- 1978 - Onaway Lions Club Donates Money to Buy New Wrestling Uniforms...and...Community Christmas Concert is Saturday...and...Brewbaker's are Selling Litton Microwaves for $429<BR>
1978 - Onaway Lions Club Donates Money to Buy New Wrestling Uniforms...and...Community Christmas Concert is Saturday...and...Brewbaker's Have Litton Microwaves for $429
From Presque Isle County Advance and Onaway Outlook
December 6, 2018

CAPTION: The year was 1978 and about 40 members and guests of the Onaway Lions Club celebrated the local organization's 35th anniversary, Dec. 2, at a roast beef banquet at George C. Garms Post of the Veterans of Foreign Wars. Chartered June 1, 1943, the 15-member group was the third Lions Club in northern lower Michigan. The club's initial project was providing memorials for servicemen lost in the war. With membership fluctuating in 1978 between three and 50 men. Pictured above, Aaron Curtis and Newt Chapman, Jr., presented Onaway High School athletic director James Hall a check for the purchase of new wrestling uniforms. In other Onaway news, Onaway's community choir rehearsed for the Saturday concert at the school. There was no admission, but donations were being accepted for the purchase of new music...And Brewbaker's had a sale on microwaves. A Litton microwave was marked down 30 bucks to $429. A Litton specialist was expected to be on hand and cook a full-course meal.
From the The Presque Isle County Advance December 6, 2018, page 7B.
Retyped by J. Anderson