age 62
Hawley, Sarah6/5/18587/14/1936Lot 15-Section A-Age 78
Hawley, Sero1/1/19003/23/1900Lot 15-Section A-Age 2 Months-Son of Charles & Sarah
Hayes, Edith E.188310/25/1964Lot 96-Section B-Age 82
Healey, Joan Dobie2/11/19323/5/2020Lot 24-Section C-Age 88-Wife of Raymond-Cremation
Healey, Raymond Vincent2/15/19308/5/2020Lot 24-Section CAge 90-Husband of Joan-Cremation-Korea
Healy, Baby Boy3/16/19173/16/1917Lot 3-Section A-Son of Welcome & Mary
Healy, Baby Boy6/4/19186/4/1918Lot 3-Section A-Son of Welcome & Mary
Healy, Baby Girl4/9/19004/12/1900Age 3 Days-Daughter of Welcome & Mary
Healy, Baby Girl5/25/19115/25/1911Daughter of Welcome & Mary
Healy, Leo11/7/190511/10/1905Lot 3-Section A-Age 3 days-Son of Welcome & Mary
Healy, Mary3/4/187810/29/1949Lot 3-Section A-Age 71-Wife of Welcome-Mother
Healy, Rena Bell6/20/19024/22/1920Lot 3-Section A-Age 17-Daughter of Welcome & Mary
Healy, Welcome11/5/18743/22/1945Lot 3-Section A-Age 70-Husband of Mary
Hegeman, Elizabeth Lanning Page11/8/18948/8/1970Lot 92-Section B-Age 75-Wife of George
Heistand, Velvae Marguerite6/21/19247/14/2013Lot 95-Section C-Age 89
Hemingway, Ruth Carpenter Wright188910/8/1980Lot 94-Section B
Henderson, William18501/14/1910Age 60
Hepfinger, BabyCA1913CA1913Lot O-Section B
Hickman, Carole Rose Peschke3/27/19383/29/2024Age 86-Wife of Roger
Hill, Alice J.1/1/19063/1/1906Lot 61-Section A-Age 2 Months-Child of Thomas H. & Sarah E.
Hill, Alton Grant1/1/19063/4/1906Lot 61-Section A-Age 2 Months-Child of Thomas H. & Sarah E.
Hill, Sarah E.18681925Lot 61-Section A
Hill, Thomas H.18732/14/1953Lot 61-Section A
Hiltz, Margaret1/5/18942/2/1922Lot 160-Section B-Age 28
Hobbs, Caroline18931918Lot 129-Section B-Sister
Hockin, Denise Marie2/17/19722/18/1972Lot 32-Section C-Age 36 Hours-Daughter of Ronald & Leona
Hodge, Hiram1/28/183410/13/1907Lot 119-Section B-Age 73-Father
Hodge, Phebe5/24/18386/7/1913Lot 119-Section B-Age 75-Mother
Holey, Katherine M.18892/21/1970Lot 82-Section A-Age 80-Mother
Hollenbeck, Phoebe J.3/12/18401/26/1899Age 58
Holt, Annie F. Child1/11/186411/21/1942Lot 129-Section B-Age 78-Wife of Julius-Mother
Holt, Julius7/29/185711/10/1934Lot 129-Section B-Age 77-Husband of Annie-Father
Holt, MargaretN/A2/5/1922Lot 129-Section B
Holt, W.N/AN/ALot 129-Section B
Homer, Gilbert Brough19011934or84Lot 162-Section B
Honeywell, Oscar F.9/1/18469/27/1922Age 76
Hope, Sam184812/9/1928Age 80
Howard, Bessie C. Brooks6/30/188810/27/1972Lot 15-Section A-Age 84-Wife of Clinton
Howard, Clinton D.1/21/18823/11/1963Lot 15-Section A-Age 80-Husband of Bessie
Howard, Frederick D.6/30/19154/16/1992Lot 190-Section A-Age 76-Husband of Rena & Ione-Father
Howard, Rena M.10/31/19162/18/1975Lot 190-Section A-Age 58-Wife of Fred
Hudson, Carl Edwin3/3/19192/18/1989Lot 149-Section B-Age 69-Husband of Mary-World War 2
Hudson, Mary Leona9/25/19052/4/1979Lot 149-Section B-Age 73-Wife of Carl
Hughes, Eugene Melvin9/8/18713/13/1952Lot 46-Section C-Age 81
Hughes, Frances Agnes11/21/18772/28/1953Lot 46-Section C-Age 75
Hughs, Theresa19508/2/1984Lot 37-Section C
Humbert, Frank18864/1/1957Lot 90-Section C-Age 71
Hunneywell, Mary Jane9/29/184712/21/1931Lot 75-Section A-Age 84
Hunneywell, Oscar F.9/1/18469/27/1922Lot 75-Section A
Hunt, George E.3/15/188612/18/1956Lot 133-Section B-Age 70-Husband of Mae
Hunt, Mae Rice5/11/18814/22/1962Lot 133-Section B-Age 80-Wife of George
Hurley, Sadie Marian11/2/200111/13/2001Lot 125-Section D-Daughter of Allen Hurley & Jennifer Dennis
Hutchinson, Fred3/12/18711/30/1923Lot 76-Section A-Age 51
Hutchinson, Mildred E.6/11/19064/3/1981Lot 76-Section A-Age 74
Ingleright, Court E.5/19/19005/30/1977Lot 51-Section A-Age 77
Ingleright, Lee Ross1/24/19054/26/1905Lot 51-Section A-Age 3 Months-Son of L. R. & Emma
Ingleright, Mable E.CA19049/23/1976Lot 51-Section A
Ingleright, RossOctober 20, 1870August 10, 1967Lot 51-Section A-Age 96
Ingram, A.N/AN/ALot 49-Section A
Ingram, Emma E.18844/14/1966Lot 49-Section A-Age 82
Ingram, Frank Truman188911/9/1949Lot 49-Section A
Ingram, James11/30/184912/1/1919Lot 49-Section A-Age 69
Ingram, Orvin Allen2/18/18965/16/1906Lot 49-Section A-Age 10-Son of James & Mary
Inman, E.N/AN/ALot 20-Section C
Janson, Agnes J.12/26/18843/20/1926Lot 64-Section A-Age 41-Daughter
Janson, Carl18592/18/1920Lot 64-Section A-Age 60-Father
Janson, Carl Johan5/22/18813/31/1939Lot 194-Section A-Age 58-Husband of Maude
Janson, Carl Rumsey4/3/19064/12/1943Lot 194-Section A-Age 37-Husband of Helen
Janson, Chancy Spencer6/29/19075/9/1924Lot 64-Section A-Age 16-Son of Carl & Maude
Janson, Johanna9/8/18574/17/1913Lot 64-Section A-Age 55-Mother
Janson, Maude L.9/12/18782/18/1951Lot 194-Section A-Age 72-Wife of Carl-Eastern Star
Janson, Roy Abel5/20/18916/24/1922Lot 64-Section A-Son of Carl-Age 31
Johnsen, Dorotha Mae7/23/191712/22/1995Lot 74-Section C
Johnsen, Leo E.18979/5/1976Lot 74-Section C-World War 1
Johnson, Ethel Gladys6/4/190411/25/1914Age 10-Daughter of Robert & Venna
Johnson, Robert S.18754/21/1962Lot 93-Section C-Age 86
Jones, Loata D.9/5/18657/20/1905Lot M-Section B-Age 39-Wife of G.L.
Jones, William Nelson1/21/186410/7/1934Lot M-Section B-Age 70
Joss, James Edmund6/7/18787/1/1958Lot 187-Section A-Age 80-Husband of Rose
Joss, Rose10/5/18829/10/1946Lot 187-Section A-Age 63-Wife of James
Karcher, Ann Elizabeth Neubecker7/21/18909/25/1974Lot 25-Section A-Wife of Clyde-Age 84
Karcher, Arlene Marie Samuel4/6/19197/11/2010Lot 24-Section A-Age 91-Wife of Clarence-Cremation
Karcher, Baby Girl2/12/19212/13/1921Lot 25-Section A-Age 1 Day-Daughter of Clyde & Lizzie
Karcher, Clarence B.9/12/191211/16/1967Lot 24-Section A-"Bill"-Age 55-Husband of Arlene
Karcher, Clyde B.3/30/188912/11/1949Lot 25-Section A-Age 60-Husband of Elizabeth
Karcher, Gary W.7/5/19403/24/2009Lot 24-Section A-Age 68-Son-Cremation
Karcher, Horatio Seymour6/7/18683/7/1939Lot 25-Section A-Age 70-Father-Husband of Issador & Florence
Karcher, Issador M. Whittaker10/14/186910/16/1930Lot 25-Section A-Age 61-Mother-Wife of Horatio-Eastern Star
Katopodis, Coralie Janet Thurlow2/15/19519/23/2021Age 70-Wife of Tony-Cremation
Kesteloot, David W.12/2/195612/9/2001Lot 110-Section D-Age 45-Husband of Cynthia-Military Service
Killackey, Alice Christine18901/12/1931Wife of Edward-Age 40
Killackey, Earl F.6/1/19158/12/1993Lot 65-Section C-Age 78
Killackey, Edward A.12/8/19142/14/2001Lot 127-Section D-Age 86-Husband of Elinor
Killackey, Edward Arthur3/9/18839/21/1959Lot 64-Section C-Age 76-Husband of Alice & Mona
Killackey, Elinor A. Sanback3/10/19167/12/2000Lot 127-Section D-Age 84-Wife of Edward
Killackey, Helen M.10/4/19157/15/1985Lot 65-Section C-Age 69-Wife of Earl
Killackey, Kathryn M.6/5/1954N/AWife of Kurt
Killackey, Kurt Edward1/21/19538/19/2016Lot 127-Section D-Age 63-Husband of Kathryn-Cremation
Killackey, Mona Mary4/4/18975/30/1948Lot 64-Section C-Age 51-Mother-Wife of Edward
King, Frances L. Eastman8/9/19123/6/1959Lot 6-Section C-Age 46-Wife of Norton
King, Norton Maynard7/23/19094/16/1994Lot 6-Section C-Age 85-Husband of Frances & Arlene-Cremated
Kinsey, Leon5/15/190410/6/1904Lot 44-Section A-Age 4 Months-Son of James & Eveline
Kleehammer, Mary Lou19141994Lot 113-Section B
Kohn, Christine H.CA19034/29/1967Lot 11-Section C-Age 64
Kohn, Cyril B.7/1/19038/31/1995Lot 25-Section C-Age 92-Husband of Rosemary
Kohn, David Sampson3/6/18727/10/1950Lot 111-Section B-Father-Age 78-Husband of Katherine & Lula
Kohn, Harlan S.7/17/19269/9/1927Lot 111-Section B-Age 1-Son of Norman & Christina
Kohn, Joseph Harvey4/25/18699/2/1922Lot 111-Section B-Age 53-Father
Kohn, Katharine Bailer7/4/18803/3/1917Lot 111-Section B-Age 36-Wife of Sampson-Mother
Kohn, Lora Marie Karrar7/9/18989/9/1950Lot 25-Section C-Age 52-Wife of Cyril
Kohn, Lula Harriet (Love)18913/29/1969Lot 111-Section B-Age 77-Grandma
Kohn, Norman B.CA189812/25/1963Lot 111-Section B-Age 65
Kohn, Rosemary19217/30/2014Lot 25-Section C
Krause, Carolyn L. Wickham7/1/19253/26/2002Lot 57-Section C-Age 76-Wife of Edward-Cremation
Krause, Edward J. A.8/18/19199/21/2007Lot 57-Section C-Age 88-Husband of Carolyn-Cremation
Kruger, Anna Marie9/13/18585/6/1931Lot 98-Section B-Mother-Age 73
Kruger, Edward F.188710/26/1894Lot 98-Section B-Age 7-Son of Gustave & Mary
Kruger, Gustave William1/21/18512/11/1916Lot 98-Section B-Age 66
Kruger, John Carl8/26/18959/4/1963Lot 98-Section B-Age 68
Krummi, Ruth19241/13/1982Lot 19-Section C
Kunzat, Dorathea Josephine Raby3/8/19191/1/1981Lot 189-Section A-Age 62
Kutchin, Tessa Marie8/21/19852/20/1992Lot 2-Section C-Age 6-Daughter of Sherman & Josette
LaLonde, Thomas4/16/18927/7/1964Lot 73-Section C-Age 72-Uncle
LaVack, Dorlene L.3/12/19584/29/2011Lot 110A-Section D-Age 53-Cremation
LaVack, Jessie M. Mellon8/25/190010/19/1974Lot 71-Section C-Age 74
LaVack, Roland Edward4/13/192210/31/1946Lot 40-Section A-Age 23-Husband of Kathryn-World War 2
LaVack, Valmore D.9/20/19207/27/1960Lot 71-Section C-Age 39-World War 2 & Korea-Son of Dewey & Jessie
Lazenby, Clinton A.11/24/18752/27/1952Lot 75-Section A-Age 76-Husband of Jennie
Lazenby, Jennie E. Honeywell11/23/18828/7/1959Lot 75-Section A-Age 76-Wife of Clinton
Lentner, Lena Mae Rose191610/27/1981Lot 198-Section A-Age 45-Wife of Edgar-Mother
Leslie, Eleanor C.19025/6/1988Lot 13-Section A-Cremated
Leslie, Robert Wilson4/4/19057/12/1989Lot 13-Section A-Cremated
Lester, Beatrice B.18951/29/1979Lot 42-Section C-Age 83
Lester, Miles W.11/9/189410/3/1969Lot 42-Section C-Age 74-Husband of Beatrice-World War 1
Lewis, Eva Cooley2/15/187010/7/1939Husband of Daniel-See Eva Clairmont
Lewis, Mitchell E.3/15/18743/15/1929Age 65
Lewis, Rosie Evalina Cooley2/15/187010/8/1939Age 69-Wife of Daniel
Lewis, William R.18414/24/1905Age 64-Civil War
Linder, Dessie18907/4/1939Lot 180-Section B-Age 48
Linder, Mary Ellen Ballanger9/11/18637/25/1932Lot 180-Section B-Age 70
Linton, Dan Harrison2/17/191212/28/1912Lot 132-Section B-Age 10 Months-Son of William & Mary
Linton, Henry10/10/18336/29/1906Lot 59-Section A-Age 72
Linton, John T.8/13/18733/8/1924Lot 59-Section A-Age 50
Linton, Mary B.10/16/18879/16/1963Lot 197-Section A-Age 75-Wife of Alvin
Linton, Mary Inez6/19/18898/11/1952Lot 132-Section B-Age 63-Wife of William
Linton, Mary Jane Cochran6/30/184610/9/1923Age 77
Linton, Maude Vivian Harvey4/12/18814/23/1977Lot 59-Section A-Age 96-Wife of Orra
Linton, Melvin R.8/25/18861/9/1962Lot 197-Section A-Age 75-Husband of Mary
Linton, Orra A.2/26/18817/12/1968Lot 59-Section A-Age 87-Husband of Maude
Linton, SarahCA18848/17/1956Lot 59-Section A-Age 72
Linton, Sarah19361972Lot 59-Section A
Linton, William L.2/2/18769/18/1957Lot 132-Section B-Age 81-Husband of Mary
Lintz, Baby Girl9/5/190010/9/1900Lot 1-Section A-Daughter of A.T. & L.C.
Lintz, Caroline18491926Lot 139-Section B-Mother
Lintz, Hiram8/22/18428/22/1916Lot 139-Section B-Husband of Caroline-Father-Age 74
Lintz, Marvin C.2/14/188811/7/1940Lot 139-Section B-Age 59-"Monty"
Little, Archie F.4/6/18455/14/1931Lot 147-Section B-Age 86-Father
Little, Herman F.10/29/18867/20/1972Lot 147-Section B-Age 85
Little, Mary E.8/7/18611/2/1931Lot 147-Section B-Mother-Age 69
Litzner, Bertha Ann Ritter3/28/18882/24/1966Lot 192-Section A-Age 77
Litzner, Fredrick William3/11/18826/24/1942Lot 192-Section A-Age 60-Husband of Bertha
Lloyd, Harry C.4/6/18908/17/1958Lot 89-Section C-Husband of Elizabeth-Age 68-Veteran
Losee, Iva Louise6/21/191512/4/1994Lot 75-Section C-Age 79-Wife of Melvin
Losee, Melvin Eber6/8/190610/22/1991Lot 75-Section C-Age 85-Husband of Iva
Losee, Nelson L.3/22/18543/8/1939Age 84
Lucier, Peter5/14/19409/7/1983Lot 37-Section C-Age 43
Lunau, Kathaleen M.9/19/19197/4/1979Age 59-Daughter of Harry
Majka, Raymond9/16/19554/5/2021Lot 111-Section D-Age 65
Mantle, Donald M.9/22/19329/26/1983Lot 58-Section C-Age 51-Husband of Beverly-Korea
Marble, Farrar William9/16/19153/8/1989Lot 60-Section C-"Jess"-Husband of Harriet-Age 73-World War 2
Marble, Harriet E.3/8/19124/10/1992Lot 4-Section A-Age 80
Markham, Barbara Jean3/24/19294/24/1996Lot 82-Section A-Age 67-Cremated
Markham, Harold Leonard3/18/189911/14/1981Lot 82-Section A-Age 82-Husband of Helen-Cremated
Markham, Helen Louise6/26/19016/28/1988Lot 82-Section A-Age 87-Cremated
Markham, Margaret N.8/13/18642/9/1912Lot 82-Section A-Age 47-Mother
Markham, Phoebe RiceCA18531/23/1929Lot 82-Section A
Markham, Seth A.11/21/18445/21/1933Lot 82-Section A-Age 88-Civil War
Marks, Delores A. Manial (Blasch)4/10/19401/16/2021Lot 113-Section D-Age 80
Marshall, MaryN/AN/ALot 60-Section C-Cremated
Martin, Ida M. (Ware)7/14/18687/27/1940Lot 89-Section B-Age 72-Wife of T. A.
Martin, Marguerite Ruth Mills8/25/19051/13/1977Lot 52-Section C-Age 71
Martindale, Norman H.11/?/18729/1/1909Age 37
Mason, Arlene J.12/10/19323/13/2013Lot 170-Section B-Age 80-Wife of Russell
Mason, James Russell4/14/19564/16/1956Lot 170-Section B-Age 2 Days-Son of Russell & Arlene
Mason, Neal Dow3/28/18971/22/1979Lot 170-Section B-Cremated-Age 81-Husband of Pearl
Mason, Pearlie Mae Rose8/13/19015/22/1983Lot 170-Section B-Age 81-Wife of Neal-Eastern Star
Mason, Robert Lorne12/17/192911/5/1936Lot 170-Section B-Age 6-Son of Neal & Pearlie
Mason, Russell Delane11/1/19327/14/2001Lot 170-Section B-Age 68-Husband of Arlene
Masterson, John183811/12/1916Age 78
Mathews, Alice E.CA186312/9/1903Lot E-Section A-Age 40-Wife of J.E.
Mattison, Rosa3/2/18447/4/1912Lot 57-Section A-Age 68
Mattison, William Richard3/24/189511/24/1913Lot 57-Section A-Age 18-Son of William & Emma
Maurina, Sherrie Jean6/9/19406/3/1972Lot 12-Section C-Age 31-Daughter of Clessen & Margaret
Mayhew, Andy8/26/19002/5/1991Lot 189-Section A-Age 90
Mayhew, April Lynne19724/14/1975Lot 51-Section C-Age 2-Daughter of David & Susan
Mayhew, David Wayne4/19/194512/23/1990Lot 51-Section C-Age 45-Husband of Susan-Vietnam
Mayhew, Eulalie Warner2/21/18994/26/1953Lot 174-Section B-Mother-Age 54-Wife of Joseph
Mayhew, Florence Marie Londo10/19/19015/19/1959Lot 189-Section A-Age 57-Wife of Andy
Mayhew, James Arnold8/27/196211/25/1962Lot 8-Section C-Age 3 Months-Son of Roger & Phyllis
Mayhew, Joseph8/20/19308/20/1930Lot 174-Section B-Son of Joseph & Eulalie
Mayhew, Joseph E.4/18/18881/25/1979Lot 174-Section B-Father-Age 90-Husband of Eulalie
Mayhew, Joyce Ann4/27/195310/5/1967Lot 174-Section B-Age 14-Beloved Daughter of Joseph & Virginia
Mayhew, Marceline8/1/18587/12/1945Lot 189-Section A-Age 86-Mother
Mayhew, May F.4/16/18714/2/1937Lot 190-Section A-Age 65-Wife of Carlton Bailey & Wm. Mayhew
Mayhew, Mickey Lee19486/5/1965Lot 51-Section C-Age 17-Son
Mayhew, Roy L.3/3/18962/5/1927Lot 175-Section B
Mayhew, William4/12/18775/13/1949Lot 190-Section A-Age 72-Husband of Mary
Mayhew, Winnie G.10/13/18965/2/1979Lot 175-Section B
Maylen, Meda E.2/21/18994/4/1979Lot 63-Section C-Age 80
Maylen, William7/24/18952/26/1967Lot 63-Section C-Age 71-World War 1
Maynard, Vicky Lynn11/7/19521/8/1981Lot 19-Section C-Age 28-Daughter of Moses & Rose Mary
Mayou, May F. Haynes (Bailey)4/16/18714/2/1937Lot 34-Section A-Age 65-Wife of Carlton Bailey & Wm. Mayou
McArthur, David Evan9/11/185212/12/1946Lot 197-Section A-Age 94-Husband of Elizabeth
McCarter, Rebecca6/19/18313/8/1910Lot 135-Section B-Age 78-Mother of Mrs. L. F. Smith
McDonald, JohnN/A11/13/1916"Jack"-Lot 92-Section B
McGregor, Cecil11/26/19061/29/1907Lot 48-Section A-Age 2 Months-Son of John & Alice
McGregor, Dianna Dee12/8/194312/9/1943Lot 48-Section A-Age 9 Hours-Daughter of Harold & Lucille
McGregor, Dianne Renee7/5/19517/10/1957Lot 28-Section C-Age 6-Daughter of Harold & Lucille
McGregor, Florence Margaret190210/22/1973Lot 109-Section B-Wife of Merritt
McGregor, Harold Walter9/5/19106/27/1969Lot 28-Section C-Age 58-Husband of Lucille
McGregor, Jesse Lee4/21/192712/13/2018Lot 118-Section D-Age 91-Husband of June-World War 2
McGregor, John A.9/16/18809/20/1959Lot 48-Section A-Age 79
McGregor, June Marie Stevens6/20/193510/10/2023Lot 118-Section D-Age 88-Wife of Jesse
McGregor, Leon E.2/24/19074/11/1966Lot 48-Section A-Age 59
McGregor, Lucille (VanCamp)2/15/19139/23/1999Lot 28-Section C-Age 87-Wife of Edward
McGregor, Merritt A.7/19/18856/21/1963Lot 109-Section B-Age 77-Husband of Florence
McGregor, Richard C.18931913Lot 109-Section B
McGregor, Robert Roy3/2/185612/18/1911Lot 109-Section B-Father
McKnight, Amie Ann Binker1/28/19719/10/2005Lot 101-Section C-Beloved Daughter
McLaren, Leona M.N/A12/11/1921Lot 123-Section B
McLaren, Mae B.188410/26/1979Lot 123-Section B-Age 95-Wife of William
McLaren, William J.1/2/188310/23/1908Lot 123-Section B-Age 25
McLeod, Nina Margaret12/17/19013/31/1902Age 3 Months-Daughter of William & Sarah
McMannan, Margaret Ann19019/30/1901Age 5 Months-Daughter of Michael & Ada
Meadows, Arthur Dwight5/13/19305/21/1948Lot 85-Section C-Age 18-Son of Ralph & Lottie-"Bud"
Meadows, Lottie M.1/14/18953/23/1991Lot 85-Section C-Age 96-Wife of Ralph
Meadows, Ralph E.3/13/18892/3/1969Lot 85-Section C-Age 79-Husband of Lottie
Medara, John B.18783/2/1946Lot 167-Section B-Age 68
Merry, Edward B.6/4/18657/29/1919Age 54
Metzelburg, Frank M.5/4/18794/9/1956Lot 163-Section B-Age 76-Husband of Flora Mae & Lula
Metzelburg, Lula Drummond3/1/18851/4/1929Lot 163-Section B-Age 43-Wife of Frank
Mier, Anthony W.188212/23/1941Lot 43-Section A
Mier, Chester Roland Ingram2/2/19122/10/1913Lot 43-Section A-Age 1-Son of Anthony & Sarah
Miles, Alice A.1/27/18544/13/1910Lot 46-Section A-Age 56
Miles, Basil L.5/13/190310/4/1980Lot 46-Section A-Age 77-Husband of Eleanor
Miles, Infant Son1/27/19051/30/1905Lot 46-Section A-Son of A.C. & L.D.
Miles, Lester11/9/189410/3/1969"Sonny"-Husband of Beatrice
Millard, DonaldN/AN/ALot 36-Section A
Millard, Infant DaughterN/AN/ALot 36-Section A
Millard, Jerry E.1/4/18733/5/1902Lot 36-Section A-Age 29
Millard, MyrtleN/AN/ALot 36-Section A
Miller, Charles11/26/18938/24/1979Lot 70-Section C-Age 85-World War 1
Miller, Durwood Belmont11/3/18706/25/1913Lot 16-Section A-Age 42
Miller, Emma9/22/18817/12/1948Lot 142-Section B-Age 66-Wife of John
Miller, Evelyn S.9/21/190712/11/1963Lot 70-Section C-Age 56-Wife of Charles
Miller, Hazel Edna4/1/18931/14/1902Lot 16-Section A-Age 9-Daughter of Durwood B. & Ethel
Miller, John Henry12/23/187610/21/1946Lot 142-Section B-Age 69-Husband of Emma
Miller, Margaret Machen8/27/185211/14/1916Lot 142-Section B-Age 64-Wife of Louis
Minor, Albert Edward4/13/187811/15/1949Lot 66-Section C-World War 1 & World War 2-Age 71-Husband of Mary
Minor, Marie11/7/189212/31/1951Lot 66-Section C-Age 59
Miracle, George Henry7/19/19051/4/1989Lot 72-Section A-Dad-Age 83-Husband of Verba-Married January, 1927
Miracle, Verba B.2/27/19033/17/1999Lot 72-Section A-Age 96-Mom-Wife of George-Married January, 1927
Misiakowski, Theodore J.10/6/19112/13/1983Lot 19-Section C-Age 72-World War 2
Monaghan, EdwardCA18632/19/1909Lot 56-Section A-Age 46
Monaghan, Elizabeth Franks5/26/18558/3/1941Lot 56-Section A-Age 86-Wife of James-Mother
Monaghan, Howard Andrew3/8/18961/29/1968Lot 22-Section C-Age 71-Husband of Josephine-World War 1
Monaghan, James A.11/5/185510/30/1928Lot 56-Section A-Age 72-Husband of Elizabeth-Father
Monaghan, Josephine L.9/28/19072/22/1981Lot 22-Section C-Age 73
Monaghan, Michael John6/3/19222/21/2006Lot 56-Section A-World War 2
Monaghan, Twin Boys12/00/1927CA12/8/1927N/A
Monroe, Eva Putman2/24/18676/2/1919Lot 113-Section B-Age 52-Wife of Theodore-Mother
Monroe, Theodore1/26/18597/13/1921Lot 113-Section B-Husband of Eva-Father
Montgomery, Anna Lowry11/23/18472/17/1924Lot 144-Section B-Age 76-Mother
Montgomery, Joseph11/23/1842or435/16/1918Lot 144-Section B-Age 75-Father
Montgomery, Laura Adella3/27/19015/29/1902Lot 31-Section A-Age 1-Daughter of Oliver & Dora
Montgomery, Margaret Jane Mobray12/10/18762/28/1948Lot 144-Section B-Age 71-Wife of Stewart
Montgomery, Margaret Lue19324/6/1940or41Lot 144-Section B
Montgomery, Russell Stewart2/5/19024/30/1939Lot 144-Section B-Age 37-Husband of Minnie
Montgomery, Stewart J.12/8/18749/22/1943Lot 144-Section B-Age 68-Husband of Margaret
Moore, Chester E.2/19/18773/16/1931Age 54
Moore, Hampton1/14/18513/3/1929Age 78
Moore, Lola Marie3/13/19093/23/1909Lot 107-Section B-Age 10 Days-Daughter of Ralph & Mabel
Moore, Nellie M.9/10/18545/13/1918Lot 107-Section B-Age 64
Morofsky, Edward2/23/189610/19/1973Lot 13-Section C-World War 1
Morofsky, Leon9/10/19229/24/2004Lot 13-Section 3-Cremation-World War 2
Morse, Rita10/31/18603/15/1915Age 55-Wife of Rufus-Lot 94-Section B
Moshier, Joan M. Scott10/2/19301/8/2002Lot 118a-Section D-Age 71-Mother-Cremation
Mowbray, Alden Leon8/14/19265/8/1927Lot 161-Section B-Age 8 Months-Son of Geo. & Beatrice
Mowbray, Beatrice AdeliaApril, 1903March, 1935Lot 161-Section B-Age 32
Mowbray, James19291931Lot 161-Section B
Munn, Albert Donald7/21/19099/4/1909Lot 70-Section A-Age 13 Days-Son of Charles & Ora
Nester, Maud Irma8/2/19063/27/1907Lot 58-Section A-Age 7 Months-Daughter of Thomas & Maud
Newman, ManeitaN/AN/ALot 62-Section C
Newman, William F.7/1/189710/23/1966Lot 62-Section C-Age 69-Husband of Maneita
Niles, Everett S.2/28/187812/2/1951Lot 67-Section C-Age 73
Niles, Lavina8/00/18792/26/1959Lot 67-Section C-Age 79
Nunn, Baby Boy2/12/19512/12/1951Lot 169-Section B-Age 1 Hour-Son of Lulu
Nunn, Gladys Jane1/5/19077/19/1967Lot 169-Section B-Age 60
Nye, Anna Stephens6/1/18903/20/1981Lot 27-Section C-Age 90
Nye, Baby Boy10/29/191310/29/1913Lot 110-Section B-Son of Wm. & Martha
Nye, Flora2/21/18789/12/1948Lot 110-Section B-Age 70-Wife of William
Nye, Ivan C.2/14/18899/19/1954Lot 27-Section C-Age 65-Husband of Anna
Nye, James2/20/18487/17/1914Lot 110-Section B-Age 66
Nye, Jane Smith9/10/184612/10/1928Lot 110-Section B-Age 82-Wife of James
Nye, Leone (Sarah)7/2/190810/30/1928Lot 110-Section B-Age 20-Daughter of William
Nye, Lulu Sherman3/5/18877/14/1925Lot 169-Section B-Age 38-Mother
Nye, Martha3/6/188610/30/1913Lot 110-Section B-Age 27-Wife of William
Nye, William T.2/5/18783/13/1964Lot 110-Section B-Age 86-Husband of Martha
Oleksik, J. Timothy4/21/19455/30/2014Lot 23-Section C-Age 69
Oleksik, Josette Lynn6/25/1958N/AN/A
Oliver, Helen11/22/19106/28/2005Lot 114a-Section D-Age 94
Oliver, Lucy11/6/189710/16/1977Lot 73-Section C-Wife
Oliver, William Norman6/11/189610/16/1965Lot 73-Section C-Age 69-Husband of Lucy-World War 1
Olney, Lena11/9/187912/5/1929Age 50
Olson, Arthur T. Jr.10/30/19315/24/2013Lot 34-Section C-Cremation-Army
Oyster, Clarence Eric2/20/19137/18/1944Lot 84-Section A-World War 2
Oyster, Ernest Joseph8/6/19091/11/1970Lot 84-Section A-Age 60-World War 2
Oyster, (Joseph) Yerkis3/27/18799/13/1954Lot 84-Section A-Age 75-Husband of Rose
Oyster, Vernie May Boddy11/3/18884/10/1927Lot 84-Section A-Age 38-Wife of Yerkis
Oyster, Virgil Amos3/23/19119/13/1939Lot 84-Section A-Age 28-Son of Yerkis & Verna
Pace, Paul Jr.19437/21/1985Lot 99-Section C
Palmer, Helen Ruth4/2/19318/13/1934Lot 16-Section A-Age 3-Daughter of Carleton & Muriel
Parent, Clifford2/15/19046/19/1985Lot 16-Section C-Age 81
Parker, Daniel S.9/28/18592/16/1926Lot 137-Section B
Parker, George Eugene11/25/18575/28/1940Lot 38-Section A-Age 82-Husband of Hattie
Parker, George Eugene3/19/188912/18/1963Lot 38-Section A-Age 74-World War 1
Parker, Hattie Elizabeth Besley1/21/186710/15/1944Lot 38-Section A-Age 77
Parker, Hattie M.6/9/18559/17/1912Lot 137-Section B-Age 57
Parker, Martha V.11/20/18958/11/1968Lot 38-Section A-Age 72
Parker, Mary Louise7/13/196310/20/2016Section B-Age 53-Daughter of Gordon & Sharron
Parker, William Duane7/28/18788/11/1923Lot 27-Section A
Parmerter, Francis Ray6/25/19288/21/1962Lot 105-Section C-Age 34
Partello, Kala M.12/12/19897/11/2015Lot 109-Section D
Pelli, Impi1/20/19095/11/1985Lot 16-Section C-Age 76
Peltier, Braden Robert4/28/19993/26/2023Lot 79-Section B-Age 23-Husband of Pagge-Army
Peltz, Elaine S.19429/6/1984Lot 16-Section C
Perkins, Baby BoyCA6/29/19157/2/1915Lot 55-Section A-Age 2 Days
Perkins, Baby Girl2/21/19112/21/1911Lot 55-Section A-Age 6 Hours-Daughter of William & Lillian
Perkins, Pearl Emma10/10/186610/7/1905Lot 55-Section A-Age 38
Peters, Ada I. Talbot8/3/18833/16/1961Lot 157-Section B-Age 77-Wife of Frederick
Peters, Frederick Albert8/20/188011/11/1940Lot 157-Section B-Age 60-Husband of Ada
Peters, Hazel Elizabeth8/24/190712/24/1924Lot 157-Section B-Age 17-Daughter of Fred & Ada
Phelps, Joseph L.5/19/19267/31/1983Lot 37-Section C
Phillips, Anna E. Porter7/13/18887/16/1977Lot 106-Section B-Age 89
Phillips, Charles Miles12/7/18618/28/1951Lot 106-Section B-Age 89
Pollington, AnnaN/A6/30/1921Lot 151-Section B
Pollington, James Martin18894/15/1931Lot 151-Section B-Age 42
Polmanteer, Eva S.4/9/18871/17/1966Lot 32-Section A-Age 78-Wife of George
Polmanteer, George Frederick4/13/190611/26/1906Lot 32-Section A-Age 7 Months-Son of George & Eva
Polmanteer, George Henry3/5/18352/28/1907Lot 32-Section A-Age 71
Polmanteer, George Henry10/5/187911/17/1953Lot 32-Section A-Age 74-Husband of Eva
Polmanteer, Matilda May11/6/19074/8/1909Lot 32-Section A-Age 1-Daughter of George & Eva
Porter, Alvin Dwain12/18/185910/15/1907Lot 106-Section B-Grandpa-Age 48
Porter, Grandma Emma18671923Lot 106-Section B
Pratt, Phyllis J.6/15/19213/25/2007Lot 69-Section C-Age 85
Priest, Charles Frederick9/6/19075/18/1949Lot 3-Section C-Age 41-Husband of Irene
Priest, Irene M.1909N/ALot 3-Section C
Purvis, Cecil19053/6/1905Age 2 Months-Son of Melvin & Dora
Purvis, Irene E.18751897Lot 9-Section A-Daughter of Mrs. E. P. Purvis
Quackenbush, Mae Catherine Snider3/29/188312/25/1968Lot 76-Section A-Age 85
Ramsey, Betty E.9/12/192011/28/1985Lot 80-Section C-Age 65-Cremated
Ramsey, Richard William19241991Lot 80-Section C-Cremated-Veteran
Ranney, Katie4/14/19085/11/1911Age 11-Daughter of George & Mary
Reardon, Emily Mary2/12/18463/4/1901Age 54
Reed, Helen R. Linton1/4/19191/16/2000Lot 197-Section A-Cremated-Married 11/9/1935-Wife of Jack-Age 81
Reed, Jack Lewis3/14/19155/20/1989Lot 197-Section A-Age 74-Married 11/9/1935-Husband of Helen-Cremated
Reed, Ronald L.8/22/19416/14/2011Lot 197-Section A-Cremation
Reid, James W.4/17/19079/11/1907Age 4 Months-Son of James & Sarah
Remer, Marie Louise Zeitz6/7/18631/14/1926Lot 85-Section A-Age 62-Wife of Rudolf
Remer, Rudolph F.N/A4/4/1943Lot 85-Section A
Retan, Daughter18931894Lot 37-Section A-Daughter of J. & E.A.
Rex, Bessie Ellen9/22/18935/20/1914Lot 131-Section B-Age 20-Daughter of Myron & Elizabeth
Reynolds, Baby Boy8/23/19009/28/1903Lot F-Section A-Age 1 Month-Son of James & Mary Jane
Reynolds, Cecil Ross5/8/18992/11/1906Lot F-Section A-Age 6-Son of Harvey & Winnie
Rice, Bessie G.12/31/19069/23/1996Lot 10-Section C-Age 89-Mother
Rice, Cora Mae3/19/187612/14/1962Lot 26-Section C-Age 86-Wife of John
Rice, David Malcolm11/9/19372/25/2020"Buddy"-Age 82-Husband of Norma-Cremation
Rice, Florence Anna12/16/19332/11/2014Lot 120A-Section D-Age 80-Wife of Walter-Married 5/21/1955
Rice, Harold Edward19087/17/1969Lot 10-Section C-Age 61-Father
Rice, James Thomas11/14/18759/21/1921Lot 133-Section B-Age 45-Husband of Mae
Rice, John Henry11/14/18701/1/1953Lot 26-Section C-Age 82
Rice, Norma Jean (Burns)5/29/19385/10/2017"Jeanie"-"Granny"-Age 78-Wife of David
Rice, Roger Lee10/2/19388/2/1963Lot 9-Section C-Age 24-Husband of Patricia-Son of Harold & Bessie
Rice, Walter F.3/19/19349/6/2016Lot 120-Section D-Age 82-Husband of Florence-Married 5/21/1955
Ricord, Emily Abbott10/8/18384/20/1925Age 86
Ridley, Aliston H.8/15/18708/15/1960Lot 116-Section B-Age 89-Husband of Elizabeth
Ridley, Helen7/19/191110/3/1911Lot 116-Section B-Age 2 Months-Daughter of Alston & Lizzie
Ridley, Lizzie Louckes7/6/18785/5/1931Lot 116-Section B-Age 52-Wife of Aliston
Riness, Floybelle CheneyCA18816/6/1963Lot 63-Section A-Age 82
Ritter, Eda M. Angle2/15/186311/3/1928Lot 27-Section A-Age 65-Wife of Reuben
Ritter, Reuben O.7/26/186011/2/1907Lot 27-Section A-Husband of Eda
Robbins, Dennis18489/4/1903Age 55
Roberts, Emma M.188710/24/1963Lot 113-Section B-Age 76
Roberts, Thomas W. Sr.3/31/18734/1/1948Lot 113-Section B-Husband of Myrtle-Age 75
Robertson, Hilda18434/14/1925Age 82
Robinson, Frank Oscar10/12/188411/11/1962Lot 30-Section C-Age 78-Husband of Melissa
Robinson, Melissa Opheila Warner6/22/18874/1/1968Lot 30-Section C-Age 80
Rohl, Beverly Ann Krause8/7/194511/2/2023Lot 57-Section C-Age 78-Wife of Bob-Cremation
Rohl, Robert Douglas5/15/19418/2/2019Lot 57-Section C-Age 78-Husband of Beverly-Vietnam-Cremation
Rose, Abbie Jane Talbot1/14/18793/6/1971Lot 170-Section B-Age 92-Wife of Willard-Eastern Star
Rose, Ada Mae Leonard1/10/19073/22/1948Lot 81-Section A-Age 41-Wife of Hiram
Rose, Allan S.9/6/184210/16/1915Lot 26-Section A-Age 73-Civil War
Rose, Bonnie J. Karcher1941Not DeceasedLot 114-Section D-Wife of Willard
Rose, Clarice S.1/5/191012/24/2000Lot 81-Section A-Age 90-Cremation
Rose, Della19064/17/1928Age 22-Daughter of Floyd & Minnie
Rose, Helen R. Crippen8/5/18531/27/1928Lot 26-Section A-Age 74-Eastern Star-Wife of Allan
Rose, Hiram5/15/19047/18/1994Lot 81-Section A-Age 90-Husband of Clarice
Rose, Willard1/3/18724/3/1926Lot 170-Section B-Age 54-Husband of Abbie-Mason
Rose, Willard L.6/26/19403/30/2000Lot 114-Section D-Age 59-Husband of Bonnie
Rose, William H.4/23/19078/2/1947Lot 198-Section A-Age 40-Husband of Lena-Father
Ruggles, Eric M.10/13/19738/5/2000Lot 127-Section D-Age 26-Husband of Amanda
Rumsey, Chauncy G.5/1/18536/10/1926Lot 64-Section A-Age 73
Rusher, David E.1/8/19069/26/1906Lot 62-Section A-Age 8 Months-Son of Frank & Martha
Rusher, Frank B.19031/8/1987Lot 62-Section A
Rusher, Frank W.7/20/18726/2/1951Lot 62-Section A-Age 78
Rusher, Martha Arvilla4/18/18738/18/1940Lot 62-Section A-Age 67-Wife of Frank
Rushlow, Marie M.3/25/19265/10/2001Age 75
Ruso, Patricia19406/19/1986Lot 106-Section C
Russell, Cora Anna Frey11/15/18942/15/1980Lot 193-Section A-Age 85-Mother
Russell, Howard Hampton4/20/18866/27/1969Lot 193-Section A-Age 83-Husband of Cora-Father
Ruth, Essie Jeanette9/30/188111/1/1955Lot 90-Section C-Age 74
Sager, Charles Walter1/16/191111/24/1975Lot 132-Section B-Age 64-Husband of Donna-Military Service
Sager, Donna L.11/10/19134/25/2006Lot 132-Section B-Age 92-Wife of Charles
Sammons, Emma9/17/186811/7/1923Lot 115-Section B-Age 55
Sammons, Leland6/26/19151/24/1916Lot 115-Section B-Age 7 Months
Sammons, Olive V.CA18693/23/1954Lot 115-Section B-Age 86-Wife of Webster
Sammons, Webster2/27/186610/15/1913Lot 115-Section B-Age 47
Sammons, William Meredith7/14/18902/11/1935Lot 115-Section B-Age 44
Sanback, Charles A.1861CA8/3/1944Lot 195-Section A-Age 83
Sanback, Douglas Charles7/13/19077/13/1977Lot 195-Section A-Age 70-Husband of Jauneita
Sanback, Jauneita Amber19094/4/1981Lot 195-Section A-Eastern Star
Sanback, Mary Jane12/30/19227/16/1987Lot 30-Section C-Age 64-Wife of Ray
Sanback, Minnie M.8/23/18708/4/1937Lot 195-Section A-Age 66-Wife of Charles
Sanback, Ray J.9/12/19174/24/2004Lot 30-Section C-Age 86-Husband of Mary Jane-World War 2
Schneider, Sandra Lee10/4/194412/16/1979Lot 132-Section B-Age 34-Wife of Richard-Daughter
Schroeder, Glen C.1/5/19445/4/2020Age 76-Husband of Marilyn-Army-Cremation
Schuble, Lester8/8/188810/13/1967Lot 29-Section C-Age 79
Sebele, Adam F.19116/18/1963Lot 50-Section C-Age 51
Sebele, Mary E.19161953Lot 50-Section C
Sebele, Myra D.19417/14/1963Lot 50-Section C
Sebele, Ralph Frederick19367/30/1996Lot 50-Section C
Sedlarik, Michael J.12/9/191710/21/1985Lot 80-Section C-Age 67-Husband of Edith-World War 2
Segar, Edna M.8/11/19044/4/1987Lot 46-Section C-Age 82-Wife of Norman
Segar, Norman Daniel12/12/19015/27/1967Lot 46-Section C-Age 65-Husband of Edna
Segar, Vernon John5/27/19316/16/1994Lot 46-Section C-Age 63-Cremated-Korea
Shambarger, Edith Armstrong2/2/18981/28/1975Lot 70-Section A-Age 76-Wife of Ozzie
Shambarger, Ozzie Allen8/10/18866/6/1963Lot 70-Section A-Age 76-Husband of Edith
Sheldon, Joyce Elaine4/20/193412/9/1934Age 7 Months-Daughter of George & Dora
Sheldon, Morris9/1/18217/9/1902Age 80
Sheply, George Owen7/19/19093/17/1988Lot 48-Section C-"Jack"-Age 78-Husband of Mildred-Married June, 1934
Sheply, Ivan L.5/20/19383/25/2010Lot 27-Section C-"Skip"-Age 71-Son & Brother
Sheply, Mildred Anna5/29/19159/29/2013Lot 48-Section C-"Millie"-Age 98-Wife of George-Married June, 1934
Sheppard, Alice Dolly Dexter7/15/18883/23/1960Lot 10-Section A-Age 71-Wife of James
Sheppard, James Edwin1/21/18787/4/1950Lot 10-Section A-Age 72-Husband of Alice
Sheppard, Orven H.9/9/19081/4/1971Lot 10-Section A-Age 62-Husband of June-World War 2
Sherlund, Basil1/21/194111/14/2017Age 76-Husband of Margaret-Cremation
Sherlund, Ernest M.9/24/19003/19/1967Lot 63-Section C-Age 66-Husband of Theresa
Sherlund, MargaretN/A8/17/2015Wife of Basil-Cremation
Sherlund, Theresa B.3/28/19072/12/1989Lot 63-Section C-Age 81-Wife of Ernest
Sherman, Bert7/28/18728/7/1908Lot 91-Section B-Age 36
Simmons, Leeland1915CA1/22/1916Lot 130-Section B-Age 7 Months-Son of James
Simmons, Rosalee Mildred6/17/19132/14/1916Lot 130-Section B-Age 2-Daughter of James & Mildred
Slater, Agnes Carey5/14/18948/7/1958Lot 143-Section B-Age 64-Wife of Charles
Slater, Charles Edward3/20/18912/28/1971Lot 143-Section B-Age 79-Husband of Agnes
Slater, Edward Charles10/13/19172/19/1918Lot 143-Section B-Age 4 Months-Son of Charles & Agnes
Slater, Erwin4/19/18685/20/1950Lot 118-Section B-Age 81-Father
Slater, Erwin C.8/30/19069/13/1909Lot 118-Section B-Age 3-Son of Erwin & Susie
Slater, Patrick10/29/192410/29/1924Lot 143-Section B-Son of Chas. & Agnes
Slater, Susan3/15/18705/6/1945Lot 118-Section B-Age 75-Wife of Erwin-Mother
Slater, Violet A.December, 18927/11/1893Lot 118-Section B-Daughter of E. & S.-Age 7 Months
Slater, William8/1/19338/1/1933Lot 143-Section B-Son of Charles & Agnes
Small, BernadineCA191011/19/1982Lot 163-Section B-Age 72-Wife of Charles
Small, Charles3/15/18863/24/1958Lot 163-Section B-Age 72-Husband of Berndine
Smart, Clessen7/1/190510/18/1975Lot 12-Section C-Age 70-Father-Husband of Margaret-Married May, 1939
Smart, Margaret Harris192012/4/1996Lot 12-Section C-Married May, 1939
Smith, Adela M.7/2/18674/10/1948Lot 139-Section B-Age 80-Wife of Thomas
Smith, Cora Ellen8/26/18861/15/1954Lot 194-Section A-Age 67-Wife of Guy
Smith, Donna M.19312008Lot 82-Section A
Smith, Guy12/26/18871/26/1976Lot 194-Section A-Age 88
Smith, Leonard F.1925N/ALot 82-Section A
Smith, Lewis F.7/13/18562/28/1940Lot 135-Section B-Age 83-Husband of Mary-Father
Smith, Mabel N.10/29/18938/14/1971Age 77
Smith, Mary Jane McCarter11/14/18579/24/1945Lot 135-Section B-Age 87-Wife of Lewis-Mother
Smith, Thomas J.18651928Lot 139-Section B
Smolejnak, AndyCA192010/5/2001Lot 40-Section C
Snook, Janey10/12/18376/14/1920Lot 53-Section A-Age 82
Snook, Martin N.5/26/18199/23/1905Lot 53-Section A-Age 86
Snook, Silas6/6/18731/7/1938Lot 53-Section A-Age 66
Sorenson, Andrew P.2/1/188112/1/1962Lot 71-Section C-Age 81-Husband of Elizabeth
Sorenson, Elizabeth Harris5/24/18821/19/1968Lot 71-Section C-Age 85
Spencer, DwightCA 1854CA 12/6/1934Lot 31-Section A-Age 80
Spencer, Erma10/31/1859CA 3/14/1929Lot 31-Section A
Spiering, Charles A.3/22/189111/28/1967Lot 94-Section C-Age 76-World War 1
St. Antoine, Ruth1/13/19224/19/1979Lot 41-Section C-Age 57-Daughter of Edward & Mora
Stevens, Elsie12/5/189412/29/1908Lot 102-Section B-Age 14-Daughter of Charles & Mary
Stewart, Elizabeth Marie10/16/19033/8/1992Lot 72-Section C-Age 89-Wife of Walter
Stewart, Walter C.8/15/19031/18/1963Lot 72-Section C-Age 59-Husband of Elizabeth
Straw, Etta M. Hope12/21/18622/6/1912Lot 122-Section B-Age 49-Wife of George
Straw, George F.7/9/18403/27/1908Lot 121-Section B-Age 67-Father
Straw, George Francis8/15/18625/10/1950Lot 122-Section B-Age 87-Husband of Etta
Straw, LewisCA18714/2/1929Lot 121-Section B-Age 58
Straw, Louis A.18741942Lot 122-Section B
Straw, LuellaCA186510/7/1914Lot 122-Section B-Age 49
Straw, Marvin Elmer3/11/187610/3/1943Lot 121-Section B-Age 67
Straw, Mary Hodges9/14/183912/25/1921Lot 121-Section B-Age 82-Mother
Strohbeck, Caron M.7/15/195611/23/2012Lot 128-Section D-Age 56-Wife of Dennis-Married 4/6/1974-Cremation
Strohbeck, Dennis M.5/8/1954N/AHusband of Caron-Married 4/6/1974
Strohbeck, Helen M.1/13/19118/29/1994Lot 128-Section D-Mother & Grandmother
Strohbeck, Kenneth G.19341993Lot 128-Section D-Husband of Rosalie-Married 10/24/1953
Strohbeck, Rosalie J.1938N/ALot 128-Section D-Wife of Kenneth-Married 10/24/1953
Strum, AndrewJanuary, 18439/13/1909Lot 83-Section A-Age 66
Strum, John Franklin12/4/19112/17/1912Lot 83-Section A-Age 2 Months-Son of Bert & Ethel
Styles, Jane L.7/14/18376/26/1910Age 72
Sullivan, Alice M. Waite2/22/188510/6/1955Lot 48-Section A-Age 70
Swartz, William8/27/18416/14/1916Age 74
Talbot, Elaine19175/2/1919Lot 146-Section B-Age 2-Daughter of John & Laura
Talbot, Elizabeth W.1/14/18577/16/1945Lot 148-Section B-Age 88
Talbot, Helen8/7/19185/31/1919Age 11 Months-Daughter of John and Laura
Talbot, John W.1/3/18915/29/1962Lot 146-Section B-Age 71-Husband of Laura
Talbot, Laura Reece18955/17/1981Lot 146-Section B
Talbot, William H.8/6/18403/5/1923Lot 148-Section B-Age 82
Tanner, Carrie Gertrude6/21/19077/24/1907Age 1 Month-Daughter of Clark & Emma
Tanner, George E.7/14/19038/28/1903Age 1 Month-Son of C. E. & Emma
Tennant, Arleen L.19192009N/A
Tennant, Doris E.19152/26/1977Lot 91-Section B
Tennant, Edna C.19161996Lot 78-Section A-"Eddie"
Tennant, Grace Elaine11/7/191911/26/1923Lot 78-Section A-Age 4-Daughter of George & Maude
Tennant, Maude E.12/8/18913/1/1926Lot 78-Section A-Age 34
Tennant, Wayne B.9/27/191511/15/2015Lot 78-Section A-Age 100-Cremation
Testorelli, Paul R.3/11/19686/5/1999Lot 116-Section D-Age 31-Son of Raymond & Joann
Thielecke, Henry7/28/18353/31/1921Lot 42-Section A-Age 86-Husband of Louisa-Civil War
Thielecke, Henry2/14/186712/31/1938Lot 42-Section A-Age 71
Thielecke, Louisa8/6/18381/3/1905Lot 42-Section A-Age 66-Wife of Henry
Thielecke, Matilda8/13/18698/16/1914Lot 42-Section A-Age 45
Thiell, Baby Boy3/1/19023/19/1902Lot 18-Section A-Son of Frank & Ella
Thiell, Ella Priscilla12/2/18702/11/1947Lot 18-Section A-Age 76-Mother
Thiell, Frank L.11/22/18611/22/1922Lot 18-Section A-Age 60-Father
Thiell, Keith4/12/19037/1/1905Lot 18-Section A-Age 2-Son of Frank & Ella
Thompson, Annie Francey12/12/186210/4/1909Lot 117-Section B-Wife of John Thompson-Mother-Age 46
Thompson, Bette D.2/1/1940N/AWife of John-Married 1/1/1959
Thompson, Dwane12/16/185810/15/1907Lot 117-Section B
Thompson, Elda Louise12/16/193711/7/1953Lot 7-Section C-Age 15-Daughter of John & Irene
Thompson, Garr A.9/20/18892/8/1963Lot 43-Section C-Age 73-Husband of Mabel & Gladys
Thompson, Garr A. Jr.5/22/192210/19/1995Lot 43-Section C-Age 73-Cremated-World War 2
Thompson, Irene Victoria Rehil4/8/190611/12/1998Lot 95-Section C-Age 92-Wife of John-Married 8/30/1923
Thompson, John7/18/18591/25/1938Lot 117-Section B-Age 78-Father-Husband of Annie & Grace
Thompson, John L.3/28/189010/7/1977Lot 95-Section C-Age 87-Husband of Irene-Married 8/30/1923-World War 1
Thompson, John Logan Jr.12/10/19353/28/2017Lot 96?-Section C-"Jack"-Age 81-Husband of Bette-Married 1/1/1959
Thompson, Karbell8/12/19163/2/1979Lot 41-Section C-Age 62
Thompson, Mable E.18904/14/1948Lot 43-Section C
Thompson, Rose A.4/5/19271/12/2013Lot 43-Section C-Age 75-Cremation
Thompson, TerranceN/A3/7/2020Lot 43-Section C-Cremation
Thompson, Timothy Edward4/12/19558/14/2013Lot 43-Section C-Age 58-Cremation
Thompson, Walter Dale8/27/19397/4/1977Lot 7-Section C-Age 37-Son of John
Tobias, Marie5/6/19422/13/2011Lot 13-Section C-Age 68-Cremation
Tobias, Robert A. J.11/7/191711/5/1969Lot 13-Section C-Age 51-Husband of Marie
Tomlinson, Baby Girl2/28/19013/4/1901Age 5 Days-Daughter of William & Jennie
Tremain, Robert11/24/19243/7/1997Lot 121a-Section D-Age 72-Cremation
Tremain, Willow8/25/19264/23/2010Lot 121a-Section D-Age 83-Cremation
Treuter, Werner Sr.1/6/191010/24/1944Lot 175-Section B-World War 2
Tucker, Leonard3/12/18445/4/1926Lot 5-Section A-Age 82-Civil War
Tulloh, Gladys Evelyn2/23/19084/7/2002Lot 1-Section C-Age 94-Cremation
Tulloh, Lois M.4/16/18979/26/1985Lot 1-Section C-Age 88-Cremated
Tulloh, Mildred F.189512/10/1988Lot 1-Section C-Age 93-Cremated
Tulloh, Ranald McKinnon5/5/19044/29/1987Lot 1-Section C-Age 82-Husband of Mildred-Cremated
Tulloh, Ruth Agnes7/5/189411/9/1960Lot 1-Section C-Age 66
Tulloh, William H.8/12/18995/1/1978Lot 1-Section C-Age 78-Husband of Gladys-Cremated
VanBrocklin, Effie186012/30/1938Wife of William-Age 78
VanBuskark, Charles R.9/24/18623/17/1933Age 70
VanWormer, Ross E.2/15/19516/19/1988Lot 7-Section C-Age 37-Vietnam
VanWormer, Terry G.6/2/19482/12/1971Lot 7-Section C-Age 22-Husband of Judy
Vargason, Clinton4/17/18906/17/1910Lot 134-Section B-Age 20-Son of Perry
Walker, Florence A.12/18/19071/4/1986Lot 54-Section C-Age 78-Wife of Ward-Cremated
Walker, Peggy6/28/19636/28/1963Lot 51-Section C-Age 12 Hours-Daughter of Veryl & Joyce
Walker, Ward William19037/6/1976Lot 54-Section C-Age 72-Husband of Florence
Wallace, Charles Manual8/20/18819/20/1955Lot 88-Section C-Age 74-Husband of Myrtle
Wallace, Helen M.March, 1919July, 1920Lot 150-Section B
Wallace, Jean B.10/17/19259/17/1997Lot 88-Section C-Age 71-Wife of Lyle-Married December 1, 1963
Wallace, Lyle F.3/21/19105/7/1989Lot 88-Section C-Age 79-Husband of Jean-Married December 1, 1963-World War 2
Wallace, Myrtle E.10/9/18885/8/1964Lot 88-Section C-Age 75
Wallace, Patricia Louise7/13/194110/6/2020Section C-Age 79
Walt, Andrew Marshall3/17/18715/22/1913Lot A-Section A-Age 42-Husband of Agnes
Walt, Frances May8/30/19126/16/1913Lot A-Section A-Age 9 Months-Daughter of Andrew & Agnes
Walt, Manley Marshall1/14/19321/14/1932Lot A-Section A-Son of Howard & Ruby
Walz, Sarah E.18861955Lot 43-Section A
Ward, Clara Grace192512/29/2007N/A
Ward, Collins L.9/6/18756/27/1959Lot 89-Section C-Age 83
Ward, Francis Lyter8/2/18796/2/1958Lot 90-Section C-Age 79
Ware, Alice Reetz19062001Lot I-Section B
Ware, Ben Frank3/13/18782/27/1962Lot I-Section B-Age 83
Ware, Estella Mae6/10/18817/9/1949Lot I-Section B-Age 68-Wife of Frank
Ware, Ethel9/7/19051/17/1908Lot I-Section B-Age 2-Daughter of Frank & Stella
Ware, Howard F.19031993Lot I-Section B
Ware, Jack N.8/25/19325/6/2008Lot I-Section B-Husband of Patricia-Married May, 1960-Korea
Ware, Patricia May5/10/193711/6/1985Lot I-Section B-Age 48-Wife of Jack-Married May, 1960
Ware, Sarepta Josephine18447/23/1921Lot 89-Section B-Age 77-Mother
Ware, Webster2/13/18595/9/1907Lot 89-Section B-Age 48
Warner, Dallas James12/5/18444/24/1926Lot 11-Section A-Age 81-Father
Warner, Harry S.4/11/18808/10/1897Lot 11-Section A-Child of D.J. & S.
Warner, Lulu Belle11/11/18775/22/1901Lot 11-Section A-Age 23-Daughter of Dallas & Susan
Warner, Susan Doyle10/1/18477/20/1942Lot 11-Section A-Age 94-Wife of Dallas J.-Mother
Waterman, Annie8/4/18586/19/1916Lot 138-Section B-Age 56-Wife of F.
Waterman, Edgar O.4/30/188010/28/1947Lot 138-Section B-Age 67-Husband of Sarah-Mason
Waterman, Etta Agnes5/13/18857/15/1951Lot A-Section A-Age 66
Waterman, Fred7/8/185812/18/1939Lot 138-Section B-Age 81-Husband of Annie & Agnes
Waterman, Roy1889April, 1930Lot 138-Section B
Waterman, Sara Snook2/14/18805/25/1970Lot 138-Section B-Age 90-Eastern Star
Watson, Byron John12/1/18952/15/1970Lot 34-Section C-Age 74-Husband of Daisy
Watson, Daisy Ruth Pettibone9/9/19081/15/2003Lot 34-Section C-Cremation-Age 94-Wife of Byron
Watson, Nettie Bell Grawburg9/29/18818/28/1965Lot 141-Section B-Age 83-Wife of David
Welch, Baby Girl2/9/19062/12/1906Lot 50-Section A-Age 3 Days-Daughter of Edward & Della
Wells, William Joe6/18/19459/20/1963Lot 72-Section C-Age 18-Son of William & Verna
Wend, Debra K. Rohl8/4/195612/1/2016Lot 23-Section C-Age 60-Wife of Duane-Cremation
West, Charles J.7/27/19098/30/1909Lot 108-Section B-Age 1 Month-Son of Jacob & Fanny
Weyn, Baby BoyCA July, 19437/2/1943Lot 44-Section C
Weyn, Elizabeth A.7/28/19174/15/1980Lot 44-Section C-Cremated
Wheeler, James9/7/18418/4/1922Lot 159-Section B-Age 80
Wheeler, Jesse James11/30/188511/13/1944Lot 91-Section B-Age 58-Husband of Martha
Wheeler, Martha Ann5/11/18825/2/1970Lot 91-Section B-Age 87
Wheeler, Sarah9/7/186212/10/1937Lot 159-Section B-Age 75-Wife of James
Whelpley, Janet Lou Deering (Reed)10/9/19407/2/2006Lot 197-Section A-Age 65-Wife of George-Mother-Cremation
White, Bruce A.CA19128/9/1975Lot 10-Section C
White, Eugene B.N/AN/ALot 71-Section A-Father
White, Hazel Durrin12/23/192511/30/1995Lot 112-Section D-Age 72-Wife of Vernon-Cremation
White, Margaret L.N/AN/ALot 71-Section A-Mother
White, Merton3/9/18937/16/1965Lot 10-Section C-World War 1
White, Percie4/10/188812/26/1921Lot 71-Section A
White, Ronnie W.1949N/ALot 112-Section D
White, Vernon W.9/3/19215/24/2001Lot 112-Section D-Age 79-Lot D-Age 79-Husband of Hazel-Military-Cremation
Whitney, Daisie Mae Karcher6/30/18921/27/1975Lot 52-Section A-Eastern Star-Age 82
Whitney, Dean R.1/9/19137/23/1963Lot 52-Section A-Age 50-Husband of Grace-World War 2
Whitney, Gordon Roy18874/11/1961Lot 52-Section A-Age 73
Whitney, Lucille8/23/18651/17/1932Lot 97-Section B-Age 66
Wickwire, Shirley A.5/2/19389/18/2011Lot 112A-Section D-Age 73
Wilber, Arthur Sunday4/21/19574/21/1957Lot 194-Section A-Son of Thomas & Carla
Wilber, Carlilee Louise Cooley2/8/19362/9/2023Lot 108-Section D-Age 87-Wife of Thomas
Wilber, Daniel J.10/5/19819/13/2005Lot 108-Section D-Age 23-Son of Jerry & Beth
Wilber, Everett5/29/19119/4/1996Lot 34-Section A-Age 85-Husband of Zadia
Wilber, Sandra S.12/10/19426/23/2015Lot 108-Section D-Age 72
Wilber, Thomas A.1/3/19371/28/1991Lot 108-Section D-Age 54-Husband of Carlilee
Wilber, Zadia D.12/4/19104/29/1999Lot 34-Section A-Age 88
Wiles, Adrian Paul Sr.10/26/192612/16/1990Lot 121-Section D-Age 64-Husband of Evelyn-World War 2
Wiles, Alice A.1/27/18544/13/1910Age 56
Wiles, David Lee6/17/19554/20/1960Lot 114-Section B-Son of Adrian & Evelyn-Age 4-Nephew
Wiles, DeWayne D.6/27/19545/20/2014Age 59-Husband of Mary Ann-Cremation
Wiles, Evelyn J.8/20/193711/18/2000Lot 121-Section D-Age 63
Wiley, Leslie12/31/193811/14/2017Lot 69-Section C-Age 78-Cremation
Williams, Joel1861CA1/15/1948Age 86
Williams, Lizzie Odella10/1/18861/19/1946Age 79-Wife of Joel
Williams, Mary Elizabeth McGregor6/23/18608/21/1947Lot 109-Section B-Wife of Robert McGregor & Joseph Williams-Mother-Age 87
Williams, Mildred A.4/6/19447/14/1983Lot 99-Section C-Age 39-Wife of Alwood-Daughter
Williams, Mildred Widuch9/20/18847/5/1973Lot 65-Section C-Age 88-"Tillie"-Mother
Williams, Rebecca Ann5/4/18173/5/1906Lot 60-Section A-Age 89
Williams, WalterN/A10/4/1925Lot 88-Section A-World War 1
Willman, Francis Nellie6/3/19063/22/1907Lot 65-Section A-Age 9 Months-Daughter of Christ & Nellie
Willman, Morsey2/1/19086/30/1909Age 1-Son of Crist & Nellie
Wiltse, Leroy19006/12/1906Age 6-Son of Asa & Emma
Wiltse, Ruth19036/12/1906Age 3-Daughter of Asa & Emma
Windelburn, John4/10/188312/7/1952Lot 5-Section C-Age 69-Husband of Lucille
Windelburn, Lucille Catherine Donahue10/31/189010/11/1962Lot 5-Section C-Age 72-Wife of John
Withrow, Jessie LynnN/A10/10/2017Cremation
Wolfe, Almarion Bertran5/14/18927/9/1964Lot 52-Section C-Age 72-Husband of Marguerite-World War 1
Woodcock, Barbara Ann Slazinski10/5/19381/20/2019Lot 110a-Section D-Age 80-Wife of James-Cremation
Woodcock, James Blair3/5/19363/2/2006Lot 110a-Section "Barney"-Age 69-Husband of Barbara-Korea-Cremation
Woodiwiss, Harry18663/4/1930Age 64
Woodiwiss, Margaret Jane186812/7/1889Age 31
Woodrow, Frank O.7/4/18701/20/1963Lot 29-Section A-Age 92
Woodward, Jane Lucille7/9/191911/6/1995Lot 93-Section C-Age 76-Mother-Cremated-aka Jane Bigelow
Wright, Arthur M.19171940Lot 94-Section B
Yost, Keith Allen4/21/19388/10/2023Lot 9-Section C-Age 85-Husband of Patricia-Cremation
Zeiler, Conrad18633/14/1927Lot 45-Section A-Age 64
Zeiler, Eliza BarbaraCA18582/23/1943Lot 45-Section A
Zeiler, Frederick3/7/18889/13/1904Lot 45-Section A-Age 16-Son of Leonard & Marther
Zielinski, Edward Eugene3/6/19178/14/1998Lot 78-Section A-Age 81-Husband of Eleanor-Cremated
Zielinski, Eleanor E. Gifford3/22/19235/26/2016Lot 78-Section A-Age 93-Wife of Edward
Zimmick, Ethel Marie Cole9/2/19232/14/1983Lot 20-Section C-Age 59

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