MRS. MARY IRWIN, 75 (Niles Daily Star – September 5, 1950) Mrs. Mary Irwin, 75, of Argos, Ind., died at 7:30 a.m. Saturday in Pawating hospital here. She had been living with a daughter, Mrs. Mable Boltinghouse, rural route five. Funeral arrangements were not announced. Also surviving are a sister and a daughter. Mrs. Irwin was born Nov. 17, 1874, near Argos.

Caleb J. Ingersoll, 93 (Niles Mirror-20 Jan 1892) and it reads: C. J. Ingersoll, of Buchanan, died yesterday aged 93 years. Capt. Ingersoll was undoubtedly the oldest Mason in Michigan.He was a charter member of St. Joseph Valley Lodge No. 4, organized about 1843. He was present at all its meetings in those days and brought many a man from darkness to ‘more light.’ He was known to be a most worthy and exemplary member of the order. For several years he has been blind. It is hoped the fraternity every where will turn out to the funeral tomorrow, Thursday, at 2 o’clock.”

The Buchanan Record carried an obituary for Caleb Ingersoll on 21 Jan 1892 and it reads: Buchanan lost another of her old residents in the death of Caleb C. Ingersoll, which occurred Monday, Jan. 18, 1892, at his home on Oak street, in this place.Mr. Ingersoll was born in Pompey, Onandago county, New York September 28, 1799.When twelve years old he shipped as cabin boy on a schooner, on Lake Ontario, which was burned and the crew captured by the British and after being kept prisoner three months in an old hulk, was released, and walked to his home. He again shipped on Lake Ontario and followed the lakes as cabin boy, owner and captain, until 1836, when he came West with the intention of going to Illinois, but bought 160 acres two miles west of Niles, and has ever since lived in this immediate vicinity. In 1832 he married Celinda Cary, with whom he lived until her death, in 1868. Was again married in 1875 to Jane A. Simmons, who survives. To the first marriage were born ten children, four of whom are still living, Mrs. D. S. Dutton and Monroe Ingersoll of this place, Mrs. J. E. Barnes of Benton Harbor, and a daughter living in Illinois. Mr. Ingersoll held the office of Postmaster in Buchanan for the term of four years, and Indian agent five years. He became a member of the Masonic lodge at the age of twenty years, a special permit being required at admit him before being twenty-one years of age, making him perhaps the oldest member of that Order, at the time of his death in the state. The funeral services were conducted this afternoon from the M. E. church under the supervision of Buchanan Lodge. No. 68 of which he was a member.