1978 - Presque Isle Sheriff's Department Gets Cages to Transport Dogs to Humane Society...and...Girl Scouts Attend Organization's 66th Birthday in Onaway
From Presque Isle County Advance and Onaway Outlook
March 15, 2018

CAPTION: The Presque Isle Sheriff's Department program to control loose dogs was put into motion. Dog cages tied to a trailer were used to transport two animals to the Cheboygan Humane Society. One dog was from Onaway; the other from Rogers City. The program was aimed at lowering the number of unattended, unlicensed dogs running at large. Onaway's police department was still answering emergency animal complaints, but in most cases would relay stray dog information to the sheriff's department. In other Onaway News, Girl's Scouting 66th birthday was celebrated in Onaway. Over 300 Girl Scouts, their parents and families gathered in the Onaway High School cafeterium for a potluck dinner and program. Millersburg Troop No. 109 led by Cathy Wilkinson, redited the poem "Afternoon on a Hill" and sang "I'm a Doll."
From the The Presque Isle County Advance March 15, 2018, page 7B.
Retyped by J. Anderson