R. L. POLK & CO'S.
An Alphabetically Arranged List of Business Firms and Private Citizens in Cheboygan—A Farmers' Directory of Each Township in Cheboygan County, Alphabetically Arranged—A Classified List of all Trades, Professions and Pursuits—A Street and Avenue Guide—A Miscellaneous Directory of City and County Officers, Public and Private Schools, Churches, Banks, Incorporated Institutions, Secret and Benevolent Societies, Etc., Etc.
Compiled and Published by R. L. POLK & CO.
COPYRIGHT 1916 by R. L. POLK & CO.
- A, North from First E southwest two blocks to Third.
- E, first east of river.
- Abbott, from Garfield av three blocks east to Lafayette av, fourth south of F South.
- Adams, from Albany av north four blocks to straits second east of Eastern av.
- Adams, from Seymour W south one block to Taylor first west of M C R R track.
- Albany av, from Adams east one block to Elliott av fourth south of straits.
- Alfred, from F North southeast three blocks to James, second east of Fulton.
- Antoine, from Huron N, northwest four blocks beyond Littlefield, first north of Mackinaw av.
- Arthur, from Turner av south three blocks, second east of Western av N.
- B, North, from State E northeast four blocks to First E second east of river.
- B, South, from State E southwest two blocks to Cleveland av, first east of river.
- Backus, from Main N northwest two blocks to Dresser, first south of State W.
- Bailey N, from Pine north four blocks to Mackinaw av, first west of Huron N.
- Bailey S, from Pine southwest two blocks to Home, second west of Main S.
- Ball N, from Pine north four blocks to Mackinaw av, second w of Huron N.
- Ball S, from Pine southwest two blocks to Benton, third west of Main S.
- Bancroft, from Harrison av east one block, second south of Harrison av.
- Bell, from Mackinaw av south one block, first west of Dot.
- Bellant, from Union, southwest three blocks to Abbott, first east of Duncan av.
- Benton N, from Pine north four blocks to Machinaw av, three west of Huron S.
- Benton S, from Pine south two blocks to Home, fourth west of Main S.
- Blair, from Western av N east, first south of straits.
- Brown, from James southwest one block to George, first east of Sutherland.
- Brown, from Western av S west three blocks beyond Loomis, third south of Court.
- Butler, from Harrison av south beyond limits, 1 east of Eastern av.
- Byron, from Western av S west three blocks beyond Loomis, third south of Pinehill av.
- C, North, from State E northeast four blocks to First E, third east of river.
- C, South, from State E southwest three blocks to Cleveland av, second east of river.
- Calhoun, from Western av N fourth south of straits, east three blocks to Turner av.
- Cass, from Mackinaw av northeast to straits, first east of Dresser.
- Cedar from James southeast and south five blocks to Harriet, first east of Eastern av N.
- Center av, from Western av S west three blocks beyond Loomis, second south of Pinehill av.
- Charlotte, from Mill south one block to Jackson, first east of Main S.
- Clark, from State W three blocks north, first west of Western av N.
- Clay, from State W, south one block to Hancock, two west of Western av N.
- Cleveland av, from river south to Lincoln av E, first south of river.
- Clinton, from Mackinaw av two blocks northeast to First W, first west of Huron N.
- Colfax, from Blair south three blocks, first east of Western av N.
- Court, from Main S northwest twelve blocks to city limits, first south of Nelson.
- Cuyler, from Court southwest four blocks to city limits, second west of Main S.
- D, North, from State E four blocks northeast to First E, fourth east of river.
- D, South, from State E southwest three blocks beyond Seventh E, third east of river.
- David, from northeast of Fulton southwest to Abbott, second east of Duncan av.
- Division, from river northwest and west fourteen blocks to city limits, second south of State W.
- Dot, from Mackinaw av west one block, first west of Benton.
- Dresser, north from Elm to end of Front, first west of Huron N.
- Duffin, from Abbott south two squares, first west of Lafayette av.
- Duncan av, from junction of State E and F South, northeast ten blocks to Duncan Bay.
- E, North, from State E northeast four blocks to First E, five blocks east of river.
- E, South, from State E southwest three blocks to beyond Seventh E, fourth east of river.
- Eastern av, from southern city limits north to straits, seventh east of F.
- Elizabeth, from Duffin one block east to Lafayette av, first south of Abbott.
- Elliott av, from Albany av southeast to city limits.
- Elm, from River west to Bailey, one block south of Division.
- F, North, from State E northeast four blocks to First E, six blocks east of river.
- F, South, from junction of State E and Duncan av, southwest two blocks to Garfield av.
- Fillmore, from Court south one block to Seymour, first east of Western av S.
- First E, from river southeast eight blocks to Duncan av, first south of straits.
- First W, from river northwest beyond Todd, first south of straits.
- Foster, from State W south three blocks to Moody, second west of Watson av.
- Fourth E, from river southeast six blocks to Duncan av, fourth south of straits.
- Franklin, from river west and southwest two blocks, first south of Lincoln av W.
- Fremont, from Western av S west two blocks to Watson av: first south of Division.
- Front, from north end of Dresser along shore line to Turner av.
- Fulton, from Duncan av southeast four blocks to Gerow, first east of F South.
- Garfield av, from junction of F South and Seventh E to city limits, first east of Cleveland av.
- Genesee, from Munroe east two blocks to Washington, second south of straits.
- George, from James east and northeast five blocks to Eastern av N, second south of Duncan av.
- Gerow, from Lafayette av east to city limits, first south of Harrison av.
- Grove, from Court, north one block, first east of Western av S.
- Hamden, from Lafayette av east, first south of Gerow.
- Hamilton, from west of Western av N three blocks west, first north of State W.
- Hancock, from Western av N, west four blocks to Watson av, first south of State W.
- Harriet, from Sutherland east three blocks to Eastern av, first north of Gerow.
- Harris, from State W south one block to Hancock, first west of Western av N.
- Harrison av, from Eastern av east to city limits, first south of Duncan av.
- Harvey, from Fulton northeast one block, second south of Duncan av.
- Hastings, from State W north three blocks, second west of Western av N.
- Horne, from Bailey S west two blocks to Nelson, second south of Pine.
- Howard, from Watson av west one block to Roberts pl, first south of Division.
- Huron N, from Pine northeast nine blocks to straits, first west of Main N.
- Huron S, from Pine southwest seven blocks to city limits, first west of Main S.
- Jackson, from Main S east one block to Charlotte, third south of Lincoln av W.
- James, from northeast of Union northeast four blocks to Eastern av N, first south of Duncan av.
- Johnson, from west of Western av N three blocks west, second north of State W.
- Lafayette av, from Duncan av south to McDonald av, first east of Garfield av.
- Lake, northwest from Main N, two blocks to Cass, first south of straits.
- LaLonde, from Western av north to Leslie, first north of Mackinaw av.
- Lasley, from end of Mackinaw av north to straits.
- Legault, from Cleveland av east one block to Washington, first north of Seymour E.
- Lincoln av E, from river east to city limits, first south of William.
- Lincoln av W, from river northwest six blocks to city limits, third south of Court.
- Littlefield, northeast from Mackinaw av, two blocks to First W, first west of Dresser.
- Locust, from Main northwest and west three blocks to M C R R track, first south of Pine.
- Loomis, from Court south six blocks to Lincoln av, second west of Western av S.
- Lynn, from Duncan av southeast one block to James, fourth east of Fulton.
- McArthur, from Duncan av southeast one block to James, first east of Eastern av N.
- McDonald av, from Garfield av to Lafayette av at city limits.
- Mackinaw av, from Main N, northwest to junction of Martha and Lasley, third south of straits.
- Main N, from Pine northeast nine blocks to straits, first east of Huron N.
- Main S, from Pine south and southeast nine blocks to city limits, first west of river.
- Maple, from State VV, south one block, first east of Western av S.
- Marquette, from Eastern av E one block east, first south of Harrison av.
- Martha, from end of Mackinaw av west.
- Martha, from Western av N east three blocks to Turner av, second south of straits.
- May, from State south between Dresser and Huron.
- Michigan av, from Pine south two blocks to Home, first east of M C R R track.
- Mill, from River west and southwest two blocks, second south of Lincoln av W.
- Moloney, from Abbott south one square, first east of Garfield av.
- Montcalm, from Martha north to the straits, extreme northwest portion of city.
- Moody, from Pinehill av northwest one block to Foster, first south of Court.
- Mould, from Seymour E south one block to William, first east of South av.
- Munroe, from Duncan av north one block, first east of Eastern av N.
- Nelson, from Main northwest five blocks to M C R R track, first north of Court.
- North, from Court west three blocks to beyond Loomis, first south of Pinehill av.
- Palmyra, from State W south ten blocks to Brown, second west of Western av.
- Pelton, from Western av N, third south of straits, east three blocks to Turner av.
- Pine, from river northwest and west six blocks to M C R R track.
- Pinehill av, from Court west to city limits, fourth south of Division.
- Piret, from F North northeast two blocks to First E, first west of Duncan av.
- Railroad av, from Court south two blocks to Taylor, third west of Main S.
- Randolph, from Western av S west two blocks to Watson av, second south of Division.
- Robarge, from F South, southeast three blocks to Wabash, first west of Fulton.
- Roberts Place, from State W south three blocks to Court, first west of Watson av.
- Sammons, from Court north to Home, second west of Main.
- School, from Nelson southwest one block to Court, fourth west of Main S.
- Second E, from A southeast five blocks to Duncan av, second south of straits.
- Second W, from river northeast two blocks to Main N, first north of State W.
- Seventh E, from Cleveland av southeast four blocks to F South, second south of State E.
- Seymour E, from river east three blocks to Garfield av.
- Seymour W, from Main S northwest four blocks to Western av N, first south of Court.
- Sixth E, from Cleveland av southeast five blocks to F South, first south of State E.
- South av, from Seymour E south two blocks to Lincoln av, first east of river.
- Spooner, from Lincoln av south one block, first west of Western av S.
- Stanley, from Western av S west two blocks to Watson av, third south of Division.
- State E, from river southeast five blocks to Duncan av, fifth south of straits.
- State W, from river northwest and west fifteen blocks to city limits, first south of Mackinaw av.
- Sutherland, from Duncan av southeast and south six blocks to Gerow, third east of Fulton.
- Taylor, from Main S northwest four blocks to Western av S, second south of Court.
- Third E, from river southeast to Duncan av, third south of straits.
- Todd, northeast from Mackinaw av, first east of Western av N.
- Toronto, from Adams east two blocks to east of Washington, first south of straits.
- Turner av, from Blair southeast two blocks and south two blocks to beyond Front.
- Union, from Duncan av southeast one block to Bellant, first east of Fulton.
- Vale, from George east to Eastern av.
- Valley, from Sutherland east three blocks to Eastern av, second north of Gerow.
- Veo, from Vale northeast two blocks to Cedar, first south of George.
- Wabash, from Fulton southwest two blocks to Abbott, third east of Duncan av.
- Washington, from Seymour E north two blocks, first east of Cleveland av.
- Washington, from south of Albany av four blocks north to Toronto, third east of Eastern av N.
- Water, from Elm northeast five blocks to straits, first west of river.
- Waterman, from Stanley south one block to Court, first west of Western av S.
- Watson av, from State W five blocks to Court, four west of Western av.
- Western av N, from Division north to straits, first west of M C R R track.
- Western av S, from Division south ten blocks to city limits, first west of M C R R track.
- William, from South av east two blocks to Cleveland av, first north of Lincoln av.
- Yale, from Sutherland east three blocks to Eastern av, third north of Gerow.
- Young, continuation of Benton S, two blocks southwest to Court, one west of Sammons.
- First Ward—Includes all that portion lying east of Eastern av from the southern limits to the straits on the north.
- Second Ward—Includes that portion west of Eastern av and east of the river from the southern limits to the straits on the north.
- Third Ward—Includes that portion bounded by the river on the east, State W on the south and the straits on the north.
- Fourth Ward—Includes that portion bounded by the river on the east, Court on the south and State W on the north.
- Fifth Ward—Includes that portion bounded by the river on the east and Court on the north.
City Hall, northwest corner of Backus and Huron N.
City Officers
Regular meetings of Council first and third Tuesday evenings in each month.
Mayor—C. S. Reilley.
President Pro-tem—Wm. Lynn.
City Attorney— J. D. McPhee.
City Clerk—Bert S. Cole.
City Treasurer—S. W. Farr.
Marshall—S. Kasprzak.
Health Officer—W. E. Chapman.
Street Commissioner—James Bell.
City Hall Janitor—P. Hoban.
Water Commissioners—John Jones, Cephas Dore, B. C. Jolly.
City Scavenger—Peter Nichols.
Cemetery Board—E. F. Newell, W. Langmaid, A. W. Ramsay.
Special Assessors—Wm. Cueny, Wm. Diekman.
Sealer of Weights and Measures—A. J. Finn.
Night Watch—A. Rose, Louis Berry, George Phillip.
Harbor Master—S. Kasprzak.
Bridge Tenders—P. Miller, Louis Toles.
Fire Warden, East Side—I. Bell.
Fire Warden, West Side—G. Langdon.
Pound Master, East Side—R. Meggitt.
Pound Master, Third Ward—E. Monaghan.
Pound Master, Fifth Ward—F. Meggitt.
Building Inspectors—George Annand, George Thompson, Wm. Moody.
First Ward—Joseph Esh, James Graham.
Second Ward—E. F. Hoban, James Galbraith.
Third Ward—F. W. Nelson, Robert Voisin.
Fourth Ward—F. J. Hohler, Albert McClintic.
Fifth Ward—W. J. Lynn, D. J. McDonald.
Standing Committees
Ways and Means—McDonald, Nelson.
Claims and Accounts—Hoban, McClintic, Hohler.
Streets and Sidewalks—McDonald, Lynn.
Street Openings—Hoban, Lynn.
Sewers—Lynn, Graham.
Fire Department—Voisin, Galbraith.
Fire Limits—Esh, Lynn.
Licenses—Hohler, Esh.
Pounds—Graham, Esh.
Nuisances—Hoban, Galbraith.
Public Buildings—Voisin, McClintic.
Ordinances—Hoban, Esh.
Official and Liquor Bonds—Hohler, Nelson, McDonald.
Electric Lights—McClintic, Voisin.
Bridges—Graham, Galbraith.
Paving—Nelson, Hohler, Hoban.
Salaries—Nelson, Galbraith.
Parks—Hohler, McDonald.
Printing—Hoban, McClintic.
Justices M. W. King, George P. Humphrey.
Board of Education
A. W. Ramsay, pres; George A. Hugill, sec; J. H. Frambach, treas; W. L. Barr, supt of schools.
County Officers
Court House, nw cor Main and Court.
Judge of Probate—Wm. N. Cross, Cheboygan.
Sheriff—Charles G. Clute, Cheboygan.
Clerk—Stephen J. Sullivan, Cheboygan.
Deputy Clerk—Nellie McGurn, Cheboygan.
Treasurer—George B. Mercer, Cheboygan.
Register of Deeds—Wm. Gingrich, Cheboygan.
Prosecuting Attorney—Llomer H. Quay, Cheboygan.
Circuit Court Com.—C. D. Barghoorn, Wolverine.
County Auditors—Leon Lyons, Cheboygan; F. S. Ritter, Cheboygan; A. W. Eck, Wolverine.
County Com. of Schools—Jay Chamberlain, Cheboygan.
County Surveyor—David Bowen, Tower.
Coroners—Perry J. Ritter, Charles B. Tweedale, Cheboygan.
County Road Com.—J. B. McArthur, Guy A. Tromble, Cheboygan, M. P. Scott, Wolverine.
Supt. of Poor—James F. Gerow, Cheboygan.
Poor Commissioners—Wm. Skowten, R. F. D. 2, Cheboygan; Jacob Van Den Bosch, Legrand.
County Truant Officer—A. J. Finn, Cheboygan.
County Deputy Game Warden—Frank J. Potter, Mackinaw City.
County Drain Commissioner—Francis M. Train, Cheboygan.
County Agent of the State Board of Corrections and Charities—Wm. A. Langmaid, Cheboygan.
Circuit Court
Court House, nw cor Main and Court.
Circuit Judge—Hon. Frank Shepherd, Cheboygan.
Circuit Court Officers
Sheriff—Charles G. Clute, Cheboygan.
Clerk—Stephen J. Sullivan, Cheboygan.
Deputy Clerk—Nellie McGurn, Cheboygan.
Stenographer—Will A. Brown, Cheboygan.
Circuit Court Com.—C. D. Barghoorn, Wolverine.
Prosecuting Attorney—Homer H. Quay, Cheboygan.
Terms of Court, 1916
First Monday of February.
Fourth Monday of May.
First Monday of July (non-jury).
Second Monday of October.
Township Officers
Aloha—Supervisor, Edwin H. Buck; clerk, Fred Jansen; treasurer, Alva Chapman; highway commissioner, Isadore Greiner.
Beaugrand—Supervisor, M. A. Doyle; clerk Michael Socha; treasurer, Christopher Pilon; highway commissioner, Charles Le Due jr.
Benton—Supervisor, Jerry Jarvis; clerk, Isaiah Couture; treasurer, Harvey McKervey; highway commissioner, Joseph Fleury.
Burt—Supervisor, D. B. Goodrich; clerk, John A. Lauren; treasurer, Wallace McLaury; highway commissioner, Joseph Parkey.
Ellis—Supervisor, Frank Ford; clerk, Orville Scott; treasurer, Cicero A. Beacraft; highway commissioner, Alex LaPeer.
Forest—Supervisor, Stephen Brining; clerk, E. J. Burt; treasurer, Samuel Myers; highway commissioner, John Freeman.
Grant—Supervisor, John Cronan; clerk, Fred Trudo; treasurer, Thomas Hill; highway commissioner, Henry Fenlon.
Hebron—Supervisor, Albert Leonard; clerk, C. S. Byers; treasurer, Alex Page; highway commissioner, Edgar Terrian.
Inverness—Supervisor, Wesley Brooks; clerk, P. H. Guine; treasurer, John Shields; highway commissioner, Plenry Tallman.
Koehler—Supervisor, Roy Ormsbee; clerk, Jacob Van Den Bosch; treasurer, Ransom Temple; highway commissioner, John Gorbutt
Mackinaw—Supervisor, E. A. Wheeler; clerk, Charles L. Ball; treasurer, W. J. Ryan; highway commissioner, E. H. Blackmere
Maple Grove—Supervisor, L. N. Wilton; clerk, Clark Adams; treasurer, Andy C. Grant; highway commissioner, W. H. Tubbs.
Mentor—Supervisor, F. E. Skeels; clerk, L. E. Berry; treasurer, Audley Gault; highway commissioner, J. S. White.
Munro—Supervisor, H. F. Baker; clerk, F. G. Carlson; treasurer, Joseph Duby; highway commissioner, J. H. Spray.
Nunda—Supervisor, J. I. Royce; clerk. Chas. W. Taylor; treasurer, Henry Smith; highway commissioner, George Nettleton.
Tuscarora—Supervisor, F. W. Brown; clerk, F. E. Martin; treasurer, J. W. Lester; highway commissioner, Charles Eddy
Walker—Supervisor, Amos Peterson; clerk, George Montgomery; treasurer, Lester Voorheis; highway commissioner, Samuel Neilson.
Waverly—Supervisor, Emory J. Purdy; clerk, Percy Faircloth; treasurer, C. A. Stewart; highway commissioner, Floyd Skuse.
Wilmot—Supervisor, Henry Collins; clerk, Frank Fuller; treasurer, Richard Reader; highway commissioner, Frank Pidgeon.
- Cheboygan Military Orchestra, 220 Main N, I. L. Bassett, leader.
- Cheboygan County Savings Bank—Frost-Kesseler blk. Incorporated March 1, 1905. Capital, $58,000. James F. Moloney, pres; W. L. Martin, 1st vice-pres; George Annand, 2nd vice-pres; James A. Gallagher, cashier.
- Cheboygan State Bank—316 Main N. Incorporated Feb. 25, 1905. Capital stock, $50,000. Surplus and undivided profits, $12,000. Frank Shepherd, pres; Henry A. Blake, 1st vice-pres; Miles E. Riggs, 2nd vice-pres; H. T. Glezen, cashier; George D. Nimmo, asst cashier.
- First National Bank—301 Main N. Incorporated 1882. Capital, $50,000. Surplus and undivided profits, $20,000. Dr. A. M. Gerow, pres; V. D. Sprague, vice-pres; Albert W. Ram,say, cashier; I. H. Erratt, asst cashier.
- Calvery Cemetery—(Roman Catholic), es Duncan av 2 miles from city, Wm. Drake, sexton.
- Pinehill Cemetery—Ns Pinehill av nr city limits, Frederick Meggitt, sexton.
- Cheboygan Chamber of Commerce—Organized Dec. 22, 1906. Directors meet on call in council chamber, City Hall, Vet S. Moloney, pres; Warde L. Hagadorn, vice-pres; A. W. Ramsay, treas.
- First Baptist Church—Cor Dresser and Division. Rev. Charles R. Peterson, pastor. Sunday services morning, 11:15 ; Sunday school, 10 a. m.; evening services winter, 7 p. m.; summer, 7:30 p. m.
- First Congregational Church—Rev. Frederick W. Ollis, pastor; sw cor Main and Nelson. Sunday services morning, 10:30; Sunday school, 9:30 a. m.; evening, 7:30 o'clock.
- St James Episcopal Church—Sw cor Locust and Huron S. Rev. Harvey B. Marks, rector. Sunday services, 10:30 a. m.; Sunday school, 12 m. Preaching, Sunday, 7 p. m.
- St John's Evangelical Lutheran Church—Se cor Ball and State. Rev. Louis G. Heinecke, pastor. Sunday services, 10:00. Sunday school, 11:30 a. m.
- St Thomas Lutheran Church—Nw cor Western av S and Stanley. Rev. Cobus D. Boomgarden, pastor; res, 332 Western av S. Services Sunday, 10:00 a. m.; festal days, 10:00 a. m.
- Swedish Lutheran Church—Ns Harrison av, 1 e of Eastern av N. Srvices 3d Sunday of each month, 10 a. m. and 7 p. m.
Methodist Episcopal
- First M E Church—Sw cor Huron S and Pine. Rev Henry J. B. Marsh, pastor. Sunday services, 10:30 a. m.; Sunday school, 12 m. Epworth League, 6 p. m. Preaching, 7 p. m. Prayer meeting, Thursday, 7:30 p. m.
Roman Catholic
- St Charles R C Church—Sw cor Bailey N and Division. Rev. Jean B. E. Magnan, pastor; res 222 Bailey N. Sunday services, morning, 7:30 and 9:30, afternoon, 2:30 o'clock.
- St Lawrence Catholic (Polish) Church—Sw cor Cleveland av and C East. Rev. Francis Piaskowski pastor. Services, low mass, 8 a. m.; Sundays, 8 to 10 a. m.; benediction 7:30 p. m.
- St Mary's Church Se cor D North and 4th E. Rev. A. Webeler, pastor. Sunday services, 8:00 and 10:15 a. m.; vespers, 3 :00 p. m.; mass, 7 a. m. daily.
- Salvation Army—229 Backus. Charles E. Ward, capt. Sunday services 3 and 7:30 p. m. Sunday school 1:30 p. m. Weekly services, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 7:30 p. m.
- Felician Sisters, Siv cor Cleveland and C E. Sisters of The Immaculate Mary, Sister Anastasia, Mother Superior, 117 E. N.
- McArthur Dock, ft of Main N.
- Cheboygan Hospital—238 Backus, Mrs. Adeline String-ham supt.
- Cheboygan Apple Growers Association—219 Main N. Incorporated Jan., 1912. Capital, $20,000. August Lawson, pres; C. B. Tweedale, vice-pres; Vet S. Moloney, sec; Albert W. Ramsay, treas.
- Cheboygan Electric Light & Power Co—Incorporated July, 1896. Capital, $200,000. Herbert E. Reagan, pres; N. D. Freeman, treas; Frank B. Spencer, sec; 303 Main S.
- Cheboygan Flour Mill Co—443 Huron S. Incorporated April 17, 1905. Capital, $50,000. Herbert E. Reagan, pres; Franklin S. Ritter, vice-pres; Clark J. MacAr-thur, sec and treas.
- Cheboygan Gas Light Co—Incorporated April, 1904. Capital, $100,000. John R. MacArthur, pres; Herbert E. Reagan, treas; F. B. Spencer, sec; 303 Main S.
- Cheboygan Paper Co—Incorporated 1902. Capital, $500,000. H. A. Frambach, pres,; F. B. Spencer, vice-pres; J. H. Frambach, sec; B. C. Jolly, treas; ne cor Main S. and Seymour.
- Cheboygan Tribune Co—216 Main N. Incorporated March 23, 1914. Capital $12,000. C. J. McArthur, pres; Wm. H. Gamble, vice-pres; and treas; D. M. Ramsay, sec.
- Embury-Martin Lumber Co—Incorporated May 1, 1909. Capital stock, $150,000. W. L. Martin, pres; Frank K. Boggs, vice-pres; Oliver B. Martin, sec; Victor D. Sprague, treas.
- McArthur, W. A. & Co. Ltd—443 Huron S. Robert Somerville chairman, H. E. Reagan vice-pres and treas; C. J. McArthur, sec.
- Malanfant-Rogan Clothing Co—305 Main N. Incorporated 1912. M. J. Rogan, pres; F. W. Malanfant, sec; and treas.
- Pfister & Vogel Leather Co—Inverness. Capital $6,000,000. Incorporated 1892. Fred Vogel jr, pres; Charles F. Pfister, vice-pres; August Helmholz, treas; F. A. Vogel, genl mngr.
- Post J. J. Hardware Co. Ltd—309 Main N. Incorporated May, 1903. Capital, $20,000. Schuyler Farrell, chairman; John B. Boucher, sec; Frank Mclntire, treas.
- Rapin-Bessette Clothing Co—230 Main N. Incorporated March 25, 1905. Capital, $10,000. Theodore L. Rapin, pres; Phil A. Rapin, vice-pres; Louis F. Bessette, sec and treas.
- Schwartz Bros. & Co. Boiler Works—1st W cor Huron N. Incorporated Dec 19, 1914. Capital, $9,000. C. M. Schwartz, pres; John H. Schwartz, vice-pres; David A. Hastings, sec and treas.
- Carnegie Public Library—N s Elm bet Huron N and Dresser. Open from 1:30 to 5:30 and 6.30 and 9 p. m. Contains 7,300 vols. Under control of the Board of Education. Amy M. Bell, librarian.
- Co K. M. N. G.—Armory cor Main and Pine. John B. Boucher, Col; J. F. Gardner, capt; Charles McCallum, 1st Lieut; F. A. Barlow, 2d Lieut.
- Arbeiter Unterstuetzungs Verein—Julius Bohn, pres; Vincent Burger, sec, Polycarp M. Zorn, treas. Meets every first and third Sunday in the month in German Arbeiter Hall.
- Visiting Nurses' Association—Meets in basement of Court House each Tuesday at 2:30 p. m. Mrs Eva Newell, pres; Mrs Helena G. Ramsay, vice-pres; Mrs Louise Rittenhouse, sec; Mrs. Mary Frambach, treas.
- Yakima Yacht Club Inc—Es Main S nr Lincoln av bridge, F. S. Ritter, commodore; Charles B. Tweedale sec; F. J. Hohler, treas.
- Cheboygan Democrat—310 Division. Established 1880. Al. H. Weber, editor and propr. Issued every Friday. Terms, $1.50 per year. Independent-Democrat.
- Cheboygan Tribune, The—216 Main N. Established 1875. Wm. H. Gamble, editor. Issued daily. Republican.
- Cheboygan Driving Park—Ns Lincoln av nr city limits.
- City Park—Es Main S bet Elm and Pine.
- O'Brien Park—Nw cor Garfield and Lincoln av.
- 226 Main N. Postmaster—John Noll. Assistant Postmaster—Ralph A. Paddock.
- Chief Clerk—Francis A. Barlow.
- General Delivery Clerk—Rose A. Cameron, Clerk—Theron M. Gardner, Clerk—Elmer Delamarter.
- Carriers—Theodore Jewell, No. 1; Emmett J. Smith, No. 2; George Le Blanc, No. 3; James A. McArthur, No. 4; Earl W. Smith, R. F. D. No. 1; Wm. E. Spies, R. F. Dv No. 2; Wm. J. Wheeler, R. F D. No. 3.
- Office Hours—8 a. m. to 6:30 p. m. daily, except Sunday.
- Free Delivery Department—Four deliveries daily, down town district, and two in residence.
- Fees for money orders payable in the United States (which includes Hawaii and Porto Rico) and its possessions, comprising the Canal Zone, Guam, the Philippines, and Tutuila, Samoa; also for orders payable in Bermuda, British Guiana, British Honduras, Canada, Cuba, Mexico, Newfoundland, at the United States Postal Agency at Shanghai (China), in the Bahama Islands and in certain other islands in the West Indies: For orders from 1 cent to $2.50, 3 cents; from $2.50, to $5.00, 5 cents; from $5.01, to $10.00, 8 cents; from $10.01, to $20.00, 10 cents; from $20.01, to $30.00, 12 cents; from $30.01, to $40,00, 15 cents;from $40.01, to $50.00, 18 cents; from $50.01, to $60.00, 20 cents; from $60.01, to $75.00, 25 cents; from $75.01, to $100.00, 30 cents. The Fees for foreign money orders payable in any country on which a money order may be drawn, other than those named above, may be ascertained upon inquiry at the post office.
- Postage—The postage on letters to be forwarded in the mails to any part of the United States is two cents per ounce, prepaid by stamp.
- Canada and British Provinces and Mexico—Two cents per ounce; prepayment compulsory.
- Postage to all countries included in the Universal Postal Union (except Great Britain and Germany, to which the rates are the same as domestic rates)—For prepaid letters, 5 cents per ounce; for unpaid letters received 10 cents per ounce; postal cards, 2 cents each ; for newspapers, if not over two ounces in weight, 2 cents each; for books, other printed matter, legal and commercial documents, pamphlets, music, visiting cards, photographs, prospectuses, notices and announcements of various kinds, either printed, engraved or lithographed, 1 cent per each weight of two ounces or fraction of two ounces; merchandise rates made known on application. Fourth-Class Matter (Domestic Parcel Post)
- Fourth-class matter embraces that known as domestic parcel post mail, and includes merchandise, farm and factory products, seeds, cuttings, bulbs, roots, scions, and plants, books (including catalogs), miscellaneous printed matter weighing more than four pounds, and all other mailable matter not embraced in the first, second and third classes.
- Extent and usefulness of parcel post—The domestic parcel post offers a convenient, quick and efficient means of transporting mailable parcels to any post office in the United States or its possessions. The service reaches more places than any other transportation agency. It brings producers and consumers into closer contact, thus opening the way to reducing the high cost of living. Special treatment and advantages are accorded to shipments of farm products weighing between 20 and 50 pounds. Low postage rates, based on the service rendered, are provided. The rates to nearby zones are particularly advantageous. Parcels may be insured against loss and may be sent C. O. D.
- Rates of Postage—To be fully prepaid—Unsealed—are as follows:
- Parcels weighing 4 ounces or less, except books, seeds, plants, etc., 1 cent for each ounce or fraction thereof, any distance.
- Parcels weighing 8 ounces or less containing books, seeds, cuttings, bulbs, roots, scions, and plants, 1 cent for each 2 ounces or fraction thereof, regardless of distance.
- Parcels weighing more than 8 ounces containing books, seeds, plants, etc., parcels of miscellaneous printed matter weighing more than 4 pounds, and all other parcels of fourth-class matter weighing more than 4 ounces are chargeable, according to distance or zone, a fraction of a pound being considered a full pound. The local rate applies to parcels mailed under the following conditions:
- At any post office for local delivery at such office;
- At any city letter carrier office, or at any point within its delivery limits, for delivery by carriers from that office;
- At any post office from which a rural route starts for delivery on such route, or when mailed at any point on a rural route for delivery at any other point thereon, or at the office from which the route starts, or for delivery on any other rural route starting from the same office.
- Alaska, Hawaiian and Phillipine Islands, etc.—The eighth zone rate of 12 cents for each pound or fraction thereof on all parcels weighing more than four ounces (except books, seeds, cuttings, bulbs, roots, scions, and plants, weighing 8 ounces or loss), applies (1) between the United States and the Hawaiian Islands; (2) between the United States and its postal agency at Shanghai, China; (3) between any two points in Alaska and between any point in Alaska and any other point in the United States; (4) between the United States and the Canal Zone; (5) between the United States and the Philippine Islands ; (6) to, from or between Guam, Tutuila and Manua and other islands of the Samoan group east of longitude 171° west of Greenwich, and the United States and its other possessions; (7) between the United States and its naval vessels staioned in foreign waters.
- Canada, Cuba, Mexico, and Republic of Panama—The rate of 12 cents for each pound or fraction thereof also applies to fourth-class matter, including seeds, cuttings, bulbs, roots, scions and plants (but excepting books and other printed matter on which the rate is 1 cent for each two ounces of fraction thereof in all cases), weighing more than 4 ounces and not exceeding 4 pounds 6 ounces when mailed to Canada, Mexico, Cuba and the Republic of Panama. (Parcels weighing up to 11 pounds may be sent to Mexico and the Republic of Panama as foreign parcel post under the parcel post conventions with those countries.)
- The limit of weight of fourth-class matter is 50 pounds for parcels mailed for delivery within the first and second zones, and 20 pounds for all other zones.
- Limit of Size—Parcel post matter may not exceed 72 inches in length and girth combined. In measuring a parcel the greatest distance in a straight line between the ends (but not around the parcel), is taken as its length, while the distance around the parcel at its thickest part is taken as its girth. For example, a parcel 35 inches long, 10 inches wide, and 5 inches high measures 65 inches in length and girth combined.
AFTON—Chas J Hudson, postmaster.
ALOHA—S H Harsh, postmaster.
ALVERNO—Mitchell Roberts, postmaster.
BURT LAKE— J M Sager, postmaster.
CHEBOYGAN—-John Noll, postmaster.
DOW—George Delamater, postmaster.
INDIAN RIVER—Helen Martin, postmaster.
LEGRAND—F J Warner, postmaster.
MACKINAW—C O Barrett, postmaster.
MULLET LAKE—W H Parry, postmaster.
RIGGSVILLE—Mrs Ella Daly, postmaster.
RONDO—Frank Heiler, postmaster.
TOPINABEE—H G Vorce, postmaster.
TOWER—ENC Burt, postmaster.
WEADOCK—Charles H Heffner, postmaster.
WILD WOOD—Ross M Treadwell, postmaster.
WOLVERINE—C M. Fails, postmaster.
- Arbeiter Unterstuetzungs Verein—Cor Randolph and Watson.
- Armory—Nw cor Main N and Pine.
- Bennett Block—226-230 Main N.
- City Hall Building— Nw cor Backus and Huron N
- City Opera House—City Hall bldg.
- County Jail—404 Huron S.
- Court House—Nw cor Main S and Court.
- Dodd Block—Nw cor Main and State W.
- Elks Temple—112 Main S.
- Farrell Block—215 Main N.
- First Natl Bank Building—Nw cor Main and Division.
- Frost-Kesseler Block—Sw cor Main and Division
- Gerow Block—313-321 Main N.
- Kesseler Block—431 Main N.
- Knights of Columbus Hall—3d floor New Gerow blk.
- Lawton Block—410 Main N.
- LOOM Temple—115 Backus.
- Masonic Hall—3d floor Frost-Kesseler block.
- Moloney Block—415-417 Main N.
- Moose Temple—115 Backus.
- New Gerow Block—303-307 Main N.
- Ottawa Block— Nw cor Main N and State W.
- Paquette Block—217-221 Main N.
- Pennell Hall—121 Main S.
- Post Office Building—226 Main N.
- Salvation Army Barracks—229 Backus.
- Schley Building—314-316 Mackinaw av.
- Steffins Block—332-336 Main N.
- Todd Block—327-331 Main N.
- W R Barr supt, Office High School bldg. Supervisors— Katherine D Hamilton, Ellen Thompson.
- High School—Ne cor Division and Bailey N. Elizabeth C Hamilton asst prin, Myrtle E Creaser, Laura E Wendel, Wilhelmine Maegle, John F Gardner, Henry Van Dyke, Bernice Stewart teachers.
- Central School—Sw cor Pine and Bailey, Alice C Corlett prin, Laura Trombley, Florence Tremaine, Carrie Mclntyre, Gladys MacArthur, Caroline Humphrey, Agnes MacDonald, Myrtle Stalker, Mrs Leona Gardner, Hazel Martin, Mrs. Mary J. Martin teachers.
- County Normal School—Central School bldg. Clarice I Nowlin prin, Ruth Miller teacher.
- Eastern Av School—Eastern av. Mary E Denison, Lillian Elliott teachers.
- Galbraith and Gerow Schools—4th and E N. Arthur L Martin prin, Lynell Todd, Alice J Trombley, Vivian Todd, Thyra Burkland, Mary H Clark, Georgia Crawford teachers.
- Lincoln Av School—Lincoln av. Louise H McCallum teacher.
- Mackinaw Av School—Ws Mackinaw av 2 s of Western av. Laura Markle, Bessie Quay teachers.
- Pattersonville School—Cor Palmyra and Centre. Ethel Shepherd prin, Donna Hoyt teacher.
- Tannery School—S Main Tannery settlement.
- St Charles Parochial School—In charge of Sisters of Mercy, sw cor Bailey and Division.
- St Lawrence School (Polish)—Sw cor Cleveland av and C E, Rev Francis Piaskowski director. In charge of Sisters of St Francis.
- St Mary's Catholic School—In charge of Sisters of Mercy, sw cor State E and E N.
- St. Thomas Lutheran School—Ns Stanley 1 w of Western av S, Rev CJD Boomgarden teacher.
- Cheboygan Lodge, No. 283, F & A M—Meets in Masonic Hall, Frost-Kesseler Blk, first Wednesday evening in each month at 7:30. W E Chapman W M, E F Edson S W, George D Nimmo treas, Dr WF Reed, sec
- Cheboygan Chapter, No 109, R A M—Meets in Masonic Hall, Frost-Kesseler blk, second Wednesday evening in each month at 7:30. H W Robinson S, A R Gerow K, A W Ramsay treas, W B Seamark sec
- Cheboygan Commandery K T, No 50—Meets in Masonic Hall, Frost-Kesseler blk, first Friday evening in each month at 7:30. W G Rice E C, M E Riggs Gen, W B Seamark C G, Dr W F Reed recorder, H A Frambach treas
- Inverness Council, No 60, R & S M—Meets in Masonic Hall, Frost-Kesseler blk, third Wednesday evening in each month at 7:30. W B Seamark T I M, A E Sangster D M, G A Hugill P C of W, A W Ramsay treas, G P Humphrey recorder.
Order of the Eastern Star
- Cheboygan Chapter, No 183, O E S—Meets in Masonic Hall, Frost-Kesseler blk, second Tuesday evening of each month. Mrs. Zena Rittenhouse W M, George A Hugill W P, Mrs Sarah M Reed sec, Mrs Bertha M Edson treas.
Ancient Order of Hibernians
- Cheboygan Lodge—Meets on the last Friday night of each month in New Gerow blk. James Gallagher pres, Rupert A McGinn sec, Neil Melavy treas.
B. P. O. E.
- Cheboygan Lodge, No. 504—Meets first and third Thursday of each month at Elks' Temple. Clyde Milliken E R, Bert S Cole sec, L D Haggerty treas.
Catholic Order of Foresters
- David Bourrie chief ranger, Joseph Bourrie recording sec, Wm Hoenselaar treas. Meets every second and fourth Thursdays of each month in K of C Hall.
Fraternal Order of Eagles
- Cheboygan Aerie, No. 1282—Meets every second and fourth Tuesdays in K O T M M Hall, Wm J Diek-man W P, John W Finn W sec, J I St Jean W treas.
G. A. R.
- Ruddock Post, No 224—Meets at the Armory on the second Thursday of each month. Henry A Blake commander, George P Humphrey adjutant, Robert Braham Q M.
Women's Relief Corps
- Ruddock Corps, No. 154—Meets in Armory the first and third Thursdays of each month at 2:30 p m. Mrs. Elizabeth Braham pres, Emma Cook, Mrs Hannah Brannack vice-prests, Martha M Wheaton sec.
I. O. Foresters
- Union Court, No 622—Meets first and third Mondays of each month at K O T M M Hall. Adelor Pelott C R, Edward Ryman R C, Adolph Shaw F S.
I. O. O. F.
- Temple Lodge, No. 331—Meets in Odd Fellows' Hall every Tuesday night. Earl Smith N G, Wm B Haskin V G, Amos Oxley recording sec, A W Peppier financial sec.
- Rebekah Degree, North Star Lodge, No 90—Meets second and fourth Fridays of each month in Odd Fellows' Hall, Bennett blk. Mrs Mary McCombs N G, Mrs Gertrude Seger sec, Bertha Kriedeman treas, Mrs Nellie Burnett financial sec.
Knights of Columbus
- Cheboygan Council, No 791—Meets the first and third Wednesdays of each month in Gerow blk. J A Gallagher GKJE Fisher fin sec, Arthur C McGinn rec sec, David Bourrie treas.
Knights of Pythias
- Nekahnis Lodge, No 58—Meets every Monday evening in I O O F Hall. George D Nimmo C C, Otto C Scott V C, John P Och prelate, Carl Cook K R & S, Albert T McClintic M E, John Garrow M of W.
K. O. T. M. M.
- Mizpah Tent, No 67—Meets first and third Wednesdays in K O T M M Hall. J E Tuttle C, Charles F Cook F K, Wm F Pew R K.
L. O. T. M. M.
- Zillah Hive, No 186—Meets second and fourth Tuesdays in each month in K O T M M Hall, Mrs Cecelia Smith C, Mrs Margaret Trimble F K.
Loyal Order of Moose
- Cheboygan Lodge, No 976—Meets first and third Mondays in their hall, 115 Backus. George S Penoyer dictator, A J La Londe sec, J I St Jean treas.
Loyal Orangemen
- Cheboygan Lodge, No 163—Meets third Tuesday of each month in K O T M M Hall. James F Glover W M, Fred G Fuller sec.
- Daughters of Derry L O L, No 139—Meets third Tuesday of each month in K O T M M Hall, Mrs Isabelle Seabrook W M, Mrs Margaret Spies D M, Mrs Estella Walker fin sec, Mrs Mary Glover treas.
Modern Brotherhood of America
- Hub City Lodge, No 1762—Meets the second and fourth Thursdays of each month in KOTMM Hall. Mrs Margaret Jones pres, Mrs Pauline Reimann vice-pres, Mrs Mary Penoyer, sec, Mrs Wm Cadieux treas.
Modern Woodmen of America
- Cheboygan Camp 2469—Meets the last Friday in each month in K O T M M Hall. Amos R Oxley sec.
- Progressive Camp, No 2501—Meets every first and third Thursdays in Postoflice bldg. P J Bilitzke C, Joseph Bourrie sec, Alexander Kucinski banker.
Royal Arcanum
- Cheboygan Lodge, No 1492—Meets first and third Tuesdays in Garland Hall. George P Langdon regent, Bert S Cole sec.
Royal Neighbors of America
- Union Camp, No 365—Meets second and fourth Wednesdays in K O T M M Hall. Mrs Elizabeth Conway recorder.
Modern Romans
- Cheboygan Council, No 50—Meets subject to call. W T S Farr treas.
Woodmen of the World
- Cheboygan Camp No 18—Meets first and third Fridays of each month in KOTMM Hall. W F Pugh clerk, J E Tuttle banker.
- Michigan State Telephone Co, Frost-Kesseler blk, E F Edson mgr.
- Western Union Telegraph Co, 324 Main. W T S Farr mgr.
- Customs—John Reid, depy collector, New Gerow blk.
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