Records of
Georgetown Township Grange #458
Ottawa County, Michigan
1874 - 1960


June 4, 1874, Georgetown Grange, #458 - was organized at the Bosworth School House by J. L. Alger with 43 charter members and the following were the first officers of this grange:

Master: Holden C. Lowing
Overseer: Herbert Haire
Lecture: John Tate
Steward: K. D. Harrington
Asst. Steward: Walter Tate
Chaplain: Olive Purchase
Treasurer: Henry Sweet
Secretary: Simon Brennan
Gatekeeper: George Giddings
Ceres: Ruth Brennan
Pomona: Lizzie E. Bosworth
Flora: Lucy Bowen
Lady Asst. Steward: Julia Embody

June 10, 1874 - John Tate and K. D. Harrington were appointed on a committee to procure a hall.

October 23, 1875 - A resolution as follows: that each many who may be initiated into the Grange upon payment of the full fee, shall have returned to him the sum of two dollars and each woman on payment of the full fee shall have returned to her the sum of one dollar, and one half of the regular dues paid shall be returned to the members. Resolution prevailed.


June 19 - A resolution offered and adopted that the regular meeting of this Grange be changed from the third to the second Saturday of each month until otherwise ordered.

July 13 - It was resolved that the proposition of Mr. Gibbs and Rank to thrash for members of the Grange be accepted. Said proposition is to thrash for one half cent per bushel less than the usual rates. The secretary was instructed to furnish a list of members having threshing to do to Mr. Gibbs.


February 14 - A motion was made by Brother McEvan, that a committee be appointed to confer with a committee from Hudsonville Grange in relation to the two Granges being consolidated.

March 13 - Sister Weatherwax read letters which she had received from the State Chemist, who had analized for her, the so called "Gilt Edged Butter Maker"" which showed that people who bought it were paying an exorbitant price for what you might say, was a worthless article.

December 11 - The following resolution was then presented and adopted and ordered placed on file with the secretary fixing the times of our regular meetings for the ensuing year. All meetings except the first, which is on the 15th of January, 1881 and the election of Officers, to be held in the evening and the aforesaid meetings to be held in the afternoon.


February 5 - The subject of a hall for the use of the Grange was discussed at some length when a resolution was proposed that we do build a hall to correspond with specifications here to fore stated. A committee was then appointed by the Master to ascertain who would furnish lumber and how much and what kind each wished to furnish. The committee consisted of Brothers: Benton Lowing, John Baragar and Ellis Lang.

December 17 - It was the first meeting in the new hall and as there were visiting friends who did not belong to our order, it was deemed best to hold an open Grange meeting. We were favored by selections from the Choir.


February 11 - The Worthy Secretary presented to the Grange these compiled figures of the cost of the building of the Grange Hall which amounted to $955 as near as the Secretary could estimate. It was found that Brother Holden Lowing had still an account of $64.36 due him on the building fund after his donation of $180.00 and it also appeared that Brother H. D. Weatherwax had due him on said building fund, after his donation of $100.00, the sum of $12.24, and it also appeared that Brother Sweet had due him the sum of $9.85 after his donation of $50.00, amountin in three items of $86.45. Therefore be it resolved by Brother John Tate that the Grange assume the responsibility of paying the above amounts and ask the brothers to give a lease similar to the one given to the township. A vote of thanks was given to Sister Sarah Reynolds for appropriate picature donated to the Grange. It was also moved and carried that we pay our Gatekeeper $6.00 per year for services in his office.

February 18 - A motion was made and carred it pay Brother Sweet the $9.85 due him from the building fund.

March 18 - A motion was made to pay Brother H. D. Weatherwax on the building of $12.24 due him, carried. A motion was also made to pay Brother Holden Lowing $14.36 towards what is owed him, carried.

June 24 - William Lowing was authorized to draw an order for $10 to apply on lumber for shed.

July 8 - Brother Tate gave a production on Statistics and compaired Michigan with other states which comparrison was flattering to Agriculturists, which shows she stands ahead of about 34 states and but little behind the other three or four states besided her copper, lumber, salt and fruit with a reasonable good climate without Cyclones, Blizzards and Tornadoes which frequent other states.

November 4 - Brother Robert Alward received $13.00 to reimburse him for cash advanced on lumber for shed and Brother Holden C. Lowing received $35.00 to pay back on indebtness.

December 2 - Brother Holden C. Lowing received $15.00 the balance due him on building fund.


January 6 - The secretary’s yearly report states there are 82 members of which there are 43 females and 39 males. The total number of persons who have joined the Grange from its organization is 148 of which 58 stand suspended and eight deaths as follows: Ellen Doan, Matilda Doan, Cordelia Spear, Oliver Purchase, Lizzie Bosworth, Eugene Rosegrant, Charles Salesbury and Marian Lowing.

February 10 - Reports were received from Olive Center Grange, Talmadge Grange, Allendale Grange and Robinson Grange, which showed those granges to be alive but some of them in not quite so healthy a condition as all would wish to have them.

September 1 - As the Grange was called to order, we noticed an extra organ in our room brought there by Mr. Bisonette who gave us a few tunes and spoke of its good merits, who offered it for $50.00 accompied with stool. A motion was made and carried to purchase said organ. Brother Sponable paid the man $30.00 cash and a note for $20.00, due in 60 days.


February 2 - It was announced that a meeting of farmers to be held at Hudsonville, on Monday the 11th to take in consideration the building of a Gristmill.

February 16 - It was moved and carried that the Good Templers have the use of the Hall for their meetings provided they furnish one half the running expenses and other work which may become necessary about the Hall or Grounds and also cleaning of the floors.

December 27 - A resolution as follows was passed: Be it resolved that the Grange Hall and Buildings shall not be used for dancing or like sports unless consent be first obtaianed of the Grange at some regular meeting and notice to obtain consent for such purposes shall lie on the table two weeks or more before action can be taken on the same and the offices of this Grange is hereby instructed to inforce this resolution.


September 5 - A motion by Brother William R. Lowing that the Grange voted to keep the picture of General Grant which was purchased by Brother H. D. Weatherwax and brought to the Hall and paid a sum of $2.50.


December 4 - Sister Sweet called the Grange to take notice the Hall below needed cleaning where the sisters had spit tobacco juice on the floor and on Wednesday the 8th following for such purpose, a meeting would be held. At this meeting the Hall was cold and some thought a carpet would add to the looks and warmth of the room as our Grange does not take a back seat for any other Grange.


April 23 - Be it resolved by the members of Georgetown Grange in meeting assembled that the Master of this Grange be and is hereby directed to appoint a committee, said committee be composed of four of the young Brothers of this Grange whose duty it shall be to plant three nice thrifty trees hard maple preferred, in commeration of our departed Brothers whose names herin after appear. Said trees to be planted on the South Side of the Grange lot about 6 feet from Sout line commencing at, or near, the road line thense west about 20 ft. apart. Said trees to be boxed with some lumber belonging to the Grange and properly cared for hereafter and shall be known and designated by the following names. Said tree nearest road to be called Benton, next west to be called Eugene and third to be called Marion. Said committee to perform the above services free of charge but should they plant other and more trees on the Grange lot they shall receive such compensation as this Grange may deem right or just. The following are the committee: Brother Abe Bosworth, Brother Steward Rosegrant, Brother Arthur Lowing and Brother Elmer Gillette.


February 6 - Secretary and Treasurer were bonded for ensuing year at a fixed amount of $100.00.

December 1 and 2 - Pomona Grange was held at Olive Center Grange.


January 14 - Brother M. H. Smith of Talmadge Grange installed the officers of Georgetown Grange for ensuing year.

February 11 - The Choir entertained during the Lecture hour. An essay on some worthwhile subject was presented by a member of the Grange at each meeting during the Lecture hour.

April 8 - Brother Charles McEvan resigned as Master of the Grange and Brother Henry D. Weatherwax was elected to fill the office for the balance of the year. A resolution was presented for use of the lower hall for the purpose of a dance on April 14th. Request granted and motion carried.

May 20 - A resolution as follows was passed; whereas many of our fellow citizens of the village of Spring Lake having met with such a sad misfortune as to loose in many cases, every dollars worth of property they possessed: Therefore be it resolved, that we members of Georgetown Grange #458, P. of H. do hereby tender to the unfortinate ones of Spring Lake, our sincere sympathy in their misfortune and we further emphasize our sympathy by appropriating from ou Grange treasury, the sum of $10.00, which amount to be forwarded to Emro Pruim, Chairman of the relief committee for the relief of those in need.

July 30 - The resolution for use of the lower hall for a dance on August 12th was presented and granted.

September 23 - Brother Morse suggested that Hudsonville Grange and Georgetown Grange meet in joint meetings every two weeks at their respective halls meeting alternatly.

October 7 - Brother Joe Lowing moved that in place of our regular meeting in two weeks, we meet with the Hudsonville Grange. Motion carried.


February 3 - Sister Lottie Lutz suggested the grange have a Shadow Social on Thursday, February 8th. It was so decided.

March 3 - Joe Lowing suggested that the grange have a debate at the next meeting. It was decided that the question be "Resolved that the Printing Press is preferable to the railroad". The following were on the teams:


Joe Lowing                              Herbert Alward

Amos Winchester                     Robert Alward

Dora Alward                             Abe Bosworth

Eva Sawyer                             Charles Munn

Charles Lutz                             Henry Sweet

D. Weatherwax                         Addie Weatherwax

March 17 - Literary program - the choir entertained with music and then the debate was held and the negative side won.

May 26 - Edwin Lowing asked for use of the lower hall for a dance on the 4th of July and this was granted.

June 9 - A motion was made and carried that we hold an Anniversary meeting, Saturday, June 16th. Brother Henry Sweet was appointed to get lemons and sugar for lemonade and Sisters Roost, Ulberg and Cook were named as the committee on decorations. Brother H. C. Lowing was appointed as Historian for the day.

June 16 - 20th Anniversary Program was as follows: The worthy Master invited the first Master Holden C. Lowing to take the chair, which he did and gave a historical sketch of the early days of Georgetown Grange. This was followed by appropriate remarks by Brother Alward who spoke on the benefits of the Grange to the rising generation. Sister Weatherwax read the declaration of purposes of Georgetown Grange and expressed a desire to have the said declarations read at least once a year.

September 15 - Under suggestions for the good of the order the Sisters decided to be prepared to respond to their names whenever they were called and the Worthy Master suggested that the Brothers do better by responding before their names were called.


January 22 - Brother Smith of Talmadge Grange installed the officers.

February 2 - Brother Joe Lowing asked for the lower hall for a dance. Granted. A motion was made and carried to have a question box in our Grange. It was also decided that we hold a Necktie Social for the benefit of the Grange or Wednesday evening, February 18th.


March 4 - A motion was made and carried that the dues be raised from 80 cents and 40 censt to $1.20 and 60 cents. Carried.


September 18 - A bill from Henry Notting for $9.95 for papering and painting the inside of the hall.


February 5 - Brother Will Lowing made a motion to pay the Secretary, $5.00 per year for work done for the grange. Carried.

June 4 - Brother William Lowing and Frank Bos presented a bill for $9.00 for painting the hall. Bill allowed.

December 10 - Bills were presented by the following for work on sheds: Mr. Emmet Lowing - $11.00, Dan Lowing - $24.00.

December 24 - Frank tate presented a bill for $5.00 for work on the sheds. As Brothers George and Will Cheyne did more than their share of work on the sheds, a motion was passed to pay their dues for the next year in appreciation.


September 9 - The committee announced there would be a Night Cap Social at the hall on Tuesday evening, September 19th.

September 22 - Sister Ida Alward made a motion to procure a traveling library for three months. Carried.


October 20 - Sister Ida Alward was appointed as Librarian for the traveling library.


February 23 - A motion was made and carried that a Domino Party be given on March 1st. A motion was made and carried to buy 500 lbs. of hay for Pomona Grange.

March 24 - Motion was made and carried that new singing books be purchased.

July 27 - It was moved and carried that new singing books be purchased.

November 29 - A motion was made and carried that a Crokinole Party be held on December 13th.


November 1 - A motion was made and carried to have a Necktie Social on November 6th.


February 20 - A motion was made and carried to let the Hall to the Ideal Entertainers on March 27th.

June 11 - A motion was made and carried to observe "Flora’s Day" on June 25th.

June 25 - The ususall proceedings of the order was omitted and Flora’s Day was observed. The Hall was beautifully decorated with flowers and ferns. The choir sang an opening song. The Worth Overseer gave a short lecture on flowers. The lecture then called roll and all responded with a quotation on flowers. Recitations, readings and music were then given.

August 20 - A motion was made and carried that Pomona’s Day be observed in four weeks on September 17th.

September 17 - As this was Pomona’s Day the hall was beautifully decorated with fruit and flowers. The program consisted of songs by the choir, quotations, readings and recitations and music were given.


February 25 - A motion was made and carried that we give a progressive Domino Party on Friday evening, March 3rd.

March 4 - A committee, composed of John Lowing, Luman Starken and Charles Munn was appointed to buy carpet and alabastine for halls.

April 15 - A motion was made and carried to give a Box and Shadow Social on April 28th.

Decembeer 9 - A motion was made and carried that the carpet (old) be sold to the highest bidder. Brother Charles Wilson was auctioneer. It was sold to Brother William Lowing for $2.50.


January 6 - A motion was made and carried to buy three gallons of oysters for installation of officers in one week.

March 3 - A motion was made and carried to buy a stove for lower hall.

June 23 - It was reported that Brother Charles Wilson was not able to do his work. A motion was made and carried that the Grange members help with this work. It was decided to go the following Wednesday.

December 22 - It was decided that Brother A. Alward get the siding for the Grange buildings and the Grangers meet the following Saturday and put it on.


February 16 - It was decided to have a Carpet Rag Social on March 5th.

April 27 - Brother Wilson presented a suggestion from the town board of Georgetown that they would furnish the paint for the outside of hall if the Grange would put it on. It was accepted.

October 12 - A motion was made by John Lowing that we accept the town board’s offer to build the chimney on the hall. Carried.


January 25 - The subject of whether we should continue our Grange or drop it was discussed and it was decided to continue same. Carried.

February 8 - It was decided to hold a Valentine Social and the proceeds to be used for paper for hall.

April 11 - A motion was made and carried to buy lace curtains for the hall.


October 2 - It was moved and carried to have a Weigh Social for Halloween.


February 19 - A motion was made and carried to give a Hard Time Social in three weeks from last Friday night.

April 23 - Motion was made and carried to have a Post Card Social, May 20th.

October 22 - It was moved and carried to give a Nose Social, November 15th.

November 5 - It was moved and carried to buy a piano.

November 19 - It was moved and carried to buy a cot for the hall for the use of the children. It was moved and carried that the Grange buy new Rituals.

December 3 - Piano was purchased from J. A. J. Friedrick for $125.00.


February 11 - It was decided to have a surprise party on Albert and Dora Lowing a week from the following Thursday evening.

April 22 - A motion was made and carried to make out tickets and sell them to raffle off the organ.

July 29 - The organ was sold for $6.00.


February 12 - Suggestions that the Grange have a surprise party on Brother and Sister Elwin Lowing and that anyone having children fetch them along.

October 19 - The town board agreed to furnish the shingles for Hall and the Grange do the work.


October 4 - Motion was made and carried that the Grange change from it’s present insurance company and insure in the Grange Insurance Company for $800 on the Hall and $200 on personal property.

November 15 - It was announced that a bag was being filled for Brother John Lowing to be given him on Thanksgiving and that the Grange might contribute if it wished to do so. Motion was made and carried that all contribute who could.

December 6 - Sashes and badges were purchased for $26.02.


March 7 - It was announced a Colored Egg Social would be held on Tuesday evening on March 10th.

April 18 - A Masquerade Social was announced to be given three weeks from last Friday evening.

July 11 - It was voted on and carried to hold a "one-cent supper" in two weeks.

December 19 - Motion was made and carried to buy 22 charis from the Gleaners at $.30 apiece.


April 24 - A stove for the lower hall was purchased from Aura Wagner for $6.00.

April 28 - A letter was read from Kent City Grange asking help for Brother A. D. Brown, whose property was destroyed by the recent windstorm. Motion was made and carried to donate $1.00 for his benefit.


May 6 - Two letters, one from Peach Plains and the other from Conklin asking aid in building new halls. Letters sent back to the effect that Georgetown Grange unable to help at this time as their funds are too low.

July 1 - Grange to hold Ice Cream Social on July 14th.


January 3 - It was moved and carried to buy a cord of wood for Brother Herbert Lowing who is no better at this writing.

October 9 - It was moved and carried that the Grange have a Vaudeville and Play afterwards.

December 4 - The Vaudeville Committee reported a net profit of $24.50. Two flags were purchased for $8.00.


February 26 - It was moved and carried to have the play committee purchase curtains for their use in putting on plays.

April 30 - Play Committee reported a net of $153.70.

May 14 - Play at Grandville netted $27.05.

July 19 - It was moved and carried the orchestra buy drums not to exceed $68.00.

December 31 - Receipts for the year $485.24 disbursements $427.75 with a balance of $57.49.


February 22 - Moved and carried to build a stage in the upper hall and move painted curtains and back curtains upstairs.

May 13 - Lumber for the stage cost $18.65.

July 22 - Motion was made and carried to have a dance for West Crockery Ball Team on Saturday, July 29th.

August 5 - Cleared $38.00 on dance for West Crockery Ball Team.

August 19 - W. S. Boynton reported $121.57 cleared from the refreshment stand at the Farm Bureau Picnic on August 9th. Balance was paid on the ball suits.

November 11 - It was moved and carried to have the wiring put up for Radio.

November 25 - Lecture hour was spent listening to a radio intertainment given by Brother Lotan Hildreth.


February 3 - Lecture hour was spent listening to a Radio intertainment furnished by Brother Lotan Hildreth and a "one-cent supper" sale.

May 12 - Roy Lowing reported that 27 members had signed notes to build the hall. A motion was made and carried to build 16 foot onto the hall. Moved and carried that the Grange will pay $.40 per hour for labor on the building of new part on the hall.

September 1 - Building Committee reported material would cost $400.00 and labor, $200.00.

October 27 - Building Committee reported the wall was sone? (stone?) and they expected to begin the work on the hall next week.

July 21 - The Klue Klux Klan raided the Hall and demanded $.25 apiece from everyone and then marched everyone down to the waiting autos and took them to the Grove on Leavenworth farm where they served a good supper.

December 1 - William Lowing reported nearly ready to lath the hall and that the Sheridan Brothers volunteered to plaster the hall free of charge.


January 12 - A motion was made and carried to raise ladies dues to $1.20 per year. A motion was made and carried to raise the Grange Insurance from $1,000 to $2,000.

March 1 - Moved and carried to have the Odd Fellows Play, "The Path Across the Hill" on Saturday evening, March 8th. Moved and carried to remodel the stage.


Good only May 10, 1924.

Fine of 5 cents for each coupon detached by a passenger.

No continuous passages allowed. Every ticket holder must do the countries or be "done".

This company is not responsible for dutiable articles carries into any country.

Agreeable escorts will be provided for maiden ladies and children.

Spinsters are warned against strangers in Ireland. It’s the "Blarney" that leads to Dublin.

No pets allowed in staterooms.

This company guarantees no one will be seasick.

Take your "rubber-necks" along.

Personally conducted parties will start from Georgetown Grange Hall at 5:40 p.m. and during the journey a good course supper may be procured on the European plan.


Holland to America

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Japan to Holland

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Ireland to Japan


John Wagner took the first load in a covered truck.

Ireland turned out to be Clara Lowing’s for Irish stew,

Japan turned out to be VanderVeen’s for chop suey,

Holland turned out to be Olive Comstock’s for cookies and coffee,

After expenses were paid the profit was $23.00.

June 21 - Moved and Carried to pay $200.00 on the principle of the $700.00 note.

July 5 - The ball team was reorganized with Marian Gillette as Captain, Grant McEachron as manager, and John VanderVeen as Secretary-Treasurer.

August 16 - After degree work and lunch was finished a quilt was raffled off. Olive Comstock held the lucky number. She then turned it back to the Grange and it was auctioned off by Jim Kautenberg and John Ernzer was the highest bidder for $4.00.



(An essay written by Ada Curtis, one of the Grangers, read for the Lecture hour)

Not quite a year ago I joined the Grange
Trembled and shook, for it was mysteriously strange—
When I think of my fears it makes me laugh
For there was no real goat, not even a calf
The worthy assistant stewards were John and Dot—
Who led us over rough and a rocky spot—
Chester Leavenworth was the worthy Master—
He always tapped his hammer for us to walk faster,
Then stepped off the platform feeling real smart,
And deliberately asked me to put my hand on my heart—
Will Lowing the overseer gave me a rose—
And Chet took it away right under my nose.
Ollie Comstock the Chaplain gave us a short talk—
Then we like camels resumed our walk
Jennie Bosworth who roasts weenies under the moon,
Sat at the piano playing the doggonest tune.
This sent us over to Aura Wagner to hear her speech—
I can’t remember it, but know it was a peach
Fred Comstock was gate keeper and wouldn’t let us in—
Til Roy Lowing called us, then my head began to spin.
You see then we were just beginning to get the second degree—
And I felt like going down and hide behind a tree
The First degree was torturous and I thought this would be too—
I look around at Mary and her features were actually blue
So that I know I was not alone in my fright—
Neither of us know how we lived thru that night,
Even the boys, Genn, Luke, Floyd, Summer and Dale—
Looked as though their hearts were about to quail
But since that night we have learned the names—
Of most of the boys and some of the dames.
There’s Margaret Lowing whom I knew long before—
Who tows her car up hill when gas it needs more
And Paul Leavenworth who just loves to sing—
Especially that song about that old dog Bing.
Then there’s Gladys Corey who doesn’t know just what to expect—
Whether they will respond when she calls the roll or not.
Mr. Palmer and Lee Bosworth whom I haven’t mentioned yet—
Are song birds who with Chet and Paul compose our fine quartet
Then Howard decided that among us he would like seat.
So we have with us the entire family of Overseer Sweet.
We mustn’t forget Edyth Boynton, our secretary "never-fail".
Who often has to read just loads of business mail.
--Georgetown is a good place to live,
--The Grange is a good place to go.


January 17 - It was moved and carried to give the Dance Committee authority ot give dances when they see fit.


January 9 - The matter of renting the hall was discussed and a motion was made and carried that a flat rate of $10.00 be charged for the use of the lower hall.

March 13 - The matter of papering the hall was discussed and Brother Fred Tambke said it would cost $90.00 to put plain ceiling and paneling the windows.


March 3 - Brother W. B. Comstock who hadn’t been able to meet with us for sometime, was with us again and presented a painting to the Grange.

May 12 - A motion was made and carried to carry $2,000 Windstorm Insurance.

September 29 - Motion made and carried to donate the use of the hall and the janitor work to the Red Cross of Hudsonville, the proceeds to be used for the sufferers of the South.


April 27 - A motion was made and carried to wire the hall.


December 6 - A motion made and carried to hire Fred Wagner to kalsomine the ceiling of the lower hall and paint the woodwork.


November 7 - It was moved and carried that our Thanksgiving Dinner and annual event of the year.

December 19 - A motion was made and carried to send the Supervisor a check for $2.00 with which to buy candy for the poor children of the township.


January 2 - It was moved and carried that the Grange buy a heatrola for the upper hall and move the stove to the lower hall.

March 12 - A short play entitled "Detour Ahear" was presented by the Bauer people.

March 26 - Carpeting was purchased and sewed for the upper hall for $89.85.

May 7 - The matter was brought up of erecting a small building on the grounds in which to house the township records. Motion was made and carried that the Grange go on record as having no objection to placing a building of this kind on the South West corner of the lot.


February 25 - The Dramatic Club asked to put on a play in the Grange Hall and the proceeds to go to the Grange for the use of the hall and the price of the books. Motion was made and carried that the play be given and if the proceeds sufficient, the club be allowed enough for a supper.

June 3 - The Dramatic Club turned over $21.10 from their play. Motion made and carried to communicate with their leader and find out if they wanted a supper or the use of the hall for the same.

November 18 - A motion was made and carried that the Lecture be allowed $5.00 for expenses to attend the Lectures Conference on December 5 through 8.


May 5- A reception for Grace Ewing Howell was to be given June 19th.

October 20 - Aura Wagner reported that the outside lights were in.


May 18 - It was decided to entertain Pomona Grange at our hall on June 15th.


September 20 - Booster night will be held September 30th.

November 14 - Talmadge Grange invited us to hold installation with them and a motion was made and carried to accept the invitation.


March 6 - A motion was made and carried to give the $14.00, the receipts from the previous dance, to the Ottawa County Red Cross for the flood sufferers.

October 30 - An invitation from Talmadge to hold installation with them. Motion made and carried to do so.


March 18 - A motion was made and carried for executive committee to buy a good fan.

November 11 - A motion was made and carried to accept the invitation to install officers with Talmadge Grange.


March 16 - A motion was made and carried to donate the proceeds of next dance to Zeeland Grange towards the building of their hall.

March 30 - Hazel Wilson reported that the kitchen table had been donated by the township.

May 11 - Tom Wilson reported $23.52 net from special dance of May 4th, which was donated to the members of Zeeland Grange.

October 26 - A motion was made and carried to have Tallmadge meet with us to install officers on November 23rd.


January 4 - A motion was made and carried to purchase a standard for our flag.

February 1 - A motion was made and carried to donate $5.00 to the Polio Fund.

April 26 - The program was dedicated to ou Gold Sheaf member, Dora Alward Lowing. The minutes of January 11, 1891 were read and she was given a Gold Sheaf pin and Golden Sheaf Certificate.

May 10 - Georgetown Grange was asked to put on the Memorial Service at Pomona Grange on Saturday, June 7th, at Zeeland.

November 8 - An invitation from Tallmadge Grange to meet with them to install officers on December 12th was accepted.

December 20 - It was decided to have a Beano Party for the Red Cross.

January 3, 1942

January 31 - The Beano Party netted $12.00.

April 11 - Conklin Grange Officers filled the Chairs and put on the "Passing of the Gavel" ceremony. The ceremony was quite impressive and was largely attended by members from Coopersville, Conklin, Ottawa and Tallmadge Granges. After the ceremony, Sister McNitt, Conklin Grange Lecture, put on a nice program. Songs by Brother Davenport, Reading-"Towser Shall Be Tyed Tonight" by Cecile Sheridan. Reading by Tallmadge Grange and community singing.

August 8 - A motion made and carried to buy an $18.75 War Bond. Motion was made and carried to buy a Service Flag for our Grange members in service.

October 10 - It was moved and carried that "Booster" meeting for the Grange be held November 7th with a potluck dinner and Pedro Party in the evening.

November 14 - A special evening meeting of Georgetown Grange was called to Order by Master Hugh Dennis for the purpose of installing officers of Tallmadge, Zeeland and Georgetown Granges. Brother and Sister Looman were the Installing Officers.

December 5 - A motion was made and carried to pay dues of our members in service. Motion made that we fix a Sunshine Bag for Sister Delsie Lowing with each bringing their gifts for this bag at our next meeting.


March 27 - A motion was made and carried to have proceeds of nex Pedro Party for Red Cross.

April 10 - It was suggested to make a sunshine bag for Mary Lowing. Moved and carried to do so.

June 12 - It was moved and carried that meetings be held in home during summer months. Invitation by Nellie Lowing was accepted.

August 21 - Pomona will be held at our Grange on September 11th.

October 23 - Worthy Master Hugh Dennis, Brother Chester and Sister Edyth Leavenworth were named to act on the Reception Committee at the National Grange to be held in Grand Rapids.

November 6 - A motion was made and carried to have the Annual Thanksgiving dinner on Saturday, November 20th. A motion was made and carried to accept Tallmadge Grange’s offer to install officers with them on November 26th.


March 11 - A motion was made and carried to give the proceeds of the next Pedro Party to the Red Cross and if it didn’t amount to $10 that the difference be taken from the treasury. It was moved and carried that cards or letters be sent to Clare Wagner who is in an Army Hospital.

March 25 - A new stove was purchased fro $20.00.

October 27 - Pomona to be held at Georgetown Grange on December 9th.

November 4 - A motion was made and carried to have Tallmadge and Zeeland meet with us to install officers.


October 6 - Tom Wilson thanked the Grange for the use of the hall for Dale’s wedding.

October 20 - Hugh Dennis thanked the Grange for the use of the hall for Lucille’s wedding.

November 3 - Invitation from Tallmadge Grange to install officers with them. A motion made and carried to accept this invitation.

December 29 - A motion was made and carried to have new lights put on outside of hall.


December 28 - The Veterans of Hudsonville would like the use of the hall for a Beano Party. Motion made and carried to give it to them rent free if they will pay the janitor for building the fires.


May 15 - A motion was made and carried to give Joyce Lowing and Leo Dennis a graduation gift.

July 26 - Next meeting to be held at the home of Brother and Sister Tom Wilson for a potluck supper on August 23rd.

October 11 - A motion was made and carried that the young people have the use of the hall once or more a month. Clare Wagner and wife have charge of same.


January 3 - A School of Instruction at Harrington Grange will be held on January 17th with potluck supper.

January 31 - A motion was made and carried to give $6.00 to the new Dutch family staying with Fred Abel. Motion was made and carried to get material for new drapes or curtains for the downstairs.

February 14 - A motion made and carried to send $5.00 to the Ottawa County Health Department for the children’s eye testing. Motion was made and carried to give Home Economics the power to purchase an Overseer’s mat, cups and spoons.

February 28 - A motion was made and carried to paint and paper the lower hall.

May 22 - The Mystery ride to be held July 15th. Each Grange to go a different way led by the Lecture and all meet at a place known only to the Lectures of each Grange for the purpose of selecting a Cinderella and having a social evening together.

August 21 - It was moved and carried to have a Booster night program and $20.00 was allowed the Lecture for this.

November 6 - 1947-1948 FINANCIAL REPORT

Balance on hand $101.43
Dues & Fees $ 82.20
Hall Rent $124.50
Dances $108.95
Pedro Parties $ 22.05
Misc. $ 18.63

Total Receipts $457.77

Lights $15.86
Fuel $ 51.40
State Dues $ 57.64
Decorating, curtains & rugs $ 75.09
Janitor $ 13.50
Stove $ 35.00
Flowers & cards $ 21.45
Pomona Dinner $ 79.70
Stove Gas $ 3.00
Insurance $ 13.00
Tuning Piano $ 6.00
Nat’l Grange Monthly $ 11.48
Lecture work $ 5.92
Misc. $ 24.22

Total Expenses $ 413.26

November 6, 1948 Balance $ 44.51

December 3 - A motion was made and carried to purchase a cord and lamp for the corner by the Master’s Station and, also, a lamp for the piano.


January 15 - A motion was made and carried to purchase a lock for the south door upstairs so as to keep it locked and none of the upstairs chairs, etc. to be taken downstairs when the hall is rented.

February 26 - The Haire School is being torn down and Charles Lowing said the township would pay for the toilets if the Grange would install them. A motion was made and carried that the Grange will install them.

March 26 - Pomona Grange will be at Georgetown Grange on June 4th.

June 18 - The Mystry ride will be July 20th. Motion was made and carried to give Lois Dennis a graduation present.

July 16 - A motion was made and carried to let the Dennis’ have the hall for Lois Dennis’ wedding.

November 6 - 1948-1949 FINANCIAL REPORTS

Balance on Hand $ 44.51
Dues $ 72.65
Hall Rent $203.00
Dance $ 98.91
Pedro Party $ 31.38
Misc. $ 31.20
Bond Cashed $ 22.00

Total Receipts $503.65

Lights $ 22.81
Supplies, etc. $ 135.80
Hired Work & Material $ 195.05
Graduation Gift $ 2.00
State dues $ 53.80
Fuel $ 57.73
Fire Insurance $ 9.00
Flowers $ 3.81

Total Expenses $480.00

November 6, 1949 Balance on Hand $ 23.65

November 19 - A motion was made and carried to raise the dues to $2.50 per member and amend the constitution accordingly. A motion was made and carried to raise Pedro Party fees from $.25 cents to $.35 cents. Executive committee reported the rest rooms are finished.


January 14 - The upstairs hall was broken into when a family had a Christmas party in the lower hall. A bill for $12.00 was sent them for repairs.

February 11 - The Executive Committee hired Mr. Rowden as janitor.

July 7 - The Mystry ride to be held July 19th.

November 4 - 1949-1950 FINANCIAL REPORT

Balance on Hand $ 23.65
Pedro Party $ 16.06
Dues $ 111.90
Hall Rent $ 140.00
Dance $ 86.00

Total Receipts $ 377.61

Lumber and Misc. $ 56.69
Lights $ 18.26
Flowers $ 24.22
Insurance $ 6.00
Pomona Dinner $ 66.40
State Dues $ 70.00
Fuel $ 45.03
Supplies, Etc. $ 41.33
Janitor $ 24.00
Pins $ 15.30

Total Expenses $ 367.23

November 4, 1950 Balance on Hand $ 10.38

From this point on, only things of note were taken from the Secretary’s minutes.


June 16 - double tubs were purchased for the 4-H camp.

August 18 - An "Old Time Get Together" was held at the Grange Hall for all past and present members.

Pictures were taken - 65 were present.

Total Receipts - $391.24 Total Expenses - $336.42 Balance - $54.82


April 17 - pancake supper to raise money for the building fund.

May 10 - Fred Wagner will paper the hall if we purchase the paper.

May 24 - bought a two burner oil burner for the lower hall for $85.

June 21 - motion was made and carried to purchase a nylon flag, 4 x 6 for the outside of the hall and give it to the township.

September 20 - a program, including a play "Belated Picnic" written by Mrs. Essa Arnold was given. Ethel Bischoff won the pie baking contest.

December 20 - it was decided to have a Traveling Basket for the Building Fund. Articles will be placed in the basket and passed on until each member has had the basket. You buy what is in the basket and then place something else in it and pass it on to another member.

Total Receipts - $510.40 Total Expenses - $455.96 Balance - $54.44


January 3 - the rent was raised to $10 for the hall.

June 20 - a six burner stove was purchased from Purity Gas Company for $60.00.

October 26-29 - State Grange to be held in Grand Rapids

Total Receipts - $653.35 Total Expenses - $367.46 Balance - $285.89


May 22 - $5 to Muscula Distrophy

December 18 - changed price of Pedro Party from $.35 to $.50.

Total Receipts - $966.25 Total Expenses - $353.90 Balance - $353.90


November 19 - Dues raised from $2.50 to $3.00 per year. Grange meetings to be held on the 1st and 3rd Fridays each month except July, August and September.

Total Receipts - $903.60 Total Expenses - $317.14 Balance - $586.46


January 6 - bought a tank -$20- and heater -$50- for upper hall from Esther Myers.

February 3 - Francis Tuffs will wire the hall.

March 16 - to purchase stainless steel service for 100 from Better Names Wholesale Company.

April 7 - Grange serve a meal to peole who were doing cleanup after the Tornado that went through Hudsonville on April 3rd. One of our members, Ben and Bernice Cheyne’s possession were completely wiped out. Bernice was in the hospital for a long time.

April 20 - a dinner was served to 80 foreman from GM. They took a collection and this was turned over to the Ben Cheyne’s.

September 15 - present membership is 45 and 3 Gold Sheaf members.

September 21 - our hall was rent free for the community Halloween party. The Secretary;s salary was raised to $20.

October 19 - Ben & Bernice Cheyne gave a cook stove for our kitchen

November 2 - purchased 6 tables, new drapes and 50 metal chairs - Pomona Grange will be at Georgetown on December 1st.

November 23 - purchased a piano from Lawrence Swanson for $35 - he will keep it tuned as long as he is playing it.

Total Receipts - $1,291.17 Total Expenses - $675.83 Balance - $615.34


March 1 - the following candidates were given the 3rd & 4th degree: Gaylor Sutton, Eva Sutton, George Hill, Jr., Martin Sutton, Frank Blair and Fred Blair.

Louise Schaefer and Caroline Klinkner’s names were presented for membership, voted on favorably.

March 15 - gave the Indonesian family $25.

April 5 - Susy Berger passed away this morning.

May 17 - the grange meeting night was changed to Saturday night and Pedro Parties on Friday night to accommodate the young people.


January, 1959 - Our nomination for recognition as a Builder Grange is Georgetown Grange in Ottawa County. In addition to a well-rounded and vigorous Grange program, they have purchased a building to afford a pleasant meeting place, more suitable than the old Grange Hall.


June 6 - 85th Anniversary - held our Annual Reunion - 125 present.

July 23 - George Howell passed away.


January 23 - gave the Bauer Fire Department a coffee urn - 50 cup.

February 11 - the Old Grange Hall building on the corner of 28th and Baldwin was put up for sale and sold to Jerry DeWindt and wife for $2,000.

February 20 - Charles Lowing died today, just before he was to receive his Golden Sheaf 50-yr. Lifetime membership.

June 11 - Annual Reunion - 109 present

September 29 - Thora Herbstreith died today. Jack and Joyce Klawiter had a baby girl born dead.

Transcriber: Evelyn M. Sawyer
Created: 3 February 2003