The Steinhoff Family
by Anna Pearl Murray
extracted from the History of Sanilac County 1834-1854


Hiram and Frances Steinhoff came to Maple Valley Township, from Warwick, Ontario in 1855.  Records show Frank La Cass preceded him by a few months, followed shortly by the families of John Clayton, and Hiram and Frances.  The above mentioned individuals, with assistance from earlier settlers in Speaker Township were able to create and develop the organization of Maple Valley Township.  From that date on, the Steinhoff men assumed duties of the township offices such as road commissioner, clerk, and school officials.  Hiram, son, grandson, and great grandson have held the books continuously, until in recent years, since the inception of Maple Valley Township.

Shortly after Hiram and Frances were settled in a simple log dwelling, Hiram attempted to walk to Warwick, Ontario, to claim some indebtment due him.  He began the long trek home, finally reaching Old Brockway, where he bought a 100 lb. bag of flour.  He was within three miles of home when he was forced to leave his load by a tree.  On reaching home, he found his family famished for food.  He walked back for enough flour to bake bread for his starving children.  Such accounts as this have been recalled by others, showing great strength and determination.


Early Settlers


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