R. L. POLK & CO'S.

adv	-	advertisement
agt	- 	agent
assn  - 	association
asst  - 	assistant
av   -	avenue
bet  - 	between
bldg  - 	building
blksmith  -  blacksmith
bkkpr  -	bookkeeper
carp   -	carpenter
cashr  -  cashier
elk  -	clerk
col'd  -	colored
cor  - 	corner
e	-	east, or east of
e s  - 	east side
electr - electrician
lab  - 	laborer
mach  - 	machinist
mkr   -	maker
mnfg  - 	manufacturing
mnfr  - 	manufacturer
mngr  - 	manager
n  -	north, or north of
n e cor - northeast corner
nr   -	near
n w cor - northwest corner
opp  - 	opposite
opr  - 	operator
pres  - 	president
propr  - proprietor
publr -  publisher
res  - 	residence
Rev  - 	Reverend
rd   - 	road
s  -	south, or south of
s e cor	- southeast corner
sec  - 	secretary
s s  -	south side
stenogr - stenographer
supt -  	superintendent
tchr  - 	teacher
treas -  treasurer
whol  - 	wholesale
w -	west, or west of
w s -	west side
wks  - 	works




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