Plat Book of Cheboygan County Michigan

Wilmot Township

Drawn from Actual Surveys & the County Records

by PA & JW Myers, Surveyors & Draughtsmen
Published by The Consolidated Publishing Co, Minneapolis Minn

Plat Map

Beverly, Mattie 1
Bunker, H 1
Conklin, AL 1
Donner, Geo E 1
Haak Lumber Co 1
Holcomb, JE Est 1
JA Haak & Sons 1
Niles, J 1
Potter, FW 1
WD 1
Walbron, J 1
Corey, C 2
Culver, DE 2
Eck, AW 2
Freer, Harriet 2
Frost, Geo E 2
Harker, CE 2
Myers, AW 2
Pidgeon, F 2
Reader, R 2
Wakeford, JW 2
Weaver, JW 2
Aggett, WH 3
Collins, H 3
Fuller, F 3
Guelph Pat Cask Co 3
Louks, J 3
Maynard, WJ 3
McCall, J 3
Pidgeon, WH 3
Pidgeon, Wm 3
Sutliff, Anson 3
Sutliff, Jas 3
Cobbs & Mitchell 4
Annable, JHV 5
Brunt, LJ 5
Brunt, NC 5
Cobbs & Mitchell 5
Dimick, B 5
Dimick, Geo F 5
Dimmick, I 5
Dubois, Saml 5
Gladding, JM 5
Guelph Pat Cask Co 5
School Dist No 2 5
Uraman, SW 5
Bolen, MJ 6
Bryan, MA 6
Corbin, LM 6
Guelph Pat Cask Co 6
Holcomb, JE Est 6
Kerwin, M 6
McCall, Bert 6
McCall, WH 6
Miller, CE 6
State 6
Cobbs & Mitchell 7
Hillier 7
Holcomb 7
Jones 7
McPhee, A 7
McPhee, D 7
McPhee, M 7
Shirer 7
Cobbs & Mitchell 8
Guelph Pat Cask Co 8
Hayden, OS 8
McCall, WH 8
Cobbs & Mitchell 9
Guelph Pat Cask Co 9
Barhite, WS 10
Cobbs & Mitchell 10
Singer, Robert H 10
State Tax 10
Butler & McPhee 11
Cornwell, LC 11
Depew, Geo 11
Feick, LK 11
Hanson, Michelson 11
Holcom, JE 11
Smith, WA 11
Weaver, JW 11
Cemetery 12
Churchill, Thos 12
Collins, Albert 12
Depew, Geo H 12
Donner, Geo 12
Donner, R 12
Hackett, PE 12
Jones, M 12
Richards, Geo D 12
Wiley, JR 12
Annable, CJ 13
Donner, R 13
Guelph Pat Cask Co 13
Haak Lumber Co 13
Jones, D & A 13
Jones, M 13
Gunning, AE 14
Holcomb, JE Est 14
Pfister & Vogle Leather Co 14
Piehl, Danl 14
Sanford, AL 14
Crother, Geo F 15
De Pew, Geo W 15
Guelph Pat Cask Co 15
JL & S RR Co 15
Murner & Mullinaux 15
Sanford, AL 15
Bolen, MJ 16
Cobbs & Mitchell 16
Guelph Pat Cask Co 16
Haak Lumber Co 16
Leets, A 16
Primary School Land 16
Scott, JC 16
Shearer, Geo WM 16
Smith, EA 16
Vacant School 16
Cobbs & Mitchell 17
Buell, Frank 18
Cobbs & Mitchell 19
Cobbs & Mitchell 20
Cobbs & Mitchell 21
Flint Land Co Limited 21
Maltby Lumber Co 21
Cobbs & Mitchell 22
Guelph Pat Cask Co 23
Cobbs & Mitchell 24
JA Haak Lumber Co 25
Manning, Wm 25
Cobbs & Mitchell 26
Buell, Frank 27
Goff, Bert 27
Hodges, JL 27
Laney, Peter 27
McNamara, Jno 27
Pennell, Thos 27
Cobbs & Mitchell 28
Flint Land Co Limited 28
Maltby Lumber Co 28
Cobbs & Mitchell 29
Maltby Lumber Co 29
Buell, Frank 30
Cobbs & Mitchell 31
JL & S RR Co 31
Maltby Land Co 31
Spiegel, FS 31
Estey Mfg Co 32
Flint Land Co Limited 32
Jenson Lumber Co 32
Joles, Daniel 32
Joles, Wm 32
Maltby Lumber Co 32
Spiegel, FF 32
Stevens, JH 32
Artcliff, Bert 33
Bennett, Frank 33
Buell, F 33
Cobbs & Mitchell 33
Dunham, AL 33
Olds, MD 33
Pritchett, Benj 33
Boyer, Ed 34
Buell, F 34
Hodges, JL 34
Jaques, G 34
Matthews, LH 34
Merritt, Chas 34
Pritchett, Benj 34
Schell, S 34
School Dist No 4 34
Webb, Chas 34
Webb, E 34
Best, Alex 35
Buell, F 35
Crawford, Jos 35
Goff, B 35
Hodges, J 35
Jakle, J 35
Moon, D 35
Robinson, Sid 35
Buell, Frank 36
Holcomb, JE Est 36




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