Chickaming Township and School
Chikaming Towship -8th Grad Graduates
- 1931
Ref: News Palladium, Benton Haror, Michigan
Published June 12, 1931 - page 7 Columns 1 & 2
Bernice Abwender |
Coy Baldwin |
William E Habel |
John D Johnson |
William Layman |
Evelyn Meier |
Harriet Miller |
Harold W Phillipy |
Elnora Scheib |
George Schroeder |
June E Thomas |
Florence Thursby |
Richard Willard |
Victor Woodrick |
Frank Fixari |
In 1957 some of the area schools were consolidated into Chikaming School.
The first graduating class was in May of 1958.
These are the eighth grade graduates.
Stephanie Kay Bihlmire | Peter Knute Christopher | Vernon Keith Copeland | Larry Jack Duncan | Sharon Kay Dykeman | Jean Louise Ferry |
Keith Stanley Gooding | William Robert Hunter Jr. | Alice Inez Johnson | Joan Marie Kamp | Donald Thomas Krieger | Carol Elaine Lehmann |
Roger Forrest Lovett | Kay Lucia Matthews | Lydna Jean Permasang | Kenneth Alvert Peterson | Robert John Randall | Warren Aagard Rodgers |
Robert Phillip Ryden |