Welcome to the Arenac County MIGenWeb project.

If you're researching your Arenac County ancestors, or just
interested in the unique history of Arenac County, this is the place for you.
If you're a seasoned Arenac County researcher, or just have
something that might be of interest, you're invited to share genealogical or historical
information you have about this county and its people with others through this site.
Just passing through?
Visit our "quick tips" guide
for finding Arenac County information on the internet.
Arenac County Historical Society
has indexed much of their collection of scrapbooks, clippings, books and newspaper
Visit the ACHS site to view and search this information and to see their on-line
album of historical photos.
Issues of the Tawas Herald from 1884-1981 have been filmed by the Huron Shores Genealogical Society and are now available on the Iosco Arenac Library website.
Michigan Death Certificates (index and images) from
1897-1942 are now available on the the Library of Michigan site.
Michigan Civil Records are now
available on the LDS FamilySearch
site - sign in to view images.
Michigan Birth Records (index and images) from 1867-1902
Michigan Marriage Records (index and images) from 1868-1925
Michigan Death Records (index and images) from 1867-1897
Michigan Death Records (index only) from 1921-1952
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This site (c) 2021 and forward by G. Fales.
Predecessor sites (c) 2000-2021 by G. Knopp, (c) 1998-2000 by Vicki Bonasse, (c) 1996-1998 by Eric Craig
Cover graphic photos contributed by Marlene Banks.
ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: The compilation and presentation
of information found on this website is protected by the US Copyright Law, Digital Millennium Copyright Act
of 1998. Individual genealogists may copy and use the information found on this
website for personal use only. It is not to be copied or altered in any way for
commercial use nor for representation or inclusion on another webpage without the written
permission of the webmaster.
You may link freely to this website using the
following: http://www.migenweb.org/arenac/index.htm
Every effort has been made to ensure that information
found on this site is accurate. However, you are encouraged to check primary sources
for further information and to verify the accuracy of data transcription.
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