Every Name,   1900 - 1910 Georgetown Township
Federal Census

Compiled by Evelyn M. Sawyer

 A,  Ba-Bl,  Bo-By,  C,  Da-De, Di-Dy,  E-F,  G,  H,  I-J-K,  L,  M,  N-O,  P-Q,  R,  Sa-Sl,  Sm-Sy,  T-U,  Va-Vander,  Vas-Vr,  Wa-Wij,  Wil-Wr,  Y-Z

GGTN: This census was done in two sections the south 1/2 and the north 1/2
FAM#:  The number of the family in the census
LAST NAME:  The last name of the person
FIRST NAME: The first name of the person
AGE:  The age will either be by years or by the month and year of birth.
BPL: Place of birth
YR:  The year of the census, either 1900 or 1910
REMARKS:  Additional information such as:  
4 of 7:  4 children living of seven born
M-40:  Married 40 years.
Imm-1849:  Immigrated in 1849
NA/AL:  Naturalized citizen or Alien (not naturalized)

Compiler: Evelyn M. Sawyer
Created: 1 July 2002