- 1979 - Onaway Courthouse Is Winterized and Weatherized...and...New Credit Union Building Is On Schedule For Mid-December Completion <BR>
1979 - Onaway Courthouse Is Winterized and Weatherized...and...New Credit Union Building Is On Schedule For Mid-December Completion
From Presque Isle County Advance and Onaway Outlook
October 3, 2019

CAPTION: Winterizing and weatherizing were in progress at Onaway's historic courthouse building in the fall of 1979. A new roof was to be completed. Windows were closed in, often with plywood, to block the entry of the elements. Floors were stripped and scraped to the bare wood in order to prevent further rotting and decay. Masonry holding the tower to the main body of the building was replaced to stop further separation. Sills broken by expanding ice and cracked through the years were chipped our and replaced. The march of disintegration came to a halt. In other Onaway news, Onaway's new credit union building was on schedule for completion by mid-December. The new facility was expected to provide even better service for its members.
From the The Presque Isle County Advance October 3, 2019, page 7B.
Retyped by J. Anderson