St Mary's Catholic Cemetery
Bainbridge Township
Section 9

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Located in Bainbridge Township; Section 9 on the south side of Hill Road, one mile east of Friday Road.
Burials - 1851 to 1911
Condition of cemetery presently is poor as many broken and illegible stones present.  Another fact is
with the building of St Joseph Catholic Church and  a newer Catholic cemetery in 1896 in Watervliet, just a few miles away,  families went
to the newer church and its religious and burial needs were handled there. Many of the same surnames
appear in both cemeteries.

St. Mary's of Bainbridge Twp. - originally held in private homes and schoolhouses. Priests were sent from St. Joseph to hold services.
Then in 1860 there was a membership of 15 families and an actual structure was built. Jacob Herman and Joseph Aner (possibly spelled Auer)
were chosen as the first trustees of the newly built church. In the Bainbridge early township history, this must be the German Catholic church. 

Photos taken by Teresa O'Riley in 2006 


Name DOB DOD Comments
Auer, Clara Abt 1861 2. Jul. 1882 d/o John & Augusta
Auer, Harman Abt 1863 Abt 1864 baby of John & Augusta
Auer, John 32 yrs 10 mos 21, Mar. 1864
Beck, Katharina Dob 1831 n/a stone
Beck, Michael 72 yrs 17. May. 1904 Dc & stone photo
Beck?, Carrie 1876 11. Jun. 1876
Bishop, Norris 1. Feb. 1819 17. Oct. 1864
Burke, Amanda (Auer) abt 1852 11. Apr. 1869 wed Victor Burke 17 OCT 1868 -d/o John Auer
Dell, Catherine 11. Oct. 1791 11. Mar. 1877
Denner, John 11. Oct. 1800 26. Oct. 1884
Denner, Martin 14. Nov. 1884 9. Jan. 1889
Dennis, John F. 19. Jun. 1854 1. May. 1882 s/o John P. Dennis
Dennis, John P abt 1810 6. Oct. 1867 born Germany
Dennis, Sophia 10. Mar. 1856 3. Jul. 1873 d/o John & Mary
DeTample, John B Sr. 13. Oct. 1818 25. Aug. 1906
Detample, Jonny J 17. Aug. 1876 7. Jan. 1877
Dorstewitz, Gust A. 26. Nov. 1890 29. Dec. 1890
Dorstewitz, Ida A 26. Apr. 1892 19. Jun. 1892
Dorstewitz, Isabella 30 yrs 8. Dec. 1877 w/o Gust
Dukesherer, Charles 10. Dec. 1839 25. Apr. 1901
Dukesherer, William 11. Nov. 1789 23. Oct. 1879
Haid, Gregory 22. May. 1870 3. Oct. 1873
Haid, John 8. Jul. 1872 9. Oct. 1873
Haid, Louisa 8 mo 29 d's 24. Jun. 1878 d/o R. & L. Haid
Haid, Otto 7 Mo 16 da 25. Jul. 1888 S/o R & L
Haid, Ussula 3. Dec. 1800 11. Dec. 1897 w/o Kayus Haidd
Herman, Anna
25. Dec. 1882
Herman, Caroline 23 yrs 21 d's 26. Feb. 1882 d/o Geo & Susan Herman
Herman, Gennovefa Dob 1896 Dod 1874
Herman, George 24. Jan. 1877 27. Jul. 1877 infant stone poor condition
Herman, Irene Augusta Dob 1900 4. Apr. 1900 d/o Adam Herman
Herman, Jacob Dob 1800 Dob 1863
Herman, Martin Dob 1873 12. Mar. 1873 s/o Geo & Susan
Himes, Lorah Dob 1893 1. Jul. 1894
Hofer, Bertha infant 19. May. 1900 d/o Herman & Barbara
Hosbein, Edward 5. Mar. 1842 26. Aug. 1890 stone
Hosbein, Kresenzia 15. Feb. 1877 16. Feb. 1877 stone
Hosbein, Martin Abt 11/18/1800 18. Oct. 1884 stone
Kaiser, Joseph 25. Mar. 1831 21. Dec. 1908 “Father”
Kaiser, Sophia 31. Jan. 8144 2. Jun. 1882 “Mother”
Kamerer, John 68 yrs 18. Nov. 1897 per stone & dc
Kessler, Christen Dob 1840 Dod 1896 w/o Phillip
Kibler, Elizabeth “Lizzie” 24. Mar. 1891 24. Jan. 1900 d/o Jacob & Helen Kibler
Kibler, Irene 5. Apr. 1822 27. Mar. 1906 w/o Nicolaus
Kibler, Jesse
25. Oct. 1892 infant stone poor condition
Kraitaar, Frank infant 27. Sep. 1858 s/o F & O Kraitaar
Kreitner, Frank L 28. Jun. 1869 25. Feb. 1897 s/o Frank
Kunsman, Mary 33 yrs 1. Nov. 1865 W/o Engelharr Kunsman
Kunsman, Mary Dob 1802 20. Feb. 1876
Lemz, Joseph
Lenc, Margaret 95 yrs n/a dod not on stone
Loerscherer, Frank 8. Mar. 1885 8. May. 1891
Loerscherer, Paul 68 yrs 7 m's 7 d's 22. Feb. 1881
Macher, Jacob Dob 1822 Dod 1911
Macher, Mary Dob 1827 Dod 1908
McGee, Paul 21. Apr. 1904 29. Oct. 1904