Holland City News, March 12, 1892

A Sudden Death

Arie Woltman

It was an announcement not to be believed by our citizens when as they appeared upon the streets Thursday morning, that they were told that Arie Woltman was dead. They had seen him and had met with him the evening before, apparently in his usual good health and but few had ever been made aware of his being subject to occasional attacks of heart disease.

Mr. Woltman had retired to his home as usual Wednesday evening at the close of business hours. and during the evening complained about his heart. Before retiring at about ten o’clock, he stepped into the woodshed, and not returning as he should, one of his children went to inquire and found her father lying upon the floor- dead. Medical aid was summoned at once, but to no avail. Beyond this there are no particulars connected with the quasi-tragic death of Arie Woltman. Of the intense bereavement this sudden demise is to his sorrowing family, no specific mention need be made.

The deceased having been sheriff of this county for eight years, he was widely known, and his extensive circle of friends throughout this locality was to him always a matter of pride.

He came to this country when a lad of twelve years, and as did most of his kinsmen, followed a sea- faring life, climbing the scale of promotion as his went. For one year he commanded the steamer A. C. Van Raalte, when she plied between here and Chicago. In 1871 he was elected city marshal and in 1872 sheriff of Ottawa County when he removed to Grand Haven, returning here in 1889, since which he devoted himself principally to

the cigar trade.

Mr. Woltman was twice married. His first wife, nee Johanna Verbeek, died in 1867, leaving him one son, John, at present residing in Asland, Wis. He now leaves a widow, nee Aaltje Lubbers, with six children, the youngest of which is seven years old.

The funeral will take place Saturday afternoon, at two o’clock, from the Third Reformed church, Revs. H. R. Dosker and H. S. Bargelt officiating.


Transcriber: Joan Van Spronsen
Created: 30 December 2008