St. Clair County, Michigan
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Removal of Bodies from Pinewood to Lakeside and Mt. Hope Cemeteries

15 March 1886, Sunday
Commercial - The Cemetery

A large number of removals are being made daily from the old to the new cemetery. Following is a list of those who have been moved under the direction of Superintendent Clark. All those mentioned have exchanged lots and moved of their own accord: Henry Brown, Luther Cummins, S. B. Brown, Penney Brothers, James H. Hazlett, Aaron Smith, Judge Stevens, David Bratt, Henry Wilcox, Edward Miller, Robert Bean, Hyde and Townsley, Mrs. Manuel, David Cowan. Applications for removals have been received from Henry Howard, Mrs. Joseph Jones, Harvey Hall, Mrs. Christian, Thomas Sutherland, Mrs. Henry Wells, Brandimore and Causley families. It is expected a large number of applications will be received the coming week. In all, from private lots and the common ground, 222 bodies have already been removed.

22 March 1886, Sunday
Commercial - Removals

The following removals from the old to the new cemetery were made during the week ending March 20th. From lots owned by Henry Howard, Mrs. Manuel, Paul Roberts, Rufus Brandimore, Andrew and Wm. Causley. Applications have been made by J.E. Miller, C.F. Harrington, Theodore Luce, Mrs. Crawford, Mr. McMartin, Nelson Roberts, Charles Riley, James Schoolcraft and Dr. Jordan. In all about 130 bodies were removed during the week.

29 March 1886, Sunday
Commercial - Still More Removals

During the week ending March 27th, Supt. Clark reports 92 bodies removed from the old to the new cemetery. Removals were made from plats owned as follows: A. and M. Youngs, Francis and Mary Ruf, J.E. Miller, Sylvester Andrews, Wm. Allen, Ed. Kaesemeyer, Mr. Brown, Jas Schoolcraft, Thos. Sutherland, S.W. Hamilton, Isaac Hamilton, John Davidson, L.S. Burton and Harvey Plaisted. Quite a number of applications are in for removals the coming week.

19 Apr 1886, Sunday
Commercial - Still More

The following persons have had bodies removed from the old to the new cemetery during the week: Hall & Hitchens, Mrs. Dessint, A.W. Clark, Geo Adams, John Hoffman, May family, M. French, James Toft, Theo. Luce, Gould & Facer, Mrs. Crawford, Mrs. McCain, Alex. Reed, Mrs. Post, J.P. Minnie, Capt. Hartman, and Dr. Fechet. One hundred and thirty-two bodies for the week. One grave that was opened the plate of the coffin was found in good shape, and marked the age of the person buried to have been 106 years at the time of death. About all the bodies have been removed from the Potter�s Field. All those wishing to have bodies removed will have to make application at once as the work will have to be stopped shortly on account of warm weather.

26 Apr 1886, Sunday
Commercial - Cemetery Removals

The following persons have had bodies removed from the old to the new cemetery during the past week: Wm. W. Smith, Baptist church, Jas. Moffat, Geo. Mitts, Jas. A. Hope, D.W. Runnels, Mrs. McGinn, Capt. McElroy, Frank Welcome, M. Martin, Wm. McMillan, Wm. Cline, Mrs. Wiley, Geo. Huntington, Stephen Miller, Wm. Corbett, Wm. Flanagan, Jessie King Estate, Donald McMartin, Harder Estate, Jas. J. Boyce. Total number of bodies for week 87.

3 May 1886, Sunday
Commercial - Still More Removals

Bodies have been removed from the following lots in the old to the new cemetery during the week ending Saturday, May 1st. Jas. Gains, C. Chapman, Mrs. Wallace, Herbert Sanborn, Geo. Brooks, R. Davis, John M. Trese, Col. Robinson, Malcolm McKay, Horace Williams, Wm. Davis, Allen Fish, Henry Fish, H.N. Wright, Jas. Pettingill, Thomas S. Skinner, John Braithwaite, Mrs. Simpson, Ben Lauzon. Seventy bodies in all.

17 May 1886, Sunday
Commercial - More Removals

The following persons have had bodies removed from the old to the new cemetery during the past two weeks: Mrs. Col. Cavis, Mrs. Gilbert, Wm. Bottomley, John Holt, Capt. Merryman, Chas. Danger, Jas. M. Schell, Dennis Jones, Cornell Glasbie, John Buzzard, Dr. Kibbie, Ed. Flanigan, G. Saety, F. Young, Lewis Brockway, J.F. Batchelor, Mrs. Kerwin, D. McArron, W.W. Campfield, Capt. Bedford, Geo. Taylor, Oswald Unger, G.W. Pinkham, John Harley, O.D. Conger, C.B. Conger, Stratton Phillips, making 91 bodies removed in the past two weeks.

May 1886, Sunday
Commercial - The Changes

The following people have removed bodies from old to the new cemetery during the week: John Yates, Capt. Sinclair, Chas. Samberg, Frank Hazel, Joseph Miller, Mrs. Armstrong, Geo. Brown, Mrs. C.W. Robinson, Arnold Saph, W.D. Brown, Martin Armstrong, Emily Smith, Mr. Lawrence, Thos. Biddlecomb, Mr. Palmateer, Robt. French, Nelson Bryant, Mrs. James, Ed. Smith, Mrs. Perry Dale, T.C. Curtis, Henry Hillier, Mrs. Smith. Total for the week 85 bodies. This makes a total of 1,102 bodies removed since the work commenced, Feb. 11th, 1886. The work will now be stopped till the first day of October.

11 October, Sunday
Commercial - The Work Commenced

The work of removing bodies from Pinewood to Lakeside cemetery has again commenced, and before this time next year it is expected all will be moved. Since October first Superintendent Clark reports the following removals: Adam Helmer, Geo. Bolio, Mr. Pratt, Mrs. Gutcheon, Thompson Estate, W.A. Eldridge, Jacob P. Haynes, Chas. Reilly, D.C. Curtis, L. S. Nobel, J.J. Boyce, Col. Archie Campbell, Richard Brown, Mrs. Isabell, Mrs. Stoddard, Adam K. Ash. Total number of bodies removed from the above lots 63. Several applications are in for removals for the coming week.

18 October, Sunday
Commercial - The List

Supt. Clark reports bodies moved from the following lots in Pinewood to Lakeside cemetery. Gage Inslee, Dr. L.A. Hubbard, Mrs. Dunn, John Cole, E.J. Inslee, Mr. Putnam, Elizjah Burtch, Dr. John Traverse, James Bennett, Elizabeth Hayes, Simon Petit, John Billenstein, John S. Crellin, Mrs. Klop, Robert McArthur, Robert Simms, Mrs. Bratford, making 76 bodies removed during the week.

24 October 1886, Sunday

I see the Sunday Herald this week spoke of the Indian burying ground where the custom house is. I helped remove the bodies from there to the old burying ground, near where Dem. Carleton lives. Dr. Nash got the citizens toether and had the bodies moved. I remember one Indian who was buried where the engine house is. He was evidently some big chief. His body was enclosed in birchen bark, and a snow white blanket was wound round the body. Twelve scalps were buried with him.

In reference to Dr. Nash, to whom Mr. James refers, as interesting the citizens in moving the bodies of the Indians, a subscription is being taken up in the city this week to have his remains removed from the Schryver lot in Pinewood cemetery where they were laid to rest a dozen or so years ago, to Lakeside cemetery. So works the whirligig of time.

8 Nov 1886, Sunday
Commercial ? - Bodies Moved

During the past two weeks bodies have been removed from lots in Pine Grove to lots in Lakeside cemetery by Supt. Clark, as follows: F.F. White, Amos Haskell, Henry Smith, A. Carroll, Mr. Brown, J.E. Swales, Mrs. Carpenter, Mrs. Stoddard, Hiram Barnett, Michael Plant, Mrs. Birney, Mr. Houghton, W.T. Mitchell, Mrs. Geo. Brockway, Frank Shaw, Mrs. Peck, Mrs. Lyman Wadleigh, 67 in all.

22 Nov 1886, Sunday
Commercial ? - Bodies Removed

During the past two weeks Supt. of Cemeteries, S.D. Clark, has removed bodies from the following lots in the old to the new cemetery: Mr. Mann, C.G. Meisel, Jed. Spalding, L.K. Snider, A.J. Bigelow, W.P. Edison, Mr. Renville, S.B. Carl, Morgan Flood, Mr. Niggaman, Mr. Benton, Antoine Densmore, Mr. Cruickshank, W.P. Wheeler, Mr. Brown, Mr. Younghusband, M.E. Hitchings, B.D. Bemis, Wm. McClary, A. Harkness, William Sherman, Chas. McCormick. Seventy bodies in all.

Sunday, November 14, 1887
Commercial Port Huron Times Herald

Amos James says it is some 50 yrs. since anyone was buried on the spot where the skeletons was found on Huron Ave. last week. He remembered when all the bodies were removed from the grounds that could be found. He says they were removed over on Sufferin St. about where Wm. Wanless house still stands. After a few yrs. they were removed from there down on Military St., where the houses of I. D. Carelton & Mayor Hartsuff now stands, then from there to Pinewood cemetery, & now some of those same bones are being removed from Pinewood to Lakeside.

16 Feb 1892 Sunday
Commercial Newspaper in Port Huron, MI


Between Five and Six Thousand Burials at Lakeside Cemetery
Much Improvement will be Made During the Present Year
The Grounds at Mount Hope Cemetery will be Improved

A Times representative ran across S.D. Clark, superintendent of the Lakeside cemetery, on Saturday. Mr. Clark says that many improvements will be made to the cemetery this year. The entire swamp on the east will be filled in and cleared up. The northern portion of the cemetery has been staked out and will be platted as soon as spring opens. The Board have concluded to take a new departure in the sale of lots in the new addition. Heretofore lots have been sold for $25.00 and the question of grading has been left to the owners. As a result about one-third of the lots have been neglected and the beauty of the cemetery spoiled. A uniform price of $50. will be charged for the new lots and all grading, etc., will be done by the Cemetery Board.

"How many people are buried in Lakeside cemetery?" asked the reporter.

"We moved over 2,000 bodies from the old Pinewood cemetery," replied Supt. Clark.

"In addition to these there have been about 3,500 interments in the cemetery, making a total of 5,500."

"Are there many people buried in the potter�s field?" asked the reporter.

"You will be surprised when I tell you that there are over 1,000 buried on public grounds. You would be further surprised if I told you the many people who use the common ground for their dead. Hundreds of stillborn children are buried there, when the parents are perfectly able to purchase lots."

Water pipes will be extended into the new addition to the cemetery. The new pumping engine is of sufficient capacity to furnish all the water for the beautifying of the place of the dead.

Port Huron Times Herald, 1908
Article by  C.B. Hubbard

The first cemetery in Port Huron was located just north of Suffern St. It was later moved to a point below Griswold St. and afterward changed from there to the Fort Gratiot Military reservation. From the Fort Gratiot Military reservation the cemetery was moved to its present location at Lakeside Cemetery.


Last season the water pipes were extended to Mt. Hope (Catholic) cemetery. This was not found satisfactory and the city presented the trustees of that cemetery the small pumping engine formerly used at Lakeside and the coming season water will be pumped direct from the lake. Pipes will be laid through the cemetery and extra efforts will be made to make it an attractive place.






Adams, Geo.

Still more

04 19 1886

Sun. Comm.

Allen, Wm.

Still more removals

03 29 1886

Sun. Comm.

Andrews, Sylvester

Still more removals

03 29 1886

Sun. Comm.

Armstrong, Martin

The Changes

05 31 1886

Sun. Comm.

Armstrong, Mr.

The Changes

05 31 1886

Sun. Comm.

Ash, Adam K.

The Work Commenced

10 11 1886

Sun. Comm.

Baptist Church

Cemetery Removals

04 26 1886

Sun. Comm.

Barnett, Hiram

Bodies Moved

11 08 1886

Sun. Comm.

Batchelor, J.F.

More Removals

05 17 1886

Sun. Comm.

Bean, Robert

The Cemetery

03 15 1886

Sun. Comm.

Bedford, Capt.

More Removals

05 17 1886

Sun. Comm.

Bemis, B.D.

Bodies Removed

11 22 1886

Sun. Comm.

Bennett, James

The List

10 18 1886

Sun. Comm.

Benton, Mr.

Bodies Removed

11 22 1886

Sun. Comm.

Biddlecomb, Thos.

The Changes

05 31 1886

Sun. Comm.

Bigelow, A.J.

Bodies Removed

11 22 1886

Sun. Comm.

Billenstein, John

The List

10 18 1886

Sun. Comm.

Birney, Mrs.

Bodies Moved

11 08 1886

Sun. Comm.

Bolio, Geo.

The Work Commenced

10 11 1886

Sun. Comm.

Bottomley, Wm.

More Removals

05 17 1886

Sun. Comm.

Boyce Jas. J.

Cemetery Removals

04 26 1886

Sun. Comm.

Boyce, J.J.

The Work Commenced

10 11 1886

Sun. Comm.

Braithwaite, John

Still More Removals

05 03 1886

Sun. Comm.

Brandimore & Causley Fam.

The Cemetery

03 15 1886

Sun. Comm.

Brandimore, Rufus


03 22 1886

Sun. Comm.

Bratford, Mrs.

The List

10 18 1886

Sun. Comm.

Bratt, David

The Cemetery

03 15 1886

Sun. Comm.

Brockway, Geo. Mrs.

Bodies Moved

11 08 1886

Sun. Comm.

Brockway, Lewis

More Removals

05 17 1886

Sun. Comm.

Brooks, Geo.

Still More Removals

05 03 1886

Sun. Comm.

Brothers, Penney

The Cemetery

03 15 1886

Sun. Comm.

Brown, Geo.

The Changes

05 31 1886

Sun. Comm.

Brown, Henry

The Cemetery

03 15 1886

Sun. Comm.

Brown, Mr.

Bodies Moved

11 08 1886

Sun. Comm.

Brown, Mr.

Still more removals

03 29 1886

Sun. Comm.

Brown, Mr.

Bodies Removed

11 22 1886

Sun. Comm.

Brown, Richard

The Work Commenced

10 11 1886

Sun. Comm.

Brown, S.B.

The Cemetery

03 15 1886

Sun. Comm.

Brown, W.D.

The Changes

05 31 1886

Sun. Comm.

Bryant, Nelson

The Changes

05 31 1886

Sun. Comm.

Burtch, Elijah

The List

10 18 1886

Sun. Comm.

Burton, L.S.

Still more removals

03 29 1886

Sun. Comm.

Buzzard, John

More Removals

05 17 1886

Sun. Comm.

Campbell, Archie

The Work Commenced

10 11 1886

Sun. Comm.

Campfield, W.W.

More Removals

05 17 1886

Sun. Comm.

Carl, S.B.

Bodies Removed

11 22 1886

Sun. Comm.

Carpenter, Mrs.

Bodies Moved

11 08 1886

Sun. Comm.

Carroll, A.

Bodies Moved

11 08 1886

Sun. Comm.

Causley, Andrew


03 22 1886

Sun. Comm.

Causley, Wm.


03 22 1886

Sun. Comm.

Chapman, C.

Still More Removals

05 03 1886

Sun. Comm.

Christian, (Mrs.)

The Cemetery

03 15 1886

Sun. Comm.

Clark, W.W.

Still more

04 19 1886

Sun. Comm.

Cline, Wm.

Cemetery Removals

04 26 1886

Sun. Comm.

Cole, John

The List

10 18 1886

Sun. Comm.

Conger, C.B.

More Removals

05 17 1886

Sun. Comm.

Conger, O.D.

More Removals

05 17 1886

Sun. Comm.

Corbett, Wm.

Cemetery Removals

04 26 1886

Sun. Comm.

Cowan, David

The Cemetery

03 15 1886

Sun. Comm.

Crawford, (Mrs.)


03 22 1886

Sun. Comm.

Crawford, Mrs.

Still more

04 19 1886

Sun. Comm.

Crellin, John s.

The List

10 18 1886

Sun. Comm.

Cruickshank, Mr.

Bodies Removed

11 22 1886

Sun. Comm.

Cummins, Luther

The Cemetery

03 15 1886

Sun. Comm.

Curtis, D.C.

The Work Commenced

10 11 1886

Sun. Comm.

Curtis, T.C.

The Changes

05 31 1886

Sun. Comm.

Dale, Perry Mrs.

The Changes

05 31 1886

Sun. Comm.

Danger, Chas

More Removals

05 17 1886

Sun. Comm.

Davidson, John

Still more removals

03 29 1886

Sun. Comm.

Davis, Col. Mrs.

More Removals

05 17 1886

Sun. Comm.

Davis, R.

Still More Removals

05 03 1886

Sun. Comm.

Davis, Wm.

Still More Removals

05 03 1886

Sun. Comm.

Densmore, Antoine

Bodies Removed

11 22 1886

Sun. Comm.

Dessint, Mrs.

Still more

04 19 1886

Sun. Comm.

Dunn, Mrs.

The List

10 18 1886

Sun. Comm.

Edison, W.P.

Bodies Removed

11 22 1886

Sun. Comm.

Eldridge, W.A.

The Work Commenced

10 11 1886

Sun. Comm.

Fechet, Dr.

Still more

04 19 1886

Sun. Comm.

Fish, Allen

Still More Removals

05 03 1886

Sun. Comm.

Fish, Henry

Still More Removals

05 03 1886

Sun. Comm.

Flanagan, Wm

Cemetery Removals

04 26 1886

Sun. Comm.

Flanigan Ed.

More Removals

05 17 1886

Sun. Comm.

Flood, Morgan

Bodies Removed

11 22 1886

Sun. Comm.

French, M.

Still more

04 19 1886

Sun. Comm.

French, Robt.

The Changes

05 31 1886

Sun. Comm.

Gains, Jas.

Still More Removals

05 03 1886

Sun. Comm.

Gilbert, Mrs.

More Removals

05 17 1886

Sun. Comm.

Glasbie, Cornell

More Removals

05 17 1886

Sun. Comm.

Gould & Facer

Still more

04 19 1886

Sun. Comm.

Gutcheon, (Mrs.)

The Work Commenced

10 11 1886

Sun. Comm.

Hall & Hitchens

Still more

04 19 1886

Sun. Comm.

Hall, Hrvey

The Cemetery

03 15 1886

Sun. Comm.

Hamilton, Isaac

Still more removals

03 29 1886

Sun. Comm.

Hamilton, S.w.

Still more removals

03 29 1886

Sun. Comm.

Harder Estate

Cemetery Removals

04 26 1886

Sun. Comm.

Harkness, A.

Bodies Removed

11 22 1886

Sun. Comm.

Harley, John

More Removals

05 17 1886

Sun. Comm.

Harrington, C.F.


03 22 1886

Sun. Comm.

Hartman, Capt.

Still more

04 19 1886

Sun. Comm.

Haskell, Amos

Bodies Moved

11 08 1886

Sun. Comm.

Haslett, James H

The Cemetery

03 15 1886

Sun. Comm.

Hayes, Elizabeth

The List

10 18 1886

Sun. Comm.

Haynes, Jacob P.

The Work Commenced

10 11 1886

Sun. Comm.

Hazel, Frank

The Changes

05 31 1886

Sun. Comm.

Helmer, Adam

The Work Commenced

10 11 1886

Sun. Comm.

Hillier, Henry

The Changes

05 31 1886

Sun. Comm.

Hitchings, M.E.

Bodies Removed

11 22 1886

Sun. Comm.

Hoffman, John

Still more

04 19 1886

Sun. Comm.

Holt, John

More Removals

05 17 1886

Sun. Comm.

Hope, Jas. A.

Cemetery Removals

04 26 1886

Sun. Comm.

Houghton, Mr.

Bodies Moved

11 08 1886

Sun. Comm.

Howard, Henry

The Cemetery

03 15 1886

Sun. Comm.

Howard, Henry


03 22 1886

Sun. Comm.

Hubbard, L.A. Dr.

The List

10 18 1886

Sun. Comm.

Huntington, Geo.

Cemetery Removals

04 26 1886

Sun. Comm.

Hyde & Townsley

The Cemetery

03 15 1886

Sun. Comm.

Indian Chief


10 24 1886

Sunday Herald

Inslee, E.J.

The List

10 18 1886

Sun. Comm.

Inslee, Gage

The List

10 18 1886

Sun. Comm.

Isabell, (Mrs.)

The Work Commenced

10 11 1886

Sun. Comm.

James, Mrs.

The Changes

05 31 1886

Sun. Comm.

Jones, Dennis

More Removals

05 17 1886

Sun. Comm.

Jones, Joseph (Mrs.)

The Cemetery

03 15 1886

Sun. Comm.

Jordan, Dr.


03 22 1886

Sun. Comm.

Kaesemeyer, Ed.

Still more removals

03 29 1886

Sun. Comm.

Kerwin, Mrs.

More Removals

05 17 1886

Sun. Comm.

Kibbie, Dr.

More Removals

05 17 1886

Sun. Comm.

King, Jessie (Estate)

Cemetery Removals

04 26 1886

Sun. Comm.

Klop, Mrs.

The List

10 18 1886

Sun. Comm.

Lauzon, Ben

Still More Removals

05 03 1886

Sun. Comm.

Lawrence, Mr.

The Changes

05 31 1886

Sun. Comm.

Luce, Theo.

Still more

04 19 1886

Sun. Comm.

Luce, Theodore


03 22 1886

Sun. Comm.

Mann, Mr.

Bodies Removed

11 22 1886

Sun. Comm.

Manuel, (Mrs.)


03 22 1886

Sun. Comm.

Manuel, Mrs.

The Cemetery

03 15 1886

Sun. Comm.

Martin, M.

Cemetery Removals

04 26 1886

Sun. Comm.

May family

Still more

04 19 1886

Sun. Comm.

McAarron, D.

More Removals

05 17 1886

Sun. Comm.

McArthur, Robert

The List

10 18 1886

Sun. Comm.

McCain, Mrs.

Still more

04 19 1886

Sun. Comm.

McClary, Wm.

Bodies Removed

11 22 1886

Sun. Comm.

McCormick, Chas.

Bodies Removed

11 22 1886

Sun. Comm.

McElroy, Capt.

Cemetery Removals

04 26 1886

Sun. Comm.

McGinn, Mrs.

Cemetery Removals

04 26 1886

Sun. Comm.

McKay, Malcolm

Still More Removals

05 03 1886

Sun. Comm.

McMartin, Donald

Cemetery Removals

04 26 1886

Sun. Comm.

McMartin, Mr.


03 22 1886

Sun. Comm.

McMillan, Wm.

Cemetery Removals

04 26 1886

Sun. Comm.

Meisel, C.G.

Bodies Removed

11 22 1886

Sun. Comm.

Merryman, Capt.

More Removals

05 17 1886

Sun. Comm.

Miller, Edward

The Cemetery

03 15 1886

Sun. Comm.

Miller, J.E.

Still more removals

03 29 1886

Sun. Comm.

Miller, J.E.


03 22 1886

Sun. Comm.

Miller, Jospeh

The Changes

05 31 1886

Sun. Comm.

Miller, Stephen

Cemetery Removals

04 26 1886

Sun. Comm.

Minnie, J.P.

Still more

04 19 1886

Sun. Comm.

Mitchell, W.T.

Bodies Moved

11 08 1886

Sun. Comm.

Mitts, Geo.

Cemetery Removals

04 26 1886

Sun. Comm.

Moffat, Jas.

Cemetery Removals

04 26 1886

Sun. Comm.

Niggaman, Mr.

Bodies Removed

11 22 1886

Sun. Comm.

Noble, L.S.

The Work Commenced

10 11 1886

Sun. Comm.

Palmateer, Mr.

The Changes

05 31 1886

Sun. Comm.

Peck, Mrs.

Bodies Moved

11 08 1886

Sun. Comm.

Petit, Simon

The List

10 18 1886

Sun. Comm.

Pettengill, Jas.

Still More Removals

05 03 1886

Sun. Comm.

Pinkham, G.W.

More Removals

05 17 1886

Sun. Comm.

Plaisted, Harvey

Still more removals

03 29 1886

Sun. Comm.

Plant, Michael

Bodies Moved

11 08 1886

Sun. Comm.

Post, Mrs.

Still more

04 19 1886

Sun. Comm.

Pratt, Mr.

The Work Commenced

10 11 1886

Sun. Comm.

Putnam, Mr.

The List

10 18 1886

Sun. Comm.

Reed, Alex.

Still more

04 19 1886

Sun. Comm.

Reilly, Chas.

The Work Commenced

10 11 1886

Sun. Comm.

Renville, Mr.

Bodies Removed

11 22 1886

Sun. Comm.

Riley, Charles


03 22 1886

Sun. Comm.

Roberts, Nelson


03 22 1886

Sun. Comm.

Roberts, Paul


03 22 1886

Sun. Comm.

Robinson, C.W. Mrs.

The Changes

05 31 1886

Sun. Comm.

Robinson, Col.

Still More Removals

05 03 1886

Sun. Comm.

Ruf, Mary

Still more removals

03 29 1886

Sun. Comm.

Runnels, D.W.

Cemetery Removals

04 26 1886

Sun. Comm.

Saety, G.

More Removals

05 17 1886

Sun. Comm.

Samberg, Chas.

The Changes

05 31 1886

Sun. Comm.

Sanborn, Herbert

Still More Removals

05 03 1886

Sun. Comm.

Saph, Arnold

The Changes

05 31 1886

Sun. Comm.

Schell, Jas. M.

More Removals

05 17 1886

Sun. Comm.

Schoolcraft, James


03 22 1886

Sun. Comm.

Schoolcraft, Jas.

Still more removals

03 29 1886

Sun. Comm.

Shaw, Frank

Bodies Moved

11 08 1886

Sun. Comm.

Sherman, William

Bodies Removed

11 22 1886

Sun. Comm.

Simpson, (Mrs.)

Still More Removals

05 03 1886

Sun. Comm.

Sinclair, Capt.

The Changes

05 31 1886

Sun. Comm.

Skinner, Thomas S.

Still More Removals

05 03 1886

Sun. Comm.

Smith, Aaron

The Cemetery

03 15 1886

Sun. Comm.

Smith, Ed

The Changes

05 31 1886

Sun. Comm.

Smith, Emily

The Changes

05 31 1886

Sun. Comm.

Smith, Henry

Bodies Moved

11 08 1886

Sun. Comm.

Smith, Mrs.

The Changes

04 26 1886

Sun. Comm.

Smith, Wm. W

Cemetery Removals

04 26 1886

Sun. Comm.

Snider, L.K.

Bodies Removed

11 22 1886

Sun. Comm.

Spalding, Jed.

Bodies Removed

11 22 1886

Sun. Comm.

Stevens, Judge

The Cemetery

03 15 1886

Sun. Comm.

Stoddard, (Mrs.)

The Work Commenced

10 11 1886

Sun. Comm.

Stoddard, Mrs.

Bodies Moved

11 08 1886

Sun. Comm.

Stratton, Phillips

More Removals

05 17 1886

Sun. Comm.

Sutherland, Thomas

The Cemetery

03 15 1886

Sun. Comm.

Sutherland, Thos.

Still more removals

03 29 1886

Sun. Comm.

Swales, J.E.

Bodies Moved

11 08 1886

Sun. Comm.

Taylor, Geo.

More Removals

05 17 1886

Sun. Comm.

Thompson Estate

The Work Commenced

10 11 1886

Sun. Comm.

Toft, James

Still more

04 19 1886

Sun. Comm.

Traverse, John Dr.

The List

10 18 1886

Sun. Comm.

Trese, John M.

Still More Removals

05 03 1886

Sun. Comm.

Unger, Oswald

More Removals

05 17 1886

Sun. Comm.

Wadleigh, Lyman Mrs.

Bodies Moved

11 08 1886

Sun. Comm.

Wallace, (Mrs.)

Still More Removals

05 03 1886

Sun. Comm.

Welcome, Frank

Cemetery Removals

04 26 1886

Sun. Comm.

Wells, Henry (Mrs.)

The Cemetery

03 15 1886

Sun. Comm.

Wheeler, W.P.

Bodies Removed

11 22 1886

Sun. Comm.

White, F.F.

Bodies Moved

11 08 1886

Sun. Comm.

Wilcox, Henry

The Cemetery

03 15 1886

Sun. Comm.

Wiley, Mrs.

Cemetery Removals

04 26 1886

Sun. Comm.

Williams, Horace

Still More Removals

05 03 1886

Sun. Comm.

Wright, H.N.

Still More Removals

05 03 1886

Sun. Comm.

Yates, John

The Changes

05 31 1886

Sun. Comm.

Young, F.

More Removals

05 17 1886

Sun. Comm.

Younghusband, Mr.

Bodies Removed

11 22 1886

Sun. Comm.

Youngs, A.

Still more removals

03 29 1886

Sun. Comm.

Youngs, M.

Still more removals

03 29 1886

Sun. Comm.

Submitted by Kay Mitchell and Lois Wedge

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This page was last updated Saturday, January 25, 2014