U. S. S. Argosy - Civil War Vessel

Coopersville Observer, June 1883

Cyrus N. Mason

Cyrus Mason, a highly respected citizen and neighbor, died on Monday of this week. The deceased was a man of some intelligence, had served in the late war in an Illinois company and wherever he went he always ????? The service on Tuesday was conducted by Rev. James Craig, formerly of this place, now of Grand Haven. Mr. Mason had lived here since 1867. He received a paralytic stroke about four weeks ago from which he never recovered. This is the fifth death here since February, and all of these were pioneers. (Feb. 24, 1831- June 4, 1883)
(Cyrus N. Mason is buried in Maplewood Cemetery, Tallmadge Township, Ottawa County, Michigan)

(Cyrus Mason served in the U. S. Navy on the ship USS Argosy during the Civil War. Argosy served on the Tennessee and Cumberland Rivers and later patrolled the lower Mississippi River.)


(USS Argosy- pen and ink drawing by Samuel War Stanton)

Transcribed and photo by Joan Van Spronsen
Created: 24 February 2010