PETER B. SUMMERS, p. 367-368

1888 Portrait & Biographical
Album of Branch County
by Chapman Brothers, Chicago




Twenty-seven years ago, in the month of April, 1861, the subject of this sketch came to Noble Township, and bought seventy acres of land on section 15.  Here he has made his residence since that time, and given his attention to the building up of a homestead.

A modest home in Lancaster County, Pa., sheltered the infant head of our subject, and there his birth took place Nov. 12, 1831.  His father and mother, Jacob and Frances (Wilson) Summers, were also natives of the Keystone State, and emigrated to Michigan with their son in 1867.  The father only survived six years, his death taking place at the home of our subject, in 1872.  The mother survived nine years, passing away in 1882.  They were the parents of ten children, who present the remarkable spectacle of an unbroken group, the ten being all living and residents of the States of Michigan, Indiana, Kansas and Pennsylvania.

Peter Bl Summer, the year after coming to the West, was married, Jan. 14, 1868, to Miss Julia A. Greiner, who was born July 22, 1841, in Wayne, Pa., and is the daughter of Henry and Mary (Brink) Greiner, who were natives respectively of Germany and Pennsylvania.  The father emigrated to America when a lad of eleven years, and selecting farming for his occupation, followed this the remainder of his life.  He died in Holmes County, Ohio, in 1875.  The mother passed away forty years ago at their home in Ohio, when her daughter Julia was a mere child.

Mr. and Mrs. Summers have no children.  Mr. Summers, although a capable and intelligent man, has steadfastly declined the responsibilities of office, which his fellow-townsmen would have been glad to have him assume.  He takes no active part in politics, otherwise than to cast his vote in favor of Republican principles.