Berrien County, Michigan
In The News
Submitted & Transcribed By Deanna West
Opera House Fire
St. Joseph fire departments also responded to assist the Benton Harbor fire department and when the hook and ladder companies arrived, went to the rear of the building hoping to direct a stream through a second story window. They were in the process of climbing the ladders when a wall came down and buried fifteen fireman under debris and hot bricks. Yet another report states that they were not on the ladders, but in the alley of the building. Of the 15 trapped fireman, eleven were killed during blaze, and four were badly injured. And of the four badly injured one died 4 days later from his injuries. Rescue could not be attempted immediately due to the instability of the remaining walls. Finally some brave souls in the crowd ran forward to rescue the men. The last fireman pulled from the building was at 5 o'clock. The living were cared for and treated and the City Hall was set up as a temporary morgue. Many had to be identified by the papers in their pockets. Other buildings were also damaged and/or destroyed such as a two-story brick building owned by William Frick when one of the side walls fell on it, demolishing it and all contents within. Both St. Joseph and Benton Harbor were
draped in mourning in honor of the dead. Gange, Edward H., St. Joseph –
married Those injured were: Crawford, John A (Ex-Fire Chief) Benton
Harbor McCormick, William E, Benton Harbor –
died from injuries 4 days after fire. On September 8th, 1896 a huge memorial ceremony was performed at the old Central School yard. A Bronze Sculpture of a Fireman
carrying a small child was dedicated in St. Joseph Michigan on Another memorial for the Benton Harbor fireman stands in Crystal Springs Cemetery, in the “fireman's circle”. Cause of this fire were never determined even after a formal coroners jury inquest. |
This page was last modified <3 March 2008>
This website is created and copyrighted 2006 by Bev Edwards