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Special Projects

     If you would like to volunteer for any of these special projects please contact the project coordinator.

Project Name Area Covered Explanation Coordinator
Archives Michigan Archive of contributions of transcriptions, documents, and photos. Wayne Summers
Census Project United States United States census records. Contact Info
Cornish to Michigan Michigan Dick and June Ross files Patricia Hamp
Downward Bound Great Lakes Help finding your ancestors of Great Lakes shipping. Patricia Hamp
Family Group Sheets Michigan Visitor submitted Family Group sheets. Lisa Nesterowich
Michigan in the War Michigan Civil War files originally created by Don Harvey Wayne Summers
Michigan Irish Michigan A project dedicated to those with Irish ancestry Christina Hunt
Michigan Schools Michigan A listing of one room schools in Michigan with their locations maintained by the VanBuren District Library. Not a MIGenWeb project. Email Address
Native Americans Michigan Native American documents online. Patricia Hamp
Native Michiganders Michigan Native Americans from the Three Fires tribes. Rose Edwards
Polish Genealogy Michigan Polish Genealogical Society of Michigan. Not a part of MIGenWeb. Email Address
Tombstone Project Michigan Over 500,000 Michigan tombstone photos. Wayne Summers
USGenWeb Kidz United States Helps children learn about genealogy along with some insights into history. Includes lesson plans which can be used by parents and teachers. Rebecca Maloney


    State Coordinator: Colleen Pustola
Archives/Assistant State Coordinator: Wayne Summers