1890 Census Reconstruction

F - G

Place of Birth
Fails, Frank H M . Wolverine Ohio VRB1889 Saloon Keeper
Carson C W F . Wolverine Pennsylvania . .
Jessie May D F . Nunda . . b. Jun 41889
Faitneuf, Delina . F . Cheboygan . VRM1890 Witness to marriage
Faitneuf, Elias . M . Cheboygan . VRM Marriage Witness 1891
Faitneuf, Noel H M 32 Cheboygan . VRM1889 Laborer WED Jun 10 1889
Cardinal, Virginia W F 21 Cheboygan . . .
Farney, Denis H M . Benton Ireland VRB1889 Farmer
Anna W F . . Canada . .
Anna D F 1 . Grant . b. Apr 23 1889
Faunce, William H M . Tuscarora Michigan VRB1889 Farmer
Hope W F . Tuscarora Michigan . .
Davis S M . Tuscarora . b. May 11889
Fenlon, Mary A. U F 25 . . VRD1891 d. Jul 19 1891
Fenn, James W H M . . . . Clergyman
Ferguson, Hugh R. H M 24 Canada . VRM1889 Farmer WED Jul 27 1889
Haskin, Sarah W F 21 Cheboygan . . .
Ferguson, Ralston H M . Benton Canada VRB1890 Laborer
Sarah W F . . Canada . .
Edith D F inft . Benton . b. OCT 22 1890
Ferris, John H M . . . . Minister
Fexer, A.L. H M 31 Cheboygan . VRM1890 WED Jul 17 1890
Clara G. Leavens W F 25 Cheboygan . . .
Fexer, A???? H M . Cheboygan Germany VRB1891 Merchant (Child Andrew C Jul 15 1891)
Clara C W F . . New York . .
Finn, A. J. H M . Cheboygan . TRIB1939 CheboyganClerk 1891
Fischer, Genia U F 1 . . VRD1890 Aug 20 1890
Fish, Isiah H M . Cheboygan Canada VRB1891 Laborer (Child Leroy Jun 20 1891)
Paulina W F . . Canada . .
Fisher, Chester U M inft . . VRD1891 d. Jun 15 1891
Fisher, Denis . . . Grant Twp Quebec Family *5 (Widower of Frederike Schwark)
Mary . . 25 . Cheboygan . .
Emil . . 20 . Cheboygan . .
Francis . . 18 . Cheboygan . .
Frederike . . 10 . Cheboygan . .
Rose . . 10 . Cheboygan . .
Fisher, Emry H M 21 Benton, Tw p. VRM1890 WED Nov 24 1890
Emma Gayette W F 18 Cheboygan, Mi. . .
Fisher, Hiram W. H M . Cheboygan New York VRB1890 Plaining Mill forman
Mary E W F . . Iowa . .
Russel Philip S M inft . Cheboygan . b. AUG 28 1890
Fisher, Jerry H M . Cheboygan New York VRB1889 Laborer
Elsie W F . . Michigan . .
Archibald S M . . Cheboygan . b. Jun 14 1889
Fisher, Moses H M . Benton New York VRB1891 Farmer (Child Chester Apr 20 1891)
Olive W F . . New York . .
Fisher, Moses H M . Grant Michigan VRB1891 Farmer (ChildChester Apr 20 1891)
Olive W F . . Michigan . .
Fisher, Wm . M . Cheboygan . VRM Marriage Witness 1891
Fitch, William H. H M 24 Indian River . VRM1889 Laborer WED Aug 29 1889
McMaster, Lula J. W F 19 Indian River . . .
Fitzgerald, James H M . Cheboygan Ireland VRB1888 Drayman
Eliza W F . Cheboygan Canada . .
Martha D F . . Cheboygan . b. May 14 1888
Fitzgerald, Martin . M . Grant . VRM Marriage Witness 1891
Fitzpatrick,Mary . F . Cheboygan . VRM Marriage Witness 1891
Fleury, . F . Cheboygan . VRM1890 Witness to marriage
Fleury, Narcisse . . . Cheboygan . VRM1890 Witness to marriage
Fleury, Rosa . F . Benton Twp . VRM1890 Witness to marriage
Flinn, Samuel H M . Inverness Michigan VRB1888 Farmer
Olivia W F . Inverness Ohio . .
Mary D F . . Inverness . b. May 13 1888
Flora, Nelson H M . Cheboygan Canada VRB1889 Blacksmith
Rainie W F . Cheboygan New York . .
Wilfred S M . . Cheboygan . b May 15 1889
Fluery, Alice . F . Cheboygan . VRM1891 Marriage Witness
Fluery, Victor . M . Cheboygan . VRM1891 Marriage Witness
Forbes, John H M 47 Topinabee . VRM1889 Laborer WED Mar 23 1889
Freeman, Abbie W F 48 Topinabee . . .
Ford, Ephraim J. H M 31 Ellis Michigan VRM1891 Farmer WED Nov 3 1891
Serverance, Cora W F 24 Wolverine New York . Dress Maker
Ford, Frank H M . Ellis Michigan VRB1889 Farmer
Florence W F . Ellis Michigan . .
Floyd John S M . . Ellis . b. Mar 13 1889
Forest, S.C. H M 47 Ellis . VRM1889 Farmer WED May 23 1889
Sholtz, Augusta W F 26 Burt . . .
Fornwald, Bridget Teresia U F 10 . . VRD1890 d. Jan 29 1890
Fornwald, George H M . Munro Canada VRB1889 Farmer
Marie W F . . Canada . .
Annie C D F 1 Munro . . b. June 17 1889
Fornwald,George H M 45 Munro Canada FAM b. Wilmont Twp, Waterloo C. Ontario Canada. - *1
Mary Ann Spitzig W F 43 . Canada . b. Sept 13 1847 South Easthope, Perth Co. Ontario Canada
Katie D F ?? . ? . m. Joseph Pilon
Wendel S M ?? . ? . Wife's name Anna
Elizabeth C. D F 19 . Canada . b. Jul 15 1871 Greenock, Bruce Co. Canada - *2
Lawrence A. S M 17 . Canada . b.Greenock, Bruce Co. Canada
Henry Joseph S M 15 . Canada . b.Greenock, Bruce Co. Canada. - *3
Bridget Teresia D F 11 . Canada . d. Jan 29 1890 in Munro Twp
Susanna Louise D F 9 . Emmet Co. Mi . m. Joseph William Douglas Aug 8 1905
Mary Margaret D F 6 . Munro Twp . d. Feb 5 1890
George Alexander S M 3 . Munro Twp . d. Feb 9 1890
Anna Catherine D F 1 . Munro Twp . m. Christopher John Pilon Jul 8 1913
Fornwald, Geo. Alexander U M 3 . . VRD1890 d. Feb 9 1890
Fornwald, Mary Margaret U F 5 . . VRD1890 d. Feb 5 1890
Foster, Arthur H M . Cheboygan Michigan VRB1888 Teamster
Margaret W F . Cheboygan Wisconsin . .
Arthur S M . . Cheboygan . b. July 9 1888
Foster, Arthur H M 27 Indian Riv Kent Co Mi VRM1891 Laborer WED Jul 6 1891
Hullinger, Orillia W F 16 Indian Riv Ohio . .
Fournia, Thomas H M . Cheboygan Canada VRB1889 Machinist
Margaret W F . . Canada . .
Alexander S M . . Cheboygan . b. Mar 22 1889
Fox, James H M . Mackinaw Cty East Indies VRB1889 R.R. Agent
Clara V or A W F . . New Hampshire . .
Catherine Janette D F 1 . Albion Mi . b. July 2 1889
France, Barney H M . Cheboygan . Family .
Catherine W F . Cheboygan . . .
William B S M 4 Cheboygan Cheboygan . .
Frank S M 18 Cheboygan New York . .
Alice D F 12 Cheboygan New York . .
Charles S M 8 Cheboygan New York . .
France, Thomas H M . Cheboygan New York VRB1889 Laborer
Sarah W F . . New York . .
France J S M . . Cheboygan . b. Dec 23 1889
France, William . M . Cheboygan . VRM1891 Marriage Witness
Francis, Wm. H M . Inverness Maine VRB1889 Cook
Margaret B. W F . . Michigan . .
Lida D F 1 . Inverness . b. July 24 1889
Francouer, Ellen . F 46 . . VRD1890 d. Sep 13 1890
Franklin, John T H M . Mentor Indiana VRB1891 Mill man (ChildIda B Sep 5 1891)
Jane W F . . New York . .
Fravis, Cabbie . . . Nunda Tp . VRM 1891 Marriage Witness
Frawley, James H M . Cheboygan . VRM1890 Witness to marriage
Frawley, Thomas R. H M 29 Cheboygan . VRM1890 WED Apr 15 1890
Lina Fexer W F 25 Cheboygan . . .
Frederick, John . M . Cheboygan . VRM1889 Witness to a marriage
Freitag*, John H M . Benton Germany VRB1889 Farmer
Julia Sorena W F . . Germany . .
Harry (Herman Ludwig) S M . . Benton . b. Jun 3 1889
Freitag, John H M . Benton Germany VRB1890 Farmer
Julia W F . . Germany . .
Emil S M inft . Benton . b. AUG 15 1890
Freytag*, John H M . Benton Germany VRB1889 Farmer
Julia Sorena W F . . Germany . .
Harry (Herman Ludwig) S M . . Benton . b. Jun 3 1889
Frost, Fred S H M . Cheboygan Michigan VRB1891 Merchant (Child Helen H Oct 15 1891)
Jennie C W F . . Maine . .
Fuger, Emery . M . Benton Twp . VRM1890 Witness to marriage
Fugere, Allina . . . Benton Twp . VRM1890 Witness to marriage
Furnace, Nelson H M . Cheboygan Canada VRB1890 Laborer
Mamie W F . . Canada . .
Delly C . inft . Cheboygan . b. APR 13 1890
Furnace, Nelson H M . Cheboygan New York VRB1891 Laborer (Child Grant Dec 24 1891)
Mamie W F . . New York . .
Gaffis, Minnie . F . Cheboygan . VRM1889 Witness to a marriage
Gagnie, Canis H M . Cheboygan Canada VRB1890 Laborer
unknown W F . . unknown . .
Rosa D F inft . Cheboygan . b. FEB 25 1890
Gagnon, John H M . Inverness Canada VRB1889 Farmer
Rosana W F . . Canada . .
Mary D F 1 . Inverness . b. Dec 24, 1889
Gain, John H M . Cheboygan Newfoundland VRB1888 Carpenter
Ellen W F . Cheboygan Canada . .
John Elgin S M . . Cheboygan . b. Aug 14 1888
Gainor, Maggie U F 9 . . VRD1891 d. Oct 20 1891
Gainor, Matilda M H F 37 . . VRD1891 d. Jun 14 1891
Gainor, Wm. H M 45 Grant New York VRM1891 Farmer WED Oct 5 1891
Trudo, Catherine W F 32 Cheboygan Cheboygan . .
Gains, T. S. . . . Cheboygan . VRM1891 Marriage Witness
Galbraith, David J. H M . Cheboygan . TRIB1939 Cheboygan Alderman Second Ward 1891
Gallaghaer, Patrick H M . Cheboygan . TRIB1939 Cheboygan Supervisor Second Ward 1891
Gallagher, Elizabeth . F . Cheboygan . VRM1889 Witness to a marriage
Gallagher, Ellen . F . Cheboygan . VRM1891 Marriage Witness
Gallagher, Mrs. Emma W . F Mackinaw City . VRM1890 Witness to marriage
Gallagher, Geo. U M inft . . VRD1891 d. Sep 17 1891
Gallaher, Hurbert H M . Munro Canada VRB188 Farmer
Mary Ann W F . Munro Canada . .
Ella A. D F . . Munro . b. Apr 26 1888
Gallagher, James H M . Cheboygan Canada VRB1888 merchant
Emma W F . Cheboygan Michigan . .
Christopher A S M . . Cheboygan . b. June 19 1888
Gallagher, James H . M Cheboygan ? FAMILY .
Emma A Bellant W F 26 . . . dau of Charles Bellant and Martha Smith
Gallagher, James H M . Cheboygan Canada VRB1890 Grocer
Emma W F . . Canada . .
Oswold T. S M inft . Cheboygan . b. JUL 24 1890
Gallaher, John B H M . Munro Canada VRB1889 Farmer
Elizabeth W F . . Canada . .
no name S M 1 . Munro . b. July 10 1889
Gallagher, Michael H M . Cheboygan Michigan VRB1890 Laborer
Annie W F . . Ohio . .
Willie S M inft . Cheboygan . b. MAR 25 1890
Gallagher, Mike H M 28 Cheboygan . VRM1889 Laborer WED Aug 21 1889
Smith, Emma W F 21 Cheboygan . . .
Gallagher, Patrick H M . Cheboygan . TRIB1939 Cheboygan Supervisor Second Ward 1890
Gallagher, Patrick H M . Cheboygan Canada VRB1889 Laborer
Annie W F . . Canada . .
James A P S M . . Cheb City . b. Apr 18 1889
Gallagher, Willie S M inft . . VRD1890 d. Aug 17 1890
Gallagher, Wm . M . Cheboygan . VRM1889 Witness to a marriage
Gallnritli, W. J. . . . Cheboygan . VRM1891 Marriage Witness
Galloway, Thomas H M . Cheboygan Cty Canada VRB1889 Laborer
Alice W F . . England . .
Frances Rebena D F 1 . Cheboygan Cty b. Sept 21 1889
Galloway, William H M . Cheboygan Canada VRB1888 Laborer
Margaret W F . Cheboygan Canada . .
Marietta D F . . Cheboygan . b. Oct 27 1888
Galloway, William H M . Cheboygan Canada VRB1891 Laborer (Child Samuel Joseph Oct 12 1891)
Margaret W F . . Canada . .
Ganyear, Felix H M . Cheboygan Michigan VRB1888 laborer
Josephine W F . Cheboygan Canada . .
John S M . . Cheboygan . b. Jan 24 1888
Gardner, E. N. . . . Cheboygan . VRM 1891 Marriage Witness
Gardner, John H M . Cheboygan Ontario VRB1891 Filer (Child Louis Jul 1 1891)
Mary W F . . Michigan . .
Gardner, Louis . M . Cheboygan . VRM1891 Marriage Witness
Gardner, Peter H M . Cheboygan Canada VRB 1888 Laborer
Flora W F . Cheboygan New York . .
Laura D F . . Cheboygan . b. Aug 22 1888
Gaucher, Ira E H M . Mackinaw Michigan VRB1890 Telegraph Operator
Maude E. W F . . Michigan . .
stillb. C ? inft . Mackinaw . b. OCT 1 1890
Gauthier*, John H M . Cheboygan Wisconsin VRB1890 Laborer
Amelia W F . . Mass . .
John P S M inft . Cheboygan . b. SEP 20 1890
Gauthier*, Theodore H M . Cheboygan Canada VRB1890 Laborer
Feliman W F . . Canada . .
Melvina D F inft . Cheboygan . b. JUNE 6 1890
Gauthier, August H M . Cheboygan Germany VRB1890 Laborer
Amelia W F . . Germany . .
Harry S M inft . Cheboygan . b. MAY 31 1890
Gauthier, Isadore H M . Benton Canada VRB1890 Farmer
Marie W F . . Canada . .
Marie D F . . Benton . b.MAY 14 1890
Gauthier, Marie . F inft . . VRD1890 d. Jun 18 1890
Gayett, Elizabeth . F . Cheboygan . VRM1889 Witness to a marriage
Gayette, Elisabeth . F . Cheboygan . VRM1889 Witness to a marriage
Gayette, Joseph H M . Cheboygan Canada VRB1890 Laborer
Mary W F . . Canada . .
James S M inft . Cheboygan . b. DEC 27 1890
Gayette, Mary . F . Cheboygan . VRM1890 Witness to marriage
Gebo, John H M . Cheboygan New York VRB1890 Hotel Keeper
Agness W F . . Michigan . .
Catherine A. D F inft . Cheboygan . b. DEC 20 1890
Geck, George H M . Cheboygan Rochester NY VRB1890 Merchant
Nellie Jane Bell W F . . Vermont . .
Rachel Elizabeth D F inft . Cheboygan . b. SEP 26 1890
Geck, Jacob H M . Cheboygan Michigan VRB1888 Laborer
Bertha W F . Cheboygan . . .
Dervate D F . . Cheboygan . b. Sep 18 1888
Geck, Jacob . M . Cheboygan . VRM1889 Witness to a marriage
Genia, Henry H M 52 Mackinaw . VRM1889 Laborer WED Feb 9 1889
Rodgers, Mary A. W F 47 Ohio . . .
Genia, Pauline . F . Mackinaw C . VRM1889 Witness to a marriage
Genia, Pauline A. . F . Mackinaw C . VRM1889 Witness to a marriage
Gerard, George . M . Inverness . VRM1889 Witness to a marriage
Gerard, Louis . M . Cheboygan . VRM1891 Marriage Witness
Gerard, Mary . F . Cheboygan . VRM1891 Marriage Witness
Gerew, Joseph H M . Cheboygan . VRM1890 Witness to marriage
Gerisher, Etta . F . Cheboygan . VRM1890 Witness to marriage
Germash, Louis H M . Cheboygan Canada VRB1888 Laborer
Lizzie W F . Cheboygan Canada . .
Maggie D F . . Cheboygan . b. Apr 20 1888
Gern, Joseph H M 24 Inverness Cheboygan VRM1891 Farmer WED Sep 23 1891
Roberts, Florence W F 20 Inverness Cheboygan . .
Gerow, A.W. H M . Cheboygan . TRIB1939 Cheboygan Health Officer 1890
Gerow, A.W. H M . Cheboygan . TRIB1939 Cheboygan Member Board of Water Commissioners 1890
Gerow, Fredrick Martin T. U M . . . VRD1891 d. May 10 1891
Gerow, J H M . Beaugrand New York VRB1891 Farmer (Child John Jun 9 1891)
Matilda W F . . New York . .
Gerow, J. F. H M . Cheboygan Canada VRB1888 Carpenter
Maria W F . Cheboygan Canada . .
Sarah Catherine D F . . Cheboygan . b. Feb 13 1888
Gerrie, James A H M . Cheboygan Canada VRB1888 Carpenter
Melvina W F . Cheboygan Canada . .
Bernice D F . . Cheboygan . b. Dec 15 1888
Gerrie, James H M . Cheboygan Aurora, Ont VRB188 9 Carpenter
Melvina W F . . Ganoworgue, Ont . .
Elizabeth D F . . Cheboygan . b. Nov 15 1889
Gilbert, Marceline H F 52 . . VRD1891 d. Aug 17 1891
Giles, Charles H H M . . . . Justice of the Peace
Gillis, William H M . Grant Scotland VRB1889 Farmer
Charlotte W F . . Canada . .
Charlotte Bell D F 1 Grant . . b. Mar 19 1889
Gilmour, Asail A H M . Cheboygan Canada VRB1889 Laborer
Mabel W F . . Canada . .
Pearl Viola D F . . Cheboygan . b. Jun 20 1889
Gilmour, Ralph H M 23 Cheboygan . VRM1889 Laborer WED Mar 25 1889
Smith, Louisa J. W F 25 Cheboygan . . .
Gilpin, Samuel H M . Cheboygan Canada VRB1888 blacksmith
Charlotte W F . Cheboygan Germany . .
Samuel J S M . . Cheboygan . b. Aug 17 1888
Gilpin, Sam H M . Cheboygan . TRIB1939 Cheboygan Alderman Second Ward 1890
Gilpin, Samuel H M . Cheboygan . TRIB1939 Cheboygan Alderman Second Ward 1889
Gilpin, Lamuel U M 3 . . VRD1891 d. Oct 18 1891
Ginn, W.C. H M . Cheboygan . TRIB1939 CheboyganHarbor Master 1891
Glaser, Henry H M . Mackinaw New York VRB1890 RR Engineer
Emma W F . . Germany . .
Carl Harry S M inft . Mackinaw . b. JUN 11 1890
Godfrey, Edward H M . Beaugrand Canada VRB1889 Woodsman
Martha W F . . Michigan . .
Elizabeth D F . . Beaugrand . b. Jul 11 1889
Godfrey, Joseph H M . Cheboygan Canada VRB1891 Laborer (Child Albert R (Octo Delos) Jul 20 1891)
Mary W F . . Canada . .
Godwin, William James H M . Cheboygan Canada VRB1888 Laborer
Nancy W F . Cheboygan Canada . .
Albert E. S M . . Cheboygan . b. Jun 7 1888
Gonsolus, Joseph H M . Cheboygan Canada VRB1890 Laborer
Catherine W F . . Michigan . .
Earl G. S M inft . Cheboygan . b. DEC 5 1890
Gonyea, Felix H M . Cheboygan St Joseph Mi VRB1891 Laborer (Ida May Sep 2 1891)
Josephine W F . . Canada . .
Goodrich, Jennie F . . Cheboygan . VRM 1891 witness at marriage
Goodwin, Mira . F . Monroe . VRM1891 Marriage Witness
Goodwin, W T H M . Cheboygan Canada VRB1891 Shingle packer (Child Florence E Nov 21 1891)
Nancy W F . . Canada . .
Gordon, Frank . M . Cheboygan . VRM1889 Witness to a marriage
Gordon J M H M . . . . Minister
Gordon, John D. . M . Cheboygan . VRM1890 Witness to marriage
Gordon, Julia D . F . Cheboygan . VRM1889 Witness to a marriage
Gordon, Julia D. . F . Cheboygan . VRM1890 Witness to marriage
Gordon, Julia D. . F . Cheboygan . VRM1890 Witness to marriage
Gordon, July D . F . Cheboygan . VRM1889 Witness to a marriage
Gordon, Peter H M . Cheboygan Canada VRB1889 Laborer
Margaret W F . . Canada . .
Laurence S M . . Cheb City . b. Feb 24 1889
Gordon, William H M . Cheboygan New York VRB1890 Laborer
Josephine W F . . Michigan . .
Joseph S M inft . Cheboygan . b. JUN 9 1890
Gosla, Octave H M . Cheboygan Michigan VRB1888 laborer
Mary W F . Cheboygan Michigan . .
Demos S M . . Cheboygan . b. Oct 11 1888
Goslin, Octave H M . Cheboygan Michigan VRB1891 Laborer (Child Fred Jun 26 1891)
Mary W F . . Canada . .
Gotier*, Theodore H M . Cheboygan Canada VRB1890 Laborer
Feliman W F . . Canada . .
Melvina D F inft . Cheboygan . b. JUNE 6 1890
Goucher, Ira Eugine Kelly H M . Mackinaw Michigan VRB1891 ? (Child Rose Gertrude Sep 15 1891)
Maude E. W F . . Michigan . .
Goucher, May U F inft . . VRD1890 d. Oct 1 1890
Gouin, Albert . M . Inverness . VRM1891 Marriage Witness
Gouin, Charles H M . Inverness Canada VRB1890 Farmer
Elenore W F . . Canada . .
Joseph N S M inft . Inverness . b. AUG 18 1890
Gouin, David H M 48 Inverness Canada FAM .
Zifferine Sova W F 39 . Canada . .
Moses S M 16 . Michigan . .
Minnie D F 10 . Michigan . .
Mariam D F 12 . Michigan . .
Lisa D F 10 . Michigan . .
Gouin, James H M . Inverness Canada VRB1891 Farmer (Child Filendie Sep 25 1891)
Georgile W F . . Canada . .
Gouin, James Philbert H M 43 Inverness Canada FAMILY .
Georginna Coutu W F 28 . Canada . .
Marie Louise D F 9 . Canada . .
Philbert (Pete) S M 8 . Canada . .
Virginia (Jenny) D F 6 . Canada . .
Elenor D F 5 . Canada . .
Alvina Marie D F 4 . Canada . .
Clara Mary D F 3 . Cheboygan . .
Joseph Albert S M 1y6m . Cheboygan . .
Guin John G H M . Cheb Co unknown Family Son of Charles Gouin and Eleanor Beauparlant - *4
Matilda W F . Cheb Co Mich . b 1881 Inverness d. May 1969 Petoskey
Gouin, Julius H M 33 Inverness Canada family .
Virginia Rocheleau W F 30 . Canada . .
Margaret D F 6 . Cheboygan . .
Fred S M 3 . Cheboygan . .
Arthur S M 2 . Cheboygan . .
Gouin, Julius H M . Inverness Canada VRB1890 Farmer
Virginia W F . . Canada . .
John A S M . . Inverness . b. FEB 1 1890
Gould, Ralph B. H M 27 Jackson, Mi . VRM1890 WED Aug 26 1890
Lillian J.Thompson W F 20 Cheboygan, Mi . . .
Goulden, John H M . Cheboygan Canada VRB1890 Laborer
Clare W F . . Maine . .
George Henry S M inft . Cheboygan . b. AUG 12 1890
Grania, Bluied H M 28 Cheboygan Canada VRM1891 Laborer WED Jan 6 1891
LaLond, Christina W F 16 Cheboygan Cheboygan . .
Grant, Charles W. H M 27 Indian River . VRM1889 Laborer WED May 24 1889
Hinkley, Mary W F 19 Indian River . . .
Grant, Frank H M . Benton Maine VRB1889 Farmer
Sarah W F . . Maine . .
Florence D F 1 . Grant . b. Dec 2 1889
Grant, Frank L. . M . Cheboygan . VRM1890 Witness to marriage
Graves, Adolphus H M . Cheboygan New York VRB1888 blacksmith
Alice W F . Cheboygan New York . .
Alice D F . . Cheboygan . b. Feb 8 1888
Graves, Adolphus H M . Benton New York VRB1890 Farmer
Alice W F . . New York . .
Mark Emerson S M inft . Benton . b. NOV 28 1890
Gray, Jennett . F . Cheboygan . VRM1890 Witness to marriage
Grayson, James H. H M 27 Cheboygan . VRM1889 Laborer WED Nov 3 1889
Sanville, Rosa W F 20 Cheboygan . . .
Grayson, James H M . Cheboygan Ontario VRB1891 Laborer (Child Ruth Aug 13 1891)
Ruth W F . . Michigan . .
Greebwiski, Michael H M . Cheboygan Turkey VRB1889 Laborer
Anna W F . . Turkey . .
John S M . . Cheboygan . b. Jul 18 1889
Green, Guy Carmen U M inft . . VRD1890 d. Aug 7 1890
Green, James H M 31 Inverness . FAM .
Mary Abagail Spray W F 22 . Ohio . .
Green, James H M . Cheboygan Penn VRB1890 Laborer
Mary W F . . Ohio . .
Elizabeth D F inft . Cheboygan . b. MAY 21 1890
Green, Joseph H H M . Cheboygan Canada VRB1891 Laborer (Child Violet H May 13 1891)
Julia W F . . Michigan . .
Green, Joseph H. H M . Cheboygan Canada VRB1889 Laborer
Julia W F . Cheboygan Mackinaw Mich . .
Jeremiah S M . . Cheboygan . . Dec 8 1889
Greenman, Scott H M . . . . Justice of the Peace Burt
Greenman, Scott S H M . Burt Michigan VRB1891 Farmer (Child Lizzie May 24 1891)
Mary A W F . . Michigan . .
Greere, Joseph H M . Cheboygan Canada VRB1888 Laborer
Julia W F . Cheboygan Michigan . .
Charles B S M . . Cheboygan . b. Dec 24 1888
Gregg, Albert H M . Cheboygan Minnesota VRB1889 Fireman
Ellen W F . Cheboygan Pennsylvania . .
yron S M . . Cheboygan . b. Jan 25 1889
Grew*, Antoine H M . Cheboygan Canada VRB1890 Laborer
Melvina W F . . Canada . .
Henry S M inft . Cheboygan . b. DEC 6 1890
Gridley, Minnie . F . Cheboygan . VRM1889 Witness to a marriage
Grieve, Alexander H M 26 Cheboygan . VRM1890 WED Sep 17 1890
Jannie Mitchell D F 25 Cheboygan . . .
Grieves, Alexander . M . Cheboygan . VRM1890 Witness to marriage
Grieves, Jennie . F . Cheboygan . VRM1890 Witness to marriage
Grimm, Adolphus . M . Cheboygan . VRM1890 Witness to marriage
Grimm, Louise . F . Cheboygan . VRM1890 Witness to marriage
Grossman, Maggie . F . Cheboygan . VRM1890 Witness to marriage
Grouex*, Antoine H M . Cheboygan Canada VRB1890 Laborer
Melvina D F . . Canada . .
Henry S M inft . Cheboygan . b. DEC 6 1890
Groulke, Charles K. H M 34 Cheboygan . VRM1890 WED Nov 6 1890
Flora Reinke W F 32 Cheboygan . . .
Grover, Oren H M . Cheboygan Penn VRB1890 Lumberman
Dora W F . . Penn . .
Royal L. M . inft . Cheboygan . b. JUN 17 1890
Grover, Samuel H M 27 Mackinaw . VRM1889 Laborer WED Sep 18 1889
Visnew, Mary W F 24 Ohio . . Domestic
Grue, Antonie H M . Cheboygan Canada VRB1888 Blacksmith
? W F . Cheboygan Canada . .
Rosanna D F . . Cheboygan . b. Dec 19 1888
Guay, Charles H M . Inverness Canada VRB1888 Farmer
Ellen W F . Inverness Canada . .
Maria D F . . Inverness . b. May 20 1888
Guay, James H M . Inverness Canada VRB1889 Farmer
Josie W F . . Canada . .
Rosabella D F 1 . Inverness . b. Dec 12 1889
Guerber, Alcide H M . Inverness New York VRB1890 Laborer
Mary W F . . Michigan . .
Lely Z D F inft . Inverness . b. DEC 13 1890
Guetschon, Lewis H M . Cheboygan Germany VRB1891 Laborer (Child Carrie Aug 19 1891)
Ellen W F . . Michigan . .
Guetschon, Louis H M . Cheboygan Germany VRB1889 Laborer
Ellen W F . Detroit MI . . .
Viola B. L. D F . . Cheboygan . b. Jun 19 1889
Gunther, Adolph H M . Cheboygan Canada VRB1891 Laborer (Child Willie Adolph Jul 17 1891)
Ernistina W F . . Germany . .
Gunther, Amelia . F . Cheboygan . VRM1889 Witness to a marriage
Gunther, August H M . Benton Germany VRB1891 Farmer (Child Emelia May 21 1891)
Emelia W F . . Germany . .
Gunther, August . . . Cheboygan . VRM1889 Witness to a marriage
Gunthur, Theodore H M . Cheboygan Canada VRB1888 laborer
Philomene W F . Cheboygan Canada . .
Alice D F . . Cheboygan . b. May 16 1888
Gunthier, Ernistina U F 5 . . VRD1891 d. May 12 1891
Guyette, Emma . F . Cheboygan . VRM1889 Witness to a marriage
*1 - Came to Cheboygan Co June 6 1880
*2 - Married Thomas Joseph Grawey Apr 7, 1894
*3 - Married Anna Rose St. Peter Feb 1, 1905
*4 - Married June 28, 1911 Cheboygan; died Oct 15, 1952 Petoskey.
*5 - M L Raftery




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