Beechwood School, District #3, was located on Mayhew Road in the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Half of Section 8, Township 24 North , Range 3 East, Rose Township, Ogemaw County. The District was annexed to Rose City School in 1947. The building is now in private ownership. Few records exist on who donated the land, who built the school, or who taught or attended there. If you have any information concerning the Beechwood School, you are asked to contact the Ogemaw County Coordinator, Grace Dooley.

Most of the existing records have been compiled by The Rose City Area Historical Society, Post Office Box 736, Rose City, MI 48654

1914/1915 - Miss Alice Vargason
1920/1929 - Mrs. Therese J. Harcourt Slater
1932/1933 - Irma Mier
1933/1934 - Gertrude Butler
1934 - Harold Freeman (substitute)
1935/1936 - Joe DeMatio
1936/1937 - William Fuhrman
1937 to 1939 - Ethel Kuhn Mayhew
1940/1941 - Mrs. Del Mayhew
1941 - Miss Virginia Martin (replacing Mrs. Del Mayhew in February)
1941/1942 - George Ranney
1942/1944 - Mrs. Nettie Kennedy
1946 to 1949 - Bertina DeKett Graber Blair

List of Students, 1934:
Jack Barber (8th), Lewis Nelson (8th).

List of Students, 1935:
Geraldine Daniels (8th).

List of Students, 1936-1937; Joe DeMatio, teacher:
Cherrian Mayhew (8th), Wayne Mayhew (8th).

Beechwood School, Class List from 1937-1938:
Mervin Barber, Thelma Barber (8th), George Inman, Hazel Inman, Leon Inman, Neil Inman, Betty Mayhew,
Seymour Nelson, Ellen Sheldon, Forest Sheldon, and J. R. Teeples (8th).

Beechwood School, As it looked in 1990.

Please submit any information you would like to see on this site
by contacting the County Coordinator, Grace Dooley

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