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![]() Richard Ferris submitted by:Rick Ferris |
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Richard Ferris, son of Leonard
Ferris, was born in Wayne Co., N. Y., Aug. 7, 1822. His father being engaged in
farming, Richard worked at home on the farm until he was eighteen years of age.
During the winter months he attended the district school near home. One winter he
attended a select school in Mishawaka, Ind., taught by a blind man. The winters
of 1848 and 1849 he was at Notre Dame University, near South Bend, Ind. His educational
advantages were superior to many young men of that day.
Mr. Ferris made several changes
in his business and place of residence before his final settling in this state.
These changes are as follows: in 1843, went to Mishawaka, Ind., working in a mill-yard;
in 1844, hired out by the month in Cass Co., Mich.; returning to Mishawaka the later
part of the same year, he engaged in a saw-mill as a sawyer; in 1850, came to Lawrence,
Van Buren Co., Mich., working in a saw-mill in summer, and teaching in winter in
the village of Lawrence; in 1851, returned a second time to Mishawaka, this time
buying an interest in a saw-mill; in August, 1851, returned to Michigan, and here
bought an interest in a saw-mill at Lawrence, on Brush Creek; in 1854, moved to
Cheshire township, Allegan Co., purchasing five hundred and sixty acres of wild
land. Here he commenced clearing, and erected a saw-mill for the purpose of sawing
up the lumber. This mill burned down in 1860. A new one was erected in 1863.
He spent part of his time attending
to his farm, but since 1876 he has devoted his time exclusively to farming. He is
now living on the same tract of land he purchased when first coming into the township;
he now owns five hundred and twenty acres. Mr. Ferris is Republican, and is an active
member of the party. He has filled the offices of township clerk and school inspector
for several years. In 1870 he was elected to the lower house of the Legislature.
He is of Irish and American parents. In religion he is a liberal Catholic.
April 29, 1851, he married Hannah,
daughter of Thomas and Ann Milburn. They have had four children, viz.: William M.,
Mary E., Marcus A., and Joseph G., who died Dec. 8, 1879. The others are living
at home with their parents. Mrs. Ferris was born in England Jan. 1, 1826, remaining
there until she was twenty-two years old.
RICHARD FERRIS, who is engaged in general farming on section 17, Cheshire Township,
is one of the prominent citizens of Allegan County. He has a wide acquaintance in
this community, also throughout the surrounding counties, and his friends will notice
with especial interest his life sketch and portrait. He was born in the town of
Butler, Wayne County, N. Y., August 7, 1822, and is the seventh in a family of nine
children, whose parents were Leonard and Elizabeth (Ryan) Ferris. His father was
a native of the Highlands of New York and a farmer by occupation. For a few years
after his marriage he resided in Cayuga County, N. Y., and then removed to Wayne
County, where he hewed out a farm in the midst of the forest. His wife died at the
age of eighty-three years and he reached the advanced age of ninety-three. Mrs.
Ferris was a member of the Catholic Church. Of their six sons and three daughters,
six are now living. The family was represented in the late war by John A., who served
in an Indiana regiment.
Upon his father's farm our subject
was reared to manhood, and in the district schools of New York partially received
his education. Empty-handed he began life for himself at the age of eighteen and
two years later sought a home in the west. In Mishawaka, Ind., he worked in a sawmill
yard and afterward was employed at harvesting. Subsequently he spent eight months
as a farm hand in Cass County, then returned to Mishawaka, where he attended a select
school during the winter. In the spring he again went to work in the mill-yard,
for $20 per month and boarded himself. He did the work of two men and his employer,
William Milburn, seeing his usefulness, made him a sawyer and he was afterwards
given entire charge of the mill, being there employed from the spring of 1845 until
1851, with the exception of ten months in 1848-49, when he was a student at Notre
Dame (Ind.) University. The year 1850 witnessed his arrival in Michigan, and for
one summer he was employed in a mill in Lawrence, Van Buren County, after which
he taught school in the winter 1850-51. The following spring he returned to Mishawaka
and bought a one-eighth interest in a new steam sawmill, having charge of the saw
About this time, on the 19th of
April, 1851, Mr. Ferris wedded Hannah Milburn, sister of his former employer. She
was born in England, January 1, 1826, and in 1848 came to America with her brother
William, making her home in Mishawaka. In August, succeeding their marriage, Mr.
Ferris sold out and removed to Lawrence, Mich., where he bought a third interest
in a mill, helped to rebuild it and followed that business until 1854. He then again
sold, and removed to his present farm in December of that year, having here resided
since. The home has been blessed by the presence of four children: William M., who
married Minnie Wood, and is now living in Waldo, Kan.; Mary E., wife of Robert C.
O'Brien, of Cheshire Township, by whom she has four children; Marcus A., a farmer
of the same township, who married Florence Motter, by whom he has one child; and
Joseph G., who died at the age of nineteen years.
Mr. Ferris settled upon a four
hundred and eighty-acre tract of wild land, eleven miles from Allegan, and built
a double log cabin. Indians were still frequent visitors in the neighborhood, few
roads had been cut through and the work of development and progress seemed scarcely
begun. In May, 1855, Mr. Ferris began building a saw mill, which he operated for
a number of years, when it was totally destroyed by fire. He then built about eighty
rods from the old sight, but the water afterward failed and he discontinued its
operation and began improving his farm. Since then he has given his entire attention
to agricultural pursuits and now has three hundred and eighteen acres of valuable
land, two hundred and forty of which are highly cultivated. He has cleared and fenced
his farm himself, and added greatly to its value and attractive appearance by many
improvements. He pays considerable attention to the raising of fine grades of sheep
and draft and coach horses. His home, which was erected in 1860, is the finest residence
in the township and is the abode of hospitality. The members of the family hold
a high position in the social world and their friends throughout the community are
Mr. Ferris is a member of the
Catholic Church. His wife belonged to the Congregational Church in England, but
of late years has been an active worker in the Methodist Church. With school interests
he has been actively identified, has given his children good advantages, and two
have been teachers. So efficient was he as member of the Board, that those who first
opposed him were afterward vociferous in their entreaties for him to continue in
office. He cast his first Presidential vote for Henry Clay and supported the Whig
party until the organization of the Republican party, with which he has since been
identified. He is one of the prominent Republicans in this community and has fought
many hard practical battles, especially in trying to get the party to embody temperance
principals. He served as Clerk in Lawrence Township, Van Buren County, was also
School Inspector, and in 1855 was elected Clerk of Cheshire Township. He held the
office of School Inspector here until the organization of the school districts.
Elected as Representative
from his district, Mr. Ferris served in the Legislature in 1871 and 1872, when he
declined re-nomination. During that time he helped elect Thomas W. Ferry to the
United States Senate, was Chairman of the Lumber Committee, a member of the Committee
on State Prisons and also if the joint committee to visit the penal and reformatory
institutions of the State. The cause of temperance ever found in him a staunch advocate,
and all social, educational and moral interests received his hearty support. His
public and private life are above reproach. He has been a faithful public officer
and a valued citizen of the community, who has done much for the upbuilding of the
county during his many years of residence here. He has the respect of his many acquaintances
and the warm regard of a large circle of friends.
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