- 1979 - Onaway Celebrates the Fourth and New Officers Are Elected to the Onaway School Board <BR>
1979 - Onaway Celebrates the Fourth and New Officers Are Elected to the Onaway School Board
From Presque Isle County Advance and Onaway Outlook
July 11, 2019

CAPTION: More than 4,000 people clogged the streets of Onaway to look at floats and water fights, jammed shoulder-to-shoulder along the parade route. That's parade grand marshal Edna Lound, who brought along her broom with her. The caption states that it had quickened the steps of more than one troublesome youngster in her grocery story. While the city's population more than doubled, the crowd was only half as big as in previous years, according to Presque Isle County sheriff Duane Badder. He said there was about 9,000 in 1978. The near-perfect cloudless blue skies could not be blamed for the lower attendance figures, but gas shortage fears and a midweek holiday could. In other Onaway news, new officers were elected by members of the Onaway Area Schools board of education. Allen Dittmar was selected to replace board president Claude Hyde and Bill Breed, who won a seat on the board in a June 11 election, was named to replace Dittmar as board secretary.
From the The Presque Isle County Advance July 11, 2019, page 7B.
Retyped by J. Anderson