Plat Book of Cheboygan County Michigan

Forest Township

Drawn from Actual Surveys & the County Records

by PA & JW Myers, Surveyors & Draughtsmen
Published by The Consolidated Publishing Co, Minneapolis Minn

Plat Map

Bowen, Annie 1
Bowen, David 1
Bowen, Wm 1
Chandler, AH 1
Chandler, M 1
Chandler, RHS 1
Goupie, Jas 1
Krause, John M 1
McIntosh, S 1
Rose, F 1
Sage, CM 1
Van Zant, Jos 1
Brick Yard 2
Cemetery 2
Hark, Jas H 2
Miller, CR 2
Teets, Albert 2
W G 2
Walters, Wm 2
Bowl Factory 3
Chandler, M 3
Kent & McDonald 3
Peterman & Gardner & Co 3
Saw Mill 3
Shingle Mill 3
Smith, LS 3
Stinchfield, FH 3
Village of Tower 3
Chandler, M 4
Churchill, WL & HD 4
Inglas & Lynd 4
Miller, CR 4
Stinchfield, FH 4
Badder, James 5
Carley, MJ 5
Chandler, M 5
Churchill, WL & HD 5
McVittie, A 5
Perrigo, TM 5
Robbins, L 5
Brady, R 6
Burgess, Phoebe 6
Covill, F 6
Covill, T 6
Fish 6
Fox, John 6
Mitchell, A 6
Sabrion, Jos 6
Saw Mill 6
Ballard, D 7
Cheboygan Lumber Co 7
College Land 7
Doremire, D 7
Lafave, Louise 7
Littlefield, AR 7
Miller, CR 7
Mitchell, A 7
Sobourin, Jos 7
Stowe, CA 7
Carmichael, AO 8
Chandler, M 8
Churchill, WL & HD 8
Peterman Gardner & Co 8
Sabin, Dell 8
School Dist No 2 8
Watson, AF 8
Welsh, B 8
A Kent & AW McDonald 9
Gillis, Wm 9
Miller, CR 9
Scholtz, F 9
Burhard, John & Minnie 10
Chandler, M 10
Gillis, Charlotte 10
Kuckle, G 10
Miller, CR 10
Robinson, R 10
Stinchfield, FH 10
Village of Tower 10
Walters, Edmund 10
Watson, AF 10
Bowen, D 11
Cemetery Assoc'n 11
Chandler, M 11
Draper, Lucy D 11
Miller, CR 11
Milliken, HM 11
Chandler, LB 12
Chandler, Meritt 12
McIntosh, S 12
Potee, EW 12
Airth, H 13
Bribner, W 13
Crothers, JL 13
Crothers, DA 13
Miller, CA 13
Potee, EW 13
Buckler, S 14
Church, FE 14
Erratt, IL 14
Gerow, AM 14
King, JJ 14
Kitchen, WC 14
Miller, CR 14
Sage, CM 14
Whitman, Hayden 14
Hine, Gustav 15
McCraig, WB 15
Miller, CR 15
R Hanson & N Nicholson 15
Sage, Sarah E 15
Sturgis, Perry 15
Whitman, Hayden 15
Bouman, H 16
A Kent & AW McDonald 16
Myers, I etal 16
Primary School Land 16
Waters, CL 16
Badder, Chris 17
Littlefield, AR 17
Miller, CR 17
Pfister Vogel Leather Co 17
R Hanson & N Michelson 17
Littlefield, AR 18
Miller, CR 18
Pfister Vogel Leather Co 18
Barclay, Jas 19
Laird, WC 19
Littlefield, AR 19
T Smith Sons 19
State Land 19
State Swamp 19
Dodge, WE Est 20
Doyle, Jas 20
James, DW 20
Laird, WC 20
Littlefield, AR 20
Milliken, BC 20
Morse, HR 20
Pfister Vogel Leather Co 20
R Hanson & N Michelson 20
Barry, TW 21
Hanson & Michelson 21
Morse, HR 21
Pfister Vogel Leather Co 21
Saling Hanson & Co 21
Bell, GW 22
Burges, Wm 22
Hanson & Michelson 22
Pfister Vogel Leather Co 22
Fraser, Geo C 23
King, JJ 23
Mandeville, Alf 23
McLaury, WR 23
Miller, CR 23
Miller & Keezer 23
Milliken, WJ 23
Norton, Jennie E 23
State Land 23
Zimmers, Ed 23
Crothers, DA 24
Erratt, IL 24
Hyde, JP 24
Irwin, Jas 24
School Dist No 5 24
Smith, JJ 24
Smith, Louis 24
Van Emery, SM 24
Davies, Archie 25
Davis, L 25
Fultz, CH 25
Hayes, Lydia M 25
Leavitt, S 25
Miller, CR 25
Post, CJ 25
Post, Jas S 25
Speegal, FK 25
Wright, Robt 25
Bouman, Henry 26
Cameron, W 26
Dimmick, B 26
Donahue, Wm 26
Gilchrist, FW 26
Gregg, CC 26
Hayes, Lydia M 26
Mandeville, Alf 26
Post, CJ 26
Barry, Thos W 27
Bowen, D 27
Gilchrist, FW 27
Gregg, CC 27
Hand, O 27
Hanson & Michelson 27
Miller, CR 27
Morse, H & Milliken 27
Moses & Milliken 27
Pfister Vogel Leather Co 27
Saling Hanson & Co 27
Hanson & Michelson 28
Laird, WC 28
McArthur, W & A 28
Miller, CR 28
Morse, HR 28
Pfister Vogel Leather Co 28
Smith, EA 28
Jasspon, Max 29
Littlefield, AR 29
McArthur, W & A 29
Miller, CR 29
Smith, EA 29
State Land 29
State Swamp 29
Beagle, CA 30
Brown, Geo L 30
James, DW 30
Jasspon, Max 30
Littlefield, AR 30
O'Donnell, J 30
State Swamp Land 30
Gates, SGM 31
James, DW 31
Jasspon, Max 31
Littlefield, AR 31
Humphrey & Longyear 32
Jasspon, Max 32
McArthur, W & A 32
Smith, Wm Est 32
State Swamp Land 32
Stewart, IJ 32
Laird, WC 33
Michaelson 33
Miller, Charles R 33
Stewart, J 33
Gilchrist, FW 34
Bowen, D 34
Miller, CR 34
Pfister Vogel Co 34
Buzzell, O 35
Carmichael, AO 35
Gilchrist, FW 35
J Parker & H Wilton 35
Miller, CR 35
Mudge, D 35
Peck, F 35
Wilton, Ed 35
Wilton, Frank 35
Wilton, Geo 35
Bowen, D 36
Buzzell, Frank 36
Buzzell, O 36
Crothers, JL 36
Curtis, LB 36
Cutting, Thos 36
Klemm, Jacob 36
Merchants Bank of Canada 36
Miller, CR 36
Bailey, WI 1
Comstock, SA 1
Crothers, DA 1
Hands, O 1
Hurd Bros 1
Kellogg, W 1
Merchants Bank of Canada 1
Thompson Smith Sons 1
Bailey, WI 2
Crothers, J 2
Gorge, John 2
Miller, Geo 2
Richardson Lumber Co 2
Smith, Wm 2
Wilton, Louis 2
Wilton, W 2
Clark, OM 3
Gilchrist, FW 3
Clark, OM 4
Crothers, JL 4
Embury, HS 4
Furguson, GM 4
James, DW 4
Jasspon, Max 4
Pfister Vogel Leather Co 4
Furguson, GM 5
James, D Willis 5
Jasspon, M 5
McKinnon, Mary E Est 5
Miller, CR 5
State Tax 5
U S 5
Ferguson, GM 6
James, Daniel W 6
Jasspon, Max 6
State Land 6
State Tax 6
U S 6
Brewer & Rupp 7
Burrows, Thos 7
JL & SRR Co 7
James, DW 7
Merchants Bank of Canada 7
Brewer & Rupp 8
James, Daniel W 8
McArthur, H - State Tax 8
McKay, J 8
State Swamp Lands 8
Brewer & Rupp 9
Harger, JH 9
Pfister Vogel Leather Co 9
Smith, SW 9
Smith, W Est 9
Snow, JF 9
State Swamp Lands 9
Young, FN 9
Gilchrist, FW 10
Kuchle, Gebhardt 10
Pfister Vogel Leather Co 10
Richardson Lumber Co 10
Young, Fannie N 10
Young, Francis N 10
Clark, OM 11
Kuchle, CF 11
Miller, CR 11
Richardson Lumber Co 11
Young, Fannie N 11
Allen, WA 12
Bailey, WI 12
Clark, OM 12
Gilchrist, FW 12
Hurd, AC & HD 12
McKay, J 12
Embury, SH 13
Gilchrist, FW 13
Glaid, Mary 13
Hand, O 13
McArthur, W & A 13
Richardson Lumber Co 13
Seeor, CK 13
Brewer, Rupp & McClure 14
Glaid, Mary 14
Huron Lumber Co 14
Kuchle, CE 14
Richardson Lumber Co 14
Andrew Kent & AW McDonald 15
Dodge, Wm E Est 15
Haskins, Chas 15
Richardson Lumber Co 15
Stratton, DA 15
Holcomb, JE 16
McArthur, W & A Ltd 16
Primary School Land 16
School Land 16
James, DW 17
State Land 17
Huron Land Co 18
James, DW 18
McKinnon, AP 18
Ross, JG Est 18
U S 18
Bois, JK 19
Gilchrist, FW 19
Huron Land Co 19
James, DW 19
Jasspon, Max 19
Ross, JG Est 19
State Swamp Land 19
Clark, Mary J 20
James, DW 20
Jarvis, J 20
McArthur, WB Est 20
McIntosh, A 20
Richardson, CW Est 20
State Swamp Land 20
U S 20
Cheboygan Lumber Co 21
Doyle, WE & WA 21
McIntosh, A 21
Andrew Kent & Angus W McDonald 22
A Kent & AW McDonald 23
JJ Rupp & AP Brewer 23
Palmer & Richardson Lumber Co 23
Rupp, Brewer & McClure 23
Clark, OM 24
Dodge, WE Est 24
JJ Rupp & AP Brewer 24
McArthur, W & A 24
Palmer & Richardson Lumber Co 24
Ross, JG Est 24
Rupp, Brewer & McClure 24
Alger Smith & Co 25
Fletcher, GN 25
Gates. SGM 25
Hyde, RN 25
McArthur, W & A 25
Morse, HR 25
Phelps, WW 25
Pulling, HB 25
Ross, JG Est 25
U S 25
Gates, SGM 26
Holcomb, JE 26
Macomber & Bale 26
Palmer & Richardson Lumber Co 26
Phelps, WW Est 26
RB Smith & McIntosh 26
U S 26
Young, FN 26
Andrew Kent & Angus W McDonald 27
Holcomb, JE Est 27
Macomber & Bale 27
Rupp & Brewer 27
U S 27
Cheboygan Lumber Co 28
Dodge, WE Est 28
Gillett, Elizabeth 28
McGinn, JW 28
McIntosh, A 28
McPherson, WJ 28
O'Day, Bridget 28
Pulling, HP 28
Comstock Bros 29
Dodge, WE Est 29
McArthur, W & A 29
CA & HD Hurd & DC Corbitt 30
Gustin, HK 30
James, DW 30
Jasspon, M 30
Richardson, FL 30
Union Trust Co 30
Clark, OM 31
McArthur, W & A 31
McIntosh, A 31
Proctor, DW 31
Richardson Lumber Co 31
Dodge, WE Est 32
Ortman, CL 32
W & A McArthur Co Ltd 32
Cheboygan Lumber Co 33
Clark, CE 33
Clark, E 33
Coon, O & wife 33
Dodge, WE Est 33
JM Turner & W McPherson 33
Jackson, Mary & CH 33
Moran, Jas 33
U S 33
Clark, CE 34
Macomber & Bale 34
Winsor, Libbie 34
Clark, CE 35
Day, H 35
Dodge, WE Est 35
Macomber & Bale 35
Millen, John 35
RB Small & McIntosh 35
Butler, WA 36
Ross, JG Est 36
W & A McArthur Ltd 36




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