Partello Cemetery
Section 12, off 23 Mile Road, Lee Township


The Cemeteries of Lee Township were transcribed during the summer of 1997 by members of the Calhoun County Genealogical Society.

DISCLAIMER:  When using these records, please check primary source records and/or confirm the tombstone readings.




a b c d e f g h i j k l m
n o p q r s t u v w x y z


(Bennett?) Father
(Bennett?) Mother
(Clark?) Ray
(Demmons?) Father
(Forsyth?) M.L
(Murray, Arunah H
(Murray?) n/l
(Murrey) Charity C
(Murrey) David
(Murrey?) n/l
(Sebolt) Ellen                                  1863                1865
(Sebolt) John Henry                                                 1888
(Sebolt, James Harmon)                          1829                1887
B - back to index
Name                                            Born/Age            Death
Baker, Daniel                                   n/l                 n/l
Barrett, Abbie nee Lewis                        73y5m4d             1905 Mar 01
Barrett, Alonzo                                 75y6m17d            1897 Feb 28/M
Baum-Bennett, David                             91y5m1d             1916 Mar 29
Bearman [Pearman] Edward                        89y                 1892 Jan 08/S
Belcher, Edgar D                                31[y?]              ???? May 14
Belcher, Eugene                                 1854                1927
Belcher, George J                               70y9m1d             1893 Sep 19
Belcher, Lewis                                  64y4m23d            1865 Sep 16
Belcher, Ruth L (Mrs E.B)                       48y11m4d            1880 Nov 04
Belcher, Thankful (Mrs Lewis)                   42y8m28d            1843 Aug 31
Belcher/Jewel, "Laura" Saral Eliz.              79y10m              1916 Dec 11/S
Belcher/Jewel, Susan M (Mrs Cooper)             80y3m2d             1909 Sep 23
Bennett, Ida A                                  16y7m28d            1870 Sep 11
Bennett, Mary A (Mrs David)                     1826                1896
Bennett/Baum, David                             91y5m1d             1916 Mar 29
Berling, H.F                                    1851                1888
Boody, John                                     59y11m23d           1859 Jun 13
C - back to index
Name                                            Born/Age            Death
Case, Archie L                                  1y10m20d            1869 Apr 16
Case, Frank                                     5y8m9d              1861 Dec 16
Case, George W                                  1847                1920
Case, Harriet (Mrs Z.N) nee Morgan              71y8m4d             1889 Mar 15
Case, Harry C                                   17y9m17d            1874 May 17
Case, Libbie                                    18y11d              1879 Jan 04
Case, Mary Jane nee Forsyth/Cooper              68y2m11d            1913 Dec 20
Case, Randall Z                                 1840                1927
Case, Zenas N                                   85y6m26d            1905 Sep 03
Case? Nellie M                                  1874                1893 Sep 27
CaseYoungs, Mary J (Mrs W.C)                    1855 Jan 22         1894 Jun 24
Clark, John H                                   1856 Mar 05         1893 Mar 10/M
Clark, Roy J                                    1882 Aug 16         1893 Apr 18
Cline, Edwin L                                  1m6d                1865 Sep 27
Cline, Hattie A                                 1847                1865
Cline, Phidella U                               1815                1847
Coats, Edna (Mrs Milo)                          1900                1979
Coats, Milo                                     1888                1954
Comstock, B.F                                   1864                1895
Comstock, Henry B                               1835                1903
Comstock, Louisa M                              29y4m8d             1871 Nov 27
Cooper, Charles                                 1802 Nov 25         1874 Dec 31
Cooper, Clarinda M (Mrs Thomas)                 1854                1921
Cooper, Susan (Mrs John)                        39y                 1874 Feb 17
Cooper, Susan M (Mrs Chas)                      1829 Jan 21         n/l
Cooper, Susan M nee Belcher/Jewel               80y3m2d             1909 Sep 23
Cooper? James C                                 1830                1919
Cooper? Sara Louisa                             1835                1909
Cooper-Forsyth, Mary Jane (Mrs Case)            68y2m11d            1913 Dec 20
D - back to index
Name                                            Born/Age            Death
Demmons, Abigail                                76y                 1896 Dec 27
Demmons, John Warren                            67y4d               1879 Jun 13
Depue, Marybeth L                               11y                 1865 Dec 05
Donaldson, G.H                                  1867                1946
Donaldson? Ella                                 1868 Sep 02         1894 Jun 04
E - back to index
Name                                            Born/Age            Death
Eberling, L.E                                   1861                1888
F - back to index
Name                                             Born/Age            Death
Forsyth, Emila                                   1824                1904
Forsyth, Matilda E                               8m11d               1862 Aug 28
Forsyth/Cooper, Mary Jane (Mrs Case)             68y2m11d            1913 Dec 20
Forsyth? James                                   1820                1862
Forsythe/Smith, Maria (Mrs Milburn)              86y11m2d            1909 Jan 14
French-Sellen William H                          56y10m21d           1915 Mar 13
H - back to index
Name                                             Born/Age            Death
Hager, Jennie [Mrs James.D Sebolt]               1855 Nov 27         1896 Sep 19
Harris, Francis C                                1873                1887
Hough [Huff]/Young, Elizabeth (Mrs Sebolt)       76y6m21d            1911 Nov 02
J - back to index
Name                                             Born/Age            Death
Jewel-Belcher, "Laura" Saral Eliz.               79y10m              1916 Dec 11/S
Jewel-Belcher, Susan M (Mrs Cooper)              80y3m2d             1909 Sep 23
Jewett, Abagil                                   n/l                 n/l
Jewett, Ellis                                    n/l                 n/l
Jewett, James                                    n/l                 n/l
K - back to index
Name                                             Born/Age            Death
King, Eva Murray                                 1870                1943
L - back to index
Name                                             Born/Age            Death
Leonard, Henry                                   1818                1881
Leonard, Levi                                    1794                1859
Leonard? Timna [Mrs Levi?]                       1800                1877 May 28
Lewis, Abbie (Mrs Barrett)                       73y5m4d             1905 Mar 01
Lewis, Edward F                                  16y9m               1863 May 29
Lewis, Hiram                                     28y6m11d            1873 Jun 06
Lewis, Jane Permelia (Mrs H.O Luff)              99y6m20d            1881 Dec 23
Lewis, Leonard                                   7[4?]y12d           1882 Sep 17
Lewis, Mary Ann                                  53y9m15d            1869 Feb 07/M
Lewis-Tuff, Florence E (Mrs Thomas)              53y8m11d            1922 Apr 04
Luff, Ann (Mrs Samuel)                           67y9m22d            1863 Feb 03
Luff, Arthur E                                   1y4m2d              1862 Dec 21
Luff, Elgin O                                    1875                1915
Luff, Jane Permelia (Mrs H.O) nee Lewis          99y6m20d            1881 Dec 23
Luff, Samuel                                     87y5m27d            1881 Dec 27
Luff/Morgan, Henry Oliver                        83y5m17d            1908 Dec 13
M - back to index
Name                                             Born/Age            Death
McNeal, Clara E                                  1867                1894
Milbourn, Mary (Mrs W.H)                         37y1m7d             18?? Dec 31
Milburn, Maria nee Forsythe/Smith                86y11m2d            1909 Jan 14
Milburn/Swanger, William H                       83y4m23d            1905 Mar 25
Miller, Elvia D                                  3y4m3d              1879 Dec 12
Morgan, Harriet (Mrs Z.N Case)                   71y8m4d             1889 Mar 15
Morgan-Luff, Henry Oliver                        83y5m17d            1908 Dec 13
Moses, Atlanta A                                 4y2m7d              1860 Dec 13
Moses, Freelove H (Mrs Geo. S)                   1853                1918
Moses, George S                                  1845                1908
Moses, Georgie R                                 1y9m28d             1879 Aug 15
Murray (male baby)                               13d                 1882 Mar 26
Murray, Arunah H                                 83y5m26d            1897 Aug 13
Murray, Emma                                     71y                 1916 Mar 22
Murray, Harvey H                                 1823                1900
Murray, Ida M                                    1875 Nov 08         1887 Jun 10
Murray, N.L                                      1856                1857
Murray, Susan S nee Sanders                      71y2m21d            1890 Dec 02
Murray-King, Eva                                 1870                1943
Murrey, Alvarado                                 1847 Nov 19         1852 Sep 20
Murrey, Charity C                                1820 Jan 20         1889 Aug 28
Murrey, David Jr                                 1818 Jul 31         1910 Apr 21
Murrey, David W Sr                               73y10m              1864 Jan 27
Murrey, Lucy (Mrs D.W Sr)                        69y9m               1863 Feb 10
N - back to index
Name                                             Born/Age            Death
Newell, Irena (Mrs J.M)                          40y1m17d            1863 Nov 11
O - back to index
Name                                             Born/Age            Death
Ogden, Nettie F                                  1870                1941
P - back to index
Name                                             Born/Age            Death
Pearman [Bearman] Edward                         89y                 1892 Jan 08/S
Price-Sebolt, James D                            53y6m30d            1908 Jul 26
R - back to index
Name                                             Born/Age            Death
Raymond, Chauncey G                              11m20d              1877 Sep 03
Raymond, George                                  72y1m               1904 Jul 18
Raymond, Walter E                                1878                1958
Raymond? Gussie E                                1868                1948
Raymond? Irving C                                1867                1946
Raymond? Melvina                                 1837                1909
Reid, Charles T                                  1865                1935
S - back to index
Name                                             Born/Age            Death
Sanders, Susan S (Mrs Murray)                    71y2m21d            1890 Dec 02
Sawyer, Abigail E [Mrs Eli? Youngs]              1819 Feb 22         1902 Apr 13
Scarlett, n/l                                    12d                 1864 Jan 12
Sebolt [female infant]                           stillborn           1896 Sep 19
Sebolt, Elizabeth nee Hough/Young                76y6m21d            1911 Nov 02
Sebolt, Ellen                                    1y11m               1865 Oct 20
Sebolt, Hannah S nee Tripp                       62y9m               1897 Jun 15
Sebolt, Harriet                                  1840                1878 Sep 10/S
Sebolt, Hiram Henry                              1867                1928
Sebolt, Jacob                                    69y1m1d             1868/W
Sebolt, James Harmon                             57y10m5d            1887 May 12
Sebolt, Jennie [Mrs James.D] nee Hager           1855 Nov 27         1896 Sep 19
Sebolt, Perrin Jerome                            1868                1935
Sebolt/Price, James D                            53y6m30d            1908 Jul 26
Sebolt/Youngs, John Henry                        60y6m               1888 Jun 03
Sebolt? Almon                                    1837                1913
Sebolt? Eliza                                    1821                1852
Sebolt? Margaret                                 1806                1851
Sellen/French William H                          56y10m21d           1915 Mar 13
Sellen?  Mary F                                  1837                1915
Sellen? [Sellers/VanWinkle] William A            75y0m17d            1907 Oct 24
Sellen? Almira                                   1862                19??
Sine, Anna G [Mrs H?]                            1874                1881 Oct
Sine, Joseph R                                   3m11d               1862 Aug 29
Sine, Mary                                       3y9m?               1863 Jan 09
Smith/Forsythe, Maria (Mrs Milburn)              86y11m2d            1909 Jan 14
Strohm, Allen L                                  1939                1961
Strohm, Ivan Lloyd                               1915 Jul 29         1968 Nov 23
Sulivan, Cornelius                               26y8m20d            1865 Jul 22
Swanger-Milburn, William H                       83y4m23d            1905 Mar 25
T - back to index
Name                                             Born/Age            Death
Thomas, Armenia A                                1850                19??
Thomas, Arthur D                                 1867                1941
Thomas, Charles G                                1854 Jun 08         1903 Jan 11
Thomas, Clarinda M nee Cooper                    1854                1921
Thomas, Clifford D                               1891                1892
Thomas, Florence E nee Tuff/Lewis                53y8m11d            1922 Apr 04
Thomas, George C                                                     1867 Aug 29
Thomas, Matthew C                                1842                1927
Thomas, Vernie F                                 1871                1872
Thomas, Villa M                                  1883                1941
Tripp, Gardner                                   1788                1866
Tripp, Hannah S (Mrs Sebolt)                     62y9m               1897 Jun 15
Tuff/Lewis, Florence E (Mrs Thomas)              53y8m11d            1922 Apr 04
W - back to index
Name                                             Born/Age            Death
VanWinkle-Sellen? [Sellers] William A            75y0m17d            1907 Oct 24
Wall, ? (Mrs Robt L)                             17y10m5d            1861 Nov 05
Watson, Benjeman F                               74y11m12d           1916 Jan 05/S
Y - back to index
Name                                             Born/Age            Death
Young-Hough, Elizabeth (Mrs Sebolt)              76y6m21d            1911 Nov 02
Youngs, Abigail E [Mrs Eli?] nee Sawyer          1819 Feb 22         1902 Apr 13
Youngs, Eli                                      1827 Feb 28         1902 Jul 19
Youngs, Eli M                                    1858 Jul 27         n/l
Youngs, Lydia [ Mrs E.M?]                        1868 Apr 25         1899 Dec 31
Youngs, Simon                                    70y10m25d           1854 Feb 05
Youngs-Case, Mary J (Mrs W.C Case)               1855 Jan 22         1894 Jun 24
Youngs-Sebolt, John Henry                        60y6m               1888 Jun 0


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