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Contributed by B.J. Kemme |
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Transcribed from yearbooks and school records
* The following information was taken from the Onaweea, the high school year book for the year 1922. Page 16
of the seniors was missing and I did my best in determining who might have been on that page.
** Because of a fire, records for 1930 were lost. This list from the school was compiled from 2 different lists.
Certain individuals were again marked deceased on the lists.
The following information was taken from the Onaweea, the high school year book for the year 1921.
Mitchell, Charles Editor
McClutchey, Carl Assistant Editor
Hunt, Wilbur - Business Manager
Auger, Ruth - Athletic Editor
Clough, Richter Joke Editor
Strayer, Irma Art Editor
Chowen, Wesley J. President
Waggoner, L. E. Secretary
Scheifley, Ira Treasurer
Ludington, P. J. Trustee
McVay, Bert M. - Trustee
Klager, Benjamin - Superintendent
Collier, Florence Mathematics
Earlywine, Clara Physical Training
Galt, Truman, F. French and English
Hasbrouck, Gertrude History
Loomis, Fern English & Household Arts
Ludington, Charlotte Public Health Nurse
Luse, Reid O. Commercial
Omas, G. A. Principal
Post, R. E. Agriculture & Physical Training
Yager, Mrs. Librarian
Anderson, Edith
Auger, Ruth President of the Amphion Club, Basketball, Glee Club
Clough, Richter - Treasure of Sr. Class, Dorian Literary Society
Cox, Doris Secretary-Treasure of the Amphion Club, Class play, Glee Club, Dorian Literary Society
Dunn, Leila Glee Club
Ferguson, Gertrude Hillman High, 1920
Hunt, Wilbur Baseball, Basketball, Football, Class play
Martyn, Ernest President of Sr. Class, President of the Mens Glee Club, Class play, Treasure of the Dramatic Club,
Dorian Literary Society
McClutchey, Carl Basketball, Football, Class play, Dorian Literary Society
McCormick, Orvel Valedictorian, Class Play, Football, Baseball, President of the Columbian Literary Society
McIntosh, Augusta Class play, Millersburg High 1920
Mitchell, Charles Football, Baseball, Class Play, Dorian Literary Society
Nowland, Elizabeth Glee Club, Millersburg High 1918, Columbian Literary Society
Post, Violet G. Class Play, Glee Club, Basketball
Smith, Inez Secretary
Strayer, Irma Vice President of Sr. Class,Vice President of the Amphion Club, Class play, Basketball, Glee Club
Welch, Minnie Class play, Glee Club, Dorian Literary Society
Hebeler, Amanda Principal
Mason, Anne Critic Teacher
Auger, Ruth
Anderson, Edith
Brandenburg, Gerrude
Dunn, Leila
Ferguson, Gertrude
McIntosh, Augusta
Post, Violet G.
Shackson, Rolland
Smith, Inez
Strayer, Irma
Craig, Leila
Hutchinson, Lena
Martyn, Edith
McVay, Albert
Olson, Annie
Place, Norma
Smillie, Winifred
Smith, Ila Secretary of the Dorian Literary Society
Smith, Merle Secretary & Treasure of the Mens Glee Club; Vice President of the Dramatic Club
Stout, Levere President of the Dramatic Club
Trafalet, Ralph Vice President of the Dorian Literary Society
Vermilya, Charlotte Vice President of the Columbian Literary Society
Vorce, Harold
Wright, Orlo Business Manager of the Dramatic Club
Bean, Leta
Belding, Gerald
Boddy, Isabella
Chowen, Floyd
Craig, Genevieve
Day, Eva
Derosia, Otto
Dunn, Elmer
Ennes, Helen
Glasford, Kenneth
Gross, Julius
Hartshorn, Max
Johnston, Thelma
Kirby, Victor
Mahoney, Helen
McAllister, Ruby
McClutchey, Sam Treasurer of the Dorian Literary Society
Merritt, Floyd
Mitchell, Harley
Noon, Theresa
Northcott, John
OMeara, Pauline
Pomella, Irene President of the Dorian Literary Society
Rabiteau, Muriel
Roberts, Dorothy
Shackson, Marion
Shaloy, Florence
Shebella, Clara
Thompson, Jetta
Van Allen, Cora
Wilton, Nellie
Zeller, John
Anderson, Bernadine
Anderson, Leo
Baker, Esther
Barker, Lyle
Buddy, Henrietta
Clemens, Frieda
Clough, Harry
Cowper, Mary Secretary of the Dramatic Club
Crippen, Ellen
Day, Edith
Delaney, Helen
Delaney, Harold
DeYoung, Virgil
Doolittle, Wynn
Dosie, Iva
Edmonds, Florence
Esh, Arthur
Everingham, Lyle
Farrow, Jean
Fusee, Carlton
Hall, George
Harrington, Ralph
Hart, Lloyd
Hunt, Fred
Hutchinson, Retha
Jarvis, Thelma
Johnston, Stanley
Judd, Grace
Kellogg, Elizabeth
Lound, Alice
Martyn, Florence
McManemy, Florence
McMurphy, Iva
Mero, Stella
Morford, Keith
Morrison, Claude
Peterson, Cyril
Roberts, Cecil
Sandison, Ione
Sandison, Kenneth
Severance, Marguerite
Smith, Clayton
Swank, Ray
VanRiper, Reba
VanZant, Hazel
Warren, Ruth
Wright, Edna
Young, Clarence
Barber, Mildred
Belding, Irene
Belding, Maurine
Bennett, Laurence
Blair, Armenta
Blair, Gardeline
Buddy, Henry
Burt, Vernon
Caton, Irene
Dunn, Bernice
Ellis, Robert
Everingham, Lula
Fell, Evelyn
Fish, Vivian
Fowler, Charles
Fowler, Royce
Gifford, Archie
Harris, Nina
Hulla, George
Hulla, Ruth
Lobsinger, Agnes
Lockwood, Lloyd
McCardell, Violet
Repke, Alice
Sandison, Reginald
Scheifley, Wilfred
Shackson, Ramona
Sloan, Leona
Smith, Hazel
Anderson, Marvin
Anderson, Neavens
Avery, Clifton
Avis, Donald
Bills, Stella
Blodgett, Naomi
Burt, Marion
Burt, Russell
Cory, Howard
Cram, Violet
Crippen, Marion
Delaney, Virgil
Demerest, Medora
Doolittle, Ina
Dunn, Mildred
Graves, Lloyd
Hall, Lena
Haskin, Stephen
Hayner, Helen
Jacobs, Etta
Jewell, Venise
Leeson, Russell
McKee, Leslie
McKee, Stuart
Mudrock, Doris
Newstead, Violet
Nemitz, Albert
Place, George
Small Ruth
Stout, Claude
Thompson, Bert
Tromater, Oliver
Verbeck, Gertrude
Onaway High School - 1922
The following information was taken from the Onaweea, the high school year book for the year 1922. Page 16 of
the seniors was missing and I did my best in determining who might have been on that page.
Chowen, W. J. - President
Waggoner, L. E. - Secretary
Scheifley, Ira - Treasurer
Kenrick, C. H. - Trustee
McVay, Bert - Trustee
Caldwell, Martha A.
Simms, Roy E. - Superintendent
Omans, Glen A. - Principal
Laudenslager, Floyd M. - Jr. High Principal
Hebbler, Amanda - Principal of County Normal
Alexander, Don M. - Mathematics
Chrysler, Lyle - History and Economics
Cole, Rachel - Physical Training
Duddles, Dorothy - English
Galt, Truman F. - Language and General Science
Luse, Reid O. - Commercial
Mason, Anne - Presque Isle County Normal Critic Teacher
Steere, Douglas V. - Agriculture and Chemistry
Yager, Mrs. - Librarian
Bannatyne, Roberta
Brownlee, Bernice
Craig, Leila
Clemens, Violet
Martyn, Edith
Mathews, Art
McVay, Pat
Olson, Annie
Place, Norma
Smillie, Winifred
Smith, Ila
Smith, Merle
Stout, Lester
Trafelet, Ralph
Tromater, Zeeta
Vermilya, Charlotte
Bannatyne, Roberta
Brownlee, Bernice
Dunn, Leila
Hutchinson, Lena
McCormick, Orvil
Mitchell, Charles
Nowland, Elizabeth
Smillie, Winifred
Tromater, Zeeta
Waggoner, Fern
JUNIORS in 1922 (graduating 1923)
Banks, Helena
Bean, Leta
Boddy, Isabelle
Campbell, Cozetta
Chowan, Floyd
Clark, Nina
Craig, Genevieva
Day, Eva
Ennis, Helen
Fusee, Grace
Glassford, Kenneth
Gross, Julius
Haywood, Goldie
Hartshorn, Max
Johnston, Thelma
Jones, George
Kirby, Victor
Kroening, Lee
Martin, Roseanna
Mahoney, Helen
McClutchey, Sam
Merritt, Floyd
Noon, Theresa
Northcott, John
OMeara, Pauline
Osmun, Charles
Rabiteau, Muriel
Roberts, Dorothy
Shaloy, Florence
Shebella, Clara
Smith, Ila
Snyder, Isabella
Thompson, Jetta
Van Allen, Cora
Whitsett, Joe
Willings, Prescott
Wilton, Nellie
Zeller, John
SOPHMORES in 1922 (graduating 1924)
Allen, Thelma
Anderson, Bernadine
Anderson, Leo
Baker, Esther
Buddy, Henrietta
Clark, Grace
Clemens, Frieda
Clough, Harry
Cowper, Mary
Crippen, Ellen
Day, Edith
Delaney, Harold
Delaney, Helen
DeYoung, Virgil
Doolittle, Wynn
Dosie, Iva
Dunn, Elmer
Edmonds, Florence
Esh, Arthur
Everingham, Lyle
Farrow, Jean
Fusee, Carlton
Hall, George
Harrington, Ralph
Hart, Lloyd
Hunt, Fred
Hutchinson, Retha
Jarvis, Thelma
Johnston, Stanley
Judd, Grace
Kellogg, Eliza
Lound, Alice
Martyn, Florence
McManemy, Florence
McMurphy, Iva
Mitchell, Harley
Morford, Keith
Morrison, Claud
Peterson, Cyril
Ratliff, Dottie
Roberts, Cecil
Severence, Marg.
Shackson, Marion
Smith, Clayton
Stone, George
Swant, Ray
Warren, Ruth
Webster, Ronald
Wright, Edna
Van Zant, Hazel
Young Clarence
FRESHMEN in 1922 (graduating 1925)
Barber, Mildred
Beauregard, Raymond
Belding, Irene
Brown, Clifford
Buddy, Henry
Burt, Vernon
Caldwell, Mildred
Cleary, Regena
Collins, Ellen
Doyle, Gladys
Edmonds, Florence
Everingham, Lulu
Fell, Evelyn
Fish, Vivian
Fowler, Charles
Fowler, Royce
Guinther, Martha
Haywood, Forest
Harris, Nina
Hart, Leslie
Hart, Pearl
Howard, William
Hulla, George
Hulla, Ruth
Hutchinson, Ruby
Johnston, Clara
Johnston, Clayton
Johnston, Veda
Lockwood, Lloyd
Lyon, Nellie
Mahoney, Martin
McCardel, Violet
McEvoy, Francis
McNeil, Clyde
Pollard, Marion
Pollard, Thomas
Repkey, Alice
Sandison, Reginald
Scheifley, Wilfred
Shackson, Romona
Shebella, Benj.
Sloan, Leona
Smith, Hazel
Schmidt, Henry
Shirtum, Edith
Trafelet, Ruth
Warren, Ray
Webster, Elaine
Winn, Robert
EIGHTH GRADE in 1922 (graduating 1926)
Alcorn, Vina
Anderson, Marvin
Aubrey, Norman
Auger, Virgil
Bannatyne, Harold
Barager, Luella
Barber, Maybell
Barker, Mildred
Bills, Stella
Blair, Arminta
Blair, Gardeline
Blodgett, Naomi
Burt, Marion
Burt, Russell
Collins, Velma
Cory, Howard
Cram, Violet
Crippen, Marion
Delaney, Virgil
Demerest, Medora
Domkey, Minnie
Doolittle, Ina
Dunn, Bernice
Dunn, Mildred
Fenner, Frank
Gifford, Archie
Graves, Lloyd
Hall, Lena
Haskin, Stephen
Hayner, Helen
Jewell, Venice
Leeson, Russell
Ludington, Elizabeth
Mason, Leotta
McClare, James
McKee, Stuart
Morford, Bruce
Murdock, Doris
Newstead, Violet
Ostrander, Clara
Place, George
Pregitzer, George
Reid, Nellie
Roberts, Ruth
Sandison, Sabra
Schnapp, William
Small, Ruth
Stalker, Clifford
Stout, Claude
Stuart, Sylvia
Thompson, Audrey
Thompson, Bert
Tromater, Olive
Van Loon, Thelma
Verbeck, Gertrude
Warnock, Eugene
Whaley, Ella
Williams, Cecil
Yakes, Clara
_ acobs, Etta
SEVENTH GRADE in 1922 (graduating 1927)
Allen, Hugh
Adair, Dorothy
Anderson, Ada
Anderson, Geraldine
Anderson, Neavens
Bannatyne, Reba
Beers, Marion
Bennett, Alta
Brown, Floyd
Culhane, Burton
Davis, Vera
Day, Howard
Esh, Lawilda
Farrow, Archie
Fenner, Estella
Gifford, Pearl
Glasier, Evert
Gray, Orin
Harmon, Gray
Haywood, Wesley
Hartshorn, Theron
Lipshield, Donald
McVay, Joseph
Murdock, Vera
McKenzie, Ray
Peltier, Ulrich
Peterson, Grace
Ratliff, Ora
Redman, Lucy
Robinson, Janett
Runnings, Gladys
Shackson, Edith
Slaght, Elsie
Sloan, Inez
Smith, Arden
Swant, Arden
Tromater, Clinton
Van Atten, Charles
Vermilya, Harlan
Wilcox, Olive
Onaway High School
1923 - Contributed by Carol Waun Dobos
Banks, Helena
Bean, Leta
Campbell, Cozetta
Chowen, Floyd
Clark, Nina
Craig, Genevieve
Ennes, Helen
Fusee, Grace
Hartshorn, Max
Johnston, Thelma
Jones, George
Kirby, Victor
Mahoney, Helen
McClutchey, Sam
Merritt, Floyd
Noon, Theresa
Northcott, John
Nowland, Wm.
O'Meara, Pauline
Rabiteau, Muriel
Roberts, Dorothy
Shaloy, Florence
Smith, Ila
Spanenberg, Otto
Storm, Dorothy
Thompson, Jetta
Van Allen, Cora
Whitsitt, Joe
Willings, Prescott
Wilton, Nellie
Zeller, John
Onaway High School Seniors
1925- Contributed by Carol Waun Dobos
Beauregard, Raymond
Belding, Irene
Belding, Maurine
Bradshaw, Corinthia
Bradshaw, Josephine
Craig, Genevieve
Doolittle, Ina
Fish, Vivian
Fowler, Royce
Hulla, Ruth
Johnston, Veda
Lyons, Nellie
Mahoney, Martin
Mills, Helen
Morrison, Claude
Phelps, Winifred
Pollard, Marion
Pollard, Thomas
Repky, Alice
Scheifly, Wilfred
Shackson, Ramona
Smillie, Bernice
Smith, Hazel
Trafelet, Ruth
Verbeck, Gertrude
Warren, Ray
Winn, Robert
Woloszyk, Theresa
Young, Clarence
Auger, Richard
Barnes, Erma
Brown, Naomi
Buel, Phyllis
Caldwell, Vera
Conkin, Billy
Davidson, Floyd
Ellenbaas, Earl
Ennes, Mary
Fairman, Nora
Farrow, Vera
Glawe, Leona
Lee, Eleanore
Lyon, Victor
Mahoney, Frank
McMurphy, Beryl
Mero, Burnetta
Mills, Grace
Mills, Jay
Morrison, Genevieve
Morrison, Marie
Myers, Ann
Northcott, Robert
Peterson, Orloff
Precour, Marie
Pregitzer, Janette
Roadhouse, Elna
Roberts, Homer
Sandison, Florence
Skuse, Helen
Smith, Beatrice
Strayer, Vivian
Thorne, Pearl
Tower, Sam
Warren, Glen
Wheeler, Carmon
Wickersham, Forrest
Because of a fire, records for 1930 were lost. This list from the school was compiled from 2 different lists.
Certain individuals were again marked deceased on the lists.
Ainsworth, Stanley H.
Anderson, Ruth C. (Schular)
Avis, Dorothy A.
Bischer, Anna L. (Ellenbaas)
Bonner, Sterling D.
Chapman, Newton W.
Burkhart, Helen L. (Deceased)
Campbell, Dorothy R. (Deceased)
Dempsey, Laurance G. (Deceased)
Domke, Florence H.
Dunham, Alice B. (Chowen)
Dunham, Elizabeth (Adams)
Dunne, Virgil Robert (Possibly spelled Dunn)
Faircloth, Arvilla, G. (Deceased) (Possibly spelled Arville)
Fish, Marion W.
Goupell, Delena M. (Possibly spelled Delina)
Hill, Laura Belle (Rentsler)
Hunt, Elmore C.
Johnston, Doris M.
Johnston, Margaret (Greenwood)
Johnston, Viviene I. (Burkhart) (Deceased)
Kirk, Marshall
Laing, Auline
Merritt, Arthel E. (Deceased)
McDonald Effie
Roberts, Earl
Schebella, Nellie
Smith, Clyde (Deceased)
Szymoniak, Carrie D.
Vermilya Arnold A.
Wilson, Amber M. (Gary)
Wood, Mabel Louellen (Wheeler) (Possibly spelled Mable)
Worboys, Edith Mitchell