Scrapbook - Bits and Pieces
1. The Celebration (Thompsonville) July 4th, '95 (1895) will long be a day to remembered by many people who participated in the festivities, in this village. The day was fair, and the crowd although not so large as the one of a year ago, seemed to enter into the enjoyments, heart and soul. The program of the day was carries out in full up to and including the street parade, when a sad accident occurred to the gunner, J.C. VanBlaricom of Collison, who with his two sons, MC. and George, had been hired by the committee to bring their gun and manage the cannonading part of the program. While firing a salute in honor if the parade a premature discharge of the gun blew off the right arm of Mr. VanBlaricom Sr. at the wrist. Dr. Marks was at once summoned from his post as marshal of the day and the wounded man was taken to Campbell's drug store, where the injures arm was dressed and the bones of the forearm which were found to be broken, reset. The oldest son M.C. was also seriously burned on the hand and arm requiring the services of the physician after the fathers injuries had been attended to. Mr. VanBlaricom was one of Uncle Sam's boys having enlisted at Port Byron, Cayuga Co., N.Y., as a member of the 75th N.Y. Vol. Infantry, on Aug. 16, 1861, and followed his regiment through all its journeyings, participating in something over one hundred and twenty different engagements and was mustered out of the service at the close of the rebellion, without having received a scratch. The gun which did the mischief was built to order for Mr. VanBlaricom by Rumsey and Co., of Seneca Falls, N.Y. in 1865 at a cost of $110.00 and is a --- affair, about two and a half feet long, turned from a solid piece of steel, mounted on four wheels with ammunition chest complete, and had been worked by its owner at fourth of July celebrations, election campaigns etc. from that time until the present, without any consequence before this one. His sons, M.C. and George, have always helped their father to work the a gun since they were little boys and were thoroughly conversant with the manner of handling it. Mr. VanBlaricom is a member of Chas. Brown Post. G.A.R. No. 196 at Alaska, Kent Co. Mich.. Was made an Odd Fellow at Clifford Lodge No. 53 I.O.O.F. at Clifford, Lapeer Co. Mich. Nov 8, 83', and is a charter member and P.C. of Charity Tent No.115 K.O.T.M. located at Clifford, Mich. The accident was entirely unexpected and considerably dampened th ardor of the participants in the festivities, but still a respectable crowd collected and listened to the able address by Hon. A.L. Deuel of harbor Springs, speaker of the day. Mr. Deuel is a fluent talker and although like many of his hearers he was taken off guard by the sad termination of the gun practice, his address was well timed and to the point, and many of our people have expressed a wish to hear him talk under more favorable circumstances. The games and sports followed with the usual fun frolic, but our space forbids giving the details or names of the winners in several contests. The day's exercises closed with a display of fireworks, said by those who witnessed it to be very
fine, and we believe that barring the accident at the gun, a pleasant and satisfactory day was
passed by all.
2. Surprise Mrs. Stewart About thirty of her sister Rebakkas gave Mrs. John Stewart a very successful birthday surprise
Tuesday evening. After a short session of lodge, they marched in upon her and found her
entirely unprepared for them, she not having a suspicion of the plans. They brought a generous
lot of refreshments as well as a number of nice presents as a reminder of the occasion. Mrs.
Stewart, while not being the oldest member if the local lodge, is the oldest in time of
membership and the only remaining one of the charter members. She has always been a faithful
worker in the order and the honors they bestow are worthily placed. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart are
both in good health and their friends join their fraters in wishing them both more birthdays.
3. Washout at the Dam Results in Loss of Two Men and a Team of Horses CRANDALL BOYS LOST IN FLOOD Electric Light Plant Safe and Damage to Dam Not So Serious --- The Dead Being Searched for. At noon on Monday messengers from the dam on the Betsie river came rushing up town with the news that the dam was going out and two men and a team had gone in the rushing waters. The news at first was hardly credited, but the report probed true and immediately men and women rushed to the scene of the catastrophe. A washout at the dam between the old shute and the new one was the cause of the accident which precipitated Ed. and Ernest Crandall, Ed Hiney, A.B. Fox and the latter;s team into the raging torrent. Mr. Hiney was seriously injured, but was rescued by those on the bank. Mr. Fox was carried to the end of the shute where he grasped a post and saved himself. Every effort possible was directed toward rescuing the two Crandalls, but attempts were futile as they were almost instantly immersed in the mad rush of water which carried everything before it. A search for the bodies was at once instituted, but nothing has yet been found of them and it is likely they have been carried away down the river and lie buried beneath the drifting sands in the river bed. Tuesday a systematic search was prosecuted and the river was patrolled for six miles by at least 100 men. The jam of logs just below the dam was broken and the team of horses were found about 40 rods from where they went down, fastened together with the neck-yoke, the harness torn to pieces and the blankets gone. No trace of anything else has yet been found. Tuesday and yesterday men from the camps and citizens of the village responded nobly to humanity's call and worked faithfully and diligently, despite the severe cold and storm, to find the bodies of the doomed men, and the ladies of the village furnished meals which were carried to the men thus engaged. Mr. Hiney, who was hurt about the back and head, and Mr. Fox who was injured by contact with a log in the river are getting better under the care of the doctors. Ed Crandall was a married man and leaves a wife ant two step-children. Ernest Crandall was about 18 years old and single. Both were sober, industrious men, and sons of the Rev. W.H. Crandall of this village, with whom they had long been associated in the masonry business, and were considered competent workmen. The loss sustained by the village on account of the washout is not so serious as was at first thought and can be repairs at comparatively small cost. The lighting plant remains solid as a rock, but of course must remain idle and the city in darkness until the dam is repaired. Although the chances of recovering the bodies seem remote, hope has not been abandoned and
careful search is still being made.
4. The Boys Found The bodies of the two ill-fated Crandall boys, Ernest and Ed, who were drowned and buried under the drifting sands when the Thompsonville dam went out Feb. 18, were recovered last Friday morning, when Earl Crandall, brother of the unfortunate boys and men working on the river discovered them. They were found about twenty rods apart where the river forks just below the dam. One body was in each stream and singularly enough found a similar lodging place, beneath two large stumps at about equal distance from the fork. The bodies were not decomposed, but were badly swollen and discolored. They were immediately taken in charge by undertaker C.O. Smith and prepared for burial. A public funeral, all the business houses closing during services, was held at the opera house in the afternoon and that capacious building was crowded to the doors by sympathizing friends, the Maccabees attending in a body, but not having charge of the services. Rev. D.S. Toy preached the sermon, Rev. Banister making the prayer, and they were laid to rest in the Thompsonville cemetery. The bereaved family, who have kept up an assiduous search for the bodies since the disaster, feel more reconciled now that the boys have been found and given a Christian and fraternal burial. 6. The W.C.T.U. convention held in this place on April 2 and 3 was ended very auspiciously
last Friday by an oratorical contest given by five of the rising young men of the village, viz; John
Stewart Jr., Ralph Foote, Eskel Nelson, Ralph Bonney and Harry Hittel. The attendance at eh
contest was large and the excellent work of the boys reflected much credit upon themselves as
well as their instructor, Mr. Lemley. John Stewart was chosen by the judges as the successful
contestant and was awarded a silver medal.
7. SHERIFF HURT IN ESCAPE ATTEMPT Man Headed for Hospital Turns Auto Down Bank into Ditch Petoskey, May 25 - George Carpenter, Emmet county sheriff, was severely injured about the face and his sedan was wrecked when Clyde Stockhill, whom the sheriff was taking to the Traverse City state hospital for treatment, jumped from the rear seat, grabbed the steering wheel and forced the car down an embankment and into a ditch. The machine turtled and the four occupants crawled out through a broken window. They were returned here in a taxi. Sheriff Carpenter, assisted by Ed Dean, also was taking John Karamol to Jackson to serve sentence on a liquor violation charge. Karamol was sitting in the front seat with the sheriff, who was driving and Dean occupied the rear seat with Stockhill. It is believed Stockhill had planned the wrecking of the machine as a means of escape. Dean was badly cut and bruised about the head and arms and Karamol suffered severe bruises
about the legs and chest and possibly internal injuries.
8. March 1 1918 ( Thompsonville newspaper ) Mrs. E.M. Koons visited at Bendon Tuesday A. I Wightman was in Traverse City on business Tuesday. Ella Cornell is employed at the telephone office in place of Mrs. A. Moos resigned
Bert Bixby went to Charlevoix on business Saturday. Mrs. P. Cadaret and children left Saturday for their new home in Lake City. Mrs. Rob't Thorndyke and children are moving this week to Flint where Mr. Thorndyke has been employed for some time. Milton Paradise was home to spend Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A.E. Paradise Mr. and Mrs. C.H. Chadsey of Suttons Bay and Miss Ella Chadsey of Traverse City are here for the Selfrich-Chadsey marriage (Mar 2, 1918) Nels and Carl Bye have taken a big road job near the Soo and work will begin as early as the weather permits. Jim Crawford of Beulah was in town Monday trying to locate a lost fox hound, he just got the hound from Kentucky and lost him the first day out. Emory Seymour of Wexford is moving his family here, occupying the G.W. O'Connor, he is
employed at the Piqua plant.
School notes ( Edited by Gale Menold )
Bonnie Cadaret and Lydia Thorndyke are missed from the 6th grade.
Mary King is back in school after a week's absence on account of sickness.
Edward Osborn and Elmer Otto of Grammar room have left school.
Alma Menold in Rhetoric class - He smiled a blue steeled monkey wrench
Two new students have joined the penmanship class. Elliot Adams and Robert Stockhill.
On Wednesday morning of last week Chas. Kerrey entertained the High school and grammar
grades with a victrola.
9. INSTALLED OFFICERS The L.O.T.M.M. and K.O.T.M.M. held a joint installation last Saturday evening in their lodge
rooms. After installation ceremonies an oyster supper was served by the Sir Knights and a very
enjoyable evening was spent. The following officers were installed
L.O.T.M.M. Post Com.- Mrs. J.C. Stewart Com.- Ella Hyatt Lieut. Com- Emma L. Tolbert R.K.- Mary Smith F.K.- Mary Hamlin Chap.- Jennie Wait Sergt.- Maggie Stewart M. at A. - Addie Myers Sent.- Alice Meredith Picket- Elizabeth Parker Physician- Dr. J.E. Peltier
K.O.T.M.M. Post Com.- O.L. Lovejoy Com.- G.J. Menold Lieut. Com.- Gus Larson R.K. - Geo Rutherford F.K. - Chas Mixter Chap - O.S. Johnson Physician - Dr. J.E. Peltier Sergt. - J. Dudley M at A -C. Harroun 1st M of G william Snyder 2nd M of G -Ernie Carr Sent - L.L. Peters Picket -R.F. MacCumber
10. Old Time News Dec, 10. 1908 Twenty-four years ago
Mrs. Everett Potter of Bear Lake spent Sunday at the home of Will Kerry
Mrs. W.L. Talbert is visiting at the home of Jesse Talbert and family at Fife lake.
Miss Hazel Wightman is better after being quite ill with a threatened fever.
Dr. Peltier is able to be out again after his long illness.
Mrs. Genrich returned Monday from Frankfort, where she has been caring for her daughter.
G.W. O'Connor and son Clifford went to Holton Monday, for a few days business and a pleasure
Mr. Gonkel and wife , who have been visiting in Marion, came home the first of the week on
account of the sickness of their daughter Mrs. Chas. McVicker.
Miss Nora Grice of Niles, who has been visiting her uncle, Clark hand, for several days is quite
Mrs. Arthur Gibson of Rapids is visiting her parents, D.N. Cornell and wife.
Mrs. Julia Helmer has gone to Toledo to care for her niece who is ill.
Mr. Maskel and son Claude left Monday for Cadillac where they met Mr. Lux of Lake City, and
the two started for a trip to British Colombia on a prospecting trip.
Wesley Lang has returned from Montana to spend the winter.
Orrin Cromie has resigned his position in Chattaway's store and gone to Alden, Jesse Tanner
filling in his place in the store.
Mrs. D.H. McLaughlin visited in Copemish Saturday.
Mrs. John Liddy was a Copemish visitor Saturday.
Mrs. A Crombie was in Copemish Saturday.
Rev. Wood, pastor of the M.E. church was on the sick list for a few days last week and Rev.
Barns who built the local Methodist church building, filled the pulpit in his stead.
Joseph Waters a former resident of this place, but for the past years a resident of Slocum has
been the guest of Dr. Cummins and other friends in the village for several days past.
Mrs. Madison and daughter Fern of Joyfield and Mrs Allen and son of Whiting, Ind. were guests
of their sister, Mrs. William Smeltzer last week.
Lacy Young opened up his roller skating rink in the Maccabee hall Monday evening.
Geo. Kerry has purchased the building occupied by J. Ross as a pool room, and will take
possession April 1st
Frank and Everett Potter of Bear Lake are cutting logs for McCarty in the swamp between here
and Nessen.
Robert Carmen, who was quite badly scalded some time ago is rapidly recovering. Drs. Pelteir
and Carey performed and operation on him last week, grafting a piece of skin on the place which
was burned the worst. The boys mother sacrificed the skin necessary for the operation.
Those neither absent or tardy in the Grammar room were: Florence Young, Minnie Morrison,
Hazel Hoot, Charles Hinchen, Robert Tweedy, Ardath Paul, Cora Steffy, Goldie Kerry, Lavern
Snell, Earl Meredith, Ralph VanDyke, Erma Brooks, Carl young, Ina Blue, Russel Weatherly.
The snowstorm of Monday caused the absence of a number from the intermediate room but the
following were neither tardy during the month: Clyde Hunt, Cecil Post, Clifford Stanton, Vera
DeLaney, Jennings Sloan, Warren Cooper, Dena Smith, Mary Steffy, Doris King, Gale Menold,
Allen Hoot, Floyd Preist, and Leona Sergent.
11. Here is the Official Draft List The draft list for the county had been completed by County Clerk Ely and it shows that there are 627 names on the roll. This list covers every township in the county and the government draft will be made from the numbers on this list, so that the numbers shown on the identification certificates if those who registered will give no information as to who is drawn. Only the numbers on this list will show. Numbers given below cover most of this part of the county. 142 Oscar M. Johnson, 143 William M. Mix, 144 Charles E. Lindsey, 145 Edward Ellis, 146
George R. Johnson, 147 Alvin J. Carrier, 148 John Dwyer, 149 Fred Gonyon, 150 Roland Long,
151 Arthur Moote, 152 Arthur E. Johnson, 153 Claude W, Carrier, 154 Jess C, Tanner, 155
Verle K. Alexander, 156 Will Edwards, 157 Claude W. Caldwell, 158 Geo. B.L. Egan, 159 Jesse
L. Horton, 160 Eldridge E. May, 161 Leon A. Francisco, 162 Angus F. McFay, 163 Chester A
Rust, 164 Milton A. Paradise, 165 William J. Mason, 166 Jacob R. Carmean, 167 Jesse B.
Sanford, 168 Dennis M. Dillehay, 169 James A, Wright, 170 Floyd B. Milliron, 171 Corington
A. Landis, 172 Willie Gettings, 173 Chris A, Webber, 174 Chas. G. Hively, 175 Joseph D. Hill,
176 Lloyd C. Rust, 177 George W. Morrow, 178 William M. Hogg, 179 Edward J. Zimmerman,
180 Ellsworth E. Joy, 181 Jesse E. Messer, 182 Thomas D. Cook, 183 Martin C. Lentz, 184
Herbert A. Nugent, 185 Franklin G. Lamb, 186 Theodore Linggren, 187 Orzo E. Priest, 188
Edward F. Sage, 189 Louis W. Miner, 190 Adolph Lindgren, 191 Ray H. Love, 192 Lester H.
Smeltzer, 193 William G. Wiggns, 194 Harry Hoadley, 195 Andrew J. Messer, 196 William J.
Lamb, 197 John a Davidson, 198 Albert Saur, 199 James B. Evans, 200 Floyd Merrill, 201 John
A. Lathwell, 202 Howard Clark, 203 Daniel J. Lathwell, 204 Frederick Luplow, 205 Irwin H.
Davis, 206 Alvin G. Davis, 262 George K. Dexter, 263 Edward Zink, 164 John J. Stanton, 265
Herman Gray, 266 Dennis D. Gauthier, 267 Earl Best, 268 Earl P. Clark, 269 Fred Beaton, 270
Claude Dilley, 271 Frank Irish, 272 Edwin V. Jarrett, 273 Leslie F. Amidon, 274 Ivan W Dexter,
275 Tony Janovsky, 276 Fred T. Best, 277 Joseph R. Haines, 278 William W Huddleston, 279
Guy Gutherie, 280 Glenn Koons, 281 Robert L. Atwood, 282 Otis Crain, 283 Wilber D. Bare,
284 Joseph W. Dilley, 285 Frank Baxter, 286 Chas Spellman, 287 Ernest E. Ford, 288 Harry C.
Wilson, 289 Charles Gray, 290 Edward Judson, 291 Leo A. Potts, 292 William H. Bean, 293
Chas G. Maynard, 294 Sidney C. Hazel, 295 Harvey W. Pratt, 296 Bertrand E. Davis, 297
Johnson James, 298 John S. Gesick, 299 Herbert H. Dexter, 300 Fay P. Laguire, 301 Lewis B.
Clark, 302 John Reef, 331 William Brown, 332 Ben H. Stever, 333 Orville Helfrich, 334 Abe K.
Henry, 335 Walter J. Dingman, 336 Roy J. Henry, 337 Richard A Williams, 338 Al E. Herren,
339 Alonzo E. Boyd, 340 Henry W. Gonyon, 341 Elmer L. Baribeau, 342 Hammond V. Kay, 343
Cyril A. Cummins, 344 Arden C Wygandt, 345 Thomas H. Potts, 346 Harvey H. Keehne, 347
Earl L. Inman, 348 Reuben O. Potter, 349 Daniel E. Stroup, 350 Clyde R. Stockhill, 351 Eugene
R. Groshon, 352 Harry Williams, 353 George T. Hart, 354 Francis I Chichester, 355 Donald H.
Kerry, 356 Dennis Jewett, 357 Arthur F. Harper, 358 Henry O. Bolles, 359 Roy M. Wareham,
360 Arthur E. Clotier, 361 Walter Hudson, 362 David H Burns, 363 Elnathan W. Chahoe, 364
Charles A. Nichols, 365 Joseph O. Nichols, 366 Oliver N. Hiney, 367 Cecil L. Alexander, 368
Carl Dziubanek, 369 Joe O. Haines, 370 Frank Cummins, 371 Robert W. Tweedie, 372 Elliot W.
Adams, 373 Ralph C. VanDyke, 374 Floyd Ross, 375 Ray H. Meachem, 376 George W.
Wallaker, 377 Arthur C. Wallaker, 378 John E. Wallaker, 379 Leslie Hulbert, 380 Jonathan W.
Brooker, 381 William L. Swisher, 382 Porter Ellis, 383 Frank Baxter, 384 Irving J. Quick, 385
Fred Philippi, 386 Ernest A. brooks, 387 Fred R. Wright, 388 William P. Langford, 389 David E.
Janes, 390 Irwin L. Peters, 391 Jesse Miller, 392 Frank Zurch, 393 James O. McCarthy, 394
Ernest E. Austin, 395 Ralph Strickler, 396 Owosso Gesick, 397 Ray Youngs, 398 Lee O.
12. Former Mason Woman is 10 Mrs. Ellen Pelton Now in Oregon: Husband Was Lumberman Free Soil - Word has been received here of the celebration in Portland, Ore. by Mrs. Ellen Pelton of her one hundred sixth birthday anniversary. Pelton Corners on US31, three miles west of Free Soil, was named for the Pelton family when they lived here in the seventies. Mrs. Pelton was born in Maine during Andrew Jackson's second presidential term, 27 years before the outbreak of the Civil Was and 10 years before construction of the first telegraph line. She has two grandchildren, ten great-grandchildren and a great-great-granddaughter, Judith Read. Mrs. Pelton's late husband was one of Mason county's early lumbermen, and records show he
had a large shingle mill on Hamlin lake , where he cut 22,000,000 shingles in one season.
13. OLDEST EMPLOYEE GETS TRIBUTE AT AGE OF 80 (1939) A veteran of almost 60 years service with the Collins Ice & Coal Co., Melvin Stickney of 352 Grandville av S.W., Thursday took a brief moment from his janitor's duties to receive congratulations from a group of company employees. It was his eightieth birthday anniversary. Starting employment with the company as an ice cutter at Sand and wood Lakes, Mr. Stickney has worked continuously and only 28 years ago took over the job as janitor. As the oldest employee of the company, he saw the firm develop from the old horse and buggy era. He was born in Fond du Lac, Wis., and later moved to Evart , where he spent his boyhood.
Last update March 07, 2018 |