Welcome To Charlevoix County

This page was last updated Monday, 21-Aug-2017 16:11:24 MDT
My name is
Ron Fuller and I'll be your host for the Charlevoix county, Michigan USGenWeb project, the internet's primary location-based genealogy resource.
Please contact me if you would like to contribute to this database.
Official Disclaimers
1940 Census
Charlevoix County:
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East Jordan|Charlevoix|Boyne City
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[Michigan Researchers]
If you would like to assist in providing information on a Michigan county, please contact the Coordinator for that county or Jan Cortez the project coordinator for the state of Michigan.
This page and the other pages on this site are Copyright 1995,2001,2003 by Ron Fuller, the Charlevoix County Genealogical Society, and the Michigan Genweb Project.
Check out my Luce County Michigan GenWeb Page
You are the [an error occurred while processing this directive] visitor since the counter was installed on October 16, 1996.
The counter hit 10,000 around April 8, 1999 and 15,000 in December.
This page was last updated Monday, 21-Aug-2017 16:11:24 MDT