Information and Links on
How To Search For Child or Parent

If you are an adopted child searching for you birth parents or a parent seeking to find a child given up for adoption, here are some tips:

A search can consume lot of time and money.

  • Be careful - agencies that promise to find your parent/child for a fee.  There are many that are only interested in your money.

  • Keep A Record - Write down the facts as you find them - date of birth, hospital where born, adoption agency, etc.

  • Learn about the law in the state where the adoption occurred. Find out the restrictions in that state. Alabama, Alaska, Kansas and Oregon have open adoption records.

  • Place a letter on file in the state where the adoption occurred.  This means that you can be contacted.

  • Register with the International Reunion Registry.  This is a free database for relatives trying to locate each other.

  • Adoption Search Basic Lessons

  • Adoption Encyclopedia