Moccasin Grange No. 1658 Berrien County, Michigan Was organized
November 21st, 1918 by Dean Clark of Buchanan with 32 Charter Members as
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Wynn Mr. & Mrs. Ira Neiswender Mr. &
Mrs. Frank Middlecamp Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Lapolise (am not sure this is
spelled correctly as old copy is very blurry) Mr. & Mrs. F. C. Sterns
Mr. & Mrs. Lester Fedore Mr. & Mrs. James Reed Mr. &
Mrs. August Ernst Mr. & Mrs. Joe Letcher Mr. & Mrs. Manual
Conrad Mr. & Mrs. Clyde Fuller Mr. & Mrs. Walter Fryman
Benj. Rusack A. H. Modaff Frances Modaff Carrie Modaff Fred
Miller Chas. Dodge George Wells Miss Vera Benson
George Wells, Buchanan
The name of the Moccasin Grange was first published in the
(Grange) Roster of 1919. The name was last published as Moccasin in the 1926
Roster. In 1927 it was published as Wagner Grange with the same number, so
the change of name was permitted by National Grange some time within that year.
This is all the information I can find on the old records. Sorry I can not
give you more but the records are rather stingy on details.
Sincerely and fraternally, Maude E. Lovejoy
Excerpts from 1919 - 1926
Moccasin/Wagner Grange Secretarys Book Submitted by Marge Hess Yetzke
and her Aunt Virginia Hess Harroff
Note that these farmers had many of the same discussions heard today.
They also had interesting Roll Call questions.
Moccasin Grange Minutes from October 23, 1925 Grange #1658
met in regular session. Reported that a dish was presented to Mrs. Weaver, by
Charity committee. Committee on Hard Time Social reported that they thought
best to postpone the event. This seemed agreeable to Grange. Decided to take E.
Conrad Sale. Moved and supported that Master appoint someone to see about
fuel. Chas. Hess was appointed. Roll Call Your favorite breakfast food.
Reading on Ceres Mrs. Wright Reading What is Happiness by
L. Burbank. Read by Mrs. Mitchell. Discussion on corn borer. Short
report from County Grange. Mr. Whittaker spoke of best grains for community.
Next program announced as Home night. Roll Call What my home means
to me. Readings by Mr. & Mrs. Whittaker and Mr. Morley. Discussion
Has a young man of today as good a chance to become a farm owner as he
did fifty years ago.
Moccasin Grange Minutes from Nov. 20, 1925 Moccasin Grange
met in regular session for installation of officers. Regular order of business
taken up. Bill for wood of $4 was presented by Bert Mitchell and a bill of
$2.25 for new lock was presented by Perry Morley. Moved and supported that
Portage Prairie troupe of home talent players be asked to come and give their
play. A recess was declared to make preparations for installation.
Installation followed with Bro. Howard Neib from the Bend of the River
Grange acting as installing officer, assisted by Bro. and Sister Young.
After installation, the regular order of business was taken up again . The
new Worthy Master stated that he had $2 to present to (the) grange from paper
contest. The C. E. President presented the Grange with a check for $40.
Moved and supported that Secy. write a note of thanks to the C. E.
members for this gift. Carried. Moved and supported that Grange pay $100 on
building note. Carried. A good report of State Grange was given by Sister Nieb.
A reading was given by Sister Harroff also by Worthy Master. Next program
was announced to be in charge of Milton Mitchell and Glen Whittaker. Cora
Hess, Secy.
Moccasin Grange Minutes from December 4,1925 Moccasin Grange
met in regular session. Mrs. (May) Mitchell thanked the Grange for postcards
sent her father Mr. (John) Coveney. Moved and supported that bill due Bert
Mitchell of $4 for wood and 70 cents for wick and generator, also bill of $2.25
to Perry Morley for new lock be paid. Motion carried. Moved and
supported that hereafter when a bill is presented that it will be referred to
Finance Committee. Moved and supported that ladies may have the privilege
to set aside a sum of money from special lunches given by them, to help equip
the kitchen. Carried. Two members were named on Ex. Comm. Lovega Harroff
and Charles Hess. In absence of regular overseer it was decided to postpone
further appointments until next meeting. Master read duties of each
officer. Suggested that each family take their turn at the janitor work. Moved
and supported that the time of meetings be changed from Fri. night to Sat.
night until this change proves unsatisfactory. Carried. Lit. Program. Roll
call What home means to me. Program for next meeting to be in charge
of Laurene Wright and Virginia Hess. Roll call Some old saying or
proverb. Cora Hess, Secy.
Minutes from December 19, 1925 Moccasin Grange met in regular
session, 13 present. Worthy Master reported two applications, Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Hartline and Mrs. Harroff reported the application of Russel Wright.
Perry Morley, Lovega Harroff & Bert Mitchell were appointed as an
investigating com. Two bills were presented, $1.65 to Runion Bros. for glass
for windows and 25 cents due Mrs. Mitchell for ad. for Grange play. These
bills were referred to Finance Com. Standing Committees Appointed. Executive -
Lovega Harroff, Chas. Hess and Mrs. Frank Wright. Finance Perry
Morley, Virginia Hess, Glen Whittaker Charity Worthy Lecturers Mrs.
Morley, Mrs. Mitchell Moved and supported that Master confer with some degree
team to see about initiating new members. Carried A recess was declared for
Investment Com. and Finance Com. to act. Meeting called to order again.
*Penny march. Roll call Some old saying or proverb. Song
Holy Night Each one told what they would like for Christmas if they
could have just what they wanted. Review of Van Dykes Book The
Other Wiseman Mrs. Mitchell Song The Little Brown
Church Reading The Night Before Christmas
Doris The Night After Christmas Thelma Hang Up
Your Stockings Glen Next program to be in charge of Mrs. Harroff
and Mrs. Whittaker. Roll call New Years Resolution. Cora
Hess, Secy.
Above piece typed and submitted by: Marge Hess Yetzke