Guest School District #4 was located in the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 26 of Township 23 North, Range 4 East, Laird Lake Road, Hill Township, Ogemaw County. One acre of land was purchased from George and Cassia Guest in 1913 for $50.00. Unsure when the school closed. The school building was moved to Hale after World War 2, and used as a music room behind the high school. Few records exist on who built the school, who taught there or when the school closed. If you have any information concerning the Guest School, you are asked to contact the Ogemaw County Coordinator, Grace Dooley.

Most of the existing records have been compiled by The Rose City Area Historical Society, Post Office Box 736, Rose City, MI 48654

1928 to 1929 - Muriel VanSickle
1932 - Rosella Polmanteer
1933 - Agnes Gibson
1933 to 1934 - Mona Mills
1935 to 1937 - Gertrude Atherton
1937 to 1938 - Elizabeth Weishuhn
1938 to 1939 - Miss Berry

Guest School, Date Unknown

Guest School, Approximately 1920s or 1930s

List of Students, 1933-1934:
Ellen McNeill (8th).

List of Students, 1937-1938:
Lorraine Davis, Alba Drenberg (8th), Marion Nichols, Jack Wilson.

List of Students, 1938-1939; Miss Berry, teacher:
Carol Bebeau, Jack Davis, Lorraine Davis, Marion Nichols, Elva Wilson (8th), Jack Wilson.

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by contacting the County Coordinator, Grace Dooley

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