Project Name | Area Covered | Explanation | Coordinator |
Archives | Michigan | Archive of contributions of transcriptions, documents, and photos. | Wayne Summers |
Census Project | United States | United States census records. | Contact Info |
Cornish to Michigan | Michigan | Dick and June Ross files | Patricia Hamp |
Downward Bound | Great Lakes | Help finding your ancestors of Great Lakes shipping. | Patricia Hamp |
Family Group Sheets | Michigan | Visitor submitted Family Group sheets. | Lisa Nesterowich |
Michigan in the War | Michigan | Civil War files originally created by Don Harvey | Wayne Summers |
Michigan Irish | Michigan | A project dedicated to those with Irish ancestry | Christina Hunt |
Michigan Schools | Michigan | A listing of one room schools in Michigan with their locations maintained by the VanBuren District Library. Not a MIGenWeb project. | Email Address |
Native Americans | Michigan | Native American documents online. | Patricia Hamp |
Native Michiganders | Michigan | Native Americans from the Three Fires tribes. | Rose Edwards |
Polish Genealogy | Michigan | Polish Genealogical Society of Michigan. Not a part of MIGenWeb. | Email Address |
Tombstone Project | Michigan | Over 500,000 Michigan tombstone photos. | Wayne Summers |
USGenWeb Kidz | United States | Helps children learn about genealogy along with some insights into history. Includes lesson plans which can be used by parents and teachers. | Rebecca Maloney |
State Coordinator:
Colleen Pustola
Archives/Assistant State Coordinator:
Wayne Summers