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Streets |
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EXPLANATION An order was passed by the City Council authorizing the numbering of all streets of the city, and designating Chisholm street a dividing line for all streets crossing it, or running North and South, and Second street for all streets running East and West. The sytem adopted is the same as used in Philadelphia and other large cities, known as the "decimal" sytem - one hundred numbers being allowed for each block. In cases where vacant lots, etc., occur, the usual numbers have been allotted them. On referring to the following guide, it will be noticed that the names of all streets and avenues fllow each other in strictly alphabetical order without regard to location; Adams, from Long Lake av east to Huron, between Bolton and Monroe. Addison, from Ontario east to city limits, I west of Franklin. Albert, from Taylor north, between Beebe and Huron. Alfred East, from Dock east to Mill, I north of Beebe> Alfred West, from Dock west to Huron, I north of Beebe. Ash, from Oliver west to Garden, 2 souith of 3d. Au Sab;le, see Sable. Bagley, from Washington av south to 3d, 4 west of Garden. Baldwin East, from 2d east to State. I south of Campbell. Baldwin West, from 2d west, I south of Campbell. Barry, from city limits and Thunder Bay shore, northwest to Ist, between Mason and Parson. Bay av, from E. Bingham along Thunder Bay Shore, s two blocks. Beebe East, from Dock east to Mill, I north of Norwegian. Beebe North, from Taylor north, between Dawson and Albert. Beebe Wewst, from Dock West, I north of Norwegian. Beech, from Fletcher north to Long Lake av, 5 west of Dock. Begole, from Washington av south of 3d, I west of Garden. Bingham East, from 2d east, 1 south of Wisner. Bingham West, from 2d east to Trowbridge road, 1 north of Hueber. Birch East, from Dock east to Trowbridge road, 1 north of Hueber. Birch West, from Dock west, 1 north of Hueber. Bismarck, from 3d west to Potter, between Lincoln and Campbell. Blair East, from 2d east, between Crapo and Wisner. Blair West, from 2d west, between Crapo and Wisner. Bolton, from Long Lake av east to Huron, between Adams and Owen. Bosley East, from Dock east, 1 north of Alfred. Bosley West, from Dock west, 1 north of Alfred. Bradford, from 10th west, 9 south of Chisholm. Broadwell, from Thunder Bay shore northwest, 13 northeast of Fletcher. Brook, from Ontario south to city limits, 3 west of Franklin. Campbell East, from 2d east to State, 1 south of Lincoln. Campbell West. from 2d west to Washington av, 1 south of Lincoln. Cambpell Track, from E K Potter & Son's mill southeast to Thunder Bay, between Campbell and Baldwin. Catherine, from south end of 8th west, 1 north of Washington ave. Cavanaugh, from Washington ave northwest to 11th, 1 southof Tuttle. Cedar, from Fletcher northeast to Long Lake av, between Pine and Beech. Charlotte, from Washington av north to 11th, 1 west of Miller. Cheboygan, from Lake northeast, between Presque Isle and Mackinaw. Chisholm East, from 2d east to water front, 2 south of the bridge. Chisholm West, from 2d west to city limits, 2 south of the bridge. Clark East, from Dock east to Mills, between Lake and Norwegian. Clark West, from Doc west to Taylor, between Lake and Norwegian. Clinton, from Baldwin southwest to city limits, between State and 1st. Collins, from mill pond north to city limits, 3 west of Woodward av. Commercial, from Fletcher northeast to Taylor, between Pine and Merchant. Cottage, from Johnson north to city limits, 1 west of Woodward av. Crapo East, from 2d east to State, 1 south of Baldwin. Crapo West, from 2d west to 3d, 1 south of Baldwin. Dawson, from Taylor north to Owen, between Long Lake av and Beebe. Dock (continuation of 2d), from Thunder Bay river northeast to city limits. Dunbar East, from 2d east to State, 1 south of White. Dunbar West, from 2d west to 4th, 1 south of White. Eighth North, from Cisholm north to the river, 6 west of 2d. Eighth South, from Chisholm south to Washington ave, 6 west of 2d. Eleventh North, from Chisholm north to Oak, 9 west of 2d. Eleventh South, from Chisholm south to the river, 9 west of 2d. Elizabeth, from Cavanaugh west to Potter's Mill, 2 north of Washington Av. Elm, from Sherman av west to Collins, 1 north of mill pond. Emmet, from Oliver west to Garden, 1 south of 3d. Erie, from R R track west, 4 south of Washington av. Fair av, from 6th northwest to 12th, between Plains and Tuttle. Farmer, changed to Fair av. Felch, from Washington av south to3d, 3 west of Garden. Fifth North, from Chisholm north to river, 3 west of 2d. Fifth South, from Chisholm south to city limits, 3 west of 2d. First North, from Chisholm north to the river, 3 west of 2d. First South, from Chisholm south to city limits, between 2d and State. Fletcher East, from Dock east to Gilchrist's mill, between the river and Oldfield. Fletcher West, from Dock west to Beech, between the river and Oldfield. Florence, from Sherman av west to Collins, 2 north of mill pond. Flower av, from Palm north to Johnson, between Logan and Sherman av. Forest av, from Woodward av west to Collins, 6 north of mill pond. Fort, from mill pond north to city limits, 2 west of Woodward av. Fourteenth, from Chisholm north to mill pond, 12 west of 2d. Fourth North, from Chisholm north to River, 2 west of 2d. Fourth South, from Chisholm south to city limits, 2 west of 2d. Franklin, from Washington av south to city limits, 1 west of North. Frederick av, from Oliver west to Garden, 1 south of 1st. Garden, from Washington av south to city limits, 5 west of Franklin. Gilchrist, see Miller. Grant av, from Oliver west to Garden, 3 south of 1st. Herman East, from Dock east, 1 north of Birch. Herman West, from Dock west, 1 north of Birch. Hitchcock, from 2d east, 1 north of White. Hueber East, from Dock east to Trowbridge road, between Bosley and Birch. Hueber West, from Dock west, between Bosley and Birch. Huron, from Taylor north, 1 east of Albert. Jefferson, from Ontario south to city limits, 4 west of Franklin. Johnson, from Sherman av west to Chisholm, 3 north of mill pond. La Forest av, from Oliver west to Garden, 2 south of 1st. Lake East, from Dock east to Mill, between Miller and Clark. Lake West, from Dock west to city limits, between Miller and Clark. Lawn, from Ontario south to city limits, 2 west of Franklin. Lewis East, from 2d east to 1st, between Dunbar and Maple. Lewis West, from 2d west to Washiongton av, between Dunbar and Maple. Lockwood, from 2d and Washington av northwest to 14th, 1 south of Chisholm. Logan av, from mill pond north to Johnson, 1 west of Flower av. Long Lake av, from Miller north to city limits, 3 east of Fletcher. Mackinaw, from Lake northeast, 12 west of Dock. Main, see State. Maltz, from 12th northwest, north of old Caholic cemetery. Maple East, from 2d east to 1st, between Lewis and Mirre. Maple West, from 2d west to 5th, between Lewis & Mirre. Mason, from State and city limits west to 1st, 1 south of Barry. Merchant, from Fletcher northeast, between Dock and Commercial. Michigan, from Garden west to city limits, 1 s of Washington av. Mill, from Fletcher northeast to Trowbridge rd, 1 southeast of Dock. Miller, from Campbell north to Washington ave, 1 west of Potter. Miller East, from Dock east to Mill, between Oldfield and Lake. Miller West, from Dock west to Bridge, between Oldfield and Lake. Minor, from 9th northwest to 14th, 2 northeast of Chisholm. Mirre East, from 2d east to 1st, between Maple and Lincoln. Mirre West, from 2d west to Washington av, detween Maple and Lincoln. Monroe, from Long Lake av east to Huron, between Taylor and Adams. Ninth North, from Chisholm north to the river, 7 west of 2d. Ninth South, from Chisholm south to Park, 7 west of 2d. North, from Ontario south to city limits, 1 east of Franklin. Noirwegian East, from Dock east to Mill, between Clark and Beebe. Norwegian West, from Dock west to Commercial, between Clark and Beebe. Oak, from 10th northwest to 11th, between Minor and the river. Oldfield East, from Dock east to Mill, between Fletcher and Miller. Oldfield West, from Dock west, between Flercher and Miller. Oliver, from Lake northeast, between Pond and Presque Isle. Oliver, from Third south to city limits, 3 east of Franklin. Ontario, from R R track west to city limits, 3 south of Washington av. Owen, from Long Lake av east, 1 north of Bolton. Oxford, from Woodward av west to Chisholm, 4 north of mill pond. Palm, from mill pond east to Sherman av, 1 south of Elm. Park, from Elizabeth northwest, 1 north of Charlotte. Parson East, from 2d east to State, between Bingham and Barry. Parson West, from 2d west to city limits, between Bingham and Barry. Pierce, from Woodward av west to Chisholm, 5 north of mill pond. Pine, from Fletcher northeast to Lake, between Commercial and Cedar. Plains, from Washington ave northwest to 11th, between Saghinaw and Fair av. Pond, from Lake northeast, between Bridge and Oliver. Potter, from Campbell northeast to Washington av, 2 east of D & M Ry. Prentiss, from State, east to shore orf Thunder Bay, 1 south of Chisholm. Presque Isle, from Lake northeast, between Oliver and Cheboygan. Railroad, from Campbell Track northeast, parallel woth State. Rich, from Washington av to 3d, 2 west of Garden. Richardson (continuation of Lewis). from 1st southwest to State, 1 south of Dunbar. River East, from 2d east to water front. 1 north of Chisholm. River West, from 2d west to 14th, 1 north of Chisholm. Sable, from Washington av northwest to 12th, 2 south of Chisholm. Saginaw, from 4th northwest to 11th, between Tawas and Plains. Second North, from Chisholm north to the river, between 1st and 3rd. Second South, from Chisholm south to city limits, between 1st and 3rd. Seventh North, from Chisholm north to river, 5 west of 2d. Seventh South, from Chisholm south to Tuttle, 5 west of 2d. Sheridan, from 3d south to city limits, 2 east of Franklin. Sherman av, from Palm north to Johnson, 1 east of Flower av. Sixth North, from Chisholm north to W River, 4 west of 2d. Sixth South, from Chisholm south to Washington ave, 4 west of 2d. State, from Chisholm southwesat to city limits, parallel with Thunder Bay shore. Superior, from Garden west to city limits, 2 s of Washington av. Tawas, from Washington ave near 3d, northwest to 12th, between Sable and Saginaw. Taylor, from Long Lake av east to Huron, 1 south of Monroe. Tefft, see Maple. Tenth North, from Chisholm north to the river, 8 west of 2d. Tenth South, from Chisholm south to city limits, 8 west of 2d. Third North, from Chisholm north to river, 1 west of 2d. Third South, from Chisholm south to city limits, 1 west of 2d. Thirteenth North, from Chisholm north to Minor, 11 west of 2d. Thirteenth South, from Chisholm south to Lockwood, 11 west of 2d. Trowbridge Road, from cor Mill and Bosley, northeast to city limits. Tuttle, from Washington av northwest to 12th, between Farmer and Cavanaugh. Twelth North, from Chisholm north to Minor, 10 west of 2d. Twelth South, from Chisholm south to Tawas, 10 west of 2d. Vine, from R R Track west to city limits, 5 south of Washington av. Walnut, from Oldfield northeast to Long Lake av, between Beech and Bridge. Washington av East, east from S 2d to Chisholm. Washington av West, wesy fro S 2d to city limits. Water, from 2d east to Thunder Bay shore, 2 north of Chisholm. White East, from 2d east to 1st, between Hitchcock and Dunbar. White West, from 2d west to 3d, between Hitchcock and Dunbar. Wisner East, from 2d east to State, between Blair and Bingham. Wisner West, from 2d west to city limits, between Blair and Bingham. Woodward av. from Mill Pond to city limits, 2 west of Flower av. |