1907 Dun And Bradstreet Rating Book

R.G. Dun & Co, New York, 1906

Contributed by the Straits Area Heritage Society

City of Cheboygan - population 6,780

The following people and businesses were listed by D & B ratings as being within the City of Cheboygan:

  Adams, Mary E  Mrs   Restaurant Manager
  Aslin, Peter   Saloon
  Ayotte, Adelor (estate of)   Hotel & Saloon
  Barber, George   Meat Market
  Barcelow, Ida M   Confect.
  Barrowcliff, Joseph H   Grocer
  Bilitzke, Peter J   Tailor
  Bird, Charles   Grocer
  Blake, H.A.   Foundry & Machine shop
  Bohn J & A   Hardware
  Brackett Frank E   Drugs
  Brasel, Peter B   Mft Snow Plows
  Brown, James N   Grocer, clothes & B & S
  Brown, Michael W   Grocer
  Burger, Vincent   Blacksmith
  Carmody, Michael   Saloon
  Carter, Eliot J   Grocer
  Clayford, Charles   Saloon
  Champagne, Gustav   Saloon
  Cheboygan Boiler Works   Manuf Machinery & boilers
  Cheboygan Brewing and Malting Co .
  Cheboygan Electric Light & Power Co .
  Cheboygan Flour Mill Co   Manuf
  Cheboygan Novelty Turning Works   Manuf
  Cheboygan Paper Co   Mfr
  Cheboygan Pea Canning Co .
  Cheboygan Produce & Cold Storage .
  Cheboygan Telephone Co .
  Childs, James   blacksmith
  Chimner, Daly & McCulum   Ag'l implts
  Church, H.E.   groc
  Clune, James P.   Saloon
  Clune, John H   Furniture, Pianos & Carpets
  Clune, J. P & Co   Saloon
  Conway, France   Saloon
  Cook, Charles F.   Shoemaker
  Cooper Drugs Co   Retail drugs
  Craig, John R   Restaurant
  Craig & Cassidy   Restaurant & Pool
  Crandall, A.B.   Photographer
  Cueny, Benj A   Drugs
  Cueny, Mrs J   Grocery & Bakery
  Cueny, J.E. & Bros   Hardware
  Curtin, David J Jr   Harness
  Deacon, F.S.   Gro
  DeGowin, Frank L   Grocery, Grain & Crockery
  DeGowin, Isiah E   Hardware
  DeGowin, Moses   Grocery
  Dodd G.C. & Co.   F & F  Agri'l  imp
  Donnelly, Joseph M   Saloon
  Doyle & Sons   Hotel & saloon
  Dues D. E. & Co   Fish
  Duncan City Foundry & Machine Shop  
  Edelstein, Leo   Clothing & Cloaks
  Eiles, F. H   Bakery
  Ellis, Andrew B   Mfr Rugs & Carpets
  Embry, S. Harris   Lumber
  Embry, 0 Martin Lumber Co   Sawmill
  Fairchild, Curtis   Restaurant
  Farrell, H.D.   Hardware
  Fenneuf, Chris   Groc
  Fexer, Miss Ida M   Books, Stationary & Jewelry
  Forsyth, Edward   Printer & Publisher
  Fralick, M.D.   Groc
  Frappere, Fred   Saloon
  Frazier, Isadore   D.G., Clo, & B & S.
  Fultz, Charles H   Lumber
  Gain, S.A   Groc
  Gallagher, C.A.   Saloon
  Galbraith, Arthur P   Groc
  Garrow & Hoban   Meat
  Gebhardt, Otto H   Drugs
  Gerow, Arthur R   Groc
  Gilpin, Samuel   Cedar
  Glover Co   Retail D G
  Guile, W.F. & Son   Jewelers
  Gunsolus, Joseph   saloon
  Habeling, C.P.   tailor
  Harberle, Anton   Groc
  Hamel, H.H. Co   Groc
  Hamil, J.M.   Groceries & meat
  Hammel, Kann & Hammel   horse dealers
  Hayes, George   mfg cigars
  Heapfey, Charles   Groc
  Hohler, Frank   Bakery & Confect
  Houck, John   livery
  Hub City Boiler Co   mfg
  Hub Mercantile Co   groc
  Hudson Bros   Meat
  Ives, Charles   Drugs
  Jackson, Percy O   whole ice cream & wood
  Johns, Miss Minnie   Millinery
  Johnson, J.R.   photographer
  Karwick, John W   Saloon
  Keeney N.B. & Son   seed growers
  Kesseler Bros   groc
  Kesseler, Lottie   Restaurant & Pool
  Klingensmith, Frank   ag'l imp'lts
  Kreidman, Mrs Alzina   saloon
  Krees, W H   jewelry
  Krueger, Galusha   Saloon
  Kutinski, Alex   shoes
  Langmain, Wm   harness & trunks
  LaLonde, F. V   Saloon
  Kawkir, Michael J   Groc
  Lawson, George   Cigars
  LeClair, Napoleon   groc
  Leishman, John   Meat
  Leishman & Elliott   Saloon
  Leishman & Lons    livery
  Leaske, Frank A   Groc
  Lesky, Leonard   mfr cigars
  Lipinski, John   shoemaker
  Lombard & Rittenhouse   cedar tiles, poles & lumber
  Lund, Julius & son   machine shop
  McArhur W & A Co   lumber saw mill
  McCarty, Michael   lumber
  McCauley, James   saloon
  McMullen Printing Co .
  Malavey, Neir   saloon
  Nalek, Martin F   b & p
  Martin, J.K.   Wallpaper & Paint
  Maftin W. L & Co   lumber
  Martin & De Gowin   drugs
  Meggitt R & Son   gro
  Meisel, Wm   bazaar, cigars  & pool
  Melville, Mrs James   2nd hand goods
  Meyer, J. M.   groc
  Mills, Christopher   gro & crockery
  Ming, Fred R   Livery
  Moloney J.D.   Pool & Newspaper
  Moore, Mrs Mollie   women's suits
  Moss & Cayford   saloon
  Murphy, Jos J   mfr cigars
  Muslock, Antoine   Saloon
  Nelson Lumber Co .
  Newell E. F.   boots & shoes
  New York Racket Store, Inc .
  Neil, John   mfr & dealer cigars
  O'Brien, Wm C   saloon
  O'Connor, James   clothing & hats & caps, restaurant & confec
  Olds, Millard D   stave mill, lumber
  Paquette, Geo & Son   livery
  Parker Bros   pool & cigars
  Patterson Bros   Confecr
  Peets & Redmond   plumbers
  Pfister & Vogel Leather Co   tannery
  Porrtelance, H   blacksmith & vehicles
  Post, J.J. Hardware   Retail
  Quay, D. & Sons   shingle mill
  Ramsey, Chas S   Printer & pub'l
  Ranville, Joseph   hotel & Saloon
  Rapin Bessette   clothing co retail
  Rauhut, Miss Lizzie   millinery
  Regis, Thom   secondhand  goods
  Rittenhouse, John C   Coal
  Saginaw Beef Co .
  St Amour Bros   Hotel & Saloon
  St. John & Reid   undertaker & woodworker
  Sangster & Riggs   Drugs
  Schaefer, Charles J   hotel & saloon
  Schall & Ward   laundry
  Schley, Chas   groc & saloon
  Schoenith, Max   saloon
  Shultz Bros   bicycle & sporting goods
  Sheely T & J   groc
  Smith, E.J.   meat
  Smith, S.C.   jewelry
  Smith Thompson Sons   lumber & Duncan City Foundry & machine shop
  Smyth, C L & Co   jewelry, wallpaper, stationary & publisher
  Sova, Alexander   grocer
  Sterner, Fred S   meat
  Stencil, John H   groc
  Stevenson, Thomas   Meats
  Studer, E.A.   tailor
  Sullivan Bros   manuf cigars
  Swontek, Thomas   saloon
  Swontek, Walter   meat
  Taggart, J.C.   conf
  Tellier, Edward   Blacksmith
  Todd, H.J.A   notions & bazaar
  Trudeau Bros   saloon
  Trudo, W.H.   saloon
  Tuttle, J.H.   furniture and undertaker
  Tuttle, John E   Harness
  Veio Bros   saloon
  Walsh & Dore   blacksmiths
  Walton, Miss Elizabeth   millinery & fancy goods
  Ware, Geo   conf
  Wheelock, Fred   plg mill & contractor
  Wertheimer Y. & Son   clothing & shoes
  Wixson & Clark   pianos
  Woods & Taylor   grocer
  Young & Enos   saloon
  Zorn Bros   saloon




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