Plat Book of Cheboygan County Michigan

Grant Township
Part 1

Drawn from Actual Surveys & the County Records

by PA & JW Myers, Surveyors & Draughtsmen
Published by The Consolidated Publishing Co, Minneapolis Minn

Plat Map

Bonscore, Felix 1
Boyea, N 1
Boyea, W 1
Chevalier, Ed 1
Fenlon, Wm 1
Jarvis, Wm 1
Wylie, J Est 1
Bonscore, Felix 2
Longyear & Humphrey 2
Wylie, J Est 2
Dufresne, TO 3
Longyear & Humphrey 3
Manning, L 3
State Tax 3
Bedell, WW 4
Greiner, Isadore A 4
Greiner, JV 4
Greiner, Jno 4
Longyear & Humphrey 4
North, Sarah 4
Ross, C 4
State Tax 4
Thompson, M 4
FRL School Dist No 5 5
Fitchett, WA 5
Graves, Geo 5
Phelps 5
Stenchfield, FH 5
Tromble, C 5
Tromble, SA 5
Barr, Geo 8
Dodge & Phelps 8
Humphreys, WS 8
Patterson, Robt 8
Barr, E 9
Buck, B 9
Emery, H 9
Haskins, WB 9
Patterson, Robt 9
Scott, GF 9
Thompson, Chas 9
Thompson, Fred 9
Thompson, Geo 9
Thompson, Jno 9
Thompson, Mary 9
Byrnes, A 10
Chandler, M 10
Embury, SH 10
Emery, H 10
Longyear & Humphrey 10
Manning, John J 10
Patterson, R 10
State Tax 10
Longyear & Humphrey 11
Bonscore, Felix 12
Boyea, W 12
Chevalier, F 12
Chevalier, JE 12
Elliott, JR 12
Fenton 12
Longyear & Humphrey 12
Premo, P 12
Sorrow, D 12
Chandler, M 13
Longyear & Humphrey 13
McGrath, Fred 13
Chandler, M 14
Dickinson, IB 14
Longyear & Humphrey 14
McGrath, Fred 14
State Tax 14
Westbrook, CH 14
Burns, Arthur 15
Byrnes, A 15
Chandler, M 15
Embury, SH 15
McArthur, WS 15
McGrath, Fred 15
Bondle, S 16
Buck, EH 16
Fisher, JF 16
Haskisn, WB 16
Jones, AW, MW & AE 16
Primary School Land 16
Thompson, F 16
Thornton, L 16
Tromble, SA 16
Wachler, CH 16
Anderson, J 17
Anderson, O 17
Ball, Nancy 17
Dodge & Phelps 17
Gilboa, Chas 17
Hudson, D 17
Hudson, G Est 17
School Dist No 2 17
Scott, TE 17
Hudson, D 18
Larson, J 18
Longyear & Humphrey 18
Chandler, M 19
Hensen, O 19
JL & SRR Co 19
Dailey, Geo 20
Dodge, Wm 20
Hensen, O 20
Lawson, J 20
Mann, Eliza 20
Mich Agriculture College 20
O'Connor, J 20
State Tax 20
Amundson, L 21
Cassidy, JO 21
Eberhart, Chas 21
Ihrig, A 21
Jenson, J 21
Jewett, Burt E 21
Longyear & Humphrey 21
St Peter, J 21
Allair, J 22
Deitz, Peter 22
Laird, WC 22
McGrath, Fred 22
St Peter, Napoleon 22
State Tax 22
Burrows & Rust 23
Laird, WC 23
Longyear & Humphrey 23
State Tax 23
Chandler, M 24
Fultz, CH 24
State Tax 24
Johns, Wm 25
Palmer, TW 25
State Tax 25
Buck, E 26
Palmer, TW 26
State Tax 26
Blake & Lacy 27
Fultz, CH 27
Hudson, Wm 27
McDonald, DD 27
McGrath, FE 27
Pfister Vogel Leather Co 27
Phelps, WW 27
State Tax 27
Amundson, L 28
Blake & Lacy 28
Huntley, A 28
McGrath, FE 28
W & A McArthur Co 28
JL & S RR Co 29
W & A McArthur Co 29
Embury, SH 30
Moore & Palmer 30
Thompson Smith Sons 30
JL & S RR Co 31
Salling, Hanson & Co 32
State Tax 32
W & A McArthur Co 32
Gilpin, Sam 33
Hudson, D Est 33
Thompson Smith Sons 33
Merchant, Ben 33
Backus, M & A 34
Dewing, CA 34
Haak Lumber Co 34
Allart, J 35
Chandler, M 35
Dufresne, TO 35
State Tax 35
Chandler, M 36
Haak Lumber Co 36




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