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The following information is from: "The History of the First Baptist Church of Allegan" In the year, 1840, the red brick church on the corner of Trowbridge and Walnut streets had its beginning. The First Baptist of Plainfield held its covenant meeting in Allegan that year when it resolved that some of the people of Allegan present a request to the Plainfield Church to be considered a branch of that church. The following year in January, 1841, as far a records show, a group of sixteen strong believers in the Christian faith and also "dyed in the wool" Baptists constituted themselves into a branch. Soon after they organized, several other staunch Christians united, bringing the membership to a total of thirty-one members. A church covenant was immediatley drawn up, some of which reads: "Having been as we trust brought by divine grace to embrace the Lord Jesus Christ, and to give up ourselves wholly to Him, we so solemnly covenant with each other to walk together in him...That we will exercie a mutual care as members of one another to promote the growth of the whole body in the Christian knowledge..." A covenant meeting was then held and the Baptist Church and Society of Allegan, as it was then known, started on its long journey to becoming what it is in the present. The Reverend Harvey Munger was the first regular Pastor of the Baptit Church and Society of Allegan and was also the holder of the longest pastorate in the history of the church. He faithfully ministered for thirteen years as records show, Rev. Munger was alreay in Allegan when the church was organized. In 1952, a place was begun on the East side of Walnut Street to worship in. The Health Department is there at present. Reverend Munger was finally going to have a "meetin' house" for his congregation which was steadily growing. This building was used as a church until 1854 when it was purchased by the County for use as a Court House until condemned in 1887. Rev. T.R. Jones, who held one of the shortest pastorates from 1854-1855, was pastor at the time the County purchased the building. A number of years passed for which not too many records are found on. More members were received into the church and the church prospered. It was now a member of the Kalamazoo River Valley Association which was an association of the Baptist Churches of surrounding Area. Today the Church belongs to the General Association of Regular Baptists or G.A.R.B. This is a nation-wide organization. The Baptist Church and Society of Allegan decided in 1882 when J.M. Titterington had just begun his pastorate to dissolve their present organization and become the First Baptist Church of Allegan. Articles of Incorporation were drawn up and Pastor Titterington and his congregation were exceedingly joyful. When the newly organized First Baptist Church was approximately ten years of age, the members agreed to comply with the wishes of Mrs. Hannah J. Davis, who was a charter member along with Jasper Fisk, John Ross, Mary A. Stone and others. Mrs. Davis donated a large sum of money and also a large amount of property to be used by the church. The Church then sold all its other property in order to purchase a new site if necessary. Plans for the present edifice were begun in 1891. On July 1, 1892, when Reverend J.W. Littell was pastor, the cornerstone was laid. The Baptists in Allegan finally had a really nice place to worship in. In 1893, the "new church" was dedicated. The style, as one newspaper clipping read, was Romanesque with two towers; the entrance being through the longer. The longer tower has been taken down for safety purposes. I guess Americans don't construct buildings as well as the Romans did. After the building was completed, the church prospered greatly. A "Womans' Auxillary" was organized. Eight years later in 1906, the members of the First Baptist Church celebrated the burning of the mortgage. A very humorous account will be found written in the local newpapers. "Wednesday, April 1906, was a 'red-letter' day when members and friends of the First Baptist Church met to celebrate the burning of the mortgage. Mr. Ira Wilcox was so overjoyed that he nearly threw his hat to the ceiling of the spacious auditorium." A few tears of joy were shed at the occasion, but almost all the people thanked the Lord for it. From 1906, when Reverend J.W. Littell was pastor, until 1934, the Church grew not only in number but in the knowledge of the things of the Lord. Four pastors held pastorates during that time. In 1934, when Reverend C.J. Tarvestad was pastor, approximately thirty members withdrew their names from the Church. The reason for this is not definitely known but from all sources the reasons were very minor. As a result of this a new church was formed some years later which is the Allegan Bible Church. Plans for remodeling the church basement were begun several years later when Reverend E.R Hill was pastor. He was pastor for ten years from 1934-1944. They went into effect in 1945 after Reverend R.J. Reynhout began his pastorate in Allegan. Extensive remodeling took place at that time. During Reverend Reyhout's ministry, from 1945-1950, a number of things were accomplished concerning the building of the Church. A new Hammond Organ was purchased and a new door was put in going to the new Sunday School Rooms in the basement. The Church also increased greatly in membership during that time. At the present time an extensive building program is now being carried on. An annex to the building is on its way to being completed. As the history of the church is traced through the years, one strong point stands out. A strong testimony for the things of the Lord has aways been held. The Articles of Faith or what the Baptists believe has not changed since January 15, 1841 when the First Baptist Church of Allegan was founded. I have no doubt whatsoever that if man remains on this earth for one-hundred and thirteen years more that the First Baptist Church of Allegan will keep going forward as they have in the past one-hundred thirteen years. Dated: 1954 . |
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Updated on 10/16/2019
By Lynn Matt