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Washtenaw County Dibean Marriage Index

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We, the Dibeans, are not researching these surnames except as noted above but have a database of Michigan Marriages that contains marriages with the surname that you are searching for and those individuals that married this surname. IF ANY OF THE MARRIAGES LISTED ARE RELATED TO YOU, PLEASE LET US KNOW SO THAT WE CAN USE YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS AS A SOURCE. Jack and Marianne Dibean

Mixed Surnames : Surnames with a Plus (+) indicates combining of surnames that sound or are spelled similar, a (1) is a single name.

Codes : Names with a Forward (/) Slash are related to us. Names with a Backward (\) Slash have source other than CD available, source listed. Names with a Dash (-) have source other than CD but not available.

The records with a YES in the CTY field indicate that there are records listed under more than one county.

We would also appreciate being notified of any corrections to this information and a listing of your MICHIGAN marriage information to include in the database. PLEASE DO NOT SEND AS ATTACHMENTS.

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