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Plat Book of Cheboygan County Michigan

Benton Township
Part 2

Drawn from Actual Surveys & the County Records

by PA & JW Myers, Surveyors & Draughtsmen
Published by The Consolidated Publishing Co, Minneapolis Minn

Plat Map

Lighthouse 22
Thompson Smith Sons 22
Grisbrook 23
Hugill & Robinson 23
Melville, C 23
Melville, C 24
Kaichon, Keifer & Stroh 25
Merchants Bank of Canada 25
O'Neile, T 25
Thompson Smith Sons 25
Wright, R 25
Mallett, A 26
Merchants Bank of Canada 26
Thompson Smith Sons 26
Watson, AF 26
Thompson Smith Sons 27
Cheboygan 28
Cheboygan 29
Cheboygan 30
Cheboygan 31
Cheboygan 32
Cheboygan 33
Anderson, 34
Brodstrom?, CG 34
C O 34
Carlson, Axel 34
Carlson, Chas 34
Carlson, R 34
Church 34
Hamberg?, A 34
J H 34
J O 34
Johenson?, J 34
Linderman, PO 34
Matson, JP 34
Medain, W 34
Nordman, J 34
Olson, R 34
Peterson, A 34
Poupart, J 34
Romblom, O 34
School Dist No 7 34
Sedain, M 34
Sederblom, A 34
St Amour, SA 34
Thompson Smith Sons 34
Chandler, Meritt 35
Haglund, J 35
John, Geo Jr 35
Merchants Bank of Canada 35
O'Neile, T 35
Sage, HM 35
Thompson Smith Sons 35
Merchants Bank of Toronto Canada 36
Thompson Smith Sons 36
Merchants Bank of Canada 1
Merchants Bank of Canada 2
Carlson, O 3
Cobb, HD 3
Friday, John 3
Hamburg, H 3
Jewell, Alfred 3
Jewell, Louis 3
Lakeview Orchard 3
Merchants Bank of Canada 3
Peterson, A 3
Proctor, W 3
Cheboygan 4
Anderson, Peter 4
Coleman, R 4
Davis, T 4
Jewell, Alfred 4
Jewell, Franz 4
McKervey, TH 4
Tokerzefsai, J 4
Cheboygan 5
Gerou, Mary S 5
Gerow, MS 5
Jodoin, G 5
Mageau, F 5
McDonald, AJ 5
Riverside Orchard 5
Cheboygan 6
Artabois, J 8
C A P 8
Combs, M 8
Debuchet, I 8
E P 8
Martin, WL 8
McGarry, M 8
McTever, J 8
Mitchell, F 8
Paquin, A 8
Saw Mill 8
School Dist No 2 8
Sweeney, H Est 8
Dagneau, HT 9
De Loy, E 9
De Loy, J 9
Dunn, J 9
Grealer, W 9
Knaffle, Aug 9
Martin, WL 9
McKervey, TH 9
Newman, WW 9
Williams, C 9
Williams, Cad 9
Williams, Chas 9
Brooks, H 10
Gain, JH 10
McDonald, A 10
Merchants Bank of Canada 10
Newman, Aug 10
Newman, W 10
Premo, P 10
Shoemaker, WE 10
Smith, E 10
Tokerzefski, A 10
Tokerzefski, J 10
Wietilla, Aug 10
Wietilla, John 10
Merchants Bank of Canada 11
Merchants Bank of Canada 12
Clark, CE 13
Merchants Bank of Canada 13
Newton, AF 13
Zorn, JM 13
Bernard, S 14
Gilbert, J 14
Martin, WL 14
Merchants Bank of Canada 14
Patterson, R Est 14
WA McArthur Co Lt'd 14
Carrow, W Homestead 15
Donnell, MO 15
Filbert 15
Floury, Jos 15
Fuson, M 15
Martin, WL 15
McArthur, W & A 15
Shoemaker, WE 15
Woolston, J 15
Campbell, L 16
Galbraith, A 16
Longyear & Humphrey 16
Major, F 16
Major, G 16
Moore, E 16
Moore, J 16
Ponier, J 16
Spencer, A 16
St Antoin, E 16
Bridge 17
Bund, S 17
Denoshud, C 17
Farney, D 17
Hudson, J 17
Martin, WL 17
Reopelle, J 17
Sias, C Jr 17
Spooner, Wm 17
Spring 17
Wheelock, D 17
County Poor Farm 18
Beebe, F 19
Carter, C 19
County Poor Farm 19
Goodwin, J 19
H W 19
Haskins, Chas 19
Haskins, I 19
Abram, J 20
Carter, O 20
Duffin, WG 20
Goodwin, Wm J 20
Granville, MJ 20
Hamell, Jos 20
Schields, F 20
School Dist No 1 20
Spooner, P Est 20
Stinchfield, W Est 20
Cornwall, CS 21
Deroshia, CC 21
Deroshia, M 21
Deroshia, N 21
Duffie, Wm 21
Galbraith, A 21
Grey, L 21
Henning, John 21
Hudson, T 21
Major, E 21
Smith, CF 21
St Antoine, A 21
Town Hall 21
Wachter, C 21
Wilds, FH 21
Wilds, WL 21
Baker, HF 22
Chinner, P 22
Deroshia, J 22
Gilbert, F 22
Le Gault, Mrs CF 22
Moore, E 22
Shoemaker, WE 22
Stewart, Wm 22
Boyea, J 23
Boyea, L 23
Cheboygan Lumber Co 23
Fisher, D 23
Fisher, Francis Est 23
La Duc, M 23
Le Gault, Mrs CF 23
Morway, P 23
Newman, G 23
Sava, J 23
Taylor & Ogden 23
Vassor, Mary 23
Bonscore, J 24
Cameron, J 24
Isabel, P 24
Jarvis, J 24
La France, N 24
Lafraner, E 24
Newton, AP Est 24
Roberts, M 24
Bonscore, J 25
Brare, C 25
Donnell, MO 25
Francis, N 25
Geddes, A 25
Gloide, M 25
La Franer, Eugene 25
Roberts, M 25
Sova, AE 25
Sova, L 25
Sova, W 25
Store 25
Store 25
Alverno PO 26
Chimner, P 26
Enos, O 26
Fisher, D 26
La Duc, M 26
Mihlin, F 26
Mongrain, S 26
Newman, G 26
Barber, W 27
Bordeau, J 27
Bordeau, Joe 27
Deroshia, LC 27
Doyle, M 27
Enos, J 27
Enos, L 27
La Duc, Cha 27
Le Gault, Mrs CF 27
Myers, E 27
Paquin, J 27
School Dist No 6 27
Bunker, N 28
Deroshia, LC 28
Deroshia, W 28
Donsles, H 28
Doyle, M 28
Enault, E 28
Grant, F 28
Gray, F 28
Greeless, W 28
Ober, F 28
Pecan, Rose 28
Sheibds?, W 28
State 28
Stoddard 28
Carter, O 29
Eshlerman, J 29
Longyear & Humphrey 29
Skawten, W 29
Stinchfield, FH 29
Watrous, B 29
Beebe, F 30
Eshlerman, J 30
Stinchfield, FH 30
Bonscore, F 32
Dementt, M 32
Eshlerman, J 32
Gerow, MS 32
Graves, Adolph 32
Graves, Alice 32
Johnson, H 32
Cemetery 33
Chevallier, F 33
Church 33
Deroshia, LC 33
Enos, D 33
Enos, J 33
Enos, P 33
Hannon, M 33
Haskins, I 33
Hayden, G 33
Longyear & Humphrey 33
O'Connor, F 33
Patterson, A 33
Ranville, J 33
Bordeau, J 34
Chartoneau, A 34
Chasser, L 34
Enos, D 34
Jarvis, J 34
Jodoin, J 34
La Franer, L 34
Leising, J 34
Long Lake Resort 36
Manning, L 34
Ranville, J 34
Robillard, I 34
Bertrand, G 35
Bordeau, J 35
Bridge 35
Charbenau, A 35
Couture, A 35
Grant, JF 35
Jarvis, J 35
L G 35
Losey, C 35
Manning, L 35
Marway 35
Morris, A 35
Porter, N Trus 35
Ross, C 35
School Dist No 3 35
Wheeler, GF 35
Wilie, Mrs J 35
Barber, F 36
Bonscore, J 36
Catholic Church 36
Couture, N 36
Fenton, Wm 36
La Franer, D 36
Targeft, J 36
Trudo, L & W 36
Trudo, R 36

This Page Was Last Updated Saturday, 03-Mar-2012 12:38:06 MST

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